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ISA Industry Standard Architecture (bus) ITX Intermediate Text Block[IBM] +IU Integer UnitInstruction-Set ArchitectureIUAP Internet User Account ProviderISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key IUS/ITB Interchange UnitManagement ProtocolSeparator/Intermediate TransmissionISAM Indexed Sequential-AccessBlockManagement/MethodIVDS Integrated Voice and Data SystemsISAPI Internet Server API [Microsoft] IVIS Interactive Video Information SystemISAPS Intelligent Scene Analysis based on IVL Independent Vendor League + IntelPhotographic Space [Canon]Verification LabISBN International Standard Book Number IVR Interactive VoiceISC Instruction Set Computer + Inter- Recognition/ResponseSystemsIVS Interactive Videodisk SystemCommunication [IBM]IVT Interrupt Vector TableISCSI (iSCSI) Internet SCSIIV&V Independent Verification & ValidationISD Image Section Descriptor +I-WAY Information HighwayInstructional Systems DesignIXC Interexchange CarrierISDN Integrated Services Digital NetworkISH Information Super HighwayISI Internally Specified IndexISIS Integrated Systems and InformationServicesJ...ISKM Internet Starter Kit for theMacintoshISL Interactive System Language +| TOP | UP to I | DN to K | BOTTOM |Inter Switch Link [Cisco]JA Jump Address + Jump if AboveISM Integrated Services Model [IETF] + JAD Joint Application Design/DevelopmentInternet Service Manager [Microsoft] JADE Java Addition to the Default SystemISMF Interactive Storage Management JAE Jump if Above or EqualFacilityJANET Joint Academic NetworkISOC Internet SocietyJAR Java Archive (file format)ISO International Organization for JAVAME Java Platform Micro EditionStandardizationJAXM Java API for XML MessagingISP Internet Service Provider + Interrupt JBE Jump if Below or EqualStack Pointer +JC Jump if Carry setInterrupt Status PortJCA Java Cryptography ArchitectureISPF Interactive System Programming JCE Java Cryptography ExtensionFacilityJCL Job Control LanguageISR Information Storage and Retrieval + JDBC Java Database ConnectivityInterrupt Service Routine +JDF Job Description formatInterrupt Status RegisterJDK Java Development KitISRC International Standard Recording Code JDSL Java Data Structures LibraryISS Internet Sharing SoftwareJE Jump if EqualISSN International Standard Serial Number JEDEC Joint Electronic Devices EngineeringISV Independent Software VendorCouncilIT Information TechnologyJEIDA Japanese Electronics IndustryITB Information Technology Branch + Development AssociationIntermediate Text BlockJEPI Joint Electronic Payment InitiativeITC International Typeface Corporation JES Job Entry SystemITE Information Technology Equipment JFC Java Foundation ClassesITF Interactive Test FacilityJFET Junction Field Effect TransistorITIL Information Technology Infrastructure JFIF JPEG File Interchange FormatLibraryJFS Journaled File System [IBM]ITN Identification Tasking and Networking JG Jump if GreaterITP Internet Transaction Processing JGE Jump if Greater or EqualITR Information Technology Research [NSF] JHUAPL Johns Hopkins University+Applied Physics LaboratoryInput Transaction Record + Internet JIPS JANET Internet Protocol ServiceTalk RadioJIT Just-In-Time (compiler)ITSM Information Technology Service JL Jump if LessManagementJLE Jump if Less than or Equal toITU International Telecommunications JLIP Joint Level Interface ProtocolUnionJMAPI Java Management Application ProgramITUG International Telecommunications User InterfaceGroupJ2ME Java 2 Platform Micro EditionITU-TIES ITU-Telecom Information Exchange JMF Java Media Framework [Sun]ServicesJMI Java Metadata InterfaceITU-TSS ITU-Telecommunication Standards JMP JumpSectionJMS Java Message ServiceITV Interactive TelevisionJMX Java Management Extensions

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