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GEOS Global Entity Ordering System + GRADD Graphics Adapter Device Driver [IBM]GEOS Graphic Environment Operating System GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation +[Geoworks]Graphics EngineGET Get Execute TriggerGREP Global Regular Expression PrintGFDL GNU Free Documentation License .GRF Graph (file name extension)GFI General Format Identifier + Ground- .GRP Group (file name extension)Fault InterceptorGS Group SeparatorGGP Gateway-Gateway Protocol [Internet] GSI General Server InterfaceGHZ GigahertzGSM Global Shared Memory +.GID Topics (file name extension)Global System for Mobile-[Microsoft]Communications (network).GIF Graphics Interchange Format (file GSNW Gateway Service for NetWarename extension)[Microsoft]GIG-E Gigabit EthernetGSP Generic Server Passer + GlobalGIGO Garbage In, Garbage OutService ProviderGII Global Information Infrastructure GSR Gigabit Switch RouterGILS Government Information Locator GSTN General Switched Telephone NetworkServiceGTE General Telephone ElectronicsGIMP GNU Image Manipulation Program (corporation)GIMPS Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search GTF Generalized Timing FormatGINA Graphical Identification andGTL Graphic Template Library +AuthenticationGunning Transceiver LogicGIS Geographic Information System + GTO Guide To Operations [IBM]Global Information Solutions [AT&T] GTP * Geometry Theorem ProverGIX Global Internet Exchange [Internet] GTS Generic Traffic Shaping [Cisco]GKS Graphical Kernel SystemGUI Graphical User InterfaceGL Graphics LanguageGUID Globally Unique Identifier +G/L General LedgerGlobal Universal IdentifierGLIS Global Land Information System [US GVT Global Virtual TimeGeological Survey]GW-BASIC Gee Whiz BASICGLL Geograpic Position-Latitude/Longitude GWES Graphic, Windowing and EventGLM General Linear ModelsSubsystemGLOBE Global Learning by Observations to .gz Compressed file (compressed filenameBenefitextension -the Environment [Internet]using GNU gzip.GLY Glossary (file name extension) compression/decompression program) [Unix][Microsoft Word]GZIP GNU ZipGMDI Gigabit Media-Dependent InterfaceGML Generalized Markup LanguageGMP Global Mobile ProfessionalGMR Giant Magneto-Resistive (read headtechnology)H...GMRS General Mobile Radio ServiceGMS Global Management System +Global Messaging Service [Novell]| TOP | UP to G | DN to I | BOTTOM |GMT Greenwich Mean Time.H Header (file name extension) [C]GND Ground (signal/system)HACMP High Availability Cluster Multi-GNN Global Network NavigatorProcessing [IBM]GNU Gnu's Not Unix (operating system) HAL Hard Array Logic + HardwareGNOME GNU Network Object Model Environment Abstraction Layer +GOAD GNOME Object Activation DirectoryHouse-Programmed Array LogicGOS Grade Of ServiceHAL * Heuristically Programmed AlgorithmicGOSIP Government Open Systems(computer)Interconnection Profile[from 1968 movie "2001: A Space.GOV Governmental (Domain Name) [Internet] Odyssey"]GP Gas Plasma + General PurposeHAP Host Access ProtocolGPF General Protection FaultHARP-MRI Harmonic Phase MRIGPI Graphics Programming Interface HASP Houston Automatic Spooling PriorityGPIB General Purpose Information/Interface (System)BusHBA Host Bus AdapterGPIO General Purpose Input/OutputHCL Hardware Compatibility ListGPL General Public LicenseHCSS High Capacity Storage SystemGPR General Purpose Register [IBM] HCT Hardware Compatibility TestGPRC Glass Passivated Rectifier Chip HCU Home Computer UserGPRS General Packet Radio ServiceHD Hard Disk + High DensityGPS Global Positioning Satellite/System + HDA Head Disk AssemblyGlobal Product SpecificationHDC High Dependability ComputingGPSS * General Purpose Systems Simulator [Carnegie Mellon](language)HDCD High Definition Compatible DigitalGPU Graphics Processing UnitHDCP High-Bandwidth Digital Content

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