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AA Auto AnswerAAA Authentication, Authorization andAccountingAAB All-to-All BroadcastAAC Advanced Audio CodingAACS Advanced Access Control SystemAAL Asynchronous Transfer Mode AdaptionLayerAAM Automatic Acoustic ManagementAAP Applications Access Point [DEC]AARP AppleTalk Address ResolutionProtocolAAS All-to-All ScatterAASP ASCII Asynchronous Support PackageAAT Average Access TimeAATP Authorized Academic Training Program[Microsoft].ABA Address Book Archive (file nameextension) [Palm]ABAP Advanced Business ApplicationProgramming [SAP]ABC * Atanasoff-Berry Computer (Firstdigitalcalculating machine that used vacuumtubes)ABEND Abnormal EndABI Application Binary InterfaceABIOS Advanced BIOSABIST Automatic Built-In Self-Test [IBM]ABLE Adaptive Battery Life Extender +Agent Building and LearningEnvironment [IBM]ABM Asynchronous Balanced ModeABR Available Bit RateABRD Automatic Baud Rate DetectionABRS Automated Book Request System[British Library]ABS Address Book Synchronization [IBM] +AbsoluteABT AbortABTS ASCII Block Terminal ServicesAC Autocheck + Automatic Computer +Alternating CurrentACAP Application Configuration AccessProtocolACC AccumulatorACCMAIL Accessing the Internet Via EmailACD Automatic Call DistributionACDI Asynchronous Communications DeviceInterfaceACE Access Control Encryption/Entry +Adobe Certified Expert +Advanced Composition Explorer[JHUAPL] +Advanced Computing Environment [SCO]+Adverse Channel Enhancements[Microcom] +* Automatic Computing EngineACF Access Control Field +Advanced Communications FunctionACH Automated Clearing HouseACIAS Automated Calibration IntervalAnalysis SystemACIS American Committee for InteroperableSystemsACK AcknowledgmentACL Access Control List + AsynchronousConnection-Less (link)ACM Association for Computing MachineryAudio Compression Manager [Microsoft]ACMS Application Control Management SystemACP Ancillary Control Program + AuxiliaryControl ProcessACPI Advanced Configuration and PowerInterfaceACR Allowed Cell RateACROSS Automated Cargo Release andOperationsService SystemACS Access + Access Control Set + AccessControl System +* Advanced Computer System [IBM] +Anti Curl System + AsynchronousCommunication ServerACSS Audio Cascading Style SheetsACTLU Active Logical UnitACTPU Active Physical UnitACTS Automated Computer Time ServiceACTT Advanced Communication andTimekeeping Technology [Seiko]ACU Automatic Calling UnitACVC Ada Compiler Validation CapacityA/D Analog to DigitalADA Automatic Data Acquisitions +(Programming Language named afterAugusta Ada Lovelace)ADB Apple Desktop BusADC Adaptive Data Compression (protocol)[Hayes] +Add with Carry + Analog to DigitalConverterADCCP Advanced Data Communication ControlProcedures/ProtocolADD Automatic Document Detection[WordPerfect]ADF Automatic Document Feeder +Automatically Defined Function.ADF Adapter Description File (file nameextension)ADI AutoCad/AutoDesk Device Interface(driver)ADIOS Automated <strong>Download</strong> and InstallationofOperating Systems [Queensland U.]ADL Address Data LatchADLAT Adaptive Lattice FilterADLC Adaptive Lossless Data Compression[IBM] +Asynchronous Data Link ControlADMACS Apple Document Management And ConrolSystemADMD Administrative Management Domain[X.400].ADN Add In Utility (file name extension)[Lotus 1-2-3] [LDC]ADO ActiveX Data ObjectsADP AOLserver Dynamic Pages + AutomaticData ProcessingADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse CodeModulationADR AddressADS Application Development Solutions[AT&T] +Application Development System +Automatic Distribution SystemADSC Address Status Changed +Adobe Document StructuringConventions

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