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Services Manager +Control Strip Module [Macintosh]CSMA/CA Carrier Sense Multiple Access/withCollision AvoidanceCSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access/withCollision DetectionCSMS Customer Support Management SystemCSN Card-Select NumberCSNET Computer Science NetworkCSO Central Services OrganizationCSP Certified Systems Professional +Chip-Scale Packaging +Commercial Service Provider +Commercial Subroutine Package +CompuCom Speed Protocol [CompuCom] +Communicating Sequential Processes +Cross System Product [IBM]CSPDN Circuit Switched Public Data NetworkCSRAM Custom Static RAMCSS * Continuous System Simulator(Language)CSS Cascading Style Sheet [Microsoft] +Contact Start-Stop + ContentScrambling SystemCSSM Client-Server Systems Management[IBM]CS/SS Card Service/Socket ServiceCSTA Computer-Supported TelephonyApplicationsCSU Channel Service/Switching UnitCSV Circuit-Switched Voice +Comma-Separated Value/Variable +Common Services Verbs (interface)[Microsoft]C2T Cable Changing TechnologyC&T Chips and TechnologiesCTB Cipher Type ByteCTC Channel To Channel + Counter/TimerChipCTCP Client-To-Client ProtocolCTI Computer-Telephony IntegrationCTL Complex Text LayoutCTOS Cassette Tape Operating System +Computerized Tomography OperatingSystem +Convergent Technologies OperatingSystemCTP Community Technology Preview[Microsoft]CTPA Coax-to-Twisted-Pair AdapterCTRCO * Calculating,Tabulating,RecordingCompany (The name ofthis company was changed to"International BusinessMachines" by Thomas J. Watson, Sr.)CTRL ControlCTS Clear To Send + Computer TelephonySolution [IBM] +Customer Telephone SystemCTSS * Compatible Time Sharing SystemCUA Common User Access [IBM]CUB Cursor BackwardCUD Cursor DownCUE Custom Updates and Extras (card)[Egghead Software]CUF Cursor ForwardCUI Character-Oriented User Interface +Common User Interface [IBM]CUP Cursor PositionCUPID Completely Universal Processor I/ODesign [AST].CUR Cursor (file name extension)CUSIP Committee for Uniform SecurityIdentificationProcedures [U.S. Treasury]CUT Control Unit TerminalCUTE Clarkston University TerminalEmulatorCUU Cursor UpCVE Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures[US-CERT]CVF Compressed Volume FileCVGA Color Video Graphics ArrayCVIA Computer Virus Industry Association.CVR Cover Page (file name extension)CVS Computer Vision Syndrome + ConcurrentVersions SystemCVT ConvertCVW CodeView for WindowsCWA Competitive Web AnalysisCWD Convert Word to Double Word +Change Working Directory [Internet]CWIS Campus Wide InformationService/System [Internet] +Community Wide InformationService/System [Internet]C2X Character To Hexadecimal [REXX]CXML Commerce Extensible Markup LanguageCYL CylinderCYMK Cyan-Yellow-Magenta-Black (colormodel)D...| TOP | UP to C | DN to E | BOTTOM |D/A Digital to AnalogDAA Data Access Arrangement +Decimal Adjust for AdditionDAB Digital Audio BroadcastingDAC Data Acquisition and Control + DeviceAccess Code +Digital to Analog Converter +Dual Attachment ConcentratorDACL Discretionary Access Control ListDACTLU Deactive Logical UnitDAD Desktop Application Director[Borland]DAE Digital Audio ExtractionDAF Destination Address FieldDAI Distributed Artificial IntelligenceDAL Data Access Language [Apple Computer]+Data Access Layer + Disk AccessLockoutDAM Data Acquisition and MonitoringDAMA Demand Assigned Multiple AccessDAMPS Digital AMPSDAO Data Access Object [Microsoft] + DiskAt OnceDAP Data/Directory Access Protocol +Developer Assistance Program +Dynamic Application Partitioning[IBM]DAPIE Developers Application ProgrammingInterface ExtensionsDARI Database Application Remote Interface

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