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Email Marketing Workflows Agenda What are workflows? The value in using workflows How email workflows…work Types of workflows How workflows can benefit you Workflows strategies The <strong>Campaigner</strong>® workflows tool kit Product demo of workflows Customer success with <strong>Campaigner</strong> Open Q & A session

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What are Workflows?

What are Email Automation Workflows? Viewed a certain page on your website Companies with more than X employees Companies in specific industries or locations Specific website history.

What’s the Value in Using Workflows?

Value of Email Automation WorkflowsDid You Know?Triggered email messages get 119% higher clickthroughrates that “business as usual” messages(Source: Epsilon)

Value of Email Automation WorkflowsDid You Know?Automation = Better Experience = Higher RevenueMarketingSherpa presented findings on the impact oftrigger emails sent immediately after onsite searches forlowfares.com. By sending these highly targeted andtimely message, lowfares.com achieved 200% higheropen rates and 50% higher click through rates thanwhat they were able to get with their standard newsletter.(Source: Epsilon)

Value of Email Automation WorkflowsAccording to a 2013 BtoB Magazine Research ReportDid You Know?More than 60% of survey respondentsreported that webinars, white papers andface-to-face events provided leads as a resultof email marketing campaigns.(Source: B2B Mag)

Value of Email Automation WorkflowsAccording to a 2013 BtoB Magazine Research ReportDid You Know?More than a quarter of marketers reportedthat their companies used automationplatforms to deploy email(Source: B2B Mag)

How do Email Workflows…work?

How do Email Workflows…work?String together your campaignsReferencing your listsSending them the exact time you want

What kinds of Workflows can I create?

<strong>Campaigner</strong>® Workflows Tool KitEmail• Emails you already created,locked and loadedDelay• Determine exactly when you want them to be sentField Change• Update a prospect’s attributesBranch• Include or exclude based on criteria selected

Robust Delay Options

What Kinds of Workflows Can I Create?Start simple• Save time by producing a linear series that triggerswhen you want, not when you remember

What Kinds of Workflows Can I Create?Add logic• Learn more about your prospects and make decisionsabout what they receive based on a profile’s makeup

What Kinds of Workflows Can I Create?Let loose!• Create robust logic• Completely control the experience• Control their reactions to the experience

What Does All This Get Me?

How Can Workflows Benefit You?Save time• Automate campaigns (you have other things to do!)• Use of dynamic content and timely emails at thecritical point of engagement

How Can Workflows Benefit You?Make more money• Show prospects what they want, when they want tosee it (not when you remember to send it)

How Can Workflows Benefit You?Reduce churn• More relevant/timely emails• Less likely to UNSUBSCRIBE thus, staying longer to seemore of your emails and react positively to them

How Can Workflows Benefit You?More Engaged Prospects• Contacts get what they want when they want it• Happier prospects produce higher ROI

How Can Workflows Benefit You?

Any Great Examples to Share?

Email Automation Workflow StrategiesFile <strong>Download</strong>s• PDFs, collateral, etcOpens or Clicks• If they opened the lastemail, send them an offer• If they DIDN’T open, send them a different offerUpsell repeat customers• Offer additional items comparativeto previous purchase• Offer bundles based on other buying patterns

Email Automation Workflow StrategiesSales-ready Leads• Warm a lead into an opportunityRe-engagement• Haven’t done “x” in a while, re-engage themEvents• Registered for a webinar?• Attended a tradeshow?

Email Automation Workflow StrategiesAbandoned shopping cart• Remind them• Re-engagementNew customer welcomeor Training• Onboarding Campaigns• Training and webinar schedulesCycle buyers reminder• Make repeat customers spend more

<strong>Campaigner</strong>® Workflows DemoSimple workflowComplex workflow

Customer Success with <strong>Campaigner</strong>

Didasko Animated Studios

Any Questions?

Interested in Workflows?Contact sales for moreinformation.salesteam@campaigner.com

Thank YouIf you have comments or questionsabout this session, feel free to emailus at feedback@campaigner.comWendy GriffinMarketing Coordinator, <strong>Campaigner</strong>®Mark BrownClient Services Coordinator, <strong>Campaigner</strong>®Contact Usfeedback@campaigner.com@<strong>Campaigner</strong>Emailfb.com/<strong>Campaigner</strong>Email

Questions from the Workflows WebinarSeptember 17th 2013Q: All of these workflow emails require customer information that <strong>Campaigner</strong> ® wouldn’tknow - so how does <strong>Campaigner</strong> find out about that information? - Also, I understand drawing thediagram, but how do you set those little icons to act upon the data it mysteriously has available?A: All of the data in <strong>Campaigner</strong> needs to be populated by the user. You are able to create as many customfields as you want in your account, from “Birthday” using a Date Field, “Gender” using a Dropdown Menu, or“Company” using a simple Text Field.Q: Ok, so ultimately the answer is creating the fields... fair enough, but we’d need to bepushing that data to you via the API constantly to keep it fresh?A: Our API can be as flexible as you need it to be. You can feed in fresh data monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, orwhatever works best for the needs of your business. You can also use our API to trigger workflows, which is agreat integration!Q: Prospects are continually being added, so how do you keep adding them to the start of theworkflow?A: <strong>Campaigner</strong>’s workflows have many trigger options. We can start a workflow by adding contacts to theaccount, adding contacts to a specific mailing list, on recurring schedules, or kick start it all with our API.Q: How do I flag a record as a “Customer”? And, is there a way that I can update the type ofcustomer, dollar amount spent or number/type of purchases?A: <strong>Campaigner</strong> does not have a system field for “Type” or “Amount Purchased” – however, you can quicklycreate these fields in your <strong>Campaigner</strong> account and populate with the data you already have about yourcustomers.Q: Are there fields I can use that my customer cannot see?A: Of course! Customers will never have visibility into your data, only what you choose to use in your emailcampaigns as merge fields.

Q: When you choose a time in the delay option, does it refer to MY time or the local timewhere I’m sending? (For International emails)A: The time in the delay option refers to the time zone where you are located. Each account is set up to match thetime zone of the primary user. You can also change your time zone in your Account Settings dropdown menu.Q: Customers purchase different types of products. Some are high-end customers and/or buy alot; some have only bought once, etc. How does <strong>Campaigner</strong> know the record is a “customer”versus a “prospect”?A: Speaking specifically about workflows, you can use <strong>Campaigner</strong> to update contacts from a “prospect” to a“customer.” If the contact has a purchase history or an order number, you can use a workflow to take these piecesof data and translate it into changing a “prospect” to a “customer”.Q: Why isn’t this (workflow) offered to all accounts? Does workflows cost more to use?A: Workflows are included in our Corporate Packages. For more information, please contact with our Sales Teamat 1.866.358.6355 or at salesteam@campaigner.com.Q: Can using workflows make it easier for me to transition from another email marketingservice? I am currently using one of your competitors but would like to give you guys a shot.A: If you’re looking for a step-up in email automation, <strong>Campaigner</strong> Workflows is an easy solution to do so. If youare currently paying too much with your current provider, then <strong>Campaigner</strong> may be the best cost effective emailautomation solution for you.Q: I am eager to try out this feature, how do I get started with workflows?A: Please contact our Sales or Support Teams:Sales: salesteam@campaigner.com 1.866.358.6355Support: support@campaigner.com 1 888.845.4544®© 2013. All rights reserved. <strong>Campaigner</strong> is a registered trademark of j2 Global Canada, Inc.CPDS0913

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