Using Site Manager

Using Site Manager Using Site Manager


EVMS Website Using Site Manager Guide For Content Moderators Marketing and Communications Phone: 757.446.7070 Email:

EVMS Website <strong>Using</strong> <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> Guide For Content Moderators Marketing and Communications Phone: 757.446.7070 Email:

1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1-­‐1 2.0 Glossary of Terms and Symbols…………………………………………….................................................................2-­‐1 3.0 Logging In…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..3-­‐1 4.0 Page Styles & Associated Content Templates………………………………………………………………………..4-­‐1 4.1 Public Inner Page…………………………………………………………………………………………………….4-­‐2 4.2 Public Typical Page………………………………………………………………………………………………….4-­‐3 4.3 Public Inner Listing Page…………………………………………………………………………………………4-­‐4 4.4 Public Bio Page………………………………………………………………………………………………………..4-­‐5 5.0 Working with Sections (pages)……………………………………………………………………………………………5-­‐1 5.1 Adding a Section……………………………………………………………………………………………………..5-­‐1 5.2 Adding a Link Section……………………………………………………………………………………………...5-­‐5 6.0 Working with Content…………………………………………………………………………………………………………6-­‐1 6.1 Adding Content……………………………………………………………………………………………………….6-­‐1 6.2 Modifying Content…………………………………………………………………………………………………..6-­‐3 6.3 Mirroring Content…………………………………………………………………………………………………...6-­‐5 1-­‐1

6.4 Duplicating Content………………………………………………………………………………………………...6-­‐6 6.5 Moving Content………………………………………………………………………………………………………6-­‐7 6.6 Deleting Content……………………………………………………………………………………………………..6-­‐8 6.6.1 Deleting Linked Content……………………………………………………………………………6-­‐9 6.6.2 Deleting Mirrored Content………………………………………………………………………...6-­‐9 6.7 Restoring Content……………………………………………………………………………………………………….6-­‐10 7.0 <strong>Using</strong> Content Templates……………………………………………………………………………………………………7-­‐1 7.1 EVMS Page Content…………………………………………………………………………………………………7-­‐1 7.1.1 In-­‐Page Styles (Used in EVMS Page Content)………………………………………………7-­‐3 7.1.2 Formatting Your Page Content…………………………………………………………………..7-­‐6 7.1.3 Inserting and Formatting an Image……………………………………………………………7-­‐7 7.1.4 Inserting Links………………………………………………………………………………………….7-­‐8 7.1.5 Adding and Formatting Tables………………………………………………………………...7-­‐13 7.2 EVMS Bullet Links…………………………………………………………………………………………………7-­‐15 7.3 Right Col Content…………………………………………………………………………………………………..7-­‐20 7.4 Feature Left…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7-­‐22 7.5 Feature Right………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7-­‐25 1-­‐2

7.6 EVMS News and EVMS News Keyword…………………………………………………………………...7-­‐28 7.7 Event 0…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………7-­‐33 7.8 List Container, List Item, and Directory Creator……………………………………………………...7-­‐37 7.9 Faculty/Directory: EVMS Bio Page Style, Faculty/Staff Profile Content Template……..7-­‐42 8.0 Working with the Media Library…………………………………………………………………………………………8-­‐1 8.1 Media Library Categories………………………………………………………………………………………...8-­‐1 8.1.1 Adding a Media Library Category………………………………………………………………8-­‐2 8.1.2 Deleting a Media Library Category…………………………………………………………….8-­‐2 8.1.3 Adding a New Media Item to a Category…………………………………………………….8-­‐2 8.2 Naming Media Files…………………………………………………………………………………………………8-­‐4 8.3 Groups and the Media Library………………………………………………………………………………….8-­‐5 8.4 Resizing Images in the Media Library……………………………………………………………………….8-­‐7 8.5 Adding Padding to Media Library Images…………………………………………………………………8-­‐9 8.6 Altering PDF Titles in the Media Library………………………………………………………………...8-­‐10 1-­‐3

2.0 Glossary of Terms and Symbols TERMS: 1. Content Management System (CMS) - A computer system that allows publishing,editing, and modifying content as well as site maintenance from a central page.2. <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> – EVMS’ new CMS, which replaces Joomla.3. Section – Analogous to a page. In <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong>, a “section” is one “page.”4. Page Style – Assigned to a section to apply page layouts/designs.5. <strong>Site</strong> Structure – The way content is organized on the website.6. Landing Page – Each Unit’s main page. Think of these as “mini homepages,” or the firstpage a reader will see when they arrive at your content.7. User Profile – The area in <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> that holds your log-in information and usercredentials.8. Content Template – A module of information that will be added to a page.9. Mirror Content – A function in <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> that allows you to create a mirrored pieceof content from a different section. If you change the content in section “A,” it will reflectthe changes in section “B.” These pieces of content are linked to each other.10. Duplicate Content – A function in <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> that allows you to copy a piece ofcontent and place the copy in a new section. If you change the content in section “A,” thecontent in section “B” does not change. These pieces of content are separate from eachother.11. Media Library – The area in <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> used to store media files such as images andPDFs.12. Media Files – Various types of files such as images and PDFs.13. Naming Conventions – The format you should use to name your media files (allows forease in finding files and consistency).14. Publish – The act of setting your content as “live” on the internet.2-­‐1

SYMBOLS: T4 Logo – Clicking this will take you to the <strong>Site</strong> Structure. Toggle – Click to view Search Engine Optimization & Accessibility. Accessibility – This lets you know if the page is accessible to someone with a disability (e.g., a visual impairment). Search Engine Optimization – This lets you know if your page is easily found by search engines. Green Check – This lets you know if there is content within your page (section). Amber Question – This lets you know there is newly added content that needs to be approved. Red X – This lets you know a page (section) has been deleted. 2-­‐2 Yellow Drop Down Arrow – Clicking this will initiate a drop-­‐down a menu where you can add, modify and delete pages (sections) and content as well as preview the page (section).

Yellow Drop Down Menu – This is the menu that results from clicking the Yellow Drop-­‐Down Arrow. Content Tab – This is an alternate way to add, modify and delete content; navigate to the site structure and media library; or navigate to content in need of approval (if your user role allows). Help Tab – Click this to navigate to T4’s Extranet site, which provides additional tutorials for using <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong>. User Profile Button – Clicking this will take you to your user profile. 2-­‐3

3.0 Logging In 1. Open your web browser and enter in 2. Enter in your username and password. Select Login. (Note: Your username and password will be the same username and password as your EVMS Network username and password, unless you have been given Local User credentials by a member of the Web Technologies staff.) 3. If you have been assigned a Local User log-­‐in, select the Advanced option to the left of the Login button. Select <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> [Local Login] from the dropdown menu. Then, click the Login button. 3-­‐1

4.0 Page Styles & Associated Content Templates The redesigned EVMS website has been designed to allow Content Moderators flexibility when choosing page layouts and the various pieces of content that appear on the page. The following contain a description of each page style and the content templates associated with constructing the page. 4-­‐1

4.1 Public Inner Page This is a three-­‐column page. Allows user to place additional content templates in a right-­hand column. Use for main landing pages. Left-­‐hand Navigation: Automatically Generated via <strong>Site</strong> Structure Content template used: EVMS Page Content EVMS Bullet Links Right Col Content Feature Left Feature Right Image Size: 187 px X 124 px Image Size: 183 px X 114 px Left-­‐hand Content: Contact Web Technologies to use Image Size: 178 px X 118 px Image Size: 178 px X 118 px Content Templates Used: EVMS News Keyword, EVMS News, Event0 4-­‐2

4.2 Public Typical Page This is a two-­‐column page. Standard page used for most content. You will not be able to add content to the right-­‐hand side of the page. Left-­‐hand Navigation: Automatically Generated via <strong>Site</strong> Structure Content template used: EVMS Page Content 4-­‐3

4.3 Public Inner Listing Page This page style is used to create a list page. Consider using this page style to create lists of links with short explanations of what the link is instead of simply using a page of links. Content Templates Used: Directory Creator, List Container & List Item Left-­‐hand Navigation: Automatically Generated via <strong>Site</strong> Image Size: 141 px X 106 px 4-­‐4

4.4Public Bio Page This page style is used when adding information about a faculty or staff member. This page will be created on the live website following <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong>’s scheduled publishing cycle. Theinformation entered on this page will also be used on the Faculty Page (listing departmentalfaculty and staff) and the Directory Page (listing all faculty and staff). You only need to enter theinformation one time. Content Templates Used: Faculty/Staff Profile Image Size: 120 px X 160 px 4-­‐5

5.0 Working with Sections A “Section” can be either a single web page or a link to another page either within <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> or another website. The pages that follow will take you through working with sections in <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong>. 5.1 Adding a Section All sections you will be adding will be subsections of existing sections within the site structure, which were previously approved during the site structure build. To add each additional section, follow the steps below. 1. Hover over the section you want to place a subsection under. Select Add Section. 2. This takes you to the General tab, where you’ll complete the following: • Name – This will be used in the URL, Breadcrumb trail and in the Left-­‐hand navigation (E.g., Art Therapy & Counseling >> Curriculum). The resulting URL would look like this:­‐programs/art-­therapy-­‐counseling-­‐program/curriculum. The resulting left-­‐hand navigation and breadcrumb trail would look like this: 5-­‐1

• Output URI – Leave blank. • Access Key – Leave blank. • SEO Key Phrase(s) – Enter words specific to your section. Try to use unique keywords. • Output File Name – Leave blank. • Status – Leave as default (Approved). • Default Workflow – Not currently used. Configured following the launch of the website. • Show in Navigation – This is defaulted to “Yes.” This means it will appear in your navigation. Sections can be hidden from the navigation by de-­‐selecting the box. Hidden sections have a grey folder symbol in the site structure to enable easy indication. • eForm Section – Leave unchecked, not currently implemented. • Archive Section – Leave unchecked. • Content Owner – You can set an Owner to this section or you can tell it to inherit it from the section above. Content Owners can also be set on specific content items, and we can run reports per content owner. • Make this a Link Section? – Leave unchecked. 5-­‐2

3. Click on the Styles tab and select the page style you wish to use in the EVMS Public channel. Note: The page styles are described in Section 4.0. 5.2 Adding a Link Section Used to add navigation to the left-­‐hand navigation and link to another page within <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> or an external website. 1. Hover over the section you want to place a subsection under. Select Add Section. 2. This takes you to the General tab, where you’ll complete the following: • Name – This will be used in the Left-­‐hand navigation (E.g., Patient Care >> Find a Doctor) • Show in Navigation – By default this is checked. • Content Owner – You can set a content owner here. 5-­‐3

• Make this a Link Section? – Select check box. 3. Click on the Details tab, and for a section link: • Link Type – Select Section radio button. • Link Section – Click on Select. • Select section link from site structure. • Select Add. 5-­‐4

4. To create a link to an External URL: • Link Type – Select External URL radio button. • Link URL – Enter URL of external website • Link target – Type “_blank” in the field. • Select Add. 5-­‐5

6.0 Working with Content The following sections explain how to add and work with content within each section. 6.1 Adding Content To add content to your sections, complete the following steps: 1. Hover over the Yellow Arrow in the section in which you want to add content. Select Add Content. 2. Select the Content Template you would like to use. Content Templates are used to apply particular styles to a piece of content on a page. Instructions for use of each Content Template type can be found in Section 7.0 of the manual. 6-­‐1

3. Enter your content. Each content template has different fields to fill in. Every content template requires a Name. Anything with an asterisk is required. HELPFUL HINT: If you are ever unsure of what you are being asked to fill in, hover your mouse cursor over the small "i" next to the area you are trying to fill in. A small box will pop up giving you details about what you need to fill in. 4. Click on Preview to view what your content will look like. Return to <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> tab in browser. 5. Select Add, Add & Approve, Save as Draft, or Publish Now – These options vary based on your profile type. • Add – Adds the content to the workflow and renders it ready for approval and publishing. • Add & Approve – Use this option when your content is complete and you are for it to “go live” on the website. Content will “go live” during the next system publish cycle. • Save as Draft – Allows you to come back to finish the piece of content without adding it to the workflow or the live website. • Publish Now – Publishes the content to the live website immediately. HELPFUL HINT: If you do not choose either Add, Add & Approve, Save as Draft or Publish Now, you will receive an error message explaining that if you continue all of the content you have just entered will be lost. 6-­‐2

6.2 Modifying Content To modify content, complete the following steps: 1. Select Modify Content from the yellow drop-down menu beside the section containingthe content.2. Select the piece of content you want to modify from the list of content by clicking on itsname.3. Make the necessary changes to the content.4. Click Preview to review and verify changes. Return to <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> tab in your browser.6-­‐3

5. Select Update, Update & Approve, Save as Draft, or Publish Now – These options vary based on your profile type. • Update – Adds the content to the workflow and renders it ready for approval and publishing. • Update & Approve – Select this option when your content is complete and you are ready to set it as “go live” on the website. Content will “go live” during the next system publish cycle. • Save as Draft – Allows you to come back to finish the piece of content without adding it to the workflow or the live website. • Publish Now – Publishes the content to the live website immediately. HELPFUL HINT: If you do not choose either Update, Update & Approve, Save as Draft or Publish Now you will receive an error message explaining that if you continue all of the content you have just entered will be lost. 6-­‐4

6.3 Mirroring Content The Mirror Content function allows you to create a mirrored piece of content in a different section. This is an exact copy of a piece of content. Any change you make to a mirrored piece of content is reflected throughout the site. For example, if your “About” page for research is the same as your “About” page for education, you can create the page once and mirror the content. This way every time there is a change you only make the change once time rather than twice. This can be useful for content which contains office opening hours, contact details or event information or any information which users may want to share across functional units or departments. 1. Select Modify Content from the yellow drop-down menu beside the section containing thecontent.2. Hover over the yellow arrow of the piece of content you want to mirror.3. Select Mirror.4. Select the section from the site structure in which you wish to place the mirrored content.5. A small snowflake icon appears next to the piece of content that has been mirrored.Hovering over the snowflake icon will show you where else the content in mirroredthroughout the site.6-­‐5

6.4 Duplicating Content Duplicating content allows you to create a copy of a piece of content. If you duplicate a piece ofcontent, any changes you make to one piece of content do NOT duplicate in the other piece ofcontent. We highly recommend Mirroring any content that needs to remain in sync.1. Select Modify Content from the yellow drop-down menu beside the section containingthe content.2. Hover over the yellow arrow of the piece of content you want to mirror.3. Select Duplicate.4. Select the location within the site structure where would like to put the duplicate copy.Note: Unlike Mirrored content, there will be no indication in <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong> that content has beenduplicated.6-­‐6

6.5 Moving Content You can move a piece of content from one section to another by following the steps below.1. Select Modify Content from the yellow drop-down menu beside the section containingthe content.2. Hover over the yellow arrow of the piece of content you want to mirror.3. Select Move.4. Now, select where you would like to put the duplicate copy.6-­‐7

6.6 Deleting Content When you delete a piece of content in <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong>, it is not removed from the site structureright away. These deletions will have to be removed by an administrator.1. Select Modify Content from the yellow drop-down menu beside the section containingthe content.2. Hover over the yellow arrow of the piece of content you want to mirror.3. Select Delete.6-­‐8

4. Confirm you want to delete the content.5. The status of your piece of content will now be changed to Inactive.6.6.1 Deleting Linked Content If the piece of content you are about to delete is linked to from a separate piece of content(meaning from another page or another content template on the page), a warning will appear.If you want to proceed and delete the content regardless, click Delete Content.Be aware that deleting content that is linked to from a different piece of content will result in abroken link.6.6.2 Deleting Mirrored Content If the content you are deleting is mirrored elsewhere in the site structure, upon clicking Delete,you will be prompted to confirm.If you want to delete all mirrored versions, click Delete Content.If you want to remove only the version in the current section, while keeping the versions in otherlocations of your site structure, chose Remove from Section.6-­‐9

6.7 Restoring Content To revert back to a previous version of your content, follow the steps below.1. Select Modify Content from the yellow drop-down menu beside the section containingthe content.2. Hover over the yellow arrow of the piece of content you want to mirror.3. Select History.6-­‐10

4. View the versions of content to decide which version you would like to use. You cancompare versions of the content by clicking the check box next to two or more pieces ofcontent and selecting Compare Versions.5. Select Preview Compare.6. The differences between the two pieces of content are highlighted in different colors.7. Close the preview window.8. Click Set Active next to the version you wish to use to change the content to one of itsprevious versions.6-­‐11

7.0 <strong>Using</strong> Content Templates The sections that follow explain how and when content templates are used. 7.1 EVMS Page Content The EVMS Page Content template is used to place the main body content of a page. It is the content template you will use most frequently. To use this template, follow the steps below. 1. From the site structure, hover over the small yellow arrow next to the section (page) that you want to add your links to. 2. From the yellow menu, select Add Content. 3. From the list of content templates that are given, select EVMS Page Content option.This will bring up a page for you to fill in.7-­‐1

4. First, Name your content. This is an important field, because you will rely on the name of your piece of content to determine what it is (which becomes more difficult as you add more pieces of content to a section). Visitors to your page will not see this name, but you will want to call it something easily recognizable to you and any other contributors or moderators who will be working in your sections. 5. Second, you may give your content a Title. This title will display on your page and be seen by visitors. 7-­‐2

7.1.1 In-­‐Page Styles (Used in EVMS Page Content) The following is a guide to the in-­‐page styles to be used within EVMS Page Content. Title Link Heading 1 Media File Image Caption Heading 3 7-­‐3

Heading 4 Paragraph -­‐ Bold Media File Image Caption Bulleted List Numbered List 7-­‐4

Table Block Quote 7-­‐5

7.1.2 Formatting Your Page Content You’ll input and format the text, links and images that you would like on your page using the icons on the text editor toolbar: • To make the text bold highlight the text and click • To make the text italics highlight the text and click • To insert an internal link (section link) highlight the text and click • To insert an external link (or to remove) highlight the text and click • To insert a media link highlight the text and click • To insert an image into your page click • To insert a block quote highlight the text and click • To make the paragraph align left highlight the text and click • To make the paragraph align center highlight the text and click • To make the paragraph align right highlight the text and click • To paste your text from word click • To insert a table click • To spell check your content click • To make an image caption highlight image and text below it click Styles and choose Caption • To choose formatting (heading 1, 2, 3, etc) click Format and choose the appropriate format • To insert a content Link (linking to one single piece of content from another section) click • To make bulleted lists click (You may click this and begin typing your list, clicking enter between each list item. Or you may type your list clicking enter between each list item, highlight your entire list, and then click the bullet icon.) 7-­‐6

• To make a Numbered List click (You may click this and begin typing your list, clicking enter between each list item. Or you may type your list clicking enter between each list item, highlight your entire list, and then click the numbered icon.) 7.1.3 Inserting and Formatting an Image Follow the steps below to insert and format an image within your page content. 1. Place your cursor where you want to insert the image. Click the Media Icon. 2. Find the image you would like to use. Click Select. • Adding Padding Around an Image: o Double click the image that you have inserted. A window will pop up (called Set Media Attributes). o Enter in the padding attributes following the pattern: Top, Right, Bottom, Left (E.g., 10px, 10px, 10px, 10px) • Aligning an Image: o Double click the image that you have inserted. A window will pop up (called Set Media Attributes). o In the field called Float, type Right, Left, Top or Bottom. 7-­‐7

7.1.4 Inserting Links To create the link, follow the steps below. There are four types of links that you can create. Section Links Section Links are links internally to another section within the site. Follow the steps below to insert a Section Link. 1. Highlight the text that you wish to add the link to. 2. Clink the Insert a Section Link” icon. 3. A window that shows the site structure will pop up. Navigate through the site structure within this window and locate the section you wish to link to. Click this section. This will place the link in the text you have highlighted. 7-­‐8

Content Links Content Links will link to a single piece of content that is located within the site. Follow the steps below to insert a Content Link. 1. Highlight the text that you want to add the content link to. 2. Click the Insert Content Link icon. 7-­‐9

3. A Window that shows the site structure will pop up. Navigate through the site structure to find the section that contains the piece of content you wish to link to and click that section. Another window will pop up showing all the pieces of content in the section you chose. Click the piece of content you want to link to and this will insert your link. External Links External Links allow you to link to another website. Follow the steps below to insert an External Link within your content. 1. Highlight the text that you want to put an external link into. 7-­‐10

2. Click the “Insert/edit link” icon. 3. A window will pop up for you to add your link. Place your link in the “Link URL” field and click “Insert” 7-­‐11

Media Library Links Use this type of link to insert a PDF from the media library. Follow the steps below to insert a Media Library Link. 1. Highlight the text you want to place the link into 2. Click on the Insert Media icon. 3. A window will pop up for the Media Library. Navigate through the folders to find the media file you wish to link to. 4. Select the Media File you wish to link to by clicking “Select.” 7-­‐12

7.1.5 Adding and Formatting Tables When creating a table, we recommend you do not simply copy and paste a table from the existing site. Additionally, when applying any formatting/color to your table, please observe the EVMS brand guidelines. Follow the steps below to add and format a table. 1. On the toolbar, find and click on the icon. 2. A window will pop up with the settings that you can enter in. 3. Select the number of Columns and Rows you would like. You can simply type in the number you want in each field. For a simple table, you do not need to set anything else. 4. You can choose to add Cell Padding and Cell Spacing. • Cell Padding sets the amount of space between the contents of the cell and the cell wall. (E.g., enter in “10” in the Cell Padding field to allow more space between your cell wall and the text in the cell.) • Cell Spacing sets the amount of space between the cells of a table. To set this, enter the numeric value of the spacing. (E.g., enter “10” in the cell spacing field to allow more space between each cell.) 5. Alignment allows you to align the entire table on the page. To do this click the drop down arrow next to Alignment in the settings window and select the alignment you wish to use. 6. Border will not be used for our purposes, as the formatting for the tables has a set border style. Please do not use this field; it will cause your table to display incorrectly and incompletely. 7-­‐13

7. Width and Height will change in accordance to the data that you place into the table. You do not need to set these. 8. Class will not be used for our purposes. Please do not make any changes to the Class field. 9. When checked, Table Caption applies a top field to your table where you may enter in a caption for your table. You will check this box if you would like to add short text above your table. 10. When checked, Make the First Row a Header allows you to make table headings in the first row. The first row will have larger bold text indicating this is a heading and not data. 11. Make the First Column a Header allows you to make table headings in the first column. The first column will have larger bold text indicating this is a heading and not data. 12. Once all settings have been entered, click Insert (or Update if these are changes). 13. Now that the settings and table are placed, click inside each cell and type in your data. 14. Click Preview to view your page and ensure everything lined up correctly and looks as you want it to. 15. Click Add (if this is a change you will click Update). 7-­‐14

7.2 EVMS Bullet Links The EVMS Bullet Links content template is used to add to your page a set of links to other websites, pages within the EVMS site, and PDF files. This content template appears on the right-­‐hand side of the page and is limited to five links. EVMS Bullet Links can only be used in the Public Inner Page style (three-­‐column page). Follow the steps below to create bullet links on your page. 1. From the site structure, hover over the small yellow arrow next to the section (page) that you want to add your links to. 2. From the yellow menu, select Add Content. 7-­‐15

3. From the list of content templates that are given, click on EVMS Bullet Links. Thiswill bring up a page for you to fill in.4. First, name your content in the appropriate field. Visitors to your page will not see this name, but you will want to call this piece of content something easily recognizable to you and any other contributors or moderators who will be working with your content. 5. You may give your content a title. This title will display on your page and be seen by visitors. 6. Next, type in the text you would like for your links. (you should now have something similar to the image below) 7-­‐16

7. Now, you will insert an internal, external, content or media link. Below are the steps for each. • Section Link (internal link) o To insert a Section Link, click Select to the far right of the text “Select Section.” o A window will pop up with the EVMS site structure. Navigate to the section you wish to link to and click on that section. 7-­‐17

• External Link o Filling in the “Link 2 external link” field, you may type in your link or copy it from your web browser and paste into the field. • Content Link o You may choose to link to a piece of content with the EVMS website. To insert a Content Link, click Select to the far right of the text “Select Section.” o A window will pop up with the EVMS site structure. Navigate to the section that contains the piece of content you wish to link to. Hover over the blue plus sign to the right of the section and a list of the pieces of content will appear. Select the piece of content you wish to link to. 7-­‐18

• Media Link o To insert a media link, click Select to the far right of the text “Link 3 Media file.” o A window will pop up with the media library files. Navigate to the media file you wish to link to and click Select. 8. Click Preview to view your page and ensure everything is in its place. 9. Click Add (if this is a change you will click Update). 7-­‐19

7.3 Right Col Content The Right Col Content template is used to place content on the right in a Public Inner Page style. Follow the steps below to add this content template to your page. 1. From the site structure, hover over the small yellow arrow next to the section that you want to add your links to. 2. From the yellow menu, select Add Content. 3. From the list of content templates that are given, click on Right Col Content. Thiswill bring up a page for you to fill in.4. First, name your content in the appropriate field. Visitors to your page will not see this name, but you will want to call this piece of content something easily recognizable to you and any other contributors or moderators who will be working with your content. 7-­‐20

5. Next, you may give your content a Title. This will display on your page and be seen by visitors. 6. Select an image and complete the following steps: • Click Select to the right of “Image.” A window will pop up with the Media Library categories. • Navigate through the categories to find your department name. Click on your department to open up your media files. Find the image you would like to use and click Select. (Note: You’ll want to ensure that the image is sized to 187x124; if not, you’ll need to use the Resize function in the Media Library by clicking on Advanced.) • Fill in the “Text & Links” field. 7. Click Preview to view your page and ensure everything is in place. 8. Click Add (if this is a change you will click Update). 7-­‐21

7.4 Feature Left The Feature Left content template is used to display featured content video content. Follow the steps below to add this content template to your section. 1. From the site structure, hover over the small yellow arrow next to the section that you want to add your links to. 2. From the yellow menu, select Add Content. 3. From the list of Content Templates that are given click on “Feature Left” This willbring up a page for you to fill in.4. First, name your content in the appropriate field. Visitors to your page will not see this name, but you will want to call this piece of content something easily recognizable to you and any other contributors or moderators who will be working with your content. 7-­‐22

5. Next, you may give your content a title. This title will display on your page and be seen by visitors. 6. Select an image and complete the following steps: • Click Select to the right of “Image.” A window will pop up with the Media Library categories. • Navigate through the categories to find your department name. Click on your department to open up your media files. Find the image you would like to use and click Select. (Note: You’ll want to ensure that the image is sized to 177x99; if not, you’ll need to use the Resize function in the Media Library by clicking on Advanced.) 7-­‐23

7. Fill in the Feature text. This is a description of the video. 8. Last, select the section that you wish to link to (this would be the section that contains the “full story” about your video. Click Select to the right of “Link.” This will pull up a window with the site structure. Navigate to the Section you wish to link to and click on it. 9. Click Preview to view your page and ensure everything is in its place. 10. Click Add (if this is a change you will click Update). 7-­‐24

7.5 Feature Right The Feature Right content template is used to display featured content. Follow the steps below to add this content template to your section. 1. From the site structure, hover over the small yellow arrow next to the section that you want to add your links to. 2. From the yellow menu, select Add Content. 3. From the list of content templates that are given, click on Feature Right. This willbring up a page for you to fill in.7-­‐25

4. First, name your content in the appropriate field. Visitors to your page will not see this name, but you will want to call this piece of content something easily recognizable to you and any other contributors or moderators who will be working with your content. 5. Next, you may give your content a title. This title will display on your page and be seen by visitors. 6. Select an image and complete the following steps: • Click Select to the right of “Image.” A window will pop up with the Media Library categories. Navigate through the categories to find your department name. Click on your department to open up your media files. Find the image you would like to use and click Select. (Note: You’ll want to ensure that the image is sized to 177x99; if not, you’ll need to use the Resize function in the Media Library by clicking on Advanced.) 7. Fill in the “Feature text.” This is a description of the video. 7-­‐26

8. Select the section that you wish to link to (this would be the section that contains the “full story” about your video. Click Select to the right of “Link.” This will pull up a window with the site structure. Navigate to the section you wish to link to and click on it. 11. Click Preview to view your page and ensure everything is in its place. 12. Click Add (if this is a change you will click Update). 7-­‐27

7.6 EVMS News and EVMS News Keyword To create news on your departmental pages, will you need to use two templates: EVMS News and EVMS News Keyword. You will also be using two sections (pages) to place the news. 1. From the site structure, navigate to EVMS Public >> News and hover over the small yellow arrow next to the section. 2. From the yellow menu select Add Content. 3. From the list of content templates that are given, click on EVMS News. This willbring up a page for you to fill in.4. Name your content in the appropriate field. Visitors to your page will not see this name, but you will want to call this piece of content something easily recognizable to you and any other contributors or moderators who will be working with your content. 7-­‐28

5. Add in the Title. This will be the article or news title. This will be seen by users.6. Fill in the Description. This will be a short description or “intro” text for the news.7. Click on the Story Date and select from the calendar that pops up.7-­‐29

8. Fill in the Main Body. This will be the entire article or piece of news.9. Check the box that coincides with the department creating the news. This tells the systemthat the news is to display on the department page. (NOTE: If the piece of news applies tomore than one department, you may select more than one department in the checkbox list.Be sure you DO NOT select EVMS News as this tells the news to display on thehomepage.)10. Click Preview to view your page and ensure everything is in its place. 11. Click Add (if this is a change you will click Update). 12. Navigate through the site structure to the section for the department that you just created news for. 7-­‐30

13. From the yellow menu, select Add Content. 14. From the list of content templates that are given, click on EVMS News Keyword.This will bring up a page for you to fill in.15. Name your content in the appropriate field. Visitors to your page will not see this name, but you will want to call this piece of content something easily recognizable to you and any other contributors or moderators who will be working with your content. 7-­‐31

To the left is the preview of a departmental news module. News on the department page will also 16. Check the box thatdisplay coincides the EVMSwith the General department(s) News. that the news article is for. 17. Click Add (if this is a change you will click Update). 7-­‐32

7.7 Event 0 The Event 0 content template is used to add events to the EVMS Event Calendar. 1. From the site structure, hover over the small yellow arrow next to the Events section. 2. From the yellow menu, select Add Content. 3. From the list of content templates that are given, click on “Event 0.” This will bringup a page for you to fill in.4. Name your content in the appropriate field. Visitors to your page will not see this name, but you will want to call this piece of content something easily recognizable to you and any other contributors or moderators who will be working with your content. 7-­‐33

5. Choose a category by click in the checkbox. 6. Type in the Title of your event. 7. Click on the field for the Start_Date. A calendar will appear. Click the date you want, use the sliders to the right to select time, and then click Done. 8. Repeat Step 7 for the End_Date field. 9. Add the time in the Event_Time field. 10. Fill in the Venue. 7-­‐34

11. Fill in the Organizer field. 12. Add the URL (link) for the Organizer in the Organiser_URL field. 13. Fill in a description about the event in the Brief_Description field. 14. If the event is reoccurring, click the button next to the appropriate frequency on the Recurses2 field. 7-­‐35

15. Fill in the Audience field. 16. Click Preview to view your page and ensure everything is in its place. 17. Click Add (if this is a change you will click Update). 7-­‐36

7.8 List Container, List Item and Directory Creator The List Container, List Item and Directory Creator are the three content templates that are used to create a list page. 1. Create a new section (page) that your list will appear on. To do this, hover over the yellow arrow to the right of the section you will be placing your list under. Select Add Section. 2. Fill in the Name. This is the name of the page and can be seen by users.3. Click the Styles tab. From this tab, click the drop-down box for the “EVMS Public”channel and select Public Inner Listing from the options you are given.7-­‐37

9. Click Add.10. Click the T4 Logo in the top left hand corner of the page to navigate back to the sitestructure.11. Navigate to the section that you have just added the Directory Creator to and hover overthe small yellow arrow and select Add a Section.12. Fill in the Name.13. Uncheck the Show in Navigation option on this tab.14. Click Add. 15. Navigate to the section you just created (it will be gray vise yellow). 16. Hover over the small yellow arrow and select Add Content.7-­‐39

17. From the list of content templates, choose List Container.18. Fill in the Name. When determining the name, keep in mind that users will see this nameand it will ultimately create the navigation for each different list on the page. Forexample, you might have Centers and Departments on your page, requiring two listcontainers, one for each. To “jump” down the page to the second list, a user would clickon the links at the top of the page.19. Fill in the Heading. This will appear at the top of the list and should coincide with thecontents of the list. For example, if you are making a list of all departments you wouldtype “Departments” in your heading field.20. Click Add.21. You should now see the Content tab on your screen. You can choose to add additionalpieces of content by clicking the green plus sign on the right side of the page that saysAdd Content.22. This will bring the list of content templates up again. This time, choose List Item.23. List Item, once populated, will become a single list item. You must make a new piece ofcontent for each list item. To fill in the fields for the list item follow the steps below:• Name your list item. This is not seen by visitors and is required. • Give your list item a Title. This is seen by visitors and is required. • Enter a short description, or “intro,” into the Introduction Text field. 7-­‐40

• Click Select to the right of Thumbnail. This will open up the media library. Navigate to the category that contains the thumbnail image you would like displayed with your list item. • Now, you have to option to insert three links, which will display to the right side of the list item when the page is published. You can add an internal link, an external link or you can add a link and customize the text that the link is on. 24. Click Preview to view your page and ensure everything is in its place. 25. Click Add (if this is a change you will click Update). 26. For each list item you wish to add, repeat the steps 22–26. 27. For every new list you create, repeat steps 12–27. 7-­‐41

7.9 Faculty/Directory: EVMS Bio Page Style, Faculty/Staff Profile Content Template Used when adding information about a faculty or staff member. This page will be created onthe live website following <strong>Site</strong> <strong>Manager</strong>’s scheduled publishing cycle. The information enteredon this page will also be used on the Faculty Page – listing departmental faculty and staff and theDirectory Page – Listing all Faculty and Staff. You only need to enter the information one time. Adding A Bio Page 1. In the <strong>Site</strong> Structure navigate to the Faculty & Staff section of your unit’s content. 2. Hover over the Yellow Arrow. Select Add Section 3. Under the General Tab, a. Enter the Faculty or Staff member’s FirstName, LastName b. Make sure the Show in Navigation? box is checked 7-­‐42

4. Select the Styles tab. 5. Under the EVMS Public Channel, Select the Public Bio Page style 6. Select Add 7-­‐43

Adding content to the Bio Page 1. Hover over the Yellow Arrow next to the faculty or staff member section you just created. Select Add Content. 2. Select Faculty/Staff Profile 3. Complete the form: a. Name – REQUIRED field b. Private Emails – REQUIRED Field 7-­‐44

c. All other fields are optional and should be filled in based Departmental decision. d. Select Add 7-­‐45

8.0 Working with the Media Library The Media Library is used to store media files. Various types of files can be stored within the Media Library, including images, and PDFs. We recommend that you do not save Microsoft Word or Excel files to the Media Library; instead, convert them to PDF first in order to avoid unwanted changes being made to your documents. To access the Media Library, click on the Content tab at the top of the page and select Media Library from the drop-­‐down list. 8.1 Media Library Categories Categories are added in alphabetical order by default. A media item is a single piece of media, such as an image, a sound file, a PDF, etc. Media files are designed to be inserted directly into content. 8-­‐1

8.1.1 Adding a Media Library Category 1. Select the category you wish to add a subcategory to. 2. Hover over Options. 3. Click Add Category. 4. Enter the category name. 5. Click OK. 8.1.2 Deleting a Media Library Category 1. Select the category you wish to delete. 2. Hover over Options. 3. Click Delete Category. 4. Click OK. 8.1.3 Adding a New Media Item to a Category 1. Select the category you want to place the media file into. 2. Click the Add Media button in the toolbar; or, right-­‐click on the category and select Add New from the pop-­‐up menu. 3. Complete the form: • Description – This becomes the alternative text that shows if an image cannot be loaded into a web browser. • Keywords are used by search engines to find files. Try to use words unique to the image or your department. • Media – Browse and locate the file on your computer. 8-­‐2

4. Optional: Make a media item available in other categories. By default, a media item is inserted into the category it is created in, but you can make it available in other categories by following these steps: • Click the Categories tab. • Check the categories you wish to make this media item available in. • Click Add to submit upload the media item. 8-­‐3

8.2 Naming Media Files We recommend use of the following naming conventions for your media files. 1. Spaces -­‐ Avoid spaces in your filenames. 2. Underscores -­‐ Avoid underscores in your filenames. 3. Date -­‐ Avoid using dates in filenames. If you create a link on several pages to a single document, image, etc., and update the file the change is pushed to all links. This is assuming you use the same file name you used previously. Adding the year to the file or image name and changing it each year will necessitate searching for broken links throughout the site to update. 4. Special Characters -­‐ If you a using special characters such as 'ç' or 'ñ' in your filenames, replace them with alphanumeric characters whenever possible before uploading to the Media Library. 5. Apostrophe -­‐ If you use an apostrophe [ ' ] , make sure not to use an "accent" [ ` ] by mistake. They do look similar, but accents cannot be used in Media Library filenames. 6. Digital camera files -­‐ Most digital cameras name their files in a standard format. To avoid duplication and to describe your file, it is advised that you rename all digital camera filenames. E.g., rename dsc00001.jpg to purplecatsmall.jpg 7. Images -­‐ If you upload images to your Media Library based with standard dimensions, it can be useful to reference the dimensions in the filename. E.g., rename purplecatsmall.jpg to purplecat100x50.jpg 8. EVMS File Structure Categories a. Buildings i. Building-­‐name-­‐detail.jpg ii. Andrews-­‐Hall-­‐front.jpg iii. ERB-­‐interior4.jpg b. People i. Last-­‐name-­‐first-­‐name-­‐detail.jpg ii. Last-­‐name-­‐first-­‐name-­‐headshot.jpg iii. Last-­‐name-­‐first-­‐name-­‐award.jpg c. Events i. Event-­‐name-­‐detail.jpg ii. Match-­‐Day-­‐skit8.jpg iii. Community-­‐Care-­‐Day-­‐students.jpg d. Video Thumbnails i. Video-­‐thumbnail-­‐detail.jpg ii. Video-­‐thumnail-­‐orientation.jpg iii. Video-­‐thumbnail-­‐donor-­‐profile.jpg 8-­‐4

8.3 Groups and the Media Library To locate your section of the Media Library, refer to the table below: Group ACC Database Center Admissions BFIS Business Management Cancer Research Center Continuing Medical Education Dermatology Development Emergency Medicine Environmental Health & Safety Family & Community Medicine Financial Aid Financial Services General Counsel Geriatrics & Gerontology Graduate Medical Education Health Professions HIV AIDS Resource Center Human Resources Internal Medicine Library Life Support Map Group Marketing and Communications Materials Management Medical Education Microbiology Minority Affairs Obstetrics and Gynecology Occupational Health Office of the President Ophthalmology Otolaryngology Pathology & Anatomy Pediatrics Physical Facilities Physical Medicine and Rehab Physiological Sciences Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences Public Safety Media Library Group Assignments Media Library Category EVMS Public > Departments > Academic Computer Center EVMS Public > Departments > Doctor of Medicine EVMS Public > Departments > Academic Computer Center EVMS Public > Departments > Business Management EVMS Public > Departments > Leroy T Canoles Jr. Cancer Research Center EVMS Public > Departments > Continuing Medical Education EVMS Public > Departments > Dermatology EVMS Public > Departments > Development EVMS Public > Departments > Emergency Medicine EVMS Public > Departments > Environmental Health EVMS Public > Departments > Family & Community Medicine EVMS Public > Departments > Financial Aid EVMS Public > Departments > Financial Services EVMS Public > Leadership > General Counsel EVMS Public > Departments > Internal Medicine > Glenan Center for Geriatrics & Gerontology EVMS Public > Departments > GME EVMS Public > Departments >Health Professions EVMS Public > Departments > HIV AIDS Resource Center EVMS Public > Departments > Human Resources EVMS Public > Departments > Internal Medicine EVMS Public > Departments > Library EVMS Public > Departments > Tidewater Center for Life Support EVMS Public > Departments > Marketing and Communications EVMS Public > Media Assets EVMS Public > Departments > Marketing and Communications EVMS Public > Institutional Photos EVMS Public > Departments > Materials Management EVMS Public > Departments > Doctor of Medicine EVMS Public > Departments > Medical Education EVMS Public > Departments > Microbiology & Molecular Cell Biology EVMS Public > Departments > Minority Affairs EVMS Public > Departments > Obstetrics & Gynecology EVMS Public > Departments > Occupational Health EVMS Public > Departments > Leadership EVMS Public > Departments > Ophthalmology EVMS Public > Departments > Otolaryngology EVMS Public > Departments > Pathology & Anatomy EVMS Public > Departments > Pediatrics EVMS Public > Departments > Physical Facilities EVMS Public > Departments > Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation EVMS Public > Departments > Physiological Sciences EVMS Public > Departments > Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences EVMS Public > Departments > Police and Public Safety 8-­‐5

Group Media Library Group Assignments (continued) Media Library Category Radiation Oncology & Biophysics EVMS Public > Departments > Radiation Oncology & Biophysics Radiology EVMS Public > Departments > Radiology Research EVMS Public > Departments > Research Administration Research Subjects Protection EVMS Public > Departments > Research Administration Sentara Center for Immersive EVMS Public > Departments > Sentara Center for Simulation & Immersive Learning Learning Student Affairs EVMS Public > Departments > Student Affairs Surgery EVMS Public > Departments > Surgery EVMS Public > Departments > Surgical Assistant Program Technology Transfer EVMS Public > Departments > Research Administration Urology EVMS Public > Departments > Urology 8-­‐6

8.4 Resizing Images in the Media Library Instructions for resizes images within the Media Library are listed on the following pages. 1. Navigate to the image that you wish to resize and click Advanced. 2. Once the Advanced screen has opened up, click Add Variant. 3. In the next window, be sure that “Keep Aspect Ratio” is checked. (This should be checked by default.) 8-­‐7

4. Choose either width or height and type in an image size. For example, type 200 in the width and the height will auto-­‐populate. 5. Click inside the Variant Name field and add a name for this image variant as appropriate. (We recommend naming it based on the new image size.) 6. Click Save and then Update. 8-­‐8

8.5 Adding Padding to Media Library Images 1. Within a piece of content, insert your image by clicking the Insert Media icon. 2. The media library folders will pop up in another window. Choose the folder and image you want and click Select. 3. Double click the image that you have inserted. A window will pop up entitled “Set Media Attributes.” 4. Enter the padding attributes by following this format: Top, Right, Bottom, Left (no commas) (e.g., 10px 10px 10px,10px). 8-­‐9

8.6 Altering PDF Titles in the Media Library 1. Within the content screen, locate the PDF link you would like to alter and double click on it. 2. A box should pop up called “Set Media Attributes” and you should see a blank field for “Name.” 3. In the Name field, type in the text you would like to appear on your page. 4. Select Update. 5. Preview to review and verify the change. 8-­‐10

Hooray! Your file is uploaded and ready to be published.

Saved successfully!

Ooh no, something went wrong!