Article on Soaking Prayer - CBN.com

Article on Soaking Prayer - CBN.com

Article on Soaking Prayer - CBN.com


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HOW TO EXPERIENCETHE FATHER’SMarguerite EvansMarguerite Evans is a native of South Africa. In the year 2000, she attendedthe School of Ministry at TACF which totally transformed her life.Now seven years later, she is married to Andy Evans, a businessman inMyrtle Beach, SC, and is coordinating the soaking prayer network for theUSA. C<strong>on</strong>tact Marguerite at mevans@ctfministries.<strong>com</strong>

LOVEThis generati<strong>on</strong> must know the voice ofour Father intimately. More people thanever before in world history now have theability to busy themselves with electr<strong>on</strong>icdistracti<strong>on</strong>s and thousands of activitiesthat require rushing to and fro. In all yourrushing about, do you have a passi<strong>on</strong>for the “secret place” where you can findpeace in your Father’s arms? Do you reallyknow that you are God’s precious child,wel<strong>com</strong>e <strong>on</strong> His lap at any time? Or doyou c<strong>on</strong>sume yourself with “busy-ness”because intimacy with any<strong>on</strong>e, let al<strong>on</strong>eGod, is difficult for you?Hurting people hurt people. Avoiding intimacywith God is a sign of hurt. So, before you try to lovea dying world, you must be healed and full of Hislove yourself. You cannot give away what you havenot received.WHAT IS “SOAKING”?The key to the “secret place” is “soaking.” <strong>Soaking</strong> isnot really a scriptural metaphor, but it is neverthelessreal. It is a term we use to describe the practiceof taking time to rest while inviting the Holy Spirit tofill you again with His amazing love. The Apostle Paulwould call it being “filled with all the fullness of God.”It means allowing the Holy Spirit to rise up within youand “soak” your dry soul. It is a simple practice thatwas lost to the majority of the Church for centurieswhile we busied ourselves with religious activities.In this renewal, God is restoring this truth by allowingus to experience His love frequently. He wants itto be<strong>com</strong>e a habit because He wants our love, notmerely our labor.<strong>Soaking</strong> in God’s love has be<strong>com</strong>e a core value forus. It is a value we want to share with every<strong>on</strong>e who<strong>com</strong>es to Tor<strong>on</strong>to and with those we meet aroundthe world. One way of spreading the blessing is byequipping people through <strong>Soaking</strong> in His PresenceWeekends (SIPWs) and Equipping Seminars. Whenyou attend a SIPW you will receive teaching andpers<strong>on</strong>al ministry <strong>on</strong> four of our key values: hearingGod’s voice, the Father heart of God, healing life’shurts and ministering in the power of Holy Spirit.Two teachers from our Catch the Fire team lead theSIPW or Equipping Seminar.STF-11

STF-12Here are testim<strong>on</strong>ies from afew host pastors:“We hosted our first <strong>Soaking</strong> in His Presence Weekend <strong>on</strong>April 19 – 21 at our church, The Father’s House Christian Fellowshipin East<strong>on</strong>, PA. Approximately 80 hungry-for-Godpeople attended <strong>com</strong>ing from as far north as Maine and asfar South as Tennessee.The sessi<strong>on</strong>s started off with praise and worship by ourworship team. The Holy Spirit was present, touching us ina very powerful way. John and Patricia Bootsma taught <strong>on</strong>various subjects including ‘What is <strong>Soaking</strong>,’ ‘Hearing God’sVoice,’ ‘The Father’s Heart’ and ‘Intimacy with God.’ Some ofthe people were experiencing these things for the very firsttime, and all of us received impartati<strong>on</strong> and revelati<strong>on</strong>. Wereceived many testim<strong>on</strong>ies from people who experienceddeeper intimacy with the heavenly Father than ever before.There were at least a dozen people that received instantmanifestati<strong>on</strong>s of physical healing from back, neck and kneeinjuries. Others testified of being totally set free from l<strong>on</strong>gtimeb<strong>on</strong>dages…We had the most awesome time in the Lord during the weekend…ourlives were touched, filled and changed by God’sglorious presence!”Senior Pastor Barry Fields, The Father’s House Christian Fellowship,East<strong>on</strong>, PA.“Jeremy and C<strong>on</strong>nie Sinnott are not just w<strong>on</strong>derful musicians,but very refreshing speakers, as well. The SIPW weekendwith them at New S<strong>on</strong>g was a feast of great soaking andteaching for those who attended. The teaching is focused<strong>on</strong> healing for those areas of the heart that would block orlimit the believer’s experience of the Lord and distort his/her ability to hear Him clearly. I re<strong>com</strong>mend this for pastorsand churches that want to take their people deeper into thethings of God.”Pastor Loren Sandford, New S<strong>on</strong>g Fellowship, Denver, CO.“Having the CTF <strong>Soaking</strong> Weekend at our church wastotally awesome! The soaking worship and the teachingthat reinforced it were ‘off the hook.’ We have been soakingin His presence for a number of years, but having the<strong>Soaking</strong> Weekend at our place <strong>on</strong>ly added to our experience.Many came because of various advertisements fromstates all around and were totally blessed. Many had notbeen exposed to the “soaking” experience and were reallyreceptive. Now, many are <strong>com</strong>ing back for other eventsat our church because of the weekend. Thanks to MaryAudrey Raycroft and Marguerite Evans as they were w<strong>on</strong>derfulvessels of our Lord to bring His heart to all.”Pastor Robert Lavala, The Extreme Church, Las Vegas, NV.“Prior to the team arriving from Tor<strong>on</strong>to, we really didn’tknow what to expect for our Thursday through Saturday,“<strong>Soaking</strong> in His Presence” weekend. When the team madeup of Marguerite Evans and Elsie Underwood arrived, wecould immediately sense that God had some w<strong>on</strong>derfulthings in store for our church. Many were asking, ‘Whatis this soaking thing all about?’ Although we had tried toexplain it, the full implicati<strong>on</strong>s of simply spending timewaiting <strong>on</strong> God were yet to be discovered.One of our two speakers shared how good at intercessi<strong>on</strong>many Christians are, but how few are good at quietly waitingand soaking in Father’s presence. Through the variousopportunities to “soak,” we h<strong>on</strong>ed our skills by simply waiting<strong>on</strong> Him.One other thought shared during our SIPW that ministeredto me was the fact that when Jesus was baptized and priorto the start of His ministry, the Father pr<strong>on</strong>ounced, “This ismy beloved S<strong>on</strong> in whom I am well pleased.” Father waspleased with His S<strong>on</strong>, and He hadn’t really d<strong>on</strong>e anythingoutstanding yet. In the same way, we are Father’s children,and He loves us just for who we are, before we do anythingspectacular. What a w<strong>on</strong>derful God we serve!One of the ladies in our church had heard some negativethings about “the Tor<strong>on</strong>to move of God,” so she didn’t knowwhat to expect. After the SIPW, she <strong>com</strong>mented <strong>on</strong> howw<strong>on</strong>derful the Holy Spirit had ministered to her over the

weekend. She had a new appreciati<strong>on</strong> for the Father’s lovethat He lavishes <strong>on</strong> us.Thank you team for your labors of love and for <strong>com</strong>ing toVienna, Virginia to be vessels of His love and grace. Wepray that we will learn to c<strong>on</strong>tinue to soak in His presenceand delight in Him.”Rev. Vern<strong>on</strong> and Ruth Ann Dean, Pastors, Christian Assembly,Vienna, VA“We hosted a soaking weekend this year at The Father’sHouse Church in Oroville. Gord<strong>on</strong> and Kathy Harris werethe facilitators. It has had a huge impact in the lives of ourchurch. It brought a new revelati<strong>on</strong> of the shear enjoymentof just lying in the ‘presence of our Lord.’ We wouldencourage all to host a c<strong>on</strong>ference at their churches. It willchange your life!”Pastors Steve and Vicki Orsillo, The Father’s House, Oroville,CA.“I remember as a child having a snow globe with a littlechurch inside the glass. Shaking the snow globe caused theflurry of snow to blur the sight of the church in the center.How accurately this describes our overly stimulated lifestyle!Even at church, we are so busy doing things for God ratherthan enjoying God Himself.The <strong>Soaking</strong> in His Presence Weekend helped bring usback to the center of life. It is here where we learned thatit is more important to “be” than to “do”. This seminar is a“must” for every church. It’s another stream God has addedto broaden our river.I am forever grateful to Marguerite Evans and John andPatricia Bootsma for leading us to this place of rest fromwhich we will now live for the rest of our lives.I re<strong>com</strong>mend any pastor who has not attended a soakingseminar yet, to bump it up <strong>on</strong> your “to do” list now. Now<strong>on</strong>der pastors are burning out left and right! You can’t affordto miss this valuable teaching. My <strong>on</strong>ly regret is that Idid not learn this at the beginning of my ministry. It wouldhave saved me many physical problems related to stress.If you want l<strong>on</strong>gevity both physically and spiritually, thenlearn how to soak yourself in God’s Presence at a <strong>Soaking</strong>Weekend. As you learn to be still, the flurry around youwill settle and you will begin to see things clearly again.”Pastor Gary Washburn, Grace Tabernacle, Wildwood, FLHost a <strong>Soaking</strong> in His Presence WeekendFor more informati<strong>on</strong> <strong>on</strong> up<strong>com</strong>ing events in your area,please visit www.ctfministries.<strong>com</strong>. If you would like moreinformati<strong>on</strong> and are interested in hosting a SIPW, pleasee-mail Marguerite Evans at mevans@ctfministries.<strong>com</strong>.Join our Regi<strong>on</strong>al Resource TeamWe’re also in the process of building a nati<strong>on</strong>al team ofRegi<strong>on</strong>al Resource Team members. If you are interestedin networking with the <strong>Soaking</strong> <strong>Prayer</strong> Centers in yourarea, please e-mail us or call for an applicati<strong>on</strong> form:usa@ctfministries.<strong>com</strong>Start a <strong>Soaking</strong> <strong>Prayer</strong> CenterYou can be part of what the Lord is doing through the<strong>Soaking</strong> <strong>Prayer</strong> Centers. Start your own <strong>Soaking</strong> <strong>Prayer</strong>Center in your church, your gym, your office lunch hour,your school, your home, your healing room, your pris<strong>on</strong>.You can start by getting a soaking kit that will have all theinformati<strong>on</strong> you need. Choose a day and a time. Inviteyour friends, play your soaking cd and say, “Come HolySpirit”. He is faithful and His desire is to visit with you!Register your <strong>Soaking</strong> <strong>Prayer</strong> CenterRemember to register your <strong>Soaking</strong> <strong>Prayer</strong> Center so wecan pray for you and keep you in the loop of what we’redoing in your area and please email your testim<strong>on</strong>ies.Looking forward to hearingfrom you !STF-13

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