Tenants Conference 2009 - Broadland Housing Association

Tenants Conference 2009 - Broadland Housing Association Tenants Conference 2009 - Broadland Housing Association

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doortodoorHow to become a Tenant Board MemberHave you ever wondered how tobecome a Tenant Board Member,what is involved in the role or who theTenant Board Member in your localarea is? If so keep reading!Roles and ResponsibilitiesBoard Members attend quarterlyBoard Meetings and participate in atleast one of the <strong>Association</strong>’scommittees relevant to theirexperience, knowledge and skills.Induction programmes are organisedfor Tenant Board Members to helpthem understand the <strong>Association</strong>’sobjectives, the communities we serveand provide insight into the activities ofother organisations within the<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> Group. Regulartraining is provided to enable BoardMembers to keep abreast of keyissues and innovations. Training mayalso be available to help improve aTenant Board Member’s existing skillsand enable them to better fulfil theirrole on the board.It is important to stress it is not TenantBoard Members' primary duty to actas resident representatives. Althoughan important part of the role is to bringa tenant perspective to the decisionmaking process, they also have anoverriding legal duty to act in the bestinterests of the <strong>Association</strong>. All BoardMembers must ensure that personalrelationships with customers do notconflict with their legal responsibilities.They must act in accordance with the<strong>Association</strong>'s governing rules andpolicies, ensuring that they use theirinfluence to bring about decisionswhich benefit the <strong>Association</strong> and itsstakeholders as a whole.However, Tenant Board Members maywish to take up issues on behalf of aspecific customer or group ofcustomers, or a community group.This may be as an advocate or toensure that a problem gets resolvedquickly. In such instances, BoardMembers should raise their concernwith the Group Chief Executive so thatsuch issues can be dealt withappropriately.Election ProcessVacancies are publicised by the<strong>Association</strong> via tenant publicationsand the BHA website. Anyoneinterested in applying for the positionmust be nominated in writing bytenants or a body representingtenants from the constituency wherethey live. Once nominations have beenreceived, candidates will beinterviewed, and if suitable, stand forelection at the next AGM. Candidatesmust be willing to register as ashareholder of the <strong>Association</strong> beforethey are put forward for election.Tenant Board Members serve for amaximum of 9 years. but most retireevery three years in order to give othercandidates the opportunity to standfor election. If no other candidatesfrom within their constituency stand forelection, the Tenant Board Member inplace will automatically be reappointedsubject to nominations being receivedfrom tenants or a body representingtenants in their constituency.If you are interested in becoming aBoard Member or require any furtherinformation, please contact SarahButcher (Governance Manager) on01603 750276.AroundtheHouses - Tenant’s CoBHA TenOur <strong>2009</strong> Annual <strong>Tenants</strong><strong>Conference</strong> was held onSaturday 9 May at Caistor Hallnear Norwich. It was great tosee so many of you, with over170 tenants turning up onthe day.There was a lively buzz about theplace as tenants were given theopportunity to share their views in anumber of workshops regarding;planned repairs, energy saving, findingwork, accessing benefits and support,rent issues and involvementopportunities. The actions resultingfrom your feedback will be detailed ina further report in the Autumn editionof Door to Door.Partnering organisations Mears,Invicta and the Norfolk Credit Unionwere all on hand to speak to tenantsdirectly, along with representativesfrom all frontline departments of<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> and Meridian East.Current Tenant Board MembersIf you want to know more about any aspect of the Tenant BoardMembers’ role, have a question for the Board or would like yourrepresentative to visit your scheme, please contact us. Tenant BoardMembers work for you, so make use of them!Page 4 • www.broadlandhousing.orgLeft to Right: Peter Goodrick- Rural East Anglia. MauriceFellows - Greater Norwich.Moll Robb - Yarmouth andLowestoft. Mavis Wesley -Sheltered <strong>Housing</strong>

<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Tenant’s Newsletter • Summer <strong>2009</strong>nferencent’s <strong>Conference</strong> <strong>2009</strong>The grand finale of the event sawtenants; Jess Lince, Joan Salzedo,Pauline Taylor and Mavis Green eachwin £50 or £100 shopping vouchersin our prize draw and one luckytenant, Sheila Cann, walked awaywith the first prize of one freemonth’s rent.A presentation was also made to<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> Chair, CarolinePickering (pictured above right), whowill be stepping down from the rolelater this year. On behalf of thetenants, the board and all <strong>Broadland</strong>staff, we would like to thank Carolinefor the difference she has madeduring her time as Chair.Further thanks go to our partneringorganisations, listed below, who kindlysponsored the event.Good Neighbours Winners <strong>2009</strong>Mr and Mrs Murray of Nightingale Cottageswere recognised as Good Neighbours of<strong>2009</strong> at the Tenant’s <strong>Conference</strong>, we alsomade a special trip to The Cedars thefollowing week to make a presentation to MrP Russell, who was also recognised as aGood Neighbour of <strong>2009</strong>. Mrs Murray ispictured left with Angela Miller (on her right)who nominated her for the award.Contact us on 0303 303 0003 • Page 5

doortodoorAroundtheHouses - Praise for <strong>Broadland</strong>Minister for <strong>Housing</strong> Margaret BeckettPraises <strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong>The Right Honourable MargaretBeckett MP singled out<strong>Broadland</strong> in her speech to over600 housing sector leaders atthe Chartered Institutue of<strong>Housing</strong>’s, Presidential Dinner inLondon, earlier this year.The <strong>Housing</strong> Minister praised theway the sector has responded to therecession, and appealed for freshideas.She identified a number of ‘creativesolutions’ being examined byauthorities, including <strong>Broadland</strong><strong>Housing</strong>.Referring to our recent merger withMeridian East, Minister Beckett said,“<strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong>s like <strong>Broadland</strong>in Norfolk and Suffolk are steppingup their efforts to help tenantsdevelop skills and find work”.She went on to say, “I’d like to seeothers following that lead, withmodels that best suit localcircumstances – whether that’s alocal housing company, communityland trust, or something else.”For more information and to view herfull speech visit the CIH website atwww.cih.co.uk.Margaret Beckett MPAroundtheHouses - BrecklandChoice based lettingsBreckland Council in partnership with local Registered SocialLandlords are introducing a Choice Based Letting Scheme acrossthe district. Breckland Key Select, as the new scheme will beknown, will be launched soon and will be the method of accessingaffordable housing in Breckland.Choice Based Lettings Schemes allowyou to be more proactive in meetingyour housing need. You will beprioritised within one of four bandingsand then in date order.Properties will be advertised through anumber of means such as website,digital TV, as well as <strong>Housing</strong><strong>Association</strong> and local Council offices.You will be able to make moreinformed choices about where youwant to live based on detailedinformation about the propertiesavailable. Information will be availableon the cost of rent, council taxbanding, facilities in the property andthe neighbourhood. The system willalso provide a picture of the propertyand in some cases floor plans.Easily recognisable symbols are beingdeveloped making it easier tounderstand what the property offers ata glance.When a property becomes available, itwill be advertised and you will be ableto ‘bid’ for the property to registeryour interest. Bids can be made bytelephone, text messaging, digital TVand the internet.At the end of the bidding process youwill be able to see where you are inthe prioritisation for the property andhow many bids were made. Thisinformation will enable you to chooseother areas to move to or wait for thearea of your choice.If you are on the housing register runby ARP Trading you will shortly receivea letter telling you your provisionalband for Choice Based Lettings (Gold,Silver or Bronze). You will be able toaccess the system through anycomputer connected to the internet.To ensure that your records are up todate you will be asked to log into thenew system and answer somequestions. This will make sure that theband you are put in is correct for yourcircumstances and that yourapplication is complete so that youcan bid for your new home.Help will be available if you do nothave access to a computer and it willbe explained where and how you canensure you keep your place on theregister.If you have any queries about the KeySelect scheme please contact ourCustomer Services Team on 0303 3030003.Page 6 • www.broadlandhousing.org

<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Tenant’s Newsletter • Summer <strong>2009</strong>A refreshed strategyfor <strong>Broadland</strong>Every few years theBoard takes some timeout to revisit ourcorporate strategy andto agree on what itwould like theorganisation to achieveand how we might judgeour success or failure.In the past we havewritten very long anddetailed plans – oftenexceeding thirty pages inlength. This year we aretrying somethingdifferent.The corporate strategy is the roadmap for the Group. It directs thestaff team into what they should bedoing and how they should behave.When recruiting staff we look forpeople who have a natural sympathywith the statements contained withinthe strategy, as we will only achievethe Board’s vision with a staff teamunited around its objectives.The new strategy will shape theservices provided by both <strong>Broadland</strong><strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> and MeridianEast over the next three years.When we were writing the strategywe tried to listen to the views ofmany of our tenants, clients, servicesusers, staff and stakeholders. Thankyou to all those who becameinvolved in that process – yourcontributions are really appreciated.I am really pleased that we are ableto publish a copy of our new strategywith Door to Door. If it were thirtypages long that would not have beenpossible.Over the next few months we will bedeveloping much more detailedannual plans for the teams, which willtranslate the ambitions containedwithin the strategy into specificaction plans.We have set ourselves an ambitioustarget. Our vision is that ouractivities will improve lifeopportunities for many people inSuffolk and Norfolk and our missionis to make sure that our deliverystandards are the highest we canachieve. I will not pretend that it willbe easy to achieve all our ambitionsand I am sure that we will not alwaysget it right and always deliverservices at the standard we aspireto. When we get it wrong, we willneed to learn from our mistakes, sothat we can get better and provideyou with a better service. This is oneof the reasons that feedback – evencomplaints – are always appreciated.Michael NeweyGroup Chief ExecutiveContact us on 0303 303 0003 • Page 7

iz involvement zonestreetvoiceDo you care aboutwhere you live?Do you have a little sparetime to help us and yourneighbours make adifference?We are looking for people to helpus continually improve yourenvironment. All we ask of you isto be happy to speak to yourneighbours, let us know of anyissues with the communal areasand to carry out one estateinspection each year; with oursupport.If you are interested, we wouldlove to hear from you. Text‘VOICE’ to 07781 482725, getin touch on the detailsopposite or speak to yourNeighbourhood Officer.working together to make positive changes!areaforumsYour voice your forumHelp shape and influence thedecisions <strong>Broadland</strong> make throughyour local Area Forum.Area Forums are an opportunity to meet with fellowtenants and members of staff to address issues thateffect all tenants and residents. The Area Forums havenow set their priorities for the year with excitingdiscussions ahead.Below are the revised times and dates of the next meetings:Greater Norwich – 30 July, 6.15pm, Carrow Road, NorwichGreat Yarmouth – 20 July, 6pm, Christchurch, Great YarmouthKings Lynn – 1 September, 6pm, St Katherines Court, Dodmans CloseDereham – 18 August, 6pm, <strong>Broadland</strong> Office, Aldiss CourtWaveney – 17 August, 6pm, Oulton Court, LowestoftHelp us find real solutions to theissues that affect you.tenantsonlineDid you know you cannow access your rentaccount online or contactthe <strong>Association</strong> directly ona number of issues? Go towww.broadlandhousing.organd click on the ‘tenantsonline’ logo.Vision Club members haverecently participated in focusgroups across the region, whichhave helped to shape our newcorporate strategy enclosed in visionclubthis publication.In addition, members on the readers panel have recently reviewed ourMutual Exchange and Equality and Diversity Policies, and a group of 8tenants came into our Norwich Office to discuss what they would like tosee on our new website. Thank you all for the feedback you haveprovided.The Vision Club is there for you to share your views in a way that suitsyour lifestyle. You can choose the areas and services you are interested inand how you would like to be consulted with i.e through email, text, inwriting, face to face or over the telephone.If you would like further information about the Vision Club please contactthe Resident Involvement Team on 0303 303 0003.Page 8 • www.broadlandhousing.org

<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Tenant’s Newsletter • Summer <strong>2009</strong>The TSAarrives instyle atShipfieldThe Tenant Services Authority (TSA) recently visited tenants atShipfield, Norwich in a bright pink VW camper van to find outwhat you think about the services you receive from us.Since December last year they have been touring the country and invitingsocial housing tenants into the van to answer questions about the servicesthey receive from their landlord. This is part of the TSA’s ‘NationalConversation’ consultation which will shape new standards that alllandlords will be measured against from December <strong>2009</strong>.The TSA is the new regulator for social housing and it’s role is to ensurethat housing organisations provide quality services, are well run andfinancially viable. They believe housing matters, and that access to goodquality housing improves lives. Their goal is to raise the standard ofservices for tenants.The TSA were well received by Shipfield residents. Some of their viewshave been published on the popular You Tube website, so you can seeexactly what they had to say about us, by logging on to:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afYZyygfg4U&feature=channel_pageFor further information on the TSA, go to their web pages at:http://www.tenantservicesauthority.orgOut & About <strong>2009</strong>We will be ‘Out and About’ again thissummer, as we continue with ourcampaign to knock on every tenant’sdoor; every three years. We wouldlike to meet with you face to face; tooffer you exciting opportunities toaccess training, learn new skills andlook at what we can do to make adifference in your neighbourhood.We will be visiting the following areason the dates below and will write toyou to let you know exactly when wewill be coming to your street:June16thDereham, Carlton Colville,Kessingland18th Fakenham23rd Norwich25th NorwichJuly3rd Holton, Ravenwood Mews21st Dereham23rd Tilney, Emneth, DownhamMarket, Watlington28th Witchingham, MeltonConstable, Holt, Cromer30th NorwichAugust5th North Walsham18th Heacham, Fakenham,East Rudham and Middletonand Southery20th King’s Lynn25th Norwich27th NorwichIf you want to get involved you can now text the ResidentInvolvement Team on 07781 482725, for further information aboutany of the exciting new initiatives they are currently running. Youcan also email: tp@broadlandhousing.org or alternativelytelephone 0303 303 0003.Contact us on 0303 303 0003 • Page 9

doortodoorlearning zoneEmployment FairThe Resident Involvement Team has been working with other local Registered Social Landlords toprovide an employment fair for tenants and residents in the Bowthorpe area of Norwich.The event took place onWednesday 22 April <strong>2009</strong> atNumber Ten Bowling, Bowthorpe,offering visitors the opportunity tohand their contact details topotential employers and also toseek advice on getting back intowork.Over 100 people came along tospeak to agencies such as JobCentre Plus, Meridian East, AdultEducation and large city firm’s;such as Lovell’s and Citycare.The fair was a great success, witha similar event already beingpencilled in for July, for residents inthe Mile Cross area. If you wouldlike more information or would liketo speak to a member of staffabout careers advice, training oremployment opportunities, pleasecall us on 0303 303 0003.Page 10 • www.broadlandhousing.org

doortodoor<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Tenant’s Newsletter • Summer <strong>2009</strong>Meridian EastMeridian East’s Work Preparation Programme Gets Results!Philip Jenkins had previously worked as a senior manager at EDF Energy for 17 years and has vastexperience in the sector, spanning over 25 years. Philip had a stroke in October 2004 and while hesuffered no long term physical side effects, he was left with communication difficulties and his speechwas greatly affected.He was unable to continue with his roleat EDF and recognised that he wouldneed to begin his career again andbuild back up towards his former level.Philip’s communication difficulties madecontacting employers and explaininghis current situation very challenging.Over the past 4 years he has been anactive volunteer with Strong Roots,Philip and John. Inset picture shows some of Philip’s workNVS and BTCV; helping him to keep fitand healthy and build horticulturalexperience, but what Philip reallyneeded was a patient andunderstanding employer who couldoffer him the opportunity to utilise hisnew skills.The Job Centre referred Philip toMeridian East’s Work PreparationProgramme in November 2008. Hewas introduced to Training andEmployment Consultant, Kate Smith,who helped draw up a DevelopmentPlan which detailed Philip’s main goalsand the steps needed to achieve them.Over the following two months, Katemade contact with a range ofemployers on Philip’s behalf, includingMark Kerr, Facilities Manager at<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong>.With their new partnership withMeridian East, <strong>Broadland</strong> were keen tohelp out and in mid February Philipbegan a six week work placement as aGrounds Maintenance Operative,working with John Paulding in theEastern Region.Philip’s hard work was soon noticed bystaff and residents alike. The CustomerServices Team received calls from two“residents who wished to commend theexcellent job that had been done ontheir gardens.Kathy Bennett, Scheme Manager atSamford Court, commented “at theend of Philip’s fourth week hiscommunication has greatly improved,he is more confident talking with othersand seems to be finding conversation alot easier”.John Paulding’s final comment onPhilip’s time with him was: “Philip is avery pleasant and hardworking guy.Keen, conscientious and punctual, ithas been a pleasure working with him.He will be an asset to B.H.A”Facilities Manager, Mark Kerr certainlythought so, and on completing thework preparation programme he wasable to offer Philip a part timetemporary contract as a GroundsMaintenance Operative.Following persistant contact fromPhilip’s Training and EmploymentConsultant, Meridian East alsomanaged to secure Philip a provisionaljob offer from Broadleaf Tree Services inNeedham Market, who he had workedwith closely during his years at EDF.After explaining Philip’s situation and hisinvolvement with Meridian East, aninformal interview was arranged, whichKate attended with Philip to providesupport with communication.This story is a great example of howthe services provided by Meridian Eastcan turn people’s lives around.If you would like help getting back intohis communication has greatly improved, heis more confident talking with others andseems to be finding conversation a lot easier”employment or want to know moreabout any of the services Meridian Eastprovide, call them today on 01603667525 or speak to any member of<strong>Broadland</strong> staff!Contact us on 0303 303 0003 • Page 11

doortodoorEnter <strong>Broadland</strong>’s4th annualgardeningcompetition forthe chance towin £50!GardeningCompetition<strong>2009</strong>We were very impressed with the standard of all of last year’s entries and as we moveinto our fourth year, the competition promises to be bigger than ever.There are four main categories for thisyear’s competition, along with aspecial award for ‘best innovation ofspace’. The categories are as follows:• Best garden (houses or bungalows)• Best courtyard or small garden• Best balcony or window box – forpeople without their own garden,e.g. flats• Best community garden – groups oftenants who collectively maintain acommunal gardenSo, who will be crowned <strong>2009</strong>winners? Entrants will have to waituntil August to find out. The deadlinefor entries is Friday 10th July and thejudging panel will be viewing all entriesduring the week commencing 20thJuly.We are delighted to confirm that<strong>Broadland</strong> tenant Jane Graham(member of the Bluebell SouthAllotments ‘Grow your Own’Sustainable Living Initiative) will beheading up our judging panel, yetagain and will be accompanied byLisa Stubbs, owner of Land GirlLandscape. They are both very muchlooking forward to seeing yourgardens in full bloom.The great thing about this competitionis that you don’t need to have a biggarden to make a big impression; it’sabout making the most of the spaceavailable!If you would like to enter this year’scompetition please complete the entryform below and return it to us byFriday 10th July <strong>2009</strong>. You maysend in photos with your entry form ifyou wish, but we will be coming tovisit all entrants’ gardens in full bloom,so sending a photo is entirely up toyou.Good luck to allthe green fingers!Gardening competition entry formNameAddressTel.I / we would like to enter the competition in the following category:Best garden ■Best courtyard or small garden ■Best balcony or window box ■Best community garden ■All entries must be received by Friday 10th July. Please post to: <strong>2009</strong> Gardening Competition, <strong>Broadland</strong><strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Ltd, Freepost RRBC-GYGZ-XYEE, NCFC, Jarrold Stand, Carrow Road, Norwich, NR1 1HU.Page 12 • www.broadlandhousing.org

<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Tenant’s Newsletter • Summer <strong>2009</strong>yourgreensp ceGet the most out of your Fridge freezerBelow are two great tips from The Energy Saving Trust on gettingthe most out of your fridge freezers. For even more great ideason saving energy and money, why not visit their website:www.energysavingtrust.org.uk or call 0800 512 012 for freeindependent energy saving advice.• Ensuring your freezer is regularly defrosted will improve its performanceand reduce energy consumption. If the ice in your freezer is about half acentimetre thick, it’s probably time to think about defrosting it.• Positioning fridges and freezers near to ovens and other sources ofheat will reduce their efficiency and increase running costs.Green Fingers at WoodcoteIn May this year <strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong><strong>Association</strong>’s Development Director,Andrew Savage presented a chequefor £1000 to Chris Meakings of theWoodcote Recreation Committee.install a greenhouse and water butt.The residents also requested fundingto contribute to the WoodcoteRecreation Committees project tocreate a new pathway across thememorial playing field in Hethersettto allow local residents safe accessto the village. The new path will besuitable for wheelchair users,pushchairs and those less mobilemembers of the community and willmake crossing the field far safer.If you have a similar project inyour community, why not contactthe Resident Involvement Team tofind out more about theEnvironmental ImprovementBudget on 0303 303 0003.<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong>’s WoodcoteResidents <strong>Association</strong> applied to<strong>Broadland</strong>’s EnvironmentalImprovement Budget for funding tohelp them make ‘green’improvements to their environment.The application included a request tocreate raised vegetable gardens,Got a bright Green idea?Get in touch with the Resident Involvement Team andlet us know your ideas. Just telephone 01603 750295Contact us on 0303 303 0003 • Page 13

doortodoormoney mattersNorfolk Credit Union Update‘Lock-InAccount’LaunchedIn response to demand frommembers who wish to save for aparticular item or event, and notbe tempted to spend thesavings before getting it, the‘Lock-In Account’ has beenlaunched.With this account a member candecide to lock away their savingsuntil a particular date in thefuture. The savingsmay be forChristmas, aspecialanniversary,holiday,wedding, cartax, winterfuel orsimilar. Thememberdecides thedate at whichthey want toaccess thesavings and thenlocks away any savings made on thataccount until that date.Many people have traditionally donethis with Christmas clubs, hamperschemes, holiday clubs, etc.However, as those caught by theFarepack Hamper Company collapseunfortunately found out, many ofthese schemes are not covered bycompensation schemes if thecompany fails. Savings made withthe Credit Union are fully coveredunder the Financial ServicesCompensation Scheme.Page 14 • www.broadlandhousing.orgYoung Savers AccountTo join a Credit Union a person has to be 16 years of age. However,Credit Unions are allowed to operate Young Savers Accountsprovided the savings on the Young Savers Account are keptseparate from member’s savings in the Credit Union.Norfolk Credit Union has launched its Young Savers Account, called theBee Savers Club.Anyone under 16 who lives, or goes to school, in Norfolk is eligible to joinbut a parent or guardian’s signature is required on the membershipapplication form.The savings in the Young Savers Account are invested by the Credit Unionand interest is paid annually to the young savers based on their averagesavings held over the year.It is hoped that branches of the club will be opened in schools and youthgroups across the County but the speed this occurs will depend upon theability of schools and youth groups to get involved and the availability oftrained volunteers to provide support. An information pack is available foranyone interested in taking part.Individual young savers may also join via the Credit Union head office orone of its local offices across the County as they are opened.For more information on either of these schemes contact: Norfolk CreditUnion Ltd, South Norfolk House, Swan Lane, Long Stratton, Norfolk, NR152XE. Telephone 01508533842, emailinfo@norfolkcu.co.ukor visitwww.norfolkcu.co.ukNorfolk Credit Union isregulated and authorisedby the FinancialServices Authority,Registration Number214255 and belongsto the FinancialServicesCompensationScheme whichensures the safety ofthe savers money.Norfolk Credit Union isa financial co-operativeowned by its membersand run on their behalf bytrained and authorisedvolunteers from thecommunity.

<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Tenant’s Newsletter • Summer <strong>2009</strong>Contact us on 0303 303 0003 • Page 15

doortodoorMears UpdateSince Mears acquired 3C on 22January <strong>2009</strong>, I am pleased toreport that we have notencountered many problems inthe transition of business.I certainly hope, tenants have seenvery little disruption in the service weprovide, if any, and our performancehas remained at a high level.All our operatives will be provided withMears ID and Uniform. This will be ared polo shirt and a red and white IDbadge. Our vehicles will still carry the<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> logo,but the 3C logo will be removed. It ishoped that new vehicles will be inplace within the next 6 months whichwill be re-branded after ajoint decision between<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong>,customers and Mears.Julia Crook -PartneringManagerA Day in the lifeof a MearsCarpenterHello, my name is Denise Lauraune andI’m an apprentice carpenter with Mears plc. I have been with thecompany since November 2008. Before I joined the organisationI was on a training course at Norfolk Training Services in KingsLynn, studying a City and Guilds NVQ in Carpentry and Joinery. Itwas through Norfolk Training Services that I was offered theopportunity to continue training for my qualification at Mears.Since I have started on the job Ihave learnt so much, not onlycarpentry, but basic plumbing skillsas well. Through my time with thecompany I have had theopportunity to experience all typesof projects, from fitting doubleglazed window units, replacingtaps, and fitting doors. My skillscontinue to expand on a dailybasis.During my working day I lookforward to meeting and interactingwith the tenants, and I’m alwaysmade to feel welcome. It gives megreat job satisfaction to know thatthe tenants are happy with therepairs I have carried out.I enjoy every minute working forMears and I’m grateful for theopportunity to work and train withthem. The guys that I work withare all great and I couldn’t havewished for a better group ofpeople. Everyone has made mefeel at home.I look forward to meeting more ofyou in the near future.nnual Gas ServicingYour Safety is our priority.The <strong>Association</strong> has a legal obligation to carry out an annualgas service and safety check to all properties, where there isa gas supply. It’s really important that you allow access intoyour home for this work to be carried out.You will be contacted by Mears Group plc giving you a dateon which they intend to call. This appointment will bebefore the existing gas certificate expires at your property. Ifyou are unable to make the appointment, you will be askedto contact the telephone number on the letter. Please usethis!We want you to be safe!Page 16 • www.broadlandhousing.org

<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Tenant’s Newsletter • Summer <strong>2009</strong>AroundtheHouses - The ElmsSurfs Up!AroundtheHouses - MundesleyNew BeginningsOn Friday 15 May senior residents met at TheElms in Norwich to learn about using the internet,and take part in one of hundreds of events takingplace across the country, as part of national ‘SilverSurfers Day’.With the help of volunteer Dave Parkhurst and <strong>Broadland</strong>I.T. staff, residents were able to surf the net, set up andsend emails, and even discover blogging. Someattendees had never used a computer before and wentaway empowered with new found confidence to developtheir I.T. skills further.Volunteer, Dave Parkhurst is currently studying to teachI.T. and plans to be doing it as his full time career by theend of the year. He saw The Elms listed on Digital Unite(The main organisation behind the promotion of SilverSurfers Day) and got in touch with <strong>Broadland</strong> to volunteerhis services. He said “it has provided useful experienceand been a learning curve for me too. I am mainly tryingto see what kind of things people want to get from usingthe web and what problems they experience. I can thendo my best to help to solve them”.Gill Cooper from Dereham had never touched acomputer before attending the event. She said they havea computer at York Place for the residents to use, butshe has always been too frightened to have a go.Through attending today’s session, she is now happy tohave a go and said “It’s suprising what you can find outon the internet and I now realise that it’s not just for theyoungsters”.Those who attended seemed to get a lot out of the dayand we look forward to being able to introduce the worldwide web, to many more of you in the future.Volunteer, Dave Pakhurst helping residents get “net savvy”This April, residents from Mundesley met with staff from<strong>Broadland</strong>, Peddars Way <strong>Housing</strong>, North North DistrictCouncil (NNDC) and the local Police. Lively discussionsfollowed about where they live and the issues facing theirlocal community. All 14 of the residents in attendance,including a shared ownership resident from Circle Anglia,decided to start a Residents Group.They opted for a formal set up and appointed a Chair,Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary. The Group will behelped and supported by NNDC’s CommunityDevelopment Officer as well as <strong>Broadland</strong>Neighbourhood Officer, Margaret Bryant. Their nextmeeting is scheduled for early June.They can now determine what the priorities are for theirarea and work towards addressing any issues and alsoorganising events for the local children. This is a greatopportunity for them to really shape the community theylive in and make a difference to those living around them.We are fully committed to supporting anyone who wouldlike to start a Residents Group. Some of the reasonsother customers have started groups are:• Improving the area they live in• Having a say in how BHA operates locally• To tackle a specific issue such as anti-social behaviour• To organise community eventsIf you are interested in starting a Residents’ Group whereyou live then contact your Neighbourhood Officer who willbe happy to help. It need not be as formal as theexample above, it is up to you how the group works andwhat you want to achieve. What can you offer yourcommunity? What improvements can you help bringabout? Are you interested in being more involved withBHA? Call us on the number below if you want to makea difference to your area.Contact us on 0303 303 0003 • Page 17

doortodoorsenior tenant’s newsA Day in the Life of Pam Sergeant -Secretary of The Cedars Social ClubI was elected as Secretary of the Social Club Committee. All thoseelected are new to the Committee so we are all novices. Gillean isChair, Audrey is Treasurer, with Leila as her Assistant and Jo is theCatering Officer.We put our heads together to comeup with some interesting ideas and‘The Lunch Club’ was born, this isour new project which has been agreat success. We have found life abit hectic during the first ten weeks,but are enjoying ourselves. I haveorganised a Forties Night birthdaycelebration, A trip to Pensthorpe andTea on the Lawn in aid of the Big CAppeal. Future events include tripsto Bircham Mill and Hunstanton,including Lavender Land for Tea.Focus on the ForumThe next meeting of the Senior<strong>Tenants</strong> Forum will take place onThursday 16 July at The Elms,Unthank Road, Norwich, from11am. If you have any items fordiscussion that are a commonissue for all older persons thenplease raise your concerns withyour scheme representative. Theminutes and action plan will beposted on all older personscheme noticeboards.Oulton Court FeteFollowing the success of last year’sevent, residents at Oulton Courtwould like to invite you to theirsecond annual summer fete.The event takes place on Saturday18 July, starting at 1.30pm inBloomsbury Close, Oulton Broad.There will be a bouncy castle, facepainting, tombola, bric-a-brac, raffle,cake stall and refreshments etc.Everyone welcome!Residents suggest places to go and Ido my best to arrange the day, I havealso booked various entertainers toperform at The Cedars.All these events are very costly sofundraising is an ongoingcommitment.My only other duty is to write TheCedars Newsletter to keep residentsinformed of what’s happening andafter all this, the rest of the day is myown! I have realised that the retiringcommittee should be admired!!Edna’s 100th BirthdayEdna Clarke was born on the 3March 1909. Edna has been aresident at Samford Court inBeccles since the scheme wasbuilt 25 years ago and says thatshe has been very happy in herhome there.Edna grew uponMickleboroughFarm in Aldebyand aftermarrying a localfisherman shespent the next40 years livingin Kirkley,Lowestoftwhere she worked for Mortons andthe Co-op. They retired to Barnbyand then since losing her husbandEdna has been a <strong>Broadland</strong> tenant atSamford Court since 1984.Congratulations from everyone at<strong>Broadland</strong> on your 100th Birthday.Film ReviewDisturbiaBy Shane Smith atSorrell HouseStarring ShiaLabeouf(Tranformers) andCarrie Ann-Moss (The Matrix andFido), this movie is one of the bestthrillers I have seen for years. Itstarts with the character Kale(Labeouf) finishing a fishing trip withhis father and on the way homebeing involved in a car crash,resulting in his father’s death.It fast forwards a year and Kale isattending High School, when he istaunted by his teacher which resultsin Kale being arrested and placedunder house arrest for three months.This leads to him being suspiciousabout the new neighbour (DavidMorse), who he witnesses dragging alarge item down to his garage. Theitem looking suspiciously like it couldbe a dead body.This leads to a chain of events thatwith the aid of his friends, he getsinvolved with a very dangerous gameof cat and mouse, which leads tosome very scary discoveries.The performances in this film areexceptional. Labeouf is brilliant andthe opening scene with him and hisfather on their fishing trip is verypoignant.Overall this film is excellent and afantastic thriller and a word ofwarning to you all, some scenes arenot for the faint hearted!!Page 18 • www.broadlandhousing.org

<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Tenant’s Newsletter • Summer <strong>2009</strong>ResidentsAreaThis month’s residents area is packed with tenant contributions. If you would like to contributeanything from film, game, book or CD reviews, to poems, recipes and top tips, please get in touchon the details on page 3.<strong>Broadland</strong> Recipe CardAnne Flag g’s Cheese SconesAnne is also a tenant at Sorrell House and Shanespeaks very highly of her cheese scones. Here’s howyou can make them yourself:Ingredients8oz Self raising flour • 1 tsp baking powder • 1 tsp drymustard powder • 1 pinch of salt • Black pepper • 2ozbutter or margarine • 4oz grated mature cheddarcheese • Buttermilk or milk to mix.MethodPre heat oven to 210 degrees (200 for fan assisted),Sieve all the dry ingredients together. Rub in the fatuntil it resembles fine crumbs. Add the cheese leavinga small amount for the top before they go into theoven. Add enough liquid to form a dough. Roll out ona floured surface and use whichever cutter you desire,you should have 6 - 8 scones, depending on the sizeof the cutter. Brush the tops with any remaining milkand top with the grated cheese. Bake for 10-12minutes and leave to cool on a wire rack. Or for extranaughtiness, when straight out of the oven, split openand spread with softened butter. Just don’t tell thedoctor!!!!Creative cornerThe below poem is from <strong>Broadland</strong> Tenant,Catherine Brown, which we feel embodies ournew Equality and Diversity Policy.Living without prejudiceWhere everybody gets alongDespite their circumstancesWhere poor get their shareAnd the rich don’t careAnd the man on the streetCan live without fearWomen are equal to menAnd all is peaceful between themNo arguments or abuseHarassment or rebukeLike a sunny day in JuneAs birds can soothe and flowers bloomStop prejudice just for one yearIt would make all the differenceHeathers Top TipsYour LettersDear <strong>Broadland</strong>,I am writing to praise your ‘out of hours service’, as I recently returned homefrom Church one Sunday lunchtime on a remarkably cold, spring day, to findthat my radiators were not working and I had no hot water either. I phonedthe out of hours emergency number, explaining my situation to the younglady and was told that someone would contact me shortly.I was amazed to receive a call 45 minutes later and be told that someonewould be round within the hour. It was actually less than that, a man cameround and fixed everything within 10 minutes. I had visions of being withouthot water or heating for at least a couple of days and was both relieved andimpressed by the speed of the response.So thank you <strong>Broadland</strong> very much.Yours Faithfully - Ian RobertsonShould you have an emergency out of our normal working hours you toocan call Invicta on 01732 781974 who will be happy to help you.• When working with fabric,wood etc. always measuretwice, cut once!• To make pork crackling, rubthe fat with vinegar andsprinkle with salt.• Fill an ice cube tray with leftover wine, to use in cooking ata later date.• Buy new shoes at the end ofthe day, when your feet are attheir largest.• To re-pot cacti, use old carpetscraps to hold the plant, or aband of folded newspaper.• To soothe a sore throat, garglewith tea made from sageleaves.Contact us on 0303 303 0003 • Page 19

doortodoorkids cornerSPring Colouring CompetitionCompetition.Well Done to IndiaBishop, aged 6from Holt, for herchick namedElizabeth, whichwas the winningentry in our SpringColouringColour in the picture of the cat,give him (or her)? a name andsend to us at the address belowby Friday 17th July <strong>2009</strong>, statingyour name, age and address.We will pick winnersfor 5 years and under,and 6 and over. Theone’s we judge as thebest will win acolouring set and gettheir picture in thenext edition of Doorto Door.Colouring Competition, FREEPOSTRRBC-GYGZ-XYEE, NCFC, <strong>Broadland</strong><strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Jarrold Stand,Carrow Road, Norwich, NR1 1HUPage 20 • www.broadlandhousing.org

<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Tenant’s Newsletter • Summer <strong>2009</strong>puzzle - Food and drink wordsearchO P B P P P E L K C I P V O T A T O PW R A E E K E P R E S E R V E P U O SA G A S M A L A M A A P I A F E E B SB R S N T C C N S P C B C P C C N E PV R T C G A A H V P T H E T R M L N IM Z E Y P E T N I L T E O E O E R I NV G W A B M T R D E V N A C T M W W AN R I D D V P U E Y E M L T O A A R CE T E D A L A M R A M R U A T L E T HK N O I N O Q L V K C C A E E T A V OC P I N E A P P L E E L R G T R A T CI T I A D O S E P C L Y E U U E E O EH A B S N A E B R E E B B C C S C C CC P C A E I K O O C E F A F J A S N HL R O N N L Z V G G V B I U R Y K W EE I F O K A J H G A B S I R R W M E EM C F L L V N S R A H C O U L P V L SO O E E I A R A G C E T P V I G A J EN T E M M C H E M O O R H S U M D P VFor your chance to win a £10 gift voucher, can youfind the food and drink items listed below:APPLE, APRICOT, BANANA, BEANS, BEEF, BEER,BREAD, BUTTER, CABBAGE, CAKE, CANDY,CARROT, CEREAL, CHEESE, CHICKEN,CHOCOLATE, COFFEE, COOKIE, CREAM, EGGS,FISH, JUICE, LEMON, LETTUCE, MARMALADE,MELON, MILK, MUSHROOM, ONION, ORANGE,PASTA, PEACH, PEAR, PEAS, PICKLE, PINEAPPLE,POTATO, PRESERVE, RICE, SODA, SOUP, SPINACH,STEW, SUGAR, SYRUP, TOMATO, TREACLE,TURKEY, WATER, WINE.All entries to be returned by Friday 17th July <strong>2009</strong>.Please include you name, address and telephonenumber with your completed puzzle.Wordsearch, FREEPOST RRBC-GYGZ-XYEE, NCFC,<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Jarrold Stand, CarrowRoad, Norwich, NR1 1HU.Congratulations to Margaret Ward of Lowestoft for her winning entry in the last edition.Contact us on 0303 303 0003 • Page 21

doortodoorservice satisfaction feedbackBelow are the results of your service satisfaction from October to December 2008. We monitor our performanceclosely and are working hard to ensure we address any areas where our performance has dropped. It is important foryou to provide us with feedback, so that we can ensure you receive the highest standard of service possible.If you would like further performance information you can view full reports and action plans for all service areas on ourwebsite www.broadlandhousing.org or call 0303 303 0003 to request paper copies.% of tenants satisfied with the service provided ■ Q2 2008-09 ■ Q3 2008-09 I TargetAids and adaptationsComplaintsEnd of tenancyGas servicingNew tenancyReception0 20 40 60 80 100% of tenants very or fairly satisfied with their new property ■ Q2 2008-09 ■ Q3 2008-09 I TargetOverallQualityDesignLayout0 20 40 60 80 100Please note there were no new properties completed in quarter 3% of tenants who were satisfied with the quality of the repair ■ Q2 2008-09 ■ Q3 2008-09 I TargetAll repairsResponsive repairsMajor repairsCyclical - external decoration0 20 40 60 80 100% of tenants who were satisfied with the repairs service ■ Q2 2008-09 ■ Q3 2008-09 I TargetAll repairsResponsive repairsMajor repairsCyclical - external decoration0 20 40 60 80 100Page 22 • www.broadlandhousing.org

<strong>Broadland</strong> <strong>Housing</strong> <strong>Association</strong> Tenant’s Newsletter • Summer <strong>2009</strong>Are you up to date withyour rent account?These people are, and they have all received£100 in shopping vouchers as winners of ourrent reward scheme.This couldbe you!Every three months we hold a prize draw foreveryone with an up-to-date rent account.The lucky winners from the Spring Editionare: Mr Moore of Diss, Ms Wolfe and MrThurston of North Walsham, and Ms Moore ofNorwich.There are 3 x £100 of vouchers to be wonin every draw.The scheme is open to all residential tenants,including tenants who receive <strong>Housing</strong> Benefit andentry will be automatic.Entry is limited to one per household.To qualify, entrants must:Hold a <strong>Broadland</strong> tenancy in the three monthsrunning up to the prize draw.Maintain a rent account that is free from arrears ormaintain an agreement, without fail, to reduce arent arrears debt, for six months before the prizedraw.If you are a lucky winner then we would like to useyour photo in future editions of Door to Door.A list of prize winners from the Summer prize drawwill be contacted directly and announced in the nextedition of Door to Door. The winners list will also beavailable from <strong>Broadland</strong>’s Head Office, NCFC, JarroldStand, Carrow Road, Norwich, NR1 1HU.This publication is our quarterlytenants newsletter. If you wouldlike this document or any other<strong>Broadland</strong> document in largeprint, Braille, on audiotape/audioCD or in another language please telephone 0845331 2323Portuguese/PortuguêsEsta publicação é o nosso boletim informativotrimestral dos inquilinos. Se desejar obter estedocumento ou quaisquer outros documentos de<strong>Broadland</strong> em impressão grande, Braille, gravaçãode áudio ou Disco Compacto (CD) ou em outroidioma, por favor ligue 0845 331 2323Lithuanian/LietuviškaiŠi publikacija yra kas tris mnesius leidžiamasnuomininkų informacinis laikraštukas. Jeinortumte šį dokumentą ar bet kurį kitą<strong>Broadland</strong> dokumentą gauti dideliu šriftu, Brailioraštu, audiokasete/audio kompaktinio diskoformatu ar kita kalba, prašome skambinti 0845331 2323Door to Door is printed onrecycled material; pleaserecycle this magazine after use.Contact us on 0303 303 0003 • Page 23

Fancy winningan iPod touchor £100 inshoppingvouchers?We are fast approaching the time when the tenant satisfaction survey (or STATUSSurvey) will be sent out to all tenants. If you complete and return the survey you willbe entered into an automatic prize draw. Winners will be picked at random andprizes up for grabs include 2 x iPod touch (worth over £200 each) and 3 x £100shopping vouchers.What is the STATUS Survey?The STATUS Survey is a standardcustomer satisfaction survey that ismailed out to all tenants. Ourregulators require that it is completedevery 2 years.We are always being surveyed notanother one..In order to develop our services it iscritical that we get feedback from all ofyou. The STATUS survey is yourchance to communicate your views sothat improvements to services can bemade.In addition our regulator requires allhousing associations to carry out aSTATUS Survey so they can see howwe are performing against nationaland regional figures.What questions will be asked?You will be asked questions abouthousing and services; contact with us;involvement opportunities;communication and information; antisocialbehaviour and repairs andmaintenance.You will also be asked demographicprofile details (e.g. age, ethnicity etc)but these are purely to help usunderstand the differing needs of ourcustomers.Is the survey confidential?Yes! Your personal details and youranswers are all stored separately. Anyinformation you give will not beattributed to you and all informationprovided is confidential. Every surveyis given a barcode, this is foradministrative purposes only, and itallows BMG (who are managing thesurvey on our behalf) to record thatyou have submitted a survey and notto send out a reminder letter.What happens next?By early July you will receive yoursurvey by post. The survey is beingmanaged by a company called BMGwho will collate responses for us.BMG are very experienced inoverseeing STATUS surveys for manyother housing associations.It is free to take part and pre-paidenvelopes for return of your survey willbe enclosed with your survey.If you need any help in completing the survey or have any questions then afreephone number for BMG will be included with the survey. Alternatively call the<strong>Broadland</strong> Customer Services Team on 0303 303 0003 who can arrange for amember of the <strong>Housing</strong> Team to help you complete your survey.

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