Download the Neighbourhood Plan (3MB PDF) - Yardley Gobion

Download the Neighbourhood Plan (3MB PDF) - Yardley Gobion

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ForewordWhen <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Parish Council approved <strong>the</strong> preparation of a Parish <strong>Plan</strong>back in July 2010, little did we know of <strong>the</strong> journey upon which we were aboutto embark. This decision was made in response to a planning application,which, if successful would have had significant effects on <strong>the</strong> balance andcharacter of our village. Whilst village resistance to this application was strong,it embraced <strong>the</strong> idea that if development might take place in <strong>the</strong> future, wewanted to influence it.This was all happening at <strong>the</strong> time <strong>the</strong> Localism Bill (later becoming <strong>the</strong>Localism Act 2011 SD1.4) implications were emerging. After our first majorcommunity engagement exercise, but before <strong>the</strong> neighbourhood survey was dueto take place, <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>, in partnership with South NorthamptonshireCouncil was awarded Frontrunner status to develop a <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> aspart of <strong>the</strong> Government’s Localism Agenda.Whilst <strong>the</strong>re were many example Parish <strong>Plan</strong>s we could draw upon, <strong>the</strong> changeof direction brought with it many challenges. Our community, fortunately,included several residents with knowledge and skills that proved invaluable tothis project. Since <strong>the</strong> Steering Group was established, over 30 residents (seeacknowledgements) have served on it – some for just a short period of time –bringing a diverse range of experience and views to <strong>the</strong> process, ensuring awidespread representation. Our thanks go to everyone who has played a part inthis.We also give our thanks to all of those mentioned in Acknowledgements whohave supported us throughout <strong>the</strong> process. We must mention our MP AndreaLeadsom and District Councillor Ian McCord who have always been available forsupport.Will <strong>the</strong> journey have been worth it? Time will tell. We do know however thatduring this time some new friendships have been made, o<strong>the</strong>rs tested tobreaking point. This we guess, was inevitable – planning is a contentious issue.It will only prove to have been worth it if as a result of this plan, <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>retains its character and remains a vibrant, attractive village in which to live,with <strong>the</strong> services and amenities it needs to maintain everyday life.Finally, thank you to <strong>the</strong> residents of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> for your patience duringthis epic journey. We now commend this draft <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> to you foryour consideration and look forward to receiving your views.Robert WestlakeChairman<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Parish CouncilJohn ParkerCoordinator<strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Steering GroupYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>5

1.0Section One: The <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>1.1 What is a <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>?The <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong> (‘<strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>’) is one of <strong>the</strong>first of a new type of planning document that was introduced by <strong>the</strong> presentGovernment in <strong>the</strong> Localism Act, SD1.4 which came into force in November 2011.1.2 Its purpose is to enable <strong>the</strong> people of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> to have a stronginfluence over <strong>the</strong> future of <strong>the</strong>ir village and parish over <strong>the</strong> years until 2026(<strong>the</strong> ‘<strong>Plan</strong> period’), <strong>the</strong> same as <strong>the</strong> Joint Core Strategy and <strong>the</strong> emerging SNCSettlements and Development Management Local <strong>Plan</strong>.. The <strong>Plan</strong> is not aboutstopping growth but about planning positively for development and havingsome control over where it goes, what it looks like and who it is for. It alsohighlights those things in <strong>the</strong> parish that <strong>the</strong> community wishes to retain andconserve whilst identifying o<strong>the</strong>r elements that <strong>the</strong> community wishes toimprove.1.3 Additionally, new opportunities granted to parishes through <strong>the</strong> availabilityof community infrastructure money gained from new development allows<strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s to include, and deliver, more aspirational objectives thatup until now have always been <strong>the</strong> preserve of Parish <strong>Plan</strong>s.1.4 The <strong>Plan</strong> has been developed through wide consultation with residents,landowners and businesses in <strong>the</strong> parish. Details of <strong>the</strong> consultation, and how ithas shaped this plan, are contained in <strong>the</strong> Consultation Statement (To becompleted) SD3.6 that accompanies <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.1.5 Additionally <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> has been prepared in strict accordance with all relevantprimary and secondary legislation - principally Schedule 4B of <strong>the</strong> Town andCountry <strong>Plan</strong>ning Act 1990, SD1.9 as amended by <strong>the</strong> Localism Act 2011, and<strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>ning (General) Regulations 2012 SD1.5- to ensure thatit comprises a set of policies that are procedurally sound in <strong>the</strong>ir preparationand in accordance with <strong>the</strong> ‘basic conditions’. These in summary require<strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>s to:Have regard to national policies and advice contained in guidance issuedby <strong>the</strong> Secretary of State;demonstrate that <strong>the</strong>y continue to offer protection to any buildings orlandscapes of value;contribute towards <strong>the</strong> achievement of sustainable development;be in general conformity with <strong>the</strong> strategic policies of <strong>the</strong> developmentplan; andYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>6

village that has a clear physical and social identity. The parish will <strong>the</strong>refore bereferred to as <strong>the</strong> ‘<strong>Plan</strong> area’ throughout this document.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>8

Map1 The <strong>Plan</strong> AreaThe <strong>Plan</strong> AreaYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>9

Map 2 Village confines Village ConfinesYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>10

1.12 This <strong>Plan</strong> is a document prepared by and on behalf of <strong>the</strong> residents of<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Parish. It also comprises a framework of technical, statutorypolicies that will have a major influence on <strong>the</strong> form, shape and quantity of newdevelopment in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area.1.13 Section 2 of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> summarises <strong>the</strong> location and character of <strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong>, both <strong>the</strong> place and <strong>the</strong> people.1.14 From Section 3 onwards <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> provides detail on <strong>the</strong> processes adoptedto firstly identify what issues <strong>the</strong> residents of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area would like <strong>the</strong> planto overcome, all <strong>the</strong> way through to how it seeks to overcome <strong>the</strong>m.1.15 Section 3 itself assesses <strong>the</strong> evidence derived from <strong>the</strong> villagequestionnaire and <strong>the</strong> various workshops and public events held within <strong>the</strong>village during 2010, 2011 and 2012. These were used to identify <strong>the</strong> issueswhich concern residents whilst at <strong>the</strong> same time identifying what residents likeabout <strong>the</strong> parish and want to keep and what <strong>the</strong>y don’t like and want toimprove. Toge<strong>the</strong>r with o<strong>the</strong>r evidence and considerations this questionnaireprovided <strong>the</strong> starting point when seeking to identify <strong>the</strong> core vision andobjectives of <strong>the</strong> plan.1.16 The <strong>Plan</strong> also examines particular constraints that need to be taken intoaccount in any proposals for <strong>the</strong> future of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>.1.17 In Section 4 <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> <strong>the</strong>n sets out a Vision for <strong>the</strong> future of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>and establishes a number of Objectives designed to achieve that Vision. Broadly,<strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> addresses:The need for new housing areas<strong>the</strong> need for public transport improvements<strong>the</strong> need for highway improvements<strong>the</strong> need to protect open spaces<strong>the</strong> need for replacement community facilities1.18 In Section 5 <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> sets out a suite of both general and site-specificpolicies designed to achieve <strong>the</strong> objectives. The policies are <strong>the</strong> statutory part of<strong>the</strong> plan that will be used to help decide planning applications when <strong>the</strong>y aresubmitted to South Northamptonshire Council.1.19 It is important to note that some of <strong>the</strong> issues which residents identifiedduring public consultation, though important, cannot be addressed in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.This is because ei<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y are not spatial in terms of <strong>the</strong>ir possible solutionsi.e. allocation of land will not provide answers or because decisions on prioritiesand actions lie with o<strong>the</strong>r agencies outside <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>’s control. Proposed coursesof action to resolve <strong>the</strong>se issues are contained within a Community Action <strong>Plan</strong>SD3.4 that accompanies, but will not form part of, <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. The CommunityAction <strong>Plan</strong> can be found at Appendix 1.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>11

1.20 Lastly, Section 6 sets out <strong>the</strong> mechanisms that will be used to ensure that<strong>the</strong> suite of policies can deliver <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>’s vision and objectives. It firstly sets out<strong>the</strong> delivery strategy identified by <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Parish Council that will rely onclose working with South Northamptonshire Council and o<strong>the</strong>r statutoryconsultees and undertakers moving forward. In turn Section 6 <strong>the</strong>n sets out <strong>the</strong>‘Monitoring Indicators’ that <strong>the</strong> plan will be assessed against on an annual basisto ensure <strong>the</strong> strategy is delivering against its objectives. This will inform both<strong>the</strong> parish and South Northamptonshire Council of <strong>the</strong> success of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> andany need for a potential early review of policies in future.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>12

2.0Section Two: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> – Location and CharacterFig 1 Location Map2.1 <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> is in <strong>the</strong>administrative district of SouthNorthamptonshire and lies at <strong>the</strong>sou<strong>the</strong>rn tip of <strong>the</strong> county ofNorthamptonshire. It is very accessibleboth locally and nationally from <strong>the</strong>north-south A508 road betweenNorthampton and Milton Keynes, whichnow bypasses <strong>the</strong> village. A mile to <strong>the</strong>west of <strong>the</strong> High Street, <strong>the</strong> A5 trunkroad runs along <strong>the</strong> alignment of <strong>the</strong>ancient Watling Street, now connectingTowcester and <strong>the</strong> north to MiltonKeynes. Two minor roads link <strong>the</strong>village to <strong>the</strong> A5 in Potterspury.<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>2.2 The county town of Northampton is ten miles to <strong>the</strong> north, Junction 15 of<strong>the</strong> M1 only nine miles. The location is roughly equidistant from London andBirmingham by road or rail.2.3 Residents also look outside <strong>the</strong> county to Milton Keynes, <strong>the</strong> centre of whichis also 10 miles from <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>. High speed rail links from Central MiltonKeynes reduce <strong>the</strong> time to reach London from <strong>the</strong>re to thirty five minutes andalso provide faster access to Birmingham and <strong>the</strong> north west. Wolverton stationis slightly nearer and provides a slower stopping service on <strong>the</strong> West Coast MainLine. National coachway links can also be accessed in Milton Keynes.2.4 The Grand Union Canal (connectingLondon and Birmingham) runs along <strong>the</strong>Tove River Valley, to <strong>the</strong> east of <strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong>, with <strong>the</strong> privately ownedKingfisher Marina providing nonresidentialmoorings and boatyardservices within walking distance of <strong>the</strong>village.FIG 2 ELM GREEN2.5 Northampton and Milton Keynes arekey destinations for employment,Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>13

shopping, health and leisure. Towcester and Stony Stratford, just over <strong>the</strong>border into Milton Keynes, serve as rural service centres for every day needs.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>14

Map 3Map 3 Sites of Ancient Monuments and Archaeological AssetsSites of Ancient Monuments and Archaeological AssetsYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>15

Map 4Map 4 Environmental ConstraintsEnvironmental ConstraintsYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>16

<strong>the</strong> estate of <strong>the</strong> Dukes of Grafton, now accommodating a private boardingschool. A final cluster of development is screened by trees adjacent to <strong>the</strong> A5 in<strong>the</strong> far north of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area, comprising Homestead Farm and farmhousetoge<strong>the</strong>r with commercial uses in redundant farm buildings.2.12 <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>: <strong>the</strong> built heritage of <strong>the</strong> main village<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>’s reputation for being known as ‘The village on <strong>the</strong> road’reflects <strong>the</strong> historical importance of its main road (<strong>the</strong> High Street / GraftonRoad) with its spur towards <strong>the</strong> A5 (Moorend Road), and how that has become<strong>the</strong> route upon which <strong>the</strong> village evolved. A hundred years ago <strong>the</strong> road wasfronted by a mix of shops, pubs, <strong>the</strong> church and a smithy as well as two farmsand <strong>the</strong>ir outbuildings.2.13 Today, this main road is almost entirely fronted by homes, with <strong>the</strong> postoffice being <strong>the</strong> only remaining ‘shop’ on <strong>the</strong> route and <strong>the</strong> last of <strong>the</strong> farmbuildings being currently under redevelopment for housing. One pub, <strong>the</strong> parishchurch and an independent chapel also remain. The post war reduction of shopsand businesses typical of most rural areas was followed by a shift in focus of<strong>the</strong> road from being a noisy route of activity to one with a more peacefulcharacter once <strong>the</strong> A508 bypass was opened in 1987.Fig 3 Example of a dwelling in <strong>the</strong> Conservation Area2.14 The village has a number of historicalbuildings of architectural heritage value.These include <strong>the</strong> old workhouse built in1834, <strong>the</strong> church built in 1864 and <strong>the</strong> oldschool built in 1874. There are also a numberof fine seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenthcentury houses. Map No 5 illustrates <strong>the</strong> listedbuildings in <strong>the</strong> village. Its historic core hasretained its integrity and gives <strong>the</strong> village aunique sense of place and identity. This wasrecognised in 1997 when <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>Conservation Area was established by South Northamptonshire Council.Covering <strong>the</strong> old village centre, this can be viewed on Map No 5.2.15 At a similar period, <strong>the</strong> District Council also prepared a Design Statementidentifying details worthy of retention and emulation in new development. 22.16 At frequent intervals between <strong>the</strong> buildings runs a network of footpathswhich connected <strong>the</strong> original heart of <strong>the</strong> village to <strong>the</strong> agricultural land aroundand to nearby settlements, including <strong>the</strong> mo<strong>the</strong>r church in Potterspury, a mileaway. These routes have been retained to link <strong>the</strong> High Street and MoorendRoad with <strong>the</strong> newer developments to <strong>the</strong> west and are in frequent daily use.2 South Northamptonshire Council: Village Design Statement for <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>18

Map 5Map 5 <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Conservation AreaConservation AreaYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>19

2.17 The built heritage is what gives <strong>the</strong> village its character. It is a combinationof <strong>the</strong> variety of natural materials used for roofs and walls, <strong>the</strong> architecturaldetails, <strong>the</strong> scales of <strong>the</strong> buildings and <strong>the</strong> streets, and <strong>the</strong>ir positioning to eacho<strong>the</strong>r that make <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> an attractive place.2.18 The parish also contains a few outlying farms and dwellings, most ei<strong>the</strong>rloosely clustered near <strong>the</strong> site of a medieval castle and moat at Moorend orassociated with a private specialist boarding school at Potterspury Lodge.2.19 Modern <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>Following World War II, local authority housing extended <strong>the</strong> village to <strong>the</strong> southwest, replacing outworn housing in <strong>the</strong> village. In <strong>the</strong> 1960s and 1970s <strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong> doubled in size as new, mostly open plan, private housing to <strong>the</strong> west of<strong>the</strong> village brought in a new population for <strong>the</strong> first time, mostly working in <strong>the</strong>expanding and new towns of Northampton and Milton Keynes. The old villageschool was replaced by a new and much larger primary school and a small retaildevelopment was added, toge<strong>the</strong>r with a large playing field. The Village Hall,built just after <strong>the</strong> war, was insufficient and a new Recreation Centre was builton <strong>the</strong> edge of <strong>the</strong> new playing field. However, since that period of rapidgrowth, only individual or very small plots of housing land have added to <strong>the</strong>dwelling stock in <strong>the</strong> last 30 years.2.20 The total number of dwellings ispresently just over 500. Of <strong>the</strong>se, mostare detached or semi-detached, lessthan 2% are flats or maisonettes.Around 85% are owner occupied and<strong>the</strong>re are only 30 social rentedproperties. A detailed analysis ofdwelling and household characteristicscan be read in an analysis of <strong>the</strong> 2011Census Data SD7.2. 1Figure 4 Example of development from 1960’s2.21 The accessibility andattractiveness of <strong>the</strong> area means that<strong>the</strong> rural property market is generally buoyant with high house prices, which canexclude local people from <strong>the</strong> rural housing market 2 A housing needs surveycarried out in 2008, <strong>the</strong> parish questionnaire and <strong>the</strong> latest (2011) housingwaiting list information held by South Northamptonshire Council all indicate aneed for housing within <strong>the</strong> village by people with a genuine local housingconnection of between 16 – 20 dwellings. 3 Of <strong>the</strong>se, three quarters require aone or two bedroomed property. [See <strong>the</strong> Evidence Base accompanying <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>Report plan group - Housing SD5.71 Doc Ref SD7.2 Analysis of 2011 Census Data2 Doc Ref SD5.7 South Northamptonshire Council Housing Information for YGNDP January 20123 Doc Ref SD5.6 Housing summary paperYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>20

2.22 The People of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>The population of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> at <strong>the</strong> 2011 census was 1348, living in 512households and showing little significant statistical change over <strong>the</strong> last tenyears. In <strong>the</strong> 1970s <strong>the</strong> influx of newcomers to new family dwellings resulted ina very young population with a great many children. Since <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> age profileof <strong>the</strong> population has steadily matured and a comparison between 2001 and2011 census information shows a fur<strong>the</strong>r increase in late middle aged andelderly residents and a slight fall in <strong>the</strong> percentage of children of school age.Fig 5 Age Profile of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Residents2.23 Our questionnaireAge Profileresponse indicated over athird of residents have lived337 335 348400341302350 in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area for over 25283253 300 years, which suggests that2232502011many who came as young2002001138families in <strong>the</strong>1960s and1211501970s have stayed on as100<strong>the</strong>y grew older. 4 However500 this is not a trend unique to60 plus 45 to 59 25 to 44 16 to 24 0 to 15 <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> and a studyAGEby <strong>the</strong> West Northants Joint<strong>Plan</strong>ning Unit (Feb 2011)suggests that an ageing of <strong>the</strong> population will continue over <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Period. 52.24 The employment profile of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area is very similar to that of SouthNorthants District as a whole. Around 75% of eligible adults are in work orlooking for work. Of those in work, just under half are in managerial orprofessional/technical occupations (higher than <strong>the</strong> district wide average) andoften travel considerable distances to <strong>the</strong>ir place of work (11% travel more than30 kms). Despite this, <strong>the</strong>re is a significant number of self employed peopleworking from home in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area. Significantly, a quarter of <strong>the</strong> adultpopulation are retired.2.25 The rural location of <strong>the</strong> village means that <strong>the</strong> predominant mode oftransport is by private vehicle. The 2011 Census finds that 80% of journeys towork are made by car or van. Only 7% of households do not have access to atleast one private vehicle (though many more individuals will be similarly placedat any one time). A limited bus service is available to Milton Keynes for journeysto work and access to shopping, services and urban facilities.2.26 These population characteristics have important implications for futurehousing needs in <strong>the</strong> parish as well as for public transport and <strong>the</strong> provision offacilities and services.4 Doc Ref SD4.5 Analysis of 2011 Parish Questionnaire5 Doc Ref SD7.1 South Northamptonshire Council Ward Profile November 2011Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>21

3.0Section 3: Identification of Issues3.1 In preparing this <strong>Plan</strong>, an extensive programme of evidence ga<strong>the</strong>ring andconsultation with <strong>the</strong> residents, land owners and businesses of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>was undertaken which enabled <strong>the</strong> identification of both <strong>the</strong> issues that <strong>the</strong> planseeks to address, as well as a full range of options that have been consideredwhen seeking to address <strong>the</strong>m.3.2 A detailed record of all evidence ga<strong>the</strong>ring and consultation, along with <strong>the</strong>subsequent assessment, is contained in <strong>the</strong> Supporting Documents andConsultation Statement accompanying <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (a full list of documentscomprising <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>’s Evidence Base can be found at Appendix 3 of thisdocument).The <strong>Plan</strong> topics3.3 Following initial consultation and athorough examination of <strong>the</strong> relevantevidence base for <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>, itwas identified that <strong>the</strong> issues that <strong>the</strong><strong>Plan</strong> should seek to address could becategorised under <strong>the</strong> following 8topics, set out adjacent:3.4 The rest of this section will set out<strong>the</strong> key issues that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> sets out toaddress on a topic-by-topic basis, aswell as any potential constraints thatwould need to be considered whendeveloping <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>’s strategy. Theformat of this section will be set out asfollows:TOPICS1. Local housing and <strong>the</strong> degreeof future housing development2. Local employmentopportunities3. Traffic, highways and publictransport4. Countryside and open spaces5. Community and recreationalfacilities6. Local services7. Renewable energy and resourceefficiency8. CommunicationsTOPIC NUMBER AND TITLEIssue (source)Then:Constraints (source)Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>22

3.5 In Section 4, <strong>the</strong> identified issues and constraints have been used togenerate both <strong>the</strong> concise <strong>Plan</strong> ‘vision’ and a subsequent list of targetedobjectives that have aided and informed <strong>the</strong> development of <strong>the</strong> final list ofstatutory policies.It should be noted that many of <strong>the</strong> issues identified during consultation arespatial in nature and targeted solutions to <strong>the</strong>se can be identified within <strong>the</strong>policies of <strong>Plan</strong>. Some of <strong>the</strong> issues raised, however, are far more general innature and in many instances can only be resolved by <strong>the</strong> potential residualbenefits arising from <strong>the</strong> implementation of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> strategy as a whole, as wellas through <strong>the</strong> encouragement of additional strategies by outside agencies.They are important to residents none<strong>the</strong>less and so are included in <strong>the</strong> list oftopic-led issues highlighted in blue. Proposed solutions or courses of action for<strong>the</strong>m appear separately in <strong>the</strong> Community Action <strong>Plan</strong> at Appendix 1 thataccompanies <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Topic-by-topic overview of issuesTopic 1: Local housing and futurehousing developmentIssue 1.1: Slow delivery of affordable housing or starter units in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>area, resulting in lessened mobility within <strong>the</strong> housing market.(source: consultation, social housing waiting lists, SouthNorthamptonshire Council housing Information for <strong>Neighbourhood</strong><strong>Plan</strong> Feb 2012) SD5.7Issue 1.2: Impact of new housing on local character and <strong>the</strong> generalvillage environment, including highway safety.(source: consultation)Issue 1.3: Ability of a larger-scale market housing development to providecommunity benefits that outweigh any potential impact on <strong>the</strong> characterof <strong>the</strong> village.(source: consultation)Issue 1.4: The lack of a strong linkage between <strong>the</strong> main settlement of<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> and <strong>Yardley</strong> Wharf.(source: consultation)Issue 1.5: The need for any new housing development to adopt materialsand design that respect <strong>the</strong> character of <strong>the</strong> village.(source: consultation)Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>23

Fig 6 Example of dwelling in Conservation AreaIssue 1.6: The need for any <strong>Plan</strong> tosupport South NorthamptonshireCouncil’s rolling 5 year housing landsupply programme, particularly in<strong>the</strong> event that <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>’sposition in <strong>the</strong> district’s settlementhierarchy is elevated as a result ofany future local plan strategy.(source: NPPF, consultation)Issue 1.7: In <strong>the</strong> event of futurepressure from development, <strong>the</strong>community’s desire to determine for<strong>the</strong>mselves <strong>the</strong> location and scale ofdevelopment that is appropriate for <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>.(source: consultation)Topic 2: Local employmentopportunitiesIssue 2.1: The needs of small businesses in <strong>the</strong> village are not necessarilymet by <strong>the</strong> employment stock available.(source: consultation, local business survey)Issue 2.2: Apart from one commercial office within <strong>the</strong> main village, <strong>the</strong>balance of local business premises exist in converted farm buildings on<strong>the</strong> edge of <strong>the</strong> village and out in open countryside within <strong>the</strong> parish.(source: consultation, local business survey)Issue 2.3: Residents expressedsome support for a mixed usedevelopment somewhere in <strong>the</strong>main village, combiningworkshops with offices, possiblywith live/work units. Theviability of such a scheme will bean issue for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong><strong>Plan</strong>.(source: consultation, localbusiness survey)Fig 7 Mount Pleasant Employment AreaYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>24

Issue 2.4: Promotion of local businesses and tradespeople, includingadequate directional signing, was an issue raised during consultation.(source: consultation)Topic 3: Traffic, highways andpublic transportIssue 3.1: Increase of traffic as a result of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area’s location on <strong>the</strong>strategic road network allied with any proposed growth of <strong>the</strong> village.This is particularly expressed in terms of <strong>the</strong> perceived safety of <strong>the</strong> twojunctions with <strong>the</strong> A508 and <strong>the</strong> minor junction onto <strong>the</strong> A5.(source: consultation)Issue 3.2: The environmental benefits relating to <strong>the</strong> promotion of cyclingallied with <strong>the</strong> lack of safe and attractive cycle routes throughout <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>area and beyond.(source: consultation)Issue 3.3: The need to enhance <strong>the</strong> cycling and pedestrian linkagesthroughout <strong>the</strong> Parish.(source: consultation)Issue 3.4: The need to introduce traffic management measures to improve <strong>the</strong>vehicle and pedestrian safety in <strong>the</strong> narrow section of Moorend Road / junctionwith Grays Lane. (source: consultation).Issue 3.5: The need to improve traffic circulation, parking and access inSchool Lane to improve safety especially for children attending PrimarySchool and Children’s Centre. (source: consultation).Issue 3.6: Insufficient provision of parking space within <strong>the</strong> residentialareas of <strong>the</strong> village leading to instances of illegal / dangerous on-streetparking throughout.(source: consultation)Issue 3.7: The need for a more frequent, regular and reliable bus servicelinking <strong>the</strong> village with local services (including health services),secondary schools (o<strong>the</strong>r than in Deanshanger which is already provided)and onward transport links in Stony Stratford and Milton Keynes,Towcester and Northampton. (source: consultation)Issue 3.8: Speeding traffic is a concern on Hesketh Road, Moorend Road,Chestnut Road and High Street.(source: consultation)Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>25

Issue 3.9: Residents see <strong>the</strong> need for improvements to street lighting interms of location, overhanging vegetation and trimming as an issue.(source: consultation)Fig 8 Parking on High StreetIssue 3.10: The safety of roadsand pavements during adversewinter wea<strong>the</strong>r conditions is aconcern.(source: consultation) Issue 3.11: Residents areconcerned about surface wateraccumulation on <strong>the</strong> highway.(source: consultation)Topic 4: Countryside and openspaceIssue 4.1: The importance of <strong>the</strong> setting of <strong>the</strong> village in <strong>the</strong> surroundingcountryside and of <strong>the</strong> open spaces within <strong>the</strong> built up area.(source: Landscape Visual Impact Assessment, consultation)Issue 4.2: The protection of existing playing fields and formal open spaceand enhancing this provision wherever possible.(source: consultation)Issue 4.3: A strong local desire to protect and wherever possible enhance<strong>the</strong> ‘Pocket Park’ and <strong>the</strong> two triangular ‘greens’ at significant pointsalong <strong>the</strong> High Street. These are seen as key community spaces within <strong>the</strong>main village.(source: consultation)Fig 9 Elm Green Open Space Issue 4.4: The generalmaintenance and enhancement ofverges, allied with <strong>the</strong>enforcement of dog foulingbyelaws.(source: consultation)Issue 4.5: Improving access to <strong>the</strong>countryside for recreationalpurposes e.g. through improvedway marking of publicfootpaths.(source: consultation)Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>26

Topic 5: Community andrecreational facilitiesIssue 5.1: The need for <strong>the</strong> promotion and retention of existingcommunity facilities where <strong>the</strong>y are of a good standard and updated /replacement community spaces within <strong>the</strong> main village where <strong>the</strong>re is anidentified requirement.(source: consultation)Fig 10 Village HallIssue 5.2: A requirement for enhancedfacilities for youth recreation (both outdoorand indoor).(source: consultation) Issue 5.3: Promotion of communityfacilities and events e.g. <strong>the</strong> May Fayre.(source: consultation)Topic 6: Local ServicesIssue 6.1: The need to support and encourage <strong>the</strong> retention of <strong>the</strong>nursing home in <strong>the</strong> main village as far as is practical and viable. Thisfacility is seen as a key asset within <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area.(source: consultation)Issue 6.2: Whilst it is understoodthat sufficient capacity existswithin <strong>the</strong> village’s primaryschool to accommodatesignificant growth within <strong>the</strong>village, all policies should seekto support and ensure <strong>the</strong>retention and future health of<strong>the</strong> facility. Wherever possible,policies should seek to enhance<strong>the</strong> operation of <strong>the</strong> school andshould take note of existingdifficulties relating to pick up /drop off.(source: consultation)Fig 11 Primary SchoolYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>27

Issue 6.3: Similarly, policies should encourage sufficient growth within<strong>the</strong> village to ensure <strong>the</strong> continuing viability of a small supermarket, apart time Post Office, various mobile retail / fast food services and apublic house within <strong>the</strong> main village. These are all highly valued byresidents. Any mechanisms that can support <strong>the</strong> introduction of a visitingdoctor’s surgery would also be strongly supported.(source: consultation)Issue 6.4: The possibility of a Day Centre for more elderly residents in <strong>the</strong>village was put forward in light of <strong>the</strong> demographic change and anincrease in <strong>the</strong> elderly population locally.(source: consultation)Issue 6.5: Child health care provision within <strong>the</strong> village is seen asimportant and needs to be promoted.(source: consultation)Topic 7: Renewable energy andresource efficiencyIssue 7.1: Development promotingrenewable energy technologies e.g.solar panels, domestic wind turbinesand ground heat pumps receivedgeneral support at consultation.(source: consultation)Fig 12 Example of renewableenergyIssue 7.2: Concerns were expressed about <strong>the</strong> adequacy of sewerage andsurface water drainage systems, particularly in view of <strong>the</strong> history ofunadopted sewers servicing post war development in <strong>the</strong> village.Additionally, incidents of surface water flooding due to inadequatedrainage in various places around <strong>the</strong> village are matters of concern.There was also strong support for efficient reuse of water and <strong>the</strong> use ofappropriate drainage / water recycling wherever viable.(source: consultation)Topic 8: CommunicationsIssue 8.1: In common with many rural areas, <strong>the</strong> issue of broadbandspeed is relevant to <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>. Although business premises in <strong>the</strong>village are few, <strong>the</strong>re are a significant number of self employed residentswhose business relies on <strong>the</strong> internet. Advocating an increase inbroadband speeds is considered a priority. (source: consultation)Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>28

Issue 8.2: The village is served by a number of overhead electricity linesthat cross agricultural land. In <strong>the</strong> past, interruptions in supply have beenfrequent. Recent improvements have been made. Business interests inparticular would be best served by a reliable service. Inappropriatelypositioned overhead lines should be removed / replaced wheneverpossible(source: Conservation Area Management <strong>Plan</strong>, consultation)ConstraintsConstraint C1: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Conservation AreaThe historic core of <strong>the</strong> village is officially defined as a Conservation Area,within which <strong>the</strong>re are a number of Article 4 Directions, providing extracontrol over permitted development that does not need planningpermission. This is illustrated in Map No 5. The boundary of <strong>the</strong>Conservation Area is currently under review by South NorthamptonshireCouncil and <strong>the</strong> draft consultation document can be found in <strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong> Conservation Area Appraisal and Management <strong>Plan</strong>. Thisdocument also contains policies and a management plan for <strong>the</strong>Conservation Area. Anyproposal for newdevelopment within oradjoining <strong>the</strong> ConservationArea will have to have regardto any potential impact on<strong>the</strong> Conservation Area interms of design, scale,materials and location andcomply with <strong>the</strong> policiescontained in <strong>the</strong> revisedConservation Area planningdocument when approved.Fig 13 Example of Listed Building(source: South Northamptonshire Council: Conservation Area Appraisaland Management <strong>Plan</strong> April 2013)Constraint C2: Landscape characterThe setting of <strong>the</strong> village within <strong>the</strong> surrounding landscape is seen as akey factor in <strong>the</strong> uniqueness of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>. Strategic planning policiesprovide special protection for <strong>the</strong> Tove Valley Special Landscape Area,shown in Map No.4. A detailed assessment of <strong>the</strong> landscape characteraround <strong>the</strong> whole village of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> has been carried out as part of<strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong> preparation and can be seen inAppendix 4. Any new development will have to pay due respect to itsimpact on that landscape character.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>29

(source: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Landscape Character and Visual ImpactAssessment March 2013)Constraint C3: Village confinesThe existing settlement boundary for <strong>the</strong> main village was established in<strong>the</strong> South Northamptonshire Local <strong>Plan</strong> of 1997 SD1.8. Beyond this, land isconsidered as ‘open countryside’ within which development proposals arenormally refused, or else might be considered under ‘exception site’policy, allowing primarily affordable housing only. The confines linetightly follows <strong>the</strong> built edge of <strong>the</strong> settlement and is <strong>the</strong>refore veryrestrictive in <strong>the</strong> light of <strong>the</strong> issues identified in this <strong>Plan</strong>. The line can beseen in Map No 2 (source: South Northamptonshire Local <strong>Plan</strong> 1997)SD1.8The emerging SNC Settlements and Development Management <strong>Plan</strong> willinclude a review of <strong>the</strong> village confines policy, Justified amendments inthis <strong>Plan</strong> to allow development beyond <strong>the</strong> original boundary will be takenon board by <strong>the</strong> Council during that process.Constraint C4: Water and sewerage capacityFrom October 2012, previously unadopted sewers within <strong>the</strong> village havebecome <strong>the</strong> responsibility of Anglian Water Services Ltd. Althoughmapping and evaluation of this inheritance will take time, <strong>the</strong>re is noknown constraint on <strong>the</strong> water and sewerage systems serving <strong>the</strong> villagethat would inhibit new development. All new developments proposed aspart of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> will need to demonstrate that <strong>the</strong>y have regard to <strong>the</strong>existing and future flood patterns, including <strong>the</strong> impacts of climatechange, and involve <strong>the</strong> use of sustainable drainage techniques tomanage surface water run-off. Water efficiency measures will need to beincorporated into new developments.(source: Environment Agency)4.0Section Four: Vision and Objectives4.1 The Consultation Statement that accompanies this plan describes <strong>the</strong>extensive consultation within <strong>the</strong> parish of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>, which took placeover a period in 2010-2012 in accordance with <strong>the</strong> Consultation Strategy SD3.1which accompanies <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. The consultation resulted in clear preferencesexpressed for <strong>the</strong> future of <strong>the</strong> village as a community and in its built form.These are summarised in <strong>the</strong> following Vision Statement that underlies <strong>the</strong>whole <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>:Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>30

VISION STATEMENTOver <strong>the</strong> 15 year period between 2011-2026 <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> will seek todevelop and enhance its built and natural environment based on its existingcharacter and identity. It will encourage appropriate housing growth, primarilyfor local needs, and have improved facilities and services for all residents.This will enable it to thrive as a sustainable interconnected community.4.2 The core objectives of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are designedto achieve <strong>the</strong> aims of <strong>the</strong> Vision Statement. They derive from <strong>the</strong> issues,constraints and opportunities previously discussed. They are based on social,economic and environmental principles of sustainability.CORE OBJECTIVESCO1: To ensure that all new development respects, enhances andappropriately relates to <strong>the</strong> built character of <strong>the</strong> existing village and itssituation in <strong>the</strong> surrounding open countryside.CO2: To ensure that all new housing development is proportionate in scale andprovides suitable and sufficient affordable dwellings for <strong>the</strong> housing needs of<strong>the</strong> parish.CO3: To encourage <strong>the</strong> provision of small-scale employment facilities onappropriate sites.CO4: To support and encourage a safe local highway network and enhancedpublic transport service where need is identified.CO5: To ensure that, where possible, all new development respects andenhances open spaces and existing footpaths within <strong>the</strong> village.CO6: To directly or indirectly support and where possible improve all existingcommunity facilities and services within <strong>the</strong> village, both commercial and noncommercial.CO7: To ensure that all new development is sustainable both in itself and interms of its impact on <strong>the</strong> parish as a whole.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>31

5.0Section Five: The policies5.1 This section sets out <strong>the</strong> full suite of policies that will seek to directdevelopment towards <strong>the</strong> most appropriate and sustainable locations within<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> and deliver it in a form that is appropriate and sensitive withparticular regard to <strong>the</strong> character of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area.5.2 Upon adoption, <strong>the</strong> policies set out in this section will have fullstatutory weight and will be used for development control purposes within<strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area for <strong>the</strong> duration of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> period.This section comprises two defined sub-sections:General Policies: <strong>the</strong> general policies set out in this plan apply to <strong>the</strong> whole<strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area and will be applicable to all development (whereappropriate) or defined allocations set out on <strong>the</strong> Proposals Map (see Map 6)covering <strong>the</strong> parish.Site-specific Policies: As <strong>the</strong> name suggests, <strong>the</strong>se policies seek to provide aset of criteria that must be adhered to when developing specific sites as definedon <strong>the</strong> Proposals Map (see Map 4) and illustrated wherever relevant on anyindicative accompanying inset plan.5.3 The policies set out within this section have been prepared to reflect andcomplement <strong>the</strong> aspirations of <strong>the</strong> wider development plan that includes <strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong> Parish in its coverage. They have been developed to ensure that <strong>the</strong>y donot conflict with any o<strong>the</strong>r statutory policies within <strong>the</strong> wider development plan,or indeed set out within <strong>the</strong> NPPF. They have also taken into account <strong>the</strong>consultation responses of landowners, statutory consultees and localstakeholders to ensure that <strong>the</strong>y are viable, deliverable and appropriate for<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>. They have, along with o<strong>the</strong>r sites put forward for consideration,been subject to a sustainability analysis to ensure that only those sites thatcomply with sustainability criteria are included in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. The full SustainabilityAnalysis can be viewed in Appendix 2.5.4 Each policy is supported by a full justification of its inclusion within <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>as well as an explanation as to how it helps achieve specific objectives. For easeof use, each specific policy, along with its accompanying text, will be set out asfollows:Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>32

Policy number and nameReasoned justificationAn explanation of why this policy has been included in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Related objective: how <strong>the</strong> policy helps achieve <strong>the</strong> vision and objectivesset out in Section 4 of this <strong>Plan</strong>The PolicyThe wording of, and any criteriaattached to, <strong>the</strong> policy itself that willbe used for development controlpurposes in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area.Any additional explanatory text. This may also refer to any indicative site plans included toinform <strong>the</strong> site-specific policies.Section 5 Part 1: General policiesThe plan contains 9 General Policies that will be applicable to <strong>the</strong> village overalland will support <strong>the</strong> details of each individual site.Policy YGGP1: The presumption in favour of sustainabledevelopmentReasoned justification:This policy will underpin <strong>the</strong> approach to be adopted in delivering sustainabledevelopment in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area and in determining planning applications. Itsinclusion is justified from <strong>the</strong> evidence ga<strong>the</strong>red in support of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. Apresumption towards Sustainable Development ensures that local developmentneeds are met whilst <strong>the</strong> environment is protected and ensures that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> iscompliant with national guidance.Related Objective CO7: To ensure that all new development is sustainableboth in itself and in terms of its impact on <strong>the</strong> parish as a whole.Policy YGGP1: The presumption in favour of sustainable developmentWhen considering development proposals in <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>the</strong> Council willtake a positive approach that reflects <strong>the</strong> presumption in favour of sustainabledevelopment contained in <strong>the</strong> National <strong>Plan</strong>ning Policy Framework. It will alwayswork proactively with applicants jointly to find solutions which mean thatproposals can be approved wherever possible, and to secureYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>33

development that improves <strong>the</strong> economic, social and environmentalconditions in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area.<strong>Plan</strong>ning applications that accord with <strong>the</strong> policies in this <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>will be approved without delay, unless material considerations indicateo<strong>the</strong>rwise.Where (a) <strong>the</strong>re are no policies within this <strong>Plan</strong> relevant to <strong>the</strong> application or(b) relevant policies elsewhere within <strong>the</strong> development plan are out of date at<strong>the</strong> time of making <strong>the</strong> decision, <strong>the</strong> Council will grant permission unlessmaterial considerations indicate o<strong>the</strong>rwise – taking into account whe<strong>the</strong>r:Any adverse impacts of granting permission would significantly anddemonstrably outweigh <strong>the</strong> benefits, when assessed against <strong>the</strong> policiesin <strong>the</strong> National <strong>Plan</strong>ning Policy Framework taken as a whole; orSpecific policies in that Framework indicate that development should berestricted.In <strong>the</strong> context of YGNDP sustainable means: Maintaining <strong>the</strong> character and identity of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area, through recognising itsconnections to <strong>the</strong> past and providing a vision for <strong>the</strong> future providing a range of homes which respond to people’s needs both now and in <strong>the</strong> future providing a range of facilities designed to offer something for everyone from young toold providing jobs available locally so people can work as well as live in <strong>the</strong>ir neighbourhood designing interesting and imaginative buildings and spaces that promote a unique senseof place(Source: Prince’s Foundation project report “A vision for <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> SD5.5 Master <strong>Plan</strong> andStrategies for a <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>”)Policy YGGP2: The quality of <strong>the</strong> environment - <strong>the</strong> managementof waterReasoned justificationThe intention of this policy is to meet <strong>the</strong> concerns expressed by <strong>the</strong>Environment Agency and residents for <strong>the</strong> management of water so as tominimise <strong>the</strong> risk of flooding ei<strong>the</strong>r from watercourses or from surface water.Development proposals should demonstrate how this can be achieved in linewith <strong>the</strong> full criteria set out in Policy YGGP2.Related Objective CO7: To ensure that all new development is sustainableboth in itself and in terms of its impact on <strong>the</strong> parish as a whole.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>34

Policy YGGP2: The quality of <strong>the</strong> environment - <strong>the</strong> management ofwaterAll new developments will need to demonstrate that <strong>the</strong>y have a surfacewater management plan that shows that <strong>the</strong> risk of flooding fromwatercourses or surface water is minimised and managed.Unless it can be demonstrated that any of <strong>the</strong> measures below areunreasonable, unnecessary or would impact on <strong>the</strong> viability of <strong>the</strong> scheme,developers should demonstrate that <strong>the</strong> proposals: Help mitigate and adapt to climate change and mitigate increasedvulnerability to <strong>the</strong> range of impacts arising from climate change; Are supported by a sequential, risk based approach to <strong>the</strong> location ofdevelopment to avoid possible flood risk to people and property as wellas setting out measures to manage any residual future risk; Incorporate proportionate and appropriate pollution control measuresto prevent adverse impacts on <strong>the</strong> water environment;In line with Environment Agency practice note GP3 “Groundwater Protection:Principles and Practice” promote SuDS as <strong>the</strong> first method of surface waterdisposal. Connection to <strong>the</strong> surface water sewer should only be used as alast option.Policy YGGP3: The quality of <strong>the</strong> environment - <strong>the</strong> landscapecharacterReasoned justificationThe intention of this policy is to maintain and support <strong>the</strong> advice provided in <strong>the</strong>Adopted South Northamptonshire Local <strong>Plan</strong> 1997 (<strong>the</strong> extant development planat time of writing) which will be reviewed as part of <strong>the</strong> emerging Development<strong>Plan</strong> relating to <strong>the</strong> natural environment, <strong>the</strong> Landscape Character Assessmentof <strong>the</strong> Tove Valley and <strong>the</strong> immediate landscape of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area. Accordingly,this policy seeks to build on <strong>the</strong> findings of <strong>the</strong> independent <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>Landscape Character and Visual Impact Assessment prepared in March 2013 insupport of this <strong>Plan</strong> that specifically assesses <strong>the</strong> quality and value of <strong>the</strong>landscape both in and immediately surrounding <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area. Developmentproposals should demonstrate how <strong>the</strong>y have considered <strong>the</strong>ir effect on <strong>the</strong>unique landscape of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area and its surroundings.Related Objective CO1: To ensure that all new development respects,enhances and appropriately relates to <strong>the</strong> built character of <strong>the</strong> existingvillage and its situation in <strong>the</strong> surrounding open countryside.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>35

Policy YGGP3: The quality of <strong>the</strong> environment -<strong>the</strong> landscapecharacterAll new development proposals should take account of <strong>the</strong> uniquelandscape characteristics of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area and demonstrate how <strong>the</strong>yhave considered <strong>the</strong> effect that <strong>the</strong>ir proposals will have on thatlandscape.The developer should demonstrate that <strong>the</strong> proposals can: protect and enhance <strong>the</strong> special landscape character having regardto <strong>the</strong> details provided in <strong>the</strong> Landscape Character and Visual ImpactAssessment; deliver good quality development which respects <strong>the</strong> speciallandscape characteristics of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Area; be sympa<strong>the</strong>tic to <strong>the</strong> character and appearance of <strong>the</strong> landscapethrough <strong>the</strong> proposed use of land and <strong>the</strong> siting, design and choiceof materials for any building.Policy YGGP4: The use of S106 Agreements, CIL and New HomesBonus to support community developmentReasoned justificationThe intention of this policy is to ensure that <strong>the</strong> community can make best useof planning gain to achieve targeted and needs assessed benefits for <strong>the</strong> villageand create a source of funding that can be used to achieve communityobjectives when o<strong>the</strong>r sources of funding may be scarce during <strong>the</strong> life time ofthis <strong>Plan</strong>.It is recognised that <strong>the</strong> type or scale of development from which obligationssecured through ei<strong>the</strong>r a Unilateral Undertaking or a Section 106 Agreementwould be applicable will vary depending on <strong>the</strong> nature of <strong>the</strong> proposals and <strong>the</strong>impact of any sought contribution on <strong>the</strong> viability of <strong>the</strong> project. These factorswill be assessed by Local <strong>Plan</strong>ning Authority Officers at <strong>the</strong> time of application.It is also recognised that a New Homes Bonus will be payable in relation tocertain types of residential development and that South NorthamptonshireCouncil may adopt a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) charging scheduleduring <strong>the</strong> lifetime of this <strong>Plan</strong>. Accordingly, <strong>the</strong> financial and / or infrastructurecontribution sought through Section 106 Agreements will also be required tohave regard to <strong>the</strong> financial contribution secured from development via o<strong>the</strong>rmeans.Specifically, this policy seeks to demonstrate <strong>the</strong> infrastructure and communityprovision that <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> as a qualifying body will prioritise for <strong>the</strong> benefitof <strong>the</strong> community as a result of any contributions towards communityinfrastructure secured via financial contributions.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>36

Related Objective CO2: To ensure that all new housing development isproportionate in scale and provides suitable and sufficient affordabledwellings for <strong>the</strong> housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.Related Objective CO4: To support and encourage a safe local highwaynetwork and enhanced public transport service where need is identified.Related Objective CO6: To directly or indirectly support and where possibleimprove all existing community facilities and services within <strong>the</strong> village, bothcommercial and non-commercial.Policy YGGP4: The use of S106 Agreements and CIL to supportcommunity developmentAny planning applications for new residential development within <strong>the</strong> planarea must demonstrate how <strong>the</strong>y can contribute towards <strong>the</strong> delivery ofcomplimentary community development through a combination of ei<strong>the</strong>r aSection 106 Agreement of Unilateral Undertaking, payment of any futureCIL and any percentage payment of New Homes Bonus available to <strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong> Parish CouncilFor proposals of 10 dwellings or fewer, and where it is identified by <strong>the</strong>local planning authority that a financial contribution to be secured by legalagreement is appropriate, <strong>the</strong> applicant will be expected to prepare aUnilateral Undertaking setting out <strong>the</strong> proposed level of contribution at<strong>the</strong>ir own cost.Provision towards community development, ei<strong>the</strong>r through direct provisionof new facilities or through financial contributions, will be expected from alldevelopment subject to <strong>the</strong> guidance set out in Paragraphs 203-205 of <strong>the</strong>NPPF.Any contribution secured as a result of development within <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Areashall be prioritised towards <strong>the</strong> delivery of <strong>the</strong> following targetedcommunity objectives wherever possible. If any unilateral undertaking isproposed to directly deliver any of <strong>the</strong> objectives set out below, <strong>the</strong>acceptability of any scheme must first be agreed in writing by <strong>the</strong> ParishCouncil. O<strong>the</strong>rwise, it is intended that <strong>the</strong> Parish Council will prioritise anygeneral financial contribution to contribute towards <strong>the</strong> following:A new community facility to replace <strong>the</strong> Village Hall, along withassociated parking and landscaping;resurfacing of <strong>the</strong> access road and car park serving <strong>the</strong> RecreationCentre;development and implementation of a community transport schemedesigned to supplement existing bus services;enhancement / replacement of street lighting throughout <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>area;remodelling and realignment of School Lane to resolve conflictingaccess and parking needs;Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>37

traffic management measures on Moorend Road near Grays Lanejunction to improve local road safety;provision of formalised parking lay-bys in place of grass verges atrelevant locations;implementation of a new parking area outside <strong>the</strong> Post Office;measures to improve highway safety at both <strong>the</strong> north and southjunctions onto <strong>the</strong> A508 and A5 Moorend turn;provision of a Local Environmental Action <strong>Plan</strong> in <strong>the</strong> new area ofpublic open space to be provided as part of any development subjectof Policy YGP7.The extent that new development can help deliver any of <strong>the</strong> objectivesset out in <strong>the</strong> schedule above will be a key material consideration whendetermining any proposals in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area and should be consideredagainst <strong>the</strong> broader objectives set out within Policy YGGP1 of this <strong>Plan</strong>.Policy YGGP5: Affordable housingReasoned justificationThe intention of this policy is to ensure <strong>the</strong> delivery of a range of affordablehousing units and types for both young and older people as well as <strong>the</strong>disabled. Where appropriate and where viable, development proposals willei<strong>the</strong>r provide a percentage of affordable housing within a scheme or provide acommuted sum in lieu of on-site provision, to be spent elsewhere within <strong>the</strong><strong>Plan</strong> area.Relevant Objective CO2: To ensure that all new housing development isproportionate in scale and provides suitable and sufficient affordabledwellings for <strong>the</strong> housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.Policy YGGP5: Affordable housingAffordable Housing will be provided as a proportion of <strong>the</strong> total number ofdwellings to be delivered on an individual site subject to <strong>the</strong> following: <strong>the</strong> threshold for this provision is set at 10 dwellings or above; <strong>the</strong> percentage of affordable housing to be provided is 40% of total provision; an appropriate mix of affordable tenure-types should be provided to reflect<strong>the</strong> local housing need and <strong>the</strong> viability of individual sites; <strong>the</strong> provision of commuted sums, to deliver appropriate developmentelsewhere within <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area, will be considered where <strong>the</strong> requirement is for9 or fewer affordable dwellings;If <strong>the</strong> above requirements are not achievable due to financial constraints, clear,up-to-date and appropriate evidence should be submitted to <strong>the</strong> local planningWherever possible, this should take <strong>the</strong> form of an open book demonstration ofauthority demonstrating <strong>the</strong> financial case for any variation.<strong>the</strong> economics of <strong>the</strong> proposal and should, by reference to evidence, be able todemonstrate that <strong>the</strong> proposals are not viable in current market conditions. Thisappraisal will form <strong>the</strong> basis of detailed discussions between <strong>the</strong> applicant,<strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong> Parish Council and South Northamptonshire Council, to identify anacceptable level of affordable housing to be delivered.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>38

Policy YGGP6: Local green spaceReasoned justificationThe intention of this policy is to ensure that a range of green spaces identifiedas having particular significance to <strong>the</strong> community are protected fromdevelopment through <strong>the</strong> designation as ‘Local green space’. It is notconsidered that any of <strong>the</strong> spaces identified within this policy would o<strong>the</strong>rwisebe suitable for development under normal circumstances. However, it is <strong>the</strong>intention of this policy to ensure that this <strong>Plan</strong> recognises <strong>the</strong> specific concernsof <strong>the</strong> community and provides <strong>the</strong>m with additional protection moving forward.Relevant Objective CO1: To ensure that all new development respects,enhances and appropriately relates to <strong>the</strong> built character of <strong>the</strong> existingvillage and its situation in <strong>the</strong> surrounding open countryside.Relevant Objective CO5: To ensure that, where possible, all newdevelopment respects and enhances open spaces and existing footpathswithin <strong>the</strong> village.Policy YGGP6: Local green spaceSubject to <strong>the</strong> provisions of Paragraphs 76 and 77 of <strong>the</strong> NPPF, <strong>the</strong> following land,as identified on <strong>the</strong> Proposals Map, will be designated as ‘Local green space’ dueto its mixture of community, recreational, historic or environmental value:; The remainder of <strong>the</strong> Pocket Park, not subject to proposals under PolicyYGP8 of this <strong>Plan</strong>; <strong>the</strong> triangle of land at <strong>the</strong> confluence of Moorend Road, High Street andGrafton Road; <strong>the</strong> triangle of land at <strong>the</strong> junction of High Street and Chestnut Road; two triangles of land at <strong>the</strong> junction of Hesketh Road and Moorend Road; <strong>the</strong> playing fields and play area adjacent to <strong>the</strong> Recreation Centre; <strong>the</strong> open space in Woodville Crescent;Additionally, any public open space to be provided as part of proposals underPolicy YGP7 of this <strong>Plan</strong> should be afforded protection underthis policy upon its formalisation as recreation land.Any future development proposals on <strong>the</strong> land designated under this policyshould be assessed against <strong>the</strong> guidance provided in Paragraphs 76-78 of <strong>the</strong>NPPF.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>39

Policy YGGP7: The phasing of housing delivery in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> areaReasoned justificationIn <strong>the</strong> interests of ensuring that growth is sustainable and that developmentwithin <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> is manageable in accordance with o<strong>the</strong>r policies withinthis <strong>Plan</strong>, <strong>the</strong> following policy seeks to ensure that <strong>the</strong> sites identified withinSection 5 Part 2 are delivered at a rate that both respects <strong>the</strong> rural nature of <strong>the</strong>village and additionally ensures a balanced and continual delivery of housingover <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> period. The success of this policy in delivering sustainable growthwill be additionally supported by <strong>the</strong> mechanisms included in Policy YGGP4 ofthis <strong>Plan</strong>.The presumption is that <strong>the</strong> site subject of Policy YGP7 of this <strong>Plan</strong> will bedelivered early i.e. within <strong>the</strong> first 5 years of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (see Section 6: Deliveryand Monitoring). This is beneficial, as it will provide an immediate balance ofboth market and affordable homes, as well as community infrastructure, thatwill form a sustainable basis upon which fur<strong>the</strong>r more incremental growth canbe accommodated.In <strong>the</strong> event that <strong>the</strong> early delivery of development on <strong>the</strong> Coffee Pot Field doesnot take place, sufficient safeguards have been built into <strong>the</strong> following policy toensure that development elsewhere within <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area will not be hinderedunduly.The following policy also provides for any change in circumstance ei<strong>the</strong>r within<strong>the</strong> market (demand) or in relation to <strong>the</strong> requirements of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> or Districtarea (need) and allows development rates to react accordingly.CO2: To ensure that all new housing development is proportionate inscale and provides suitable and sufficient affordable dwellings for <strong>the</strong>housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.CO7: To ensure that all new development is sustainable both in itself andin terms of its impact on <strong>the</strong> parish as a whole.Policy YGGP7: The phasing of housing delivery in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> areaTo ensure an appropriate phased delivery of housing over <strong>the</strong> plan period <strong>the</strong> 73-83 homes proposed within <strong>the</strong> site specific policies YGP1 to YGP8 should bedelivered against <strong>the</strong> following schedule unless any demonstrable increase in localhousing need is identified by <strong>the</strong> local planning authority that will allow escalateddelivery of additional units exceeding <strong>the</strong> phased totals. This includes any inabilityto demonstrate a sufficient 5 year housing land supply:Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>40

Phase 1: 2013-2016 - 40-50 homes (subject to <strong>the</strong> delivery of Site YGP7)Phase 2: 2017-2021 - 15-20 homesPhase 3: 2022-2026 - 15-20 homesThis policy may allow for alternative sites to come forward in <strong>the</strong> instancethat no likelihood of <strong>the</strong> delivery of Site YGP7 during <strong>the</strong> first phasing periodcan be demonstrated.The delivery of homes in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area against <strong>the</strong> above schedule will bereviewed by <strong>the</strong> Parish Council in partnership with <strong>the</strong> local planningauthority at <strong>the</strong> end of each phasing period and where necessary may beupdated to adapt to market conditions or any advance or lessening of localneed.When assessing whe<strong>the</strong>r delivery rates within <strong>the</strong> plan area are beingsatisfied, monitoring will also take into account any net increase or decreaseof units elsewhere in <strong>the</strong> village brought about by demolition, conversion ornew build of additional dwellings on windfall or exception sites.Policy YGGP8a and b: Locally specific design and Car parking innew developmentReasoned justificationThe intention of this policy is to ensure that when development happens it isplanned in a way that ensures it is sensitive to <strong>the</strong> character, appearance andoverall environment of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area. Good design is a key aspect of sustainabledevelopment; a principle enshrined in Section 7 of <strong>the</strong> NPPF. Design, however,does not just relate to appearance – it also relates to issues such as layout, scaleand <strong>the</strong> interaction of new development with old. This includes how it impactson its surroundings, including <strong>the</strong> necessity for proposals to include adequateparking and landscaping to allow its sensitive integration into <strong>the</strong> fabric of <strong>the</strong><strong>Plan</strong> area.The following policies seek to ensure that new development in <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>responds to <strong>the</strong> local character and ensures development is sensitive,sustainable and well managed.CO1: To ensure that all new development respects, enhances andappropriately relates to <strong>the</strong> built character of <strong>the</strong> existing village and itssituation in <strong>the</strong> surrounding open countryside.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>41

CO7: To ensure that all new development is sustainable both in itself andin terms of its impact on <strong>the</strong> parish as a whole.Policy YGGP8a: Locally specific designIn line with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Village Design Statement SPD and inaccordance with Policy YGGP1 of this <strong>Plan</strong>, new development within <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>area must respond positively and sensitively to <strong>the</strong> appearance and characterof <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> and where relevant <strong>the</strong> adjoining open countryside.Development will be domestic in scale throughout and shall adopt qualitydesign and landscaping reflecting both local materials and <strong>the</strong> localvernacular unless an acceptably high standard of alternative / contemporarydesign can be demonstrated.YGGP8b Car parking in new developmentParking should be provided on-sitefor all new proposals within <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area at a minimum of 2 off street(excluding garages) spaces per dwelling for residential development and at alevel justified by employee numbers and / or estimated daily trips for allo<strong>the</strong>r traffic generating development within evidence supporting anyapplication.Where it is not possible to accommodate on-site parking to acceptablestandards, <strong>the</strong> provision of a Unilateral Undertaking to provide formalisedoff-site parking at an appropriate location in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area will be consideredupon consultation with South Northamptonshire Council, <strong>the</strong> Parish Counciland <strong>the</strong> Highways Authority.Policy YGGP9: Protection of <strong>the</strong> historic environment of <strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong>Reasoned justification<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>, both <strong>the</strong> village and <strong>the</strong> wide <strong>Plan</strong> Area, is notable for its wealthof listed buildings and areas of historical importance, including an extensiveconservation area at <strong>the</strong> heart of <strong>the</strong> village and a Scheduled Ancient Monumentsite. It is <strong>the</strong>refore important that sufficient safeguards are in place to ensurethat <strong>the</strong> historic character of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area is conserved and enhanced for <strong>the</strong>benefit of future generations and not unduly impacted on by new development.CO2: To ensure that all new housing development is proportionate inscale and provides suitable and sufficient affordable dwellings for <strong>the</strong>housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>42

CO7: To ensure that all new development is sustainable both in itself and interms of its impact on <strong>the</strong> parish as a whole.Policy YGGP9: Protection of <strong>the</strong> historic environment of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>The conservation and enhancement of <strong>the</strong> historic environment within <strong>the</strong> Parishwill be protected and enhanced through positive action.The significance of all heritage assets including nationally protected listedbuildings and <strong>the</strong>ir settings, archaeological sites and conservation areas and <strong>the</strong>irsettings, as well as undesignated historic assets (including locally listed buildings)will be conserved and enhanced and given <strong>the</strong> highest level of protection.Development proposals which conserve and enhance a heritage asset or its settingwill be supported where clear and convincing justification has been providedthrough an assessment of <strong>the</strong> significance of <strong>the</strong> asset or its setting.The sustainable re-use, maintenance and repair of listed buildings and o<strong>the</strong>rheritage assets will be supported, particularly those that have been identified asbeing at risk. In conservation areas, <strong>the</strong> built form will be protected and enhancedand <strong>the</strong>re should be no net loss of trees, with physical improvements toconservation areas linked to <strong>the</strong> objectives contained within conservation areaappraisals and <strong>the</strong>ir management plans where appropriate.Development proposals should seek to maintain local distinctiveness through <strong>the</strong>built environment in terms of buildings and public spaces and enhance <strong>the</strong>relationships and linkages between <strong>the</strong> built and natural environment.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>43

Map 6 Draft Proposals mapMap 6 Proposals MapProposals MapYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>44

Section 5 Part 2: Site-specific policies:5.4 During <strong>the</strong> preparation of this <strong>Plan</strong>, a total of 8 sites were identified ei<strong>the</strong>rwithin or directly abutting <strong>the</strong> main settlement of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> upon which itwas considered various types of new development could be deliveredsustainably and to <strong>the</strong> benefit of <strong>the</strong> Parish.5.5 The identification of <strong>the</strong> sitessubject of <strong>the</strong> policies in this section of<strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> represents <strong>the</strong> culmination ofrigorous schemes of consultation andsustainability and viability testing. It isconsidered that <strong>the</strong> level ofdevelopment proposed on each site issustainable, viable and deliverablewithin <strong>the</strong> next 15 years. Some policiesinclude specific criteria that should ormust be met to make developmentacceptable, including contributions.Some allow <strong>the</strong> balance of developmenton each site to be assessed taking intoaccount <strong>the</strong> viability of <strong>the</strong> scheme as awhole. O<strong>the</strong>rs require additional detailsto be agreed to <strong>the</strong> satisfaction ofei<strong>the</strong>r local planning authority (LPA)officers or <strong>the</strong> Parish Council.5.6 Whilst <strong>the</strong> policies within this <strong>Plan</strong>do not preclude development occurringelsewhere within <strong>the</strong> parish, <strong>the</strong>delivery of <strong>the</strong> sites assessed withinthis section in accordance with both <strong>the</strong>detailed and general policies set out inthis section should be given primacy by<strong>the</strong> decision maker wherever possible.5.7 Table 5.1 sets out <strong>the</strong> sites subjectof specific policies within this plan,along with <strong>the</strong> expected amount ofdevelopment <strong>the</strong>y are to deliver. Eachsite is also set out on <strong>the</strong> Proposalsmap (see Map 6) that accompanies this<strong>Plan</strong>.SiteRef.Site P1aSite P1bSite P2aSite P2bSite P3Site P4Site P5Site P6Site P7Site P8Location /addressMountPleasant FarmIndustrialEstate(existing andextension)The MeadowsNursingHome(includinggarden land),MoorendRoadGrafton Road(west side)Grafton Road(east side)Land adjacentto OrchardHouse, HighStreetLand atManor Farm(north), HighStreetLand knownas ‘TheCoffee PotField’, land atManor Farm(south) andland at <strong>the</strong>Village HallLand at <strong>the</strong>‘Pocket Park’,Warren RoadNewUnitsc.6 work/live units4 newbuildunits(C2a)PolicyRef.YGP1aYGP1bYGP2aYGP2b3 houses YGP35 houses YGP42 houses YGP511 houses YGP6Between40-50 newhouses,includingassociatedopen space,roads andfacilitiesYGP72 houses YGP873 - 83Table 5.1 Schedule of housing andemployment sitesYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>45

5.8 In addition to <strong>the</strong> Reasoned Justification and <strong>the</strong> policy wording itself, eachsite-specific policy is accompanied by an overview of <strong>the</strong> site and anyconstraints.Site P1: Mount Pleasant Farm Industrial EstateSite overviewThis site is currently in use for light industrial purposes converted fromagricultural buildings. Access to <strong>the</strong> site is along a private road off MoorendRoad with residential properties on <strong>the</strong> sou<strong>the</strong>rn side. The site is located on <strong>the</strong>top of a ridge with extensive views to <strong>the</strong> north and east and is quite wellscreened with <strong>the</strong> proposed industrial extension area on rough unusedgrassland with an established field hedge on <strong>the</strong> north eastern boundary.There are currently five industrial units provided in converted barns and two of<strong>the</strong> businesses are motor vehicle repair workshops, one with an MOT station.These existing uses could be redeveloped or improved under <strong>the</strong> extant Local<strong>Plan</strong> policy E3. There is potential for limited expansion of <strong>the</strong> site with a mixtureof single and two storey light industrial or commercial development (includingpossibly live /work units) subject to <strong>the</strong> adjacent land being available forinclusion.Reasoned justificationThe intention of Policy YGP1a is to promote <strong>the</strong> revitalisation of <strong>the</strong> existingbusiness uses on site whilst ensuring that any new development complementsand meets <strong>the</strong> needs of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>. Additionally, Policy YGP1b provides anallowance for <strong>the</strong> possibility of fur<strong>the</strong>r expansion for light industrial uses suchas offices and workshops and <strong>the</strong> provision of live/work units in <strong>the</strong> future tohelp create local employment opportunities for local people.Related Objective CO3: To encourage <strong>the</strong> provision of small-scaleemployment facilities on appropriate sites.Policy YGP1a: Mount Pleasant Farm Industrial EstateRedevelopment of <strong>the</strong> existing Mount Pleasant Farm industrial site for B1 andB8 uses will be supported provided such proposals: Will enhance <strong>the</strong> appearance of <strong>the</strong> site as a village gateway; are supported by landscape proposals and screening to be agreed by LPAofficers; are restricted to single or two storey in scale; are compliant with <strong>the</strong> extant SNC policies E3 and G3 and any futurereplacement policy; do not result in unacceptable impact to amenity of nearby residentialproperties or impact on highway safety.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>46

Policy YGP1b: Mount Pleasant Farm Industrial Estate (extension)The expansion of <strong>the</strong> Mount Pleasant Farm Industrial Estate on <strong>the</strong> landidentified on <strong>the</strong> Proposals map for <strong>the</strong> development of work / live units will besupported subject to satisfactory details being submitted that meet <strong>the</strong> abovecriteria set out in Policy YGP1A. The work / live use of <strong>the</strong> units will be definedand protected in an associated planning obligation and in planning conditions.Any proposals under this policy should also reference <strong>the</strong> indicative site planFig P1 as far as practicable.Fig P1 Mount Farm Industrial Estate and extension (indicative proposed layout)Fig P.1 Indicative <strong>Plan</strong>, Mount Pleasant FarmIndustrial area.Note: ” live/work units” are described for <strong>the</strong> purposes of <strong>the</strong> above policy as being a form ofdevelopment that has been specifically designed for dual use and this combines both residentialand employment space. For <strong>the</strong> purposes of Policy YGP1B, it must be demonstrated that <strong>the</strong>residential accommodation is ancillary to <strong>the</strong> employment use of <strong>the</strong> unit, ra<strong>the</strong>r than vice versa.Due to <strong>the</strong> mixed nature of <strong>the</strong>ir use <strong>the</strong>y do not fall within any specific Use Class and areconsidered to be a Sui Generis Use (a use on its own and outside any Use Class). <strong>Plan</strong>ningpermission will <strong>the</strong>refore normally be required to change <strong>the</strong> use of all or part of such awork/live unit to any o<strong>the</strong>r use. The above policy is intended to protect amenity of nearbyoccupiers should alternative uses be proposed.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>47

Site P2: The Meadows Nursing Home and garden land, MoorendRoadSite overviewThe Meadows Nursing Home is a large three-storey structure dating back to <strong>the</strong>early 20 th Century. Now a managed facility for <strong>the</strong> elderly, it was formerly aresidential property known as Highcroft House. It is a substantial house with amore modern extension that is set in its own grounds with mature trees in <strong>the</strong>front garden. The buildings require modernisation to comply with current andfuture regulations for a nursing home use. The contribution of <strong>the</strong> nursinghome to <strong>the</strong> community is highly valued but <strong>the</strong> possibility of closure is ofgenuine concern. Therefore <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> considers that an opportunity to providesmall managed residential units, particularly for elderly residents, through acombination of conversion and new build may exist on this site where bothfinancial and actual need can be demonstrated.If deemed acceptable / necessary at some point in <strong>the</strong> future, <strong>the</strong> garden land islarge enough to accommodate a small scale development of 4 dwellings forelderly or disabled residents in <strong>the</strong> site plan (Fig P2). The development wouldlikely require <strong>the</strong> demolition of <strong>the</strong> modern extension to <strong>the</strong> existing nursinghome premises.Reasoned justificationBoth Policy YGP2a and Policy YGP2b are intended to safeguard both <strong>the</strong> viabilityof <strong>the</strong> upgrade of <strong>the</strong> existing nursing home to ensure it is compliant withfuture operational standards and secure <strong>the</strong> most appropriate reuse of <strong>the</strong> unitin future. If <strong>the</strong> relevant criteria can be met Policy YGP2a supports <strong>the</strong>conversion of <strong>the</strong> main building into self-contained flats for retired persons toensure that <strong>the</strong>re is an opportunity for specialist housing for older people to beprovided within <strong>the</strong> village in perpetuity. Additionally, if it can be proven that<strong>the</strong>re is no local need for ei<strong>the</strong>r such facility, <strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> conversion of <strong>the</strong> unitinto private housing may be supported.Policy YGP2b provides criteria that will allow <strong>the</strong> garden land to provide 4dwellings for older persons sensitively designed to respect <strong>the</strong> location. Anydevelopment of this type will only be supported if it can be demonstrated it isrequired to ensure <strong>the</strong> future viability of <strong>the</strong> nursing home as a whole.The term ‘Use Class’ within <strong>the</strong> following policy refers to <strong>the</strong> Town and Country<strong>Plan</strong>ning Act classification of land uses and ‘SPD’ to supplementary planningdocument (see Glossary of terms in Appendix 7).Related Objective CO2: To ensure that all new housing development isproportionate in scale and provides suitable and sufficient affordabledwellings for <strong>the</strong> housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>48

Policy YGP2a: Meadows Nursing HomeProposals for <strong>the</strong> conversion of <strong>the</strong> Meadows Nursing Home (currently UseClass C2) to self contained flats for <strong>the</strong> older person (Use Class C2A) will beresisted, unless: It can be demonstrated that <strong>the</strong> retention of <strong>the</strong> unit in its current usage isunviable or does not adequately meet an identified need; <strong>the</strong> proposals will not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> character and appearance of <strong>the</strong>village; <strong>the</strong> proposals will not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> amenity of neighbouringresidential properties; landscaping and boundary treatment is provided to <strong>the</strong> approval of LPAofficers; Access and parking is provided in line with Policy YGGP8b and <strong>the</strong> relevantSPD adopted by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>ning Authority; <strong>the</strong> proposals will comply with <strong>the</strong> extant SNC policy G3 and any futurereplacement policy.The conversion of <strong>the</strong> unit into any use o<strong>the</strong>r than C2A will only beconsidered acceptable if it can be similarly and robustly demonstrated that<strong>the</strong>re is no local need for accommodation that falls within ei<strong>the</strong>r Use ClassC2 or C2A, in which instance <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r criteria set out within this policy willstill apply.Policy YGP2b: Meadows Nursing Home (garden land)Proposals for sheltered housing (Class C2A) with warden accommodation shallbe supported within <strong>the</strong> garden land of The Meadows provided: It can be demonstrated that such a development is required to ensure <strong>the</strong>viability of <strong>the</strong> existing C2 / C2A use at <strong>the</strong> adjacent Meadows NursingHome; <strong>the</strong> proposals will not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> character of that part of <strong>the</strong>village; <strong>the</strong> proposals will not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> amenity of neighbouringresidential properties. landscaping and boundary treatment is provided to <strong>the</strong> approval of LPAofficers access and parking can be provided, in line with Policy YGGP8b and <strong>the</strong>relevant SPD <strong>the</strong> proposals will comply with <strong>the</strong> extant SNC Local <strong>Plan</strong> policy G3 and anyfuture replacement policyYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>49

Fig P2 Indicative <strong>Plan</strong>, The Meadows Nursing Home garden landNote: The restriction on occupation by, and definition of, ‘<strong>the</strong> older person’ will be securedthrough a clearly worded Section 106 agreement.Site P3: Grafton Road WestSite overviewThe land at Grafton Road West comprises a light engineering workshop that wasformerly <strong>the</strong> original telephone exchange, a detached Victorian two storeydwelling and garden land that slopes towards <strong>the</strong> A508. The site is screenedfrom <strong>the</strong> road and <strong>the</strong> adjacent pasture land by high mature hedges and <strong>the</strong>land rises in levels up to <strong>the</strong> agricultural land to <strong>the</strong> rear. Development on thisland is considered to have minimal landscape impact if an infill and linear formof development is proposed.Reasoned justificationThe intention of this policy is to encourage a scheme of two semi detacheddwellings to ‘civilise’ <strong>the</strong> frontage of Grafton Road up to <strong>the</strong> A508 and whichwill encourage pedestrian and cycle movement between <strong>the</strong> marina and <strong>the</strong>village. This, along with <strong>the</strong> development of <strong>the</strong> site subject of Policy YGP4,should create a sense of place with an avenue of development that creates aneastward link to <strong>the</strong> Grand Union Canal and to create a sustainable edge to <strong>the</strong>village at this point. A site plan has been to illustrate this approach for bothGrafton Road West and East (Fig P3/4). This plan can be found in <strong>the</strong> supportingnotes attached to Policy YGP4.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>50

Related Objective CO1: To ensure that all new development respects,enhances and appropriately relates to <strong>the</strong> built character of <strong>the</strong> existingvillage and its situation in <strong>the</strong> surrounding open countryside.Related Objective CO2: To ensure that all new housing development isproportionate in scale and provides suitable and sufficient affordabledwellings for <strong>the</strong> housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.Related Objective CO4: To support and encourage a safe local highwaynetwork and adequate public transport service.Policy YGP3: Grafton Road WestProposals for residential development for 2 dwellings to infill a gap in <strong>the</strong>frontage to form part of an avenue which streng<strong>the</strong>ns <strong>the</strong> linkages alongGrafton Road (west side) towards <strong>the</strong> Grand Union Canal will be supportedprovided: The proposals do not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> linear character of this part of<strong>the</strong> village and will respect <strong>the</strong> size, scale, design and materials ofneighbouring properties <strong>the</strong> proposals do not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> amenity of neighbouringresidential properties landscaping and screening are included subject to detailed approval ofLPA officers; <strong>the</strong> proposals are designed to reflect <strong>the</strong> character of <strong>the</strong> street sceneand use materials appropriate to <strong>the</strong>ir location; <strong>the</strong> proposals are designed in accordance with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>Village Design Statement.Site P4: Grafton Road EastSite overviewThis site is part of a larger area of land to <strong>the</strong> east which was subject of ahistoric refusal relating to <strong>the</strong> development of a 47-dwelling scheme. This wasconsidered unacceptable as it encroached into <strong>the</strong> open countryside and wasnot based on any proven assessment of need, nor could it demonstrate anyphysical or material enhancement of <strong>the</strong> village. However during <strong>the</strong> preparationof this <strong>Plan</strong>, and particularly following <strong>the</strong> assessment carried out by <strong>the</strong>Prince’s Foundation, it was considered beneficial to enhance <strong>the</strong> sense of placealong Grafton Road so that an avenue of new development on both <strong>the</strong> westernand eastern sides could be considered. To this end, a small level ofdevelopment, up to 5 dwellings, fronting directly on to Grafton Road, would beconsidered acceptable and be considered to have minimal landscape impact.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>51

Reasoned justificationThe intention of this policy is to encourage <strong>the</strong> delivery of a scheme of up to 5two storey dwellings that, along with <strong>the</strong> proposals subject of Policy YGP3, canoffer a sense of place through <strong>the</strong> creation of a residential avenue that links <strong>the</strong>Grand Union Canal to <strong>the</strong> main settlement of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>. A Site plan (FigP3/4), can be found as part of <strong>the</strong> notes supporting this policy.Related Objective CO1: To ensure that all new development respects,enhances and appropriately relates to <strong>the</strong> built character of <strong>the</strong> existingvillage and its situation in <strong>the</strong> surrounding open countryside.Related Objective CO2: To ensure that all new housing development isproportionate in scale and provides suitable and sufficient affordabledwellings for <strong>the</strong> housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.Related Objective CO4: To support and encourage a safe local highwaynetwork and adequate public transport service.Policy YGP4: Grafton Road EastProposals for residential development of up to 5 dwellings to form anavenue which streng<strong>the</strong>ns <strong>the</strong> linkages along Grafton Road (east side)towards <strong>the</strong> Grand Union Canal will be supported provided: The proposals do not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> linear character of this part of<strong>the</strong> village and will respect <strong>the</strong> size, scale, design and materials ofneighbouring properties; <strong>the</strong> proposals do not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> amenity of neighbouringresidential properties; landscaping and screening are included subject to detailed approval ofLPA officers; <strong>the</strong> proposals are designed to reflect <strong>the</strong> character of <strong>the</strong> street scene andpropose <strong>the</strong> use of materials appropriate for <strong>the</strong> village at this point ; <strong>the</strong> proposals are designed in accordance with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> VillageDesign Statement.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>52

Fig P3 and P4 Indicative <strong>Plan</strong>: Grafton Road West and EastSite P5: Land adjacent to Orchard HouseSite overviewThis site is currently part of under used garden land and it is located within <strong>the</strong>Conservation Area. Whilst it is visible from <strong>the</strong> Tove Valley Special LandscapeArea, it is considered that <strong>the</strong> surrounding countryside will not be adverselyeffected by small-scale infill development on this site, provided <strong>the</strong> dwellingsare single storey to one and half storey.Reasoned justificationThe intention of this policy is to maximise a small-scale developmentopportunity within <strong>the</strong> main settlement of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> whilst controlling <strong>the</strong>form of development to ensure that it does not impact adversely on <strong>the</strong>character of <strong>the</strong> village or <strong>the</strong> open countryside. A site plan has been providedbelow.Related Objective CO1: To ensure that all new development respects,enhances and appropriately relates to <strong>the</strong> built character of <strong>the</strong> existingvillage and its situation in <strong>the</strong> surrounding open countryside.Related Objective CO2: To ensure that all new housing development isproportionate in scale and provides suitable and sufficient affordabledwellings for <strong>the</strong> housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>53

Policy YGP5: Land adjacent to Orchard HouseProposals for residential development of two single storey or one and half storeydwellings in a close grouping on land adjoining Orchard House will besupported provided: The proposals do not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> character of this part of <strong>the</strong> villageand will respect <strong>the</strong> size, scale, design and materials of neighbouringproperties; <strong>the</strong> proposals respect and enhance <strong>the</strong> character and appearance of <strong>the</strong>Conservation Area and <strong>the</strong> surrounding landscape; <strong>the</strong> proposals do not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> amenity of neighbouring residentialproperties; landscaping and screening are included subject to approval of LPA officers; <strong>the</strong> proposals are designed in accordance with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> VillageDesign Statement.Fig P5 Land adjacent to Orchard HouseSite P6: Land at Manor Farm, High Street (north eastern side)Site overviewThis site, currently in agricultural use, adjoins <strong>the</strong> garden of <strong>the</strong> listed ManorFarm and Conservation Area. Regardless of <strong>the</strong>se constraints, it is consideredthat sensitive development in a linear form along <strong>the</strong> north eastern side of <strong>the</strong>High Street will provide more definition to this gateway to <strong>the</strong> village through<strong>the</strong> provision of a greater sense of place.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>54

Reasoned justificationThe intention is to encourage a small group of two storey dwellings (up to 11units in total) to provide a more defined entrance to <strong>the</strong> village and to respect<strong>the</strong> adjacent Conservation Area. The development would be secluded behind <strong>the</strong>existing hedgerow and set in such a way so that views of <strong>the</strong> existing farmhouseare not impacted on unduly. A site plan is shown below (Fig P6).It is considered that <strong>the</strong> appearance of <strong>the</strong> village will be enhanced through <strong>the</strong>introduction of a well-planned and complementary addition to <strong>the</strong> street scene.Any proposals submitted in line with Policy YGP6 should clearly set out <strong>the</strong> wayin which <strong>the</strong>y complement <strong>the</strong> proposed village extension on <strong>the</strong> south westernside of <strong>the</strong> High Street subject of Policy YGP7.Related Objective CO1: To ensure that all new development respects,enhances and appropriately relates to <strong>the</strong> built character of <strong>the</strong> existingvillage and its situation in <strong>the</strong> surrounding open countryside.Related Objective CO2: To ensure that all new housing development isproportionate in scale and provides suitable and sufficient affordabledwellings for <strong>the</strong> housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.Fig P6 Land at Manor Farm, High StreetYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>55

Policy YGP6: Land at Manor Farm, High Street (north eastern side)Proposals for residential development of up to 11 two storey dwellings in a linearform on land to <strong>the</strong> north east of <strong>the</strong> High Street will be supported provided: The proposals will not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> character of <strong>the</strong> village and will respect<strong>the</strong> setting of <strong>the</strong> listed Manor Farm building <strong>the</strong> proposals will not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> amenity of neighbouring residentialproperties; <strong>the</strong> proposals will respect and enhance <strong>the</strong> character and appearance of <strong>the</strong>Conservation Area; landscaping and screening are included subject to <strong>the</strong> approval of LPA officers; <strong>the</strong> proposals will be developed in accordance with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> VillageDesign Statement; <strong>the</strong> design, position, access and layout of any residential development will respectand complement, wherever possible, <strong>the</strong> intention to develop land on <strong>the</strong> CoffeePot Field and should reference <strong>the</strong> design principles relating to <strong>the</strong> street scene setout in <strong>the</strong> wording of Policy YGP7. In <strong>the</strong> event that permission has been grantedon Site P7 at <strong>the</strong> time of any application subject of this policy, regard should behad for <strong>the</strong> way in which <strong>the</strong> proposal complements <strong>the</strong> enhanced street scene; any proposal will ensure <strong>the</strong> retention of <strong>the</strong> hedgerow and tree screen along <strong>the</strong>frontage to <strong>the</strong> High Street.-Site P7: Land known as ‘The Coffee Pot Field’, land at Manor Farm(south) and land at <strong>the</strong> Village HallSite overviewThe site subject of Policy YGP7 comprises a significant tract of land (in <strong>the</strong>context of <strong>the</strong> existing settlement) at <strong>the</strong> south eastern end of <strong>the</strong> village. In itsentirety, <strong>the</strong> site comprises a number of open fields, some of which are incurrent agricultural use, as well as <strong>the</strong> existing village hall.The site is currently under <strong>the</strong> ownership of three separate parties, one of whomis <strong>the</strong> Trustees of <strong>the</strong> village hall. All three parties were involved in detaileddiscussions about <strong>the</strong> potential development of this land during <strong>the</strong> preparationof <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.The allocation of this land as a single tranche was seen as an ideal opportunityto introduce a significant but well planned development to <strong>the</strong> village that willhelp meet a range of <strong>the</strong> local needs identified during community consultation.Reasoned JustificationThe intention of this <strong>Plan</strong> is to encourage and manage <strong>the</strong> sensitive introductionof new homes into <strong>the</strong> main village to meet locally assessed needs via smallerscale incremental housing development. A significant opportunity has beenidentified on <strong>the</strong> south eastern edge of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> to deliver larger scaleYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>56

development that can respect <strong>the</strong> character of <strong>the</strong> village and its surroundingswhilst delivering significant amount of community benefit to <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> areaThe intention of this allocation is to encourage a new residential led schemethat can help support <strong>the</strong> replacement of <strong>the</strong> dilapidated village hall and <strong>the</strong>creation of a new area of recreational space in <strong>the</strong> form of a rural villageextension on <strong>the</strong> south western side of <strong>the</strong> High Street and to <strong>the</strong> north east of<strong>the</strong> properties in Chestnut Road. It is estimated that a scheme of 40 to 50dwellings could be provided with a proportion of those dwellings beingprovided as affordable housing. The market housing element should alsoincorporate a mix of unit sizes to ensure <strong>the</strong> continued mobility within <strong>the</strong> localhousing market. A site plan is included below (Fig P7. The key design criteriaincluded within <strong>the</strong> text of Policy YGP7.The content of this policy has been developed following direct consultation with<strong>the</strong> current landowner(s) to ensure that it is both viable and deliverable.Related Objective CO1: To ensure that all new development respects,enhances and appropriately relates to <strong>the</strong> built character of <strong>the</strong> existingvillage and its situation in <strong>the</strong> surrounding open countryside.Related Objective CO2: To ensure that all new housing development isproportionate in scale and provides suitable and sufficient affordabledwellings for <strong>the</strong> housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.Related Objective CO6: To directly or indirectly support and wherepossible improve all existing community facilities and services within <strong>the</strong>village, both commercial and non commercial.Related Objective CO7: To ensure that all new development is sustainableboth in itself and in terms of its impact on <strong>the</strong> parish as a whole.Policy YGP7: Land known as ‘The Coffee Pot Field’, land at Manor Farm(south) and land at <strong>the</strong> Village HallProposals for a single residential development of between 40 and 50 dwellingswill be supported provided:Impact and design The proposals do not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> character of <strong>the</strong> village; <strong>the</strong> proposals respect and enhance <strong>the</strong> character and appearance of <strong>the</strong>Conservation Area; <strong>the</strong> proposals are designed in accordance with <strong>the</strong> principles identified in<strong>the</strong> <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Village Design Statement; <strong>the</strong> proposal include a sufficient number of properties fronting on to <strong>the</strong>High Street (as demonstrated in <strong>the</strong> indicative layout plan) to ensure that <strong>the</strong>street scene and village-scape is maintained or enhanced.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>57

<strong>the</strong> proposals will be developed in accordance with a single masterplan toavoid piecemeal development in what is a sensitive edge-of-settlementlocation. a new link road between Chestnut Road and <strong>the</strong> High Street is included toprovide access to <strong>the</strong> north-western edge of any new development, subjectto viability landscaping and screening is included, as approved by LPA officers <strong>the</strong> proposals will not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> amenities of neighbouringresidential propertiesContributions An appropriate level of affordable housing for local people will be securedthrough a Section 106 Agreement. The level of provision shall be informedby Policy YGGP5 of this <strong>Plan</strong>; an area of no less than 1.3 ha is provided as formal open-space at <strong>the</strong>south-eastern end of <strong>the</strong> site, as indicated on <strong>the</strong> proposals map and <strong>the</strong>indicative site layout. This land will <strong>the</strong>n be secured as ‘Local green space’in accordance with Policy YGGP4 of this <strong>Plan</strong>, to be retained in perpetuityfor <strong>the</strong> enjoyment of <strong>the</strong> residents of <strong>the</strong> Parish; a new village hall facility is included at a location elsewhere on <strong>the</strong> site, <strong>the</strong>location and specification of which are to be informed by <strong>the</strong> Parish Councilduring <strong>the</strong> application process. The new facility must <strong>the</strong>n be providedprior to <strong>the</strong> replacement of <strong>the</strong> village hall should take place during <strong>the</strong>first phase of development. If it is demonstrated that <strong>the</strong> directreplacement of such a facility impacts on <strong>the</strong> viability of any scheme,taking into account <strong>the</strong> o<strong>the</strong>r requirements of this policy, <strong>the</strong> allocation ofland and a financial contribution may be considered acceptable, upon <strong>the</strong>agreement of <strong>the</strong> Parish Council.<strong>the</strong> closure and / or demolition of <strong>the</strong>existing hall;Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>58

Fig P7 Land known as ‘The Coffee Pot Field’, land at Manor Farm (south) and land at <strong>the</strong> VillageHallSite P8: Land adjacent to <strong>the</strong> ‘Pocket Park’Site overviewThis site is currently a grassed area with shrubs and trees and also a keyfootpath running through it, linking Warren Road with <strong>the</strong> Post Office, churchand bus stop on <strong>the</strong> High Street. It is within <strong>the</strong> village confines and within <strong>the</strong>Conservation Area.Reasoned justificationIt is considered that <strong>the</strong> land is underused and that <strong>the</strong> appearance of <strong>the</strong>village could be enhanced at this point by a very small infill development thatmaximises its situation at <strong>the</strong> heart of <strong>the</strong> village. The intention is to divert <strong>the</strong>footpath ei<strong>the</strong>r alongside or through <strong>the</strong> pocket park with additionallandscaping and to develop <strong>the</strong> vacant land for two small dwellings, whichwould enhance <strong>the</strong> appearance of <strong>the</strong> village at this point.Related Objective CO2: To ensure that all new housing development isproportionate in scale and provides suitable and sufficient affordabledwellings for <strong>the</strong> housing needs of <strong>the</strong> parish.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>59

Related Objective CO5: To ensure that, where possible, all newdevelopment respects and enhances open spaces and existing footpathswithin <strong>the</strong> village.Policy YGP8: Land adjacent to <strong>the</strong> ‘Pocket Park’Proposals for a residential development comprising two small dwellings onland adjacent to <strong>the</strong> Pocket Park will be permitted provided: The proposals do not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> character of <strong>the</strong> village; The proposals respect and enhance <strong>the</strong> character and appearance of <strong>the</strong>Conservation Area and <strong>the</strong> Pocket Park; The proposals do not adversely affect <strong>the</strong> amenity of neighbouringresidential properties; Additional landscaping and screening are included subject to <strong>the</strong> approvalof LPA officers; The proposals are designed in accordance with <strong>the</strong> principles identified in<strong>the</strong> <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Village Design Statement; Any proposal on <strong>the</strong> site includes <strong>the</strong> rerouting of any existing rights ofway across <strong>the</strong> land to be secured by way of legal agreement.Fig P8 Land adjacent to <strong>the</strong> ‘Pocket Park’Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>60

6.0Section 6: Delivery and Monitoring6.1 The <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is only effective if its policies are deliverable andable to be monitored. The <strong>Plan</strong> contains two kinds of policy; general and sitespecific.6.2 General policies YGGP 1 to 9: once <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> is formally approved, itbecomes part of <strong>the</strong> Local Development <strong>Plan</strong> for South Northamptonshire. Alongwith o<strong>the</strong>r approved district wide policies, it will be used by SouthNorthamptonshire Council, <strong>the</strong> local planning authority, to influence anddetermine planning applications that come before it. This includes applicationsfor development on all sites in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> area, not just those identified in <strong>the</strong><strong>Plan</strong>.6.3 In addition, it is anticipated that when South Northamptonshire Councilcompletes its revision of village confines lines as part of its forthcomingSettlement and Development Management Local <strong>Plan</strong>, it will take into account<strong>the</strong> proposed development in <strong>the</strong> approved <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong>Development <strong>Plan</strong> and adopt all sites into <strong>the</strong> settlement area. The ProposalsMap (see Map 6) illustrates <strong>the</strong> proposed new village confines line thatdelineates <strong>the</strong> boundary with <strong>the</strong> open countryside beyond which newdevelopment would not be appropriate unless <strong>the</strong>re is special justification.6.4 Site specific policies YGP1–8: All of <strong>the</strong> sites put forward for developmenthave been subject to discussion with <strong>the</strong> relevant landowners to ensure <strong>the</strong>irviability. Each site has its own individual characteristics and level of complexity,which will determine deliverability. Table 6.1 below lists all <strong>the</strong> policy sites andindicates <strong>the</strong> expected time frame for realisation (short, medium or long term)within <strong>the</strong> plan period.6.5 Infrastructure, facilities and services directly required by new developmentwill be expected to be funded by <strong>the</strong> developer as part of S106 legalagreements. This will be negotiated by South Northamptonshire Council in <strong>the</strong>course of pre-application discussions and in determining subsequent planningapplications. In <strong>the</strong> course of consultation on this draft plan, all <strong>the</strong> proposedsites will also be considered by infrastructure providers as a double check toidentify any serious issues.6.6 Financial benefits to <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> through developmentOne of <strong>the</strong> key objectives behind this <strong>Plan</strong> is to ensure that <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>remains a sustainable community for all residents, whilst protecting thosecharacteristics that make it an attractive place to live.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>61

6.7 In order to achieve this, <strong>the</strong> proposed housing development is intended toinclude a number of ‘affordable’ homes to meet <strong>the</strong> identified needs of localfamilies. The intention is also to keep at least <strong>the</strong> majority of such housingaffordable and available to local people in perpetuity.6.8 This will be achieved both through <strong>the</strong> direct involvement of a housingassociation and ei<strong>the</strong>r directly (e.g. dwelling size and price) or indirectly(through cross subsidy) from market sale housing.6.9 Again, it is expected that South Northamptonshire Council will negotiatesuch outcomes during pre-application discussions and in determining relevantplanning applications, in conjunction with <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Parish Council asconsultee.6.10 In addition, new development will be expected to contribute ei<strong>the</strong>r directlyor indirectly towards community facilities and benefits. Some of <strong>the</strong>se arespatial and identified in <strong>the</strong> site specific policies. Some are non spatial and areincluded in <strong>the</strong> Community Action <strong>Plan</strong> accompanying <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong>Development <strong>Plan</strong> and/or in Policy YGGP4. It is intended that <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>Parish Council, in consultation with providers, would determine <strong>the</strong> priorities forfunding of <strong>the</strong>se community facilities and benefits.6.11 There are a range of funding measures which can now be used to achievethis intention. New Homes Bonus (NHB) Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Developer Contributions through Legal Agreements (Normally section 106agreements)6.12 New Homes Bonus (NHB)This is a form of revenue grant from Central Government to <strong>the</strong> local authoritybased on <strong>the</strong> size and number of properties built in its area. In simple terms,<strong>the</strong> more properties that are built <strong>the</strong> higher <strong>the</strong> grant received by <strong>the</strong> LocalAuthority for up to 6 years per property. It is up to <strong>the</strong> local authority to decidehow it distributes this grant and South Northamptonshire Council are currentlyconsulting on its draft proposals (SD 1.11)on how to apportion this income. Theproposal is to allocate 30% of <strong>the</strong> grant it receives to <strong>the</strong> parishes in which <strong>the</strong>properties are built, retaining <strong>the</strong> remainder to help fund District Councilservices, employment generating initiatives and community led projects. Thismeans that even individual dwelling developments will generate funds whichcan be accumulated until a particular project can be afforded.6.13 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>62

Community Infrastructure Levy is a charge that can be placed on <strong>the</strong> developersof new housing schemes. It is intended to be used to help towards funding arange of infrastructure that may be needed as a result of development, forexample road schemes, schools and community facilities. SouthNorthamptonshire Council is yet to decide if it wishes to use <strong>the</strong> levy or retain<strong>the</strong> use of Section 106 contributions below. Therefore at <strong>the</strong> stage of preparingthis draft <strong>Plan</strong>, <strong>the</strong>re is no certainty whe<strong>the</strong>r or not <strong>the</strong> CIL will be adoptedlocally. The Minister for <strong>Plan</strong>ning has announced, however, that parishes thathave an adopted <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong> will receive at least 25% ofthis levy if it is generated. (Ref SD1.2)6.14 Section 106 agreementsThese agreements place a legal obligation on developers to contribute sums ofmoney where new development will place extra demands and impact on <strong>the</strong>local area of <strong>the</strong> community. Where possible, contributions will be sought forcommunity projects or to provide a required amount of ‘affordable housing’. IfSouth Northamptonshire Council decide not to adopt <strong>the</strong> CommunityInfrastructure Levy method, <strong>the</strong>se Section 106 agreements will continue to be<strong>the</strong> main arrangement for securing developer contributions.6.15 It is not possible to accurately forecast <strong>the</strong> amount of money that <strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong> will receive because <strong>the</strong>re are so many variables, for instance, how manyproperties could be developed, <strong>the</strong> size of <strong>the</strong> properties, <strong>the</strong> percentage ofdeveloper contributions, <strong>the</strong> amount of affordable housing. It is also importantthat <strong>the</strong> developments <strong>the</strong>mselves remain viable for <strong>the</strong> developer. However, ifall of <strong>the</strong> properties identified in <strong>the</strong> Site Specific policies are built (a total of 83)<strong>the</strong>n <strong>the</strong> sum could be in excess of £250,000 to be spent on projects orfacilities identified by <strong>the</strong> community.6.16 MonitoringIt is a requirement for <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> to be regularly monitored, both in terms of<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>’s contribution to <strong>the</strong> wider development plan for <strong>the</strong> district ofSouth Northants and in terms of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>’s contribution to realising <strong>the</strong>aspirations of village residents.6.17 It is intended that South Northamptonshire Council will monitor progressrelating to <strong>the</strong> number of dwellings and number of affordable homes deliveredduring <strong>the</strong> plan period, as part of its wider monitoring responsibilities for <strong>the</strong>district.6.18 O<strong>the</strong>r general policies e.g. those relating to design and landscape impactand site specific policies will be monitored through <strong>the</strong> planning process bySouth Northants Council and <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Parish Council i.e. by making sureapplications are in line with <strong>the</strong> policies.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>63

6.19 Achievement of <strong>the</strong> aspirations of <strong>the</strong> Community Action <strong>Plan</strong> will bereviewed and monitored by <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Parish Council on an annual basis.6.20 Additionally, <strong>the</strong> Steering Group will reconvene each year to prepare amonitoring report for <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> Parish Council to report on progress ofimplementing <strong>the</strong> aspirations contained in <strong>the</strong> Community Action <strong>Plan</strong>.6.21 The <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong> and <strong>the</strong> accompanying CommunityAction <strong>Plan</strong> will be reviewed and rolled forward after five years from <strong>the</strong> date ofadoption.Figure 6.1 Policy Phasing and DeliveryPROPOSEDDEVELOP-MENTPOLICYYGP1a and1bYGP2a and2bEXPECTEDPHASINGS Short (1-5years)M Medium (6-10 years)L Long (10+years)LM/LDELIVERYProduction of design briefAssessment andnegotiation againstpoliciesMonitoring of outcomePre-application discussionsAssessment andnegotiation againstpoliciesConsideration of offsitecontributionsYGP3 M Assessment of planningapplication against policiesConsideration of offsitecontributionsYGP4 M Assessment of planningapplication against policiesConsideration of on andoffsite contributionsYGP5 S/M Assessment of planningapplication against policiesConsideration of offsitecontributionsYGP6 M/L Pre-application discussionsAssessment of applicationagainst policiesAGENTSOFDELIVERYSite owner/ developerSNCYGPCSite owner/ developerSNCYGPCDeveloperSNCYGPCDeveloperSNCYGPCSite owner/developerSNCYGPCDeveloperSNCYGPCYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>64

Consideration of offsitecontributionsYGP7 S Consideration of designbrief and negotiationagainst policiesInvolvement of socialhousing providerDevelopment ofcommunity requirementsfor replacement VillageHallDevelopment ofcommunity requirementsfor open spaceNegotiations for on andoffsite contributionsYGP8 L Negotiations with socialhousing providerPre-application discussionsand negotiation againstpoliciesConsideration ofcontributionsDeveloperSocialHousingproviderVillage HalltrusteesSNCYGPCSocialhousingproviderSNCYGPCYGPCCYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>65

Appendix 1YARDLEY GOBIONPARISHCOMMUNITYACTION PLANYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>66

APPENDIX 1: ACTION PLANDuring <strong>the</strong> course of consultation with <strong>the</strong> community, a significant number ofissues were raised, solutions to which could not be included in <strong>the</strong><strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. This is because <strong>the</strong> regulations governing <strong>the</strong> approval ofneighbourhood plans only allow land based (spatial) proposals whose deliverycan be directly controlled to be included.It was recognised that <strong>the</strong>se issues, which are set out in Section 3 of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>,are important to <strong>the</strong> residents of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>. An Action <strong>Plan</strong> has beendrawn up to put forward proposals to address <strong>the</strong> concerns, indicating who willbe responsible for negotiating and instigating action. This Action <strong>Plan</strong> will <strong>the</strong>nprioritise work programmes for <strong>the</strong> organisations involved.The Action <strong>Plan</strong> will have a fur<strong>the</strong>r value, in that it will identify priorities foraction and expenditure when funding becomes available to <strong>the</strong> communitythrough new housing development or from any o<strong>the</strong>r source.As with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, <strong>the</strong> Action <strong>Plan</strong> will be monitored by <strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong> Parish Council on an annual basis, with a complete review every fiveyears.YARDLEY GOBION ACTION PLAN 2013-20181Issue2.5 Promotionof localbusinesses andtrades people,includingadequatedirectionalsigningRelatedObjectiveCO3CO6PossibleSolution/Action1 Resurrectbusiness Club2 Web site3 PromoteBusiness Links4 ImprovesignageResponsible forImplementationParish CouncilNORTHANTSCOUNTY COUNCILMonitoringincludingassessmentagainst YGNDPpolicy whereappropriateAnnual reviewIncludingconsultation withbusinesscommunity23.1 Increase oftraffic as aresult of <strong>the</strong><strong>Plan</strong> area’slocation on <strong>the</strong>strategic roadnetwork plusany proposedgrowth of <strong>the</strong>village. Aparticularconcern is forCO41 Monitoraccident /nearmiss incidents at<strong>the</strong> junctions2 Discusspossible trafficmanagementimprovementswith HighwayAuthority andPoliceParish CouncilNORTHANTSCOUNTY COUNCIL(Highway Authority)Highways Agency(A5)Annual reviewReports fromParish CouncilHighways member/ committeeSeek contributionfrom developmentfunding whereappropriateYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>67

3456<strong>the</strong> safety of<strong>the</strong> twojunctions with<strong>the</strong> A508 and<strong>the</strong> minorjunction onto<strong>the</strong> A5.3.2 and 3.3 Theneed toenhance <strong>the</strong>cycling andpedestrianlinkagesthroughout <strong>the</strong>Parish andbeyond.3.4 The need tointroducetrafficmanagementmeasures toimprove <strong>the</strong>vehicle andpedestriansafety in <strong>the</strong>narrow sectionof MoorendRoad / junctionwith GraysLane:3.5 The need toimprove trafficcirculation,parking andaccess in SchoolLane toimprove safetyespecially forchildrenattendingPrimary Schooland Children’sCentre.3.6 Lack of offstreet parkingspace for anumber ofpropertiesmeans that<strong>the</strong>re is asignificantCO4CO7C04CO4CO4Discuss possibleimprovementsfor pedestriansand cyclingprovisionalongside A508and A5See 3.4 below.Press forappropriateresolution ofpublic access to<strong>Yardley</strong> Wharf.Press for priorityfunding inrelevant budgetsDiscuss possibletrafficmanagementmeasures withhighwayauthority andimmediateresidentsPress for priorityfunding inrelevant budgetsDiscuss possibletrafficmanagementmeasures withhighwayauthority andimmediatelyadjacent landowners.Press for priorityfunding inrelevant budgets1 Create parkinglay-bys ongrassed verges2 Redesignparking by PostOfficeParish CouncilNorthants CountyCouncil (HighwayAuthority)Parish CouncilNorthants CountyCouncil (HighwayAuthority)Parish CouncilNorthants CountyCouncil (HighwayAuthority)Parish CouncilNorthants CountyCouncilReports fromParish CouncilHighwaysCommitteeSeek contributionsfrom developmentwhere appropriateReports fromParish CouncilHighwaysCommitteeSeek contributionsfrom developmentwhere appropriateReports fromParish CouncilHighwaysCommitteeSeek contributionsfrom developmentwhere appropriateFundingopportunity to besought whenrelevantdevelopmentapplications aremadeYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>68

amount of onstreet parking73.7 InadequateBus serviceCO41 Reroute X4through village2 Extend CountyConnect3 CommunityTransportSchemeParish Council/NORTHANTSCOUNTYCOUNCIL/ACREBus CompaniesPossibly securedby developmentopportunitiesYGGP483.7 Need for anadditionalschool busCO4CO6Considerprovision ofextra school busParish Council/Parents/ SecondaryschoolsAnnual review ofneed / progress9103.7 Access toLocal HealthFacilities3.8 Speedingtraffic onHesketh Road,Moorend Road,Chestnut Roadand High StreetCO4CO6CO4Improve publictransportProvide facilityin villageCoordination1 Publicity2 Trainvolunteers to usespeed gun3 Reduce speedlimitsParishCouncil/NORTHANTS COUNTYCOUNCIL/NHSParish CouncilNORTHANTSCOUNTY COUNCILPoliceOngoingconsultation withbus users. Possiblysecured bydevelopmentopportunitiesYGGP4Annual reviewincludingconsultation withNCC and Police113.9Improvementsto streetlighting interms oflocation,overhangingvegetation andtimingCO4CO7Agreeenhancement/replacementscheme andsource fundingPursue removalof offendingvegetationParish CouncilEnergy companyStreet lightingproviderPossibly securedby developmentopportunitiesConsiderpossibility of loanRegular vegetationchecksYGGP41213143.11 Incidentsof surfacewater floodingon <strong>the</strong> highwaydue toinadequatedrainage4.1 Lack ofsense of place4.3 Pocket ParkmanagementCO4CO7CO1CO7CO5CO7To ensureNORTHANTSCOUNTYCOUNCIL isaware ofproblem andseek programmefor remedyTo consider aspart ofimprovements1 Re route path2 Publicity towidenappreciation3 ManagementschemeParish CouncilNorthants CountyCouncilParishCouncil/DeveloperParish Council /VolunteersOngoing asincidents arisePossibly securedby developmentopportunitiesAll Policies of NDPAnnual reviewLink to landadjacent.Policy YGGP8Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>69

154.4 Generalenhancementof maintainedvergesCO516 4.4 Dog fouling CO51 Sowing ofMeadow Grass2 Ensure cuttingprogramme isadequate3 Deter carparking onverges4 Pursue repairswhere verges aredamaged1 Ensuresufficient dogbins2 Campaign toeducate3 EnforcebyelawsParish CouncilNorthants CountyCouncilPoliceParish CouncilSouth NorthantsCouncilAnnual mowingcontractOngoing onsitechecksOngoing checks17 4.5 Way finding185.2 Expandingrecreationalprovision, e.g.a skate parkCO5CO7CO61 Provide signs2 Provide villagemap1 Create SkatePark at RecCentre2 Encouragedevelopment ofmore activitiesat R.C. or o<strong>the</strong>rcentresParishCouncil/NORTHANTS COUNTY COUNCILParishCouncil/SNC/RecreationCentre/VoluntaryClubs and SocietiesAnnual ParishAssembly:footpathcoordinator reportPossibly securedby developmentopportunitiesPolicy YGP7A,B,C19 5.2 Youth Club205.3 Promotionof communityfacilities andevents e.g. <strong>the</strong>May FayreCO1CO6CO1CO61 Create YouthClub2 O<strong>the</strong>r youthprovisionCreate VillageSocialCommitteewiden role of RCCommitteeParish CouncilVolunteersParishCouncil/VolunteersReassessopportunitiesAnnual ParishAssembly216.3 Increasedretail outletsand longeropening hoursat <strong>the</strong> PostOfficeCO1CO3CO7InvestigateopportunitiesParish Council/Business communityOngoing226.3 Promotionof <strong>the</strong> pub as acommunitymeeting placeCO6CO7Publicity/ Liaison Community Ongoing236.4 Day Centrefor moreelderlyresidentsCO1CO6CO71 Detailed surveyof need2 Establish DayCentre in villageVolunteers/ParishCouncil/NCC/HealthprofessionalsPossibly securedby developmentopportunitiesYGGP4Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>70

24256.5 Child healthcare provision8.1 ImprovecommunicationCO1CO6CO7CO6CO7Retention ofHealth Visitor invillageBroadbandupgradesPre School/ School/Health AuthorityParish CouncilBusiness communityHealth Visitor reestablishedsinceconsultation –monitor retentionof serviceAnnual reviewYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>71

Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>72

Appendix 6 GLOSSARY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS(Community) Action <strong>Plan</strong> – Proposed actions to address issues which cannot formpart of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, as set out in Section 3 of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, but which areimportant to <strong>the</strong> residents of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>. An Action <strong>Plan</strong> has been drawn up,indicating who will be responsible for negotiating and instigating action. This Action <strong>Plan</strong>will <strong>the</strong>n prioritise work programmes for <strong>the</strong> organisations involved.Affordable housing - Affordable housing is not available on <strong>the</strong> open market. It isavailable as social rented, affordable rented or as shared ownership housing, and ismanaged by a Registered Social Landlord, who may be <strong>the</strong> local authority.Article 4 Directions – are made by a Local <strong>Plan</strong>ning Authority and confirmed by <strong>the</strong>Government. They serve to restrict Permitted Development rights, which means that alot of <strong>the</strong> things people do to <strong>the</strong>ir land or houses without planning permission and oftentake for granted, are brought into <strong>the</strong> realms of planning consent. It does not in itselfprohibit any action but means that a landowner is required to seek planning consentwhereas without <strong>the</strong> Direction this would not be necessary.Coffee Pot Field – Playing field adjacent to <strong>the</strong> Coffee Pot Public HouseCommunity Infrastructure Levy (CIL) - The Community Infrastructure Levy is a chargethat accompanies planning applications for built development. Many local planningauthorities are currently consulting on <strong>the</strong>ir scale of charges. The money is pooled tofund infrastructure. [See also S106 Agreements]Conservation Area - A Conservation Area is an area of special architectural or historicinterest, <strong>the</strong> character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance.Consultation Statement – a statement setting out how consultation throughout <strong>the</strong> planpreparation period has been conducted. It contains a summary of <strong>the</strong> main issuesraised, and how those issues have been addressed.Core Objectives - Those objectives that <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> and Action <strong>Plan</strong> seekto meet which have been identified through consultation with residents.Core Strategy (Joint) – The Strategic <strong>Plan</strong>ning document that is <strong>the</strong> overall approachfor planning development in <strong>the</strong> area. The relevant document for <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> isknown as ‘Joint’ because it covers <strong>the</strong> three district council areas of Daventry, SouthNorthamptonshire and Northampton Borough. All <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> policies have tobe in general conformity with it.Design Guide – A guide setting out <strong>the</strong> principles against which <strong>the</strong> design of newdwellings should comply.Development <strong>Plan</strong> – The Development <strong>Plan</strong> incorporates <strong>the</strong> Local DevelopmentFramework for that area and any 'saved policies' carried over from <strong>the</strong> local planningauthorities previous local plan. It sets out <strong>the</strong> local authority's policies and proposals for<strong>the</strong> development and use of land in <strong>the</strong>ir area. The development plan guides andYour <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>73

informs day-to-day decisions as to whe<strong>the</strong>r or not planning permission should begranted.Dwelling mix – The type, size and density of housing in a proposed developmentscheme.Evidence Base – A collection of evidence ga<strong>the</strong>red to support and direct <strong>the</strong>development of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>. All <strong>the</strong> supporting and reference documentsrelevant to <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are listed in AppendixException site - Land that would not usually secure planning permission for generalopen market housing, for example agricultural land next to but not within a localsettlement area. A Development <strong>Plan</strong> Document may allow for <strong>the</strong> development ofsmall sites within rural areas for affordable housing (possibly including some markethousing to support it) where <strong>the</strong>re is a proven need.Flood risk zones - Geographic areas that <strong>the</strong> FEMA has defined according to varyinglevels of flood risk. These zones are depicted on a community's Flood Insurance RateMap (FIRM) or Flood Hazard Boundary Map or <strong>the</strong> Environment Agency’s Flood Riskmaps. Each zone reflects <strong>the</strong> severity or type of flooding in <strong>the</strong> area.Gross and net residential density - Housing development can be expressed in termsof gross residential density which includes certain nearby non-residentialdevelopment as well as <strong>the</strong> land used for dwellings, or net residential density which refers only to <strong>the</strong> land covered by <strong>the</strong> residentialdevelopment, gardens and o<strong>the</strong>r spaces included within it and usually half <strong>the</strong>width of any adjacent roads.Habitats Regulations (Assessment) - A Habitats Regulations Assessment is <strong>the</strong>assessment of <strong>the</strong> impacts of implementing a plan or policy on international protectedsites for nature conservation. These sites are Special Protection Areas (SPAs) for birdsidentified under <strong>the</strong> Birds Directive and Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) forhabitats and species under <strong>the</strong> Habitats Directive. Ramsar sites (wetlands ofinternational importance designated under <strong>the</strong> Ramsar Convention) are also consideredunder <strong>the</strong> assessment, as are candidate SACs and proposed SPAsThe purpose of Habitats Regulations Assessment is to ensure that plans will not result insignificant damage to protected wildlife sites. The assessment considers <strong>the</strong> impacts ofa land use plan against conservation objectives of <strong>the</strong> site and identifies whe<strong>the</strong>r itwould adversely affect <strong>the</strong> integrity of <strong>the</strong> site. Where significant negative effects areidentified, alternative options should be examined to avoid any potential damagingeffects.Housing demand: The quantity of housing that households are willing and able to buyor rent.Housing Need – The quantity of housing required for households who are unable toaccess suitable housing without financial assistance.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>74

Independent examiner – A person appointed to evaluate <strong>the</strong> plan to ensure it meets allstatutory obligations.Landscape Visual Impact Assessment Landscape and Visual Impact Assessmentidentifies <strong>the</strong> key characteristics of a landscape area and assesses <strong>the</strong> effects of newdevelopments on views and on <strong>the</strong> landscape itself.LEAP Local Environmental Action <strong>Plan</strong> is a method of environmental management anddecision-making, designed for improvement of local social and environmental conditions.LEAP includes shaping of a local community’s vision of its future, environmentalassessment, setting of environmental priorities, selection of efficient ways of handling ofurgent matters, taking measures to achieve real improvement of <strong>the</strong> state ofenvironment and health of people. LEAP is based on <strong>the</strong> idea of active publicparticipation in <strong>the</strong> decision-making by <strong>the</strong> local authority.Listed Buildings - A listed building, in <strong>the</strong> United Kingdom, is a building that has beenplaced on <strong>the</strong> Statutory List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. It isa widely used status, applied to around half a million buildings. The statutory bodymaintaining <strong>the</strong> list in England is English Heritage. A listed building may not bedemolished, extended, or altered without special permission from <strong>the</strong> local planningauthority, which typically consults <strong>the</strong> relevant central government agency, particularlyfor significant alterations to <strong>the</strong> more notable listed buildingsLive/work unit - Live/work units are purpose-built premises, or buildings purposelyconverted into such units. They are a mix of residential and business uses which cannotbe classified under a single class within <strong>the</strong> Use Classes Order.Local Development Framework - is <strong>the</strong> spatial planning strategy introduced in Englandand Wales by <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and given detail in<strong>Plan</strong>ning Policy Statement 12. Maintaining <strong>the</strong> framework is <strong>the</strong> responsibility of Englishdistrict councils. [And see Local <strong>Plan</strong> below]Local Development Document - Local development documents are a set ofdocuments that a local planning authority creates to describe <strong>the</strong>ir strategy fordevelopment and use of land in <strong>the</strong>ir area of authority. Toge<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>y comprise <strong>the</strong> LocalDevelopment Framework / Local <strong>Plan</strong>.Local Green Space - this designation relates to sites where: <strong>the</strong> green area is in reasonably close proximity to <strong>the</strong> community it serves; <strong>the</strong> green area is demonstrably special to a local community and holds aparticular local significance, for example because of its beauty, historicsignificance, recreational value (including as a playing field), tranquility orrichness of its wildlife; and <strong>the</strong> green area concerned is local in character and is not an extensive tract ofland.Localism Act - The Localism Act 2011 (c. 20) A major piece of new legislation, whichincludes wide-ranging changes to local government, housing and planning. Significantly,Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>75

<strong>the</strong> Act abolishes regional planning, and introduces <strong>the</strong> possibility of <strong>Neighbourhood</strong><strong>Plan</strong>s as part of <strong>the</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong> for an area.Local <strong>Plan</strong>ning Authority – In England generally <strong>the</strong> district or borough council. In <strong>the</strong>case of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>, South Northamptonshire Council has responsibility for mostplanning matters.Local <strong>Plan</strong> - A portfolio or folder of documents setting out <strong>the</strong> planning strategy for alocal planning authority area. The <strong>Plan</strong>ning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004replaced old-style local plans, structure plans and unitary development plans with a newconcept of a folder of documents which, until recently, was known as a LocalDevelopment Framework. The Government now uses <strong>the</strong> simpler description 'Local<strong>Plan</strong>'.Market housing – Housing which is offered for sale on <strong>the</strong> open market.National <strong>Plan</strong>ning Policy Framework - The National <strong>Plan</strong>ning Policy Framework is akey part of <strong>the</strong> government’s reforms to make <strong>the</strong> planning system less complex andmore accessible. Published in March 2012, it vastly simplified <strong>the</strong> number of governmentpolicy pages about planning.The framework acts as guidance for local planning authorities and decision-takers, bothin drawing up plans and making decisions about planning applications. The Frameworkemphasises a presumption in favour of sustainable development.New Homes Bonus - The New Homes Bonus is a grant paid by central government tolocal councils for increasing <strong>the</strong> number of homes created. The New Homes Bonus ispaid each year for 6 years and equals <strong>the</strong> amount of extra Council Tax revenue raisedfrom new-build homes, conversions and long-term empty homes brought back into use.There is also an extra payment for providing affordable homes.<strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong> - Parish and town councils and neighbourhoodforums can prepare a <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong> (NDP) for <strong>the</strong>ir area. The NDPcan set out policies and plans for that area, like a Development <strong>Plan</strong> Document but on avery local scale. Subject to conformity with national policies and Local <strong>Plan</strong> policies for<strong>the</strong> area, and gaining support through a referendum of <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Area,this plan will be adopted as a formal part of <strong>the</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong>. This means thatplanning decisions have to be made in accordance with <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> (ando<strong>the</strong>r parts of <strong>the</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong>) unless material considerations indicate o<strong>the</strong>rwise.<strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> Area – The area formally designated to be covered by <strong>the</strong><strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong>, in this case <strong>the</strong> whole of <strong>the</strong> parish of <strong>Yardley</strong><strong>Gobion</strong>.<strong>Plan</strong> period – <strong>the</strong> period during which a plan is to be in place and lawful. In <strong>the</strong> case of<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>, this will be 2013 to 2026.Pocket Park - A pocket park is a small park accessible to <strong>the</strong> general public. Pocketparks are frequently created on a small, irregular pieces of land. They also may becreated as a component of <strong>the</strong> public space requirement of large building projects.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>76

Pocket parks can be urban, suburban or rural, and can be on public or private land.Although <strong>the</strong>y are too small for physical activities, pocket parks provide greenery, aplace to sit outdoors, and sometimes a children's playground. They may be createdaround a monument, historic marker or art project. The pocket park in <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> ison orchard land to <strong>the</strong> rear of St. Leonard’s Church.Proposals Map – A map showing <strong>the</strong> policies contained in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong>Development <strong>Plan</strong>.Referendum – A vote, arranged by <strong>the</strong> local authority, of all qualifying persons on <strong>the</strong>electoral roll in <strong>the</strong> parish of <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong>. The vote will determine whe<strong>the</strong>r <strong>the</strong>community accepts <strong>the</strong> proposals contained in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong>.S106 Agreement - Section 106 of <strong>the</strong> Town and Country <strong>Plan</strong>ning Act 1990 allows alocal planning authority to enter into a legally-binding agreement or planning obligationwith a land developer over a related issue. The obligation is commonly referred to as a'Section 106 Agreement' and normally requires <strong>the</strong> developer to make a contributiontowards costs incurred by <strong>the</strong> community as a result of <strong>the</strong> development.More recently, <strong>the</strong> Government viewed S106 agreements as providing only a partial andvariable response to capturing funding contributions for infrastructure. Therefore The<strong>Plan</strong>ning Act 2008 introduced provision for <strong>the</strong> Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).Councils are empowered (but not required) to set a scale of charges for mostdevelopments.Current Government thinking is that S106 contributions will continue alongside CIL, butfor a restricted number of purposes and requirements directly related to <strong>the</strong> site.Steering Group – A voluntary committee of residents appointed by <strong>the</strong> Parish Councilto prepare <strong>the</strong> Draft <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong>.Strategic Environmental Analysis (SEA) - A systematic decision support process,aiming to ensure that environmental and possibly o<strong>the</strong>r sustainability aspects areconsidered effectively in policy, plan and programme making.Sustainability Appraisal A Sustainability Appraisal assesses <strong>the</strong> economic,environmental and social impacts of a proposed policy or plan, to ensure that it willcontribute to achieving sustainable development. Sustainability Appraisals of all <strong>the</strong>proposed site specific policies in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong> are contained in AppendixSustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) - Increasing urbanisation has causedproblems with increased flash flooding after sudden rain. As areas of vegetation arereplaced by impermeable concrete, tarmac or roofed areas, <strong>the</strong> area loses its ability toabsorb rainwater. This rain is instead directed into surface water drainage systems,often overloading <strong>the</strong>m and causing floods. Designed to reduce <strong>the</strong> potential impact ofnew and existing developments with respect to surface water drainage discharges,SUDS use cost effective solutions with low environmental impact to drain away dirty andsurface water run-off through collection, storage, and cleaning before allowing it to bereleased slowly back into <strong>the</strong> environment, such as into water courses.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>77

Sustainable development - Sustainable development refers to a mode of humandevelopment in which resource use aims to meet human needs while ensuring <strong>the</strong>sustainability of natural systems and <strong>the</strong> environment, so that <strong>the</strong>se needs can be metnot only in <strong>the</strong> present, but also for generations to come. The term 'sustainabledevelopment' was used by <strong>the</strong> Brundtland Commission, which coined what has become<strong>the</strong> most often-quoted definition of sustainable development: "development that meets<strong>the</strong> needs of <strong>the</strong> present without compromising <strong>the</strong> ability of future generations to meet<strong>the</strong>ir own needs”.Topic Group – Members of <strong>the</strong> steering group who analysed sections of <strong>the</strong>questionnaire results and produced topic papers, which in turn led to <strong>the</strong> identification ofissues and proposals in <strong>the</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>.Tove Valley Special Landscape Area – The origin and definition of this area lies in <strong>the</strong>County Structure <strong>Plan</strong> for Northamptonshire in which Policy ENV4 stated that“IN RECOGNITION OF THEIR SPECIAL ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITIES THEFOLLOWING AREAS ARE DESIGNED AS SPECIAL LANDSCAPE AREAS:-[THE YARDLEY GOBION AREA]The designation was recognised in <strong>the</strong> 1997 South Northamptonshire Local <strong>Plan</strong>, wherepolicy EV7 statedIN THE SPECIAL LANDSCAPE AREAS PLANNING PERMISSION WILL ONLY BEGRANTED FOR DEVELOPMENT WHICH WILL NOT HAVE A DETRIMENTALIMPACT ON THEIR CHARACTER AND APPEARANCE. PARTICULAR ATTENTIONMUST BE PAID TO DESIGN, MATERIALS, SITING OF BUILDINGS AND THE USE OFLANDThis policy remains part of <strong>the</strong> Development <strong>Plan</strong> for <strong>the</strong> area, used to protect thissensitive landscape from inappropriate development.Use Class - The Town and Country <strong>Plan</strong>ning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (<strong>the</strong> "UCO1987") is a Statutory Instrument, applying in England and Wales, that specifies various"Use Classes" within which planning permission is not required for <strong>the</strong> change of use ofa building or land from one use to ano<strong>the</strong>r use within that same class. The UCO 1987was made by <strong>the</strong> Secretary of State under authority granted by sections 22 and 287 of<strong>the</strong> Town and Country <strong>Plan</strong>ning Act 1971, which have subsequently been replaced bysections 55 and 333 of <strong>the</strong> Town and Country <strong>Plan</strong>ning Act 1990. Most recently, <strong>the</strong>Town and Country <strong>Plan</strong>ning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (England)Order 2013 introduces fur<strong>the</strong>r changes as of 30th May 2013.Viability – A test to ensure that a proposed scheme of development is economicallysound and <strong>the</strong>refore plausible.Village Confines – The boundary of <strong>the</strong> settlement beyond which development is notnormally permitted. It is defined by <strong>the</strong> existing main built up area but excluding thoseperipheral buildings such as free - standing individual or groups of dwellings, nearbyfarm buildings or o<strong>the</strong>r structures which are not closely related <strong>the</strong>reto. Gardens, orformer gardens, within <strong>the</strong> curtilage of dwelling houses will not necessarily be assumedto fall within <strong>the</strong> confines of <strong>the</strong> village.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>78

Ward - A subdivision of a local authority area, typically used for electoral purposes.Wards are usually named after neighbourhoods, thoroughfares, parishes, landmarks,geographical features and in some cases historical figures connected to <strong>the</strong> area.<strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> lies in <strong>the</strong> District Council ward of Cosgrove and Grafton and in <strong>the</strong>County Council ward of Deanshanger.Your <strong>Yardley</strong>: <strong>Yardley</strong> <strong>Gobion</strong> <strong>Neighbourhood</strong> <strong>Plan</strong>79

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