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When she’s not working to strengthenEVMS, Ms. Hough spends time withher children, (from left) Beach andtwins Lara and Griffin.brought structure to the way EVMS interacts withits audiences both on and off campus.“She sets a very ambitious agenda, and shedelivers on it,” he says. “For one, we blew away ourAnnual Fund goal. If we can keep this ball rolling,we’ll be in a wonderful position.”fast forwardAll the success, however, doesn’t equate to aneasy first year at the medical school. Challengeswere in ample supply. About the time she started,the global economy lurched downward and, withit, philanthropic giving. Tight consumer walletshave led to lower state revenue, and EVMS, likeevery other Virginia institution of higher learning,has seen its share of state funding drop as the statecopes with a budget in the red.There have been internal challenges, too. Thelaunch of an all-new web site in September, a projectMs. Hough championed, did not go as smoothlyas expected. She has acknowledged the ongoingdifficulties and is holding the outside contractorsworking on the site accountable and pushing herstaff to find solutions.“She doesn’t just want things done. She wantsthem done right,” Vincent Rhodes, director ofmarketing and communications, explains. “Sheholds herself and her staff to very high standards.If there’s a problem or a mistake, she wants to get tothe bottom of it and figure out how to fix it — fast.Claudia has been very supportive of redirecting ourstaff and finding extra help to fix web site problems.She wants EVMS to have the best, most useful sitepossible.”Fortunately, temporary setbacks and a downeconomy aren’t a deterrent for Ms. Hough.“We just have to work a little harder and be a littlescrappier,” she says.Fund-raising targets have increased from lastyear, and the school is planning to amplify itscommunication efforts. Ms. Hough doesn’t wantEVMS to be Hampton Road’s best-kept secretany longer. All the work, she says, will have beena success only when everyone in Hampton Roadsknows what EVMS does and why it’s a critical pillarin the region’s health-care infrastructure.“I think the assets and the opportunities faroutweigh the challenges,” says Ms. Hough. “Theproduct is too good. The product has too muchstrength behind it. The product is our students, ourfaculty, EVMS Health Service and our research.There are too many positives to let any excuse getin the way.”32Fall 2009 www.eVMS.EDU Fast forward

alumniDan Neumann, MD, Left,Class of 1997, catches upwith 1999 graduate DarwinKoller, MD.Alumni reconnect and reminisceat medical alumni reunionDozens of doctors who earned their stripes atEastern Virginia Medical School came back toNorfolk in August for the annual MD AlumniReunion.Nearly 50 alumni — and some of their families— came to Norfolk to reminisce with formerclassmates and teachers and hear first-hand fromEVMS leaders how the school is thriving.“I saw people I hadn’t had contact with in years,but it seemed so natural to talk to them,” saysCarolyn Riegle, MD, Class of ’79. “But, even more,it was rejuvenating for me and an opportunity toreflect on where my life has been and how I got towhere I am. And the dancing at the dinner partymade the years slip away. It was a blast.”Reunion events included a reception Aug. 14 anda formal dinner Aug. 15, as well as a ContinuingMedical Education scientific session Saturdaymorning that featured EVMS alumnus and StateSen. Ralph S. Northam, MD; Paul Phrampus, MD,another EVMS graduate; and recently appointedchair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, StephenI. Deutsch, MD.“It’s always great when our graduates come tosee all the change on campus, from new buildingsto new faculty,” says Melissa Lang, alumni relationsdirector. “There’s so much growth here and so muchfor our alumni to be proud of, and I hope next yearwe get even more alumni back to see all the progressand feel the excitement.”Starting this year, Mrs. Lang is recruitingrepresentatives from each graduating class to helprally their classmates to sign up for the reunion.To volunteer as a class rep, contact the Office ofAlumni Relations at or 757-446-6054.Send your class notes and news to Alumni@evms.eduSave the Date:2nd annual School of Health Professions Alumni Banquet – April 17th, 2010MD Alumni Reunion Weekend – August 13-15th, 2010Theresa and Roger Emory, both MD graduates in theClass of 1989, leaf through an old yearbook with friends.“It’s the premier MD alumni event of the year. Ifyou can only make it to one, this is the event,” saysMrs. Lang, adding that alumni should mark theircalendars for next year’s reunion weekend, August13-15, 2010.Have you updated your Alumni profile lately? Visit to make sure your information is current.ALUMNIwww.eVMS.EDU Fall 2009 33

alumniDan Neumann, MD, Left,Class of 1997, catches upwith 1999 graduate Darw<strong>in</strong>Koller, MD.Alumni reconnect and rem<strong>in</strong>isceat medical alumni reunionDozens of doctors who earned their stripes at<strong>Eastern</strong> Virg<strong>in</strong>ia <strong>Medical</strong> School came back toNorfolk <strong>in</strong> August for the annual MD AlumniReunion.Nearly 50 alumni — and some of their families— came to Norfolk to rem<strong>in</strong>isce with formerclassmates and teachers and hear first-hand fromEVMS leaders how the school is thriv<strong>in</strong>g.“I saw people I hadn’t had contact with <strong>in</strong> years,but it seemed so natural to talk to them,” saysCarolyn Riegle, MD, Class of ’79. “But, even more,it was rejuvenat<strong>in</strong>g for me and an opportunity toreflect on where my life has been and how I got towhere I am. And the danc<strong>in</strong>g at the d<strong>in</strong>ner partymade the years slip away. It was a blast.”Reunion events <strong>in</strong>cluded a reception Aug. 14 anda formal d<strong>in</strong>ner Aug. 15, as well as a Cont<strong>in</strong>u<strong>in</strong>g<strong>Medical</strong> Education scientific session Saturdaymorn<strong>in</strong>g that featured EVMS alumnus and StateSen. Ralph S. Northam, MD; Paul Phrampus, MD,another EVMS graduate; and recently appo<strong>in</strong>tedchair of psychiatry and behavioral sciences, StephenI. Deutsch, MD.“It’s always great when our graduates come tosee all the change on campus, from new build<strong>in</strong>gsto new faculty,” says Melissa Lang, alumni relationsdirector. “There’s so much growth here and so muchfor our alumni to be proud of, and I hope next yearwe get even more alumni back to see all the progressand feel the excitement.”Start<strong>in</strong>g this year, Mrs. Lang is recruit<strong>in</strong>grepresentatives from each graduat<strong>in</strong>g class to helprally their classmates to sign up for the reunion.To volunteer as a class rep, contact the Office ofAlumni Relations at or 757-446-6054.Send your class notes and news to Alumni@evms.eduSave the Date:2nd annual School of Health Professions Alumni Banquet – April 17th, 2010MD Alumni Reunion Weekend – August 13-15th, 2010Theresa and Roger Emory, both MD graduates <strong>in</strong> theClass of 1989, leaf through an old yearbook with friends.“It’s the premier MD alumni event of the year. Ifyou can only make it to one, this is the event,” saysMrs. Lang, add<strong>in</strong>g that alumni should mark theircalendars for next year’s reunion weekend, August13-15, 2010.Have you updated your Alumni profile lately? Visit to make sure your <strong>in</strong>formation is current.ALUMNIwww.eVMS.EDU Fall 2009 33

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