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eBook: Verint's WFO - Adtech Global

eBook: Verint's WFO - Adtech Global


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Workforce Optimization:Strategies for Analyzing and Optimizing Your Enterprise

A Closer Look at Enterprise Workforce OptimizationAs customers, we’ve all been there: What starts as a greatbuying experience spirals downward quickly because ofthe poor service we receive after our order is placed. Orperhaps the opposite occurs—a bad experience is suddenlyredeemed at the eleventh hour by someone who goesbeyond the call of duty to make good on a problematicorder. Either way, we’ve had an experience that mayleave us wondering whether anyone in the company has acomplete view of the service that’s being delivered. And alltoo often, the answer is no.Sometimes, these breaks are obvious, such as when callvolume in the contact center spikes because a product recallhas been announced or a dividend payment delayed. Butthere are other, more subtle breaks that can be difficultto detect by traditional quality monitoring processes:An automated notification system fails to work properly,prompting customers to call into the contact center to checkon the status of their orders. Or perhaps limited hours ofoperation in the service center are causing customers todefect to a competitor whose hours are more favorable.Although many enterprises work hard to deliver a qualitycustomer experience, they’re often hampered by thedifferent systems, applications, people, and processesthat play a role in delivering service. And while the contactcenter, branch, or remote office is typically the focal pointof customer anger when things go wrong, in reality, abreak or disconnect anywhere in the customer service valuechain can impact the customer experience, no matter howflawlessly the other parts of the chain have performed.Situations like these can have repercussions that areseldom good for business. Customers may become angryand defect. Or an increase in contact volume might strainstaffing resources to the limit, upsetting customers andemployees alike—and the addition of temporary staff tohandle the workload may eat into profits.

A Unified ApproachOrganizations need better visibility into what’s reallyhappening—and why—across customer service operations, notonly in the contact center, but also in branch and back-officeoperations, such as order processing and fulfillment. Andthey need it presented in a way that’s easy to understand andactionable.Workforce optimization (<strong>WFO</strong>) solutions are designed toaddress these needs by combining software and services forcritical customer service applications, including:• Quality monitoring and recording• Voice of the customer analytics(speech and text analytics; enterprise feedbackmanagement; customer feedback surveys)• Desktop and process analytics• Workforce management• Performance management• eLearning• CoachingTo enable these applications to share data and worktogether seamlessly, leading <strong>WFO</strong> solutions provide a unifiedarchitecture. They also offer a single point of access tofunctions, locations, and data; single system administration;a single agent database; a single security model; and a singlegraphical user interface (GUI) for easy navigation acrossapplications.As a result, they can make information collected in differentareas of your enterprise available at the click of a button,offering you greater insight into workforce performance,customer interactions, customer service processes, andcustomer loyalty than you might receive with different systemsand applications.This intelligence is based on real data from actual interactions,and you can share it across your organization.

Workforce Optimization in ActionWorkforce Optimization provides valuable solutions for specificfunctions, such as quality monitoring, full-time recording, andworkforce management, but delivers even greater value whendeployed as a suite. It can make information that’s typicallycollected in different functional areas of your business availableat the click of a button, helping you predict, perform, analyze,and act to meet the changing requirements of your business:PredictForecastingAlign resources across your enterprise with projected customerdemand and corporate objectives, and create “what if” scenariosto determine tradeoffs among costs, service levels, revenue, andstaffing.SchedulingAutomatically factor the skills and proficiency levels of eachemployee into schedules that can be adjusted quickly.PerformAdherenceTrack how closely staff adhere to their schedules and drill tocaptured and live interactions to see what’s causing adherenceproblems.Quality Monitoring and RecordingCapture interactions based on rules you define, then reviewthem easily or forward them to others. Optional encryptionenables you to protect data when it’s recorded, in transit, andarchived, helping you comply with PCI DSS.AnalyzePerformance ManagementUse predefined or customized KPIs displayed in roleappropriatescorecards to track and analyze performance. Wantmore insight? Just drill to adherence screens and recordedinteractions directly from the scorecard.Voice of the Customer AnalyticsAnalyze customer communications and related data frommultiple channels (including phone, text/social media, andcustomer feedback surveys) to gain insight into processes andproducts, customer behavior, issues, trends, and more.Desktop and Process AnalyticsAddress data privacy requirements while capturing employeedesktop activity and workflow across different systems,applications, and processes.ActCoachingSchedule, deliver, and track coaching using an automaticworkflow that’s integrated with scorecards and training.eLearningAssign and deliver training on demand or automatically basedon scorecard results right on the desktop or workstation.ReportingRefine your customer care strategies and processes, thenpredict the resources you need.

Key TechnologiesVerint ® offers a wide array of solutions from a single source, in its Impact 360 ® WorkforceOptimization Suite. As the market’s only 5th generation workforce optimization solution, Impact360 is the most mature, unified portfolio of solutions available for analyzing and optimizingworkforce, customer service, and enterprise performance. Hover over the different areas belowto see included functionality:roll over icons for more information

Real World BenefitsWorkforce Optimization Real-world Solutionswith Real Business ValueAround the globe and across a range of industries, Impact 360helps contact centers of all sizes, multi-site centers, virtualcenters, branch offices, back-office operations, and outsourcedor offshore operations meet a range of business challenges. Forexample:Productivity Enhancement—A global vision servicesprovider used insight delivered by Impact 360 to enhancecustomer service and reduce call handle times while saving $3million in the first year alone.Customer Retention—A large financial services organizationimplemented Impact 360 to help spot potential customerdefections—and saved nearly 600 accounts worth about $1.7million in revenue just in the first three months.Cost Reduction—A provider of customer service supportfor semi-custom printed materials and engraved productsimplemented Impact 360 and improved its service levels bynearly 10 percent while reducing its cost per monitored call bymore than 60 percent.Revenue Generation—One of the largest insurance groupsin the world uses Impact 360 to capture transactions and moreeffectively manage staffing and workload in its direct salescontact center. By better aligning agents with workload andoptimizing agent time, the organization increased its sales leadsand grew revenue significantly.Marketing Analysis—A large North Americancommunications and media company is using Impact 360 todiscover what drives calls into its contact center. With thisinsight, the company can predict customer behavior patternsand has identified opportunities to improve its strategy,products and services, along with up to $180 million inprojected savings.Quality Assurance and Compliance—A large bank inNorth America uses Impact 360 to enhance quality, training, andcompliance in its contact center. The bank sends best-practicesexamples from its recorded interactions along with informationon new products, regulations, and policies directly to the agentdesktop, helping it meet requirements for compliance and ISO-9000 certification.Performance Enhancement—A provider of travel and roadservices uses Impact 360 to improve operational effectiveness.Using captured customer interactions, the organization canidentify issues that impact performance in its contact centersand determine why they occur, enabling it to take actionpromptly while delivering a better customer experience.Competitive Advantage—A global provider of outsourcedIT services uses Impact 360 to schedule, monitor, and trainemployees at service desks in countries around the world.The cost savings provided by the solution can be passed on tothe provider’s clients, helping it compete more effectively in ahighly competitive industry.Customer Satisfaction—One of the largest providers ofbanking and financial services in the UK uses Impact 360 inits finance division to help drive customer service and firstcallresolution in its contact centers. These solutions enablethe division to perform root-cause analysis to understand calldrivers, streamline call routing, and improve quality, helping thedivision achieve the highest customer satisfaction scores withinthe bank.

ConclusionUnified <strong>WFO</strong> solutions offer many benefits. They can help your organization save money by automating manual processes, reducing unnecessarylabor, lowering training costs, and enhancing efficiency across the departments that serve customers. Additionally, they can help you:• Capture and analyze customer interactions.• Improve workforce performance.• Uncover business trends and competitive advantages.• Discover the root cause of employee and customer behavior.• Make better decisions faster.• Connect your customer care operations more tightly with the rest of your enterprise.• Enhance service across your entire enterprise.With unified <strong>WFO</strong>, your enterprise can gain a clearer picture of what customers think, want, and need—and how effectively you’re delivering it.

About Verint SystemsAbout Verint Systems Inc.Verint ® (NASDAQ: VRNT) is the global leader in Actionable Intelligence ®solutions and value-added services. Its extensive portfolio of EnterpriseIntelligence Solutions and Security Intelligence Solutions helpsworldwide organizations capture and analyze complex, underusedinformation sources—such as voice, video and unstructured text—toenable more timely, effective decisions. More than 10,000 organizationsin 150 countries, including over 85 percent of the Fortune 100, useVerint solutions to improve enterprise performance and make the worlda safer place. Headquartered in N.Y. and a member of the Russell 3000Index, Verint has offices worldwide and an extensive global partnernetwork. Learn more at www.verint.com.

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