IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Indextipping points, 122, 351, 458-459vulnerability/thresholds approach, 350-351, 350Thunderstorms, 123, 141, 143Tibetan plateau, 195, 202precipitation, 143, 145-146, 195, 202temperature, 139-140, 195, 202wind, 150Timescales, 88-89, 112Tipping points, 122, 351, 366, 458-459Top-down mechanisms/approach, 266, 346,350-351, 350, 396, 427Tornadoes, 151, 152Tourism, 235, 250-251, 251Tradeoffs, 20, 440, 448-450Traditional behaviors, 84-85Traditional knowledge, 311-312, 456Transformation[*], 324, 441, 465-469context, 441-442defined, 5local framework, 323pathways, 442Transformational change, 20, 439, 442, 465-469,466facilitating, 466-469Transpiration[*], 113-114, 118, 167, 167-169Transportation sector, 83, 88, 235, 246, 259, 353infrastructure, 235, 248-249, 250, 348Tropical cyclones. See CyclonesTsunami (2004), 307, 457UUncertainty[*], 21, 47-48, 112, 130-133, 132UNFCCC, 344, 396, 406-408, 411-412adoption of, 403commitments on adaptation, 407finance and, 412-413technology transfer, 397UNISDR, 396, 397, 403, 408-409evaluation of, 405-406United Kingdomcoastal impacts, 185, 186floods, 176, 177precipitation, 142, 148United Nations Development Programme(UNDP), 404United Nations Framework Convention onClimate Change. See UNFCCCUnited Nations International Strategy forDisaster Reduction. See UNISDRUnited States, 258-260drought, 170, 174, 259floods, 176heat waves, 258-259hurricanes, 19, 55, 158, 260, 308, 315, 457precipitation, 142, 143, 148temperature, 134, 138waves, 181, 182wetlands, 370wind, 152Urban areas, 460-461continuum with rural areas, 298growth in, 294, 317, 366infrastructure, 250, 366-367vulnerability/exposure, 78-79, 238, 247-248, 317See also CitiesUrban floods, 175Urban heat islands[*], 235, 248, 493Urban planning, 460-461Urbanization, 294, 317, 460exposure/vulnerability and, 67, 78, 234, 248, 294migration and, 238Utilitarian approach, 447VValues and perceptions, 443, 446-447Vanuatu, 309Variabilityclimate, 7, 15, 115, 157climate modes, 15-16, 155-158Vectors of disease, 252, 253, 259, 316, 506Victoria, Australia, 496-498Vietnam, 317, 358, 370, 371Violent conflict, 297, 457Volcanoes, 188-189Vulnerability[*], 4-7, 65-108age/aging and, 234-235capacity and, 72-74concept/definition, 5, 32-33, 69-70, 237-238, 444conceptual frameworks, 71-72dimensions and trends, 76-89drivers of, 70-72, 379economic dimensions, 86-87environmental dimensions, 76-80extreme and nonextreme events and, 67interactions and integration, 87-88, 238-239, 239management options, 18-19observations of, 7-9, 18-19Prevalent Vulnerability Index (PVI), 92regionally based aspects, 92-93, 252-264risk and, 69-70risk identification and assessment, 89-95scales and factors in, 67, 69-72sector-based aspects, 235, 239-252skewed development and, 10, 67, 70social dimensions, 80-86socioeconomic systems and, 237-239, 410system-based aspects, 239-252timing and timescales, 88-89underlying causes, need to address, 20, 425, 440,470urbanization and, 67, 78, 234, 248, 294Vulnerability assessments, 320-321Vulnerability thresholds approach, 350-351, 350WWarm days/warm nights[*], 8, 134-135, 137-138,137, 138, 141regional projections, 191-202Warm spells[*], 134, 141, 191-202Warning systems, 303-304, 364-366, 416-417Water management, 16, 469Water scarcity, 167, 238-239, 255Water sector, 241-244DRM/adaptation options, 353impacts, 235, 241-244vulnerability/exposure, 235, 241-244water supply system, 242Watersheds. See CatchmentsWaves/wave height, 180-182WeAdapt/WikiAdapt, 424Wealth, 314Weather derivatives, 523, 524Weather eventscategories of, 115disasters and, 115-118Weather extremesdefined, 40, 116-117impacts on humans and ecosystems, 231-290impacts on physical environment, 109-230observed changes, 119-120, 133-152phenomena related to, 119, 152-166projected changes, 119-120, 133-152vs climate extremes, 117See also Climate extremes; Extreme events;ImpactsWeather forecasting, 416-417Weather indices, 116-117, 125, 168-169Wetland reduction, 238, 444, 461Wetland services, 248, 255, 370, 370, 445WildfireAustralia, 239, 496-498case study (Victoria), 496-498regional impacts, 255-256, 259, 261See also Forest firesWin-win options, 352-354, 355, 357Wind, 149-152impacts, 248observed changes, 119, 149-150projected changes, 13, 113, 119, 151-152, 151,248regional impacts, 257technologies for, 416Winners and losers, 456-457Women, 81, 313, 454-456Garifuna women, 82proactive role (Honduras), 314World Bank, 361, 404, 409, 411, 417, 419, 420World Climate Conference-3 (2009), 409World Conference on Disaster Reduction(Kobe), 398, 403World Food Programme, 419, 420, 524World Trade Organization, 410YYangtze Basin, 147, 148, 176Yucatan Peninsula, 503, 504Yukon, 514-517ZZambezi River/Basin, 253, 506, 507Zimbabwe, 506, 508-509582

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