IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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IndexRisk sharing, 10-11, 397, 523international level, 397, 418-421local level, 321-323national level, 371-373, 376Risk transfer[*], 10-11, 35, 294-295, 371-373, 465case study, 522-525international level, 397, 419-421, 523local level, 294-295, 321-323, 523national and sector-based programs, 352-354national systems, 341, 355, 371-373, 376, 523River discharge/runoff, 176-178River regulation, 176, 238dams, 176, 304, 415Robustness, 56Runoff[*], 177, 238, 262Rural areas, 79-80, 461-462continuum with urban areas, 298Russian Federation, 262SSafety, culture of, 362-366Saffir-Simpson scale, 149, 158, 162, 502Sahara, 193, 199drought, 174precipitation, 145-146, 193, 199sand/dust storms, 190temperature, 139-140, 193, 199Sahel, 171, 190Saijo City, 528Saltwater intrusion, 114, 184-185Samaritan’s dilemma, 452Sand and dust storms, 190, 254Satellite-based technologies, 416, 423Saudi Arabia, 415Scale, 111-112, 132coordination/linking across, 358-360, 360exposure and, 237individual, 38, 39integration across scales, 397, 426-427multiple scales, 448-450small- and medium-scale, 38territorial, 39timescales, 88-89, 112Scenario development, 462-463Scenarios, 11-12, 112-113precipitation projections, 145-146, 147-149SRES, 112-113, 136-137, 137-140, 141temperature projections, 137-138, 139-140, 141Scenarios-impacts approach, 350-351, 350School curricula, 526Science and technology, 89Sea ice, 122, 261, 262Sea level, 178-180change[*], 120coastal impacts, 18, 182, 183, 184, 185extreme, 18, 178-180mean[*], 178observed changes, 120, 178-179projected changes, 15, 120, 179-180small island states and, 184, 263Sea level rise, 113, 178-179impacts, 18, 184, 248, 263observed changes, 178-179projected changes, 15, 113, 179-180Sea surface temperature[*], 185, 261Sector-based organizations, 357Sectors, 235, 239-252DRM/adaptation, 352-354, 357See also specific sectorsSettlement patterns, 7-8, 78-80, 234, 235, 247-251See also Human settlementsShared responsibility, 400-401Shelter-in-place, 308-309Simulations, 462-463Skewed development processes, 10, 67, 70Slums. See Informal settlementsSmall island states, 18, 184-185, 263-264case study, 512-514coastal impacts, 183drought, 264impacts, 15, 183, 248, 251relocation issues, 300-301, 368sea level and, 184, 263small island developing states (SIDS), 18, 512-514tourism impacts, 251, 251vulnerability/exposure, 114, 184, 235, 248, 263, 263Snow load, 514, 515Snowmelt, 113, 119, 175-178Snowpack, 176-177Social capital, 310, 315Social construction, 36-37, 45, 70Social groups, vulnerability, 81Social impacts, 42-43Social justice, 320Social networks, 310-311, 315web-based, 423Social norms, 310Socio-ecological systems, 441Socio-political networks, 309, 309Socioeconomic change/inequities, 10, 238Socioeconomic conditions, 16, 234, 235, 238, 410Socioeconomic systems, 237-239Soft law, 401, 402, 403-404Soft vs hard engineering, 448Soil moisture[*], 118-119, 124, 167-175, 167-169, 173soil moisture anomalies (SMA), 15, 169, 172, 173soil moisture drought, 168-169, 171-172Solidarity, 400-401, 420-421, 523South Africa, 193, 199case study (DRM legislation), 519-522collective action in, 322precipitation, 145-146, 147, 193, 199temperature, 139-140, 193, 199South America, 255-256adaptation costs, 273, 274drought, 171, 174floods, 176precipitation, 142, 145-146, 148, 194, 200, 255temperature, 134, 135, 135, 138, 139-140, 141,194, 200waves, 181wildfires, 255-256South Asia, 195, 201Southern Annular Mode (SAM)[*], 150, 157-158Space-based monitoring, 416Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF), 406SRES emissions scenarios, 112-113, 136-137,137-140, 141Stationarity/non-stationarity, 46, 131Statistical downscaling, 129-131, 147Storm surge[*], 158, 179-180regional impacts, 254, 260, 261Storm tracks[*], poleward shift in, 8, 164-166Streamflow[*], 176-177Structural measures, 293, 304-306, 415Sub-Saharan Africaadaptation costs, 273, 274floods, 176food security, 368MDGs, 410Subsidiarity[*], 401Surprises, 122Susceptibility, 72, 183Sustainability, 20, 437-486adaptation and, 444DRM and, 440, 443-450, 458-462of ecosystem services, 445-446incremental steps, 439, 442interactions of mitigation, adaptation, and DRM,20, 440, 458-462multiple approaches, 440practical steps for, 470prerequisites for, 440synergies of DRM and adaptation, 469-471thresholds and tipping points, 20, 458-459transformational change, 20, 439, 465-469See also ResilienceSustainable development[*], 20, 439-440climate change and, 444DRM and, 440, 443-446questioning assumptions in, 20, 439technology and, 414-418Sustainable land management, 293Synergies, 48-50, 68, 357, 397, 469-471Syria, 498-500Systemic risks, 399TTampere Convention, 402, 411Tanzania, 39Teacher training, 526-527Technology, 89, 366-368, 447-448adaptation and, 414-415, 415emphasis on (FAQ), 448extreme events and, 416-417hard vs soft, 448international technical support, 409-410Technology choices, 447-448Technology Mechanism, 408Technology transfer, 397, 414-418, 448financing for, 417Temperature, 133-141agricultural impacts, 247attribution of changes, 135-136, 141case studies, 492-498, 514-517extremes, 135, 137, 138, 141extremes, projected, 13, 112-113, 119, 133-152,137, 138global surface[*], 126observed changes, 119, 133-136, 141polar regions, 262-263projected changes, 12, 13, 119, 135, 136-141,137-140, 191-202regional projections, 191-202sea surface[*], 185, 261summary, 141uncertainties, 141See also Heat wavesThailand, 448Thermohaline circulation, 122Three Mile Island, 45Thresholds, 20, 458-459abrupt climate change, 122absolute, 116extreme events, 116infrastructure, 366risk acceptance, 361581

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