IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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IndexOcean acidification, 185, 261Oceania, 260-261Open oceans, 261PPacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)[*], 153, 157Pacific Island Countries, 183, 263-264Pacific Ocean, 181, 184, 263Pakistan, 457Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), 168-169Permafrost[*], 189-190case study, 514-517infrastructure and, 367observed changes, 120, 186-188, 189-190projected changes, 15, 114, 120regional impacts, 263Perturbed-physics ensembles, 131-133Philadelphia, 495Philippines, 239, 519-522, 526Physical environment, 109-230impacts on, 119-120, 167-190Planning, 10, 462-469adaptation planning, 349-357, 443-444community participation in, 28development, 439local level, 308-313national level, 349-357, 380risk reduction, 69urban planning, 460-461Polar regions, 261-263Politician’s dilemma, 452Polluter pays principle, 400Population growth, 237, 238Population movements. See MigrationPost-disaster credit, 419Post-disaster recovery and reconstruction, 10,293, 301, 315, 439, 457Post-traumatic stress disorder, 252Poverty, 20, 314, 344rural, 238vulnerability/exposure and, 87, 247, 400, 441Poverty reduction strategies, 410Poverty traps, 451, 452Precautionary principle, 402Precipitation, 8, 141-149attribution of changes, 143-144, 149observed changes, 41, 119, 142-144, 149projected changes, 13, 14, 15, 113, 119, 144-149,144-146, 191-202rainfall, 113, 119, 142-144, 148, 149regional impacts, 253-254, 255regional projections, 191-202snowfall, 141, 189uncertainties, 148-149See also Drought; FloodsPreparedness, 36, 364-366, 369, 376-377, 517-519Prevention, 36, 69See also Disaster risk reductionPreventionWeb, 404, 405, 424Private sector organizations, 347-348Probabilistic risk analysis, 42, 43, 44-45, 446Probability distributions, 7, 7, 40, 41, 116-117,117, 121Probability of occurrence, 40, 41See also Return period; Return valueProjected changes, 11-16, 18-19, 112-114, 119-120,133-152coastal impacts, 113, 120, 183-186cyclones, extratropical, 13, 272cyclones, tropical, 161-163, 271, 272drought, 19, 113-114, 119, 172-175, 173ENSO, 113, 119, 156-157floods, 13, 113, 119, 177-178glaciers and mountains, 189heat waves, 15, 19, 114monsoons, 153-157permafrost, 114, 120, 190precipitation, 13, 14, 15, 113, 144-149, 191-202sand/dust storms, 190sea level, 15, 120, 179-180temperature, 12, 13, 112-113, 119, 133-152, 137,138, 191-202wind, 13, 113, 119, 151-152, 151, 248Projections[*], 11-16, 119-120, 462-463likelihood/confidence in, 112, 120-121time scale of, 112uncertainty and, 112, 130-133See also Climate models; ScenariosProperty, 293Property rights, 306Psychological/mental health, 252, 316Public awareness, 364-366, 526-529Public goods, 341, 363, 399-400Public health, 83, 529heat waves and, 492-493infectious diseases, 252, 253, 259, 316, 507-510Public-private partnerships, 343, 347RRace/ethnicity, 84, 315RANET, 423, 424Rationing, 307Reconstruction, 10, 301, 457Recovery and reconstruction, 10, 293, 301, 315,439, 457funding for, 417Red Cross/Red Crescent, 348, 359, 403, 409, 410Refugees, 238, 412international refugee law, 396, 402, 412Regime shifts (ecosystems), 122, 170, 445, 448Regional climate models, 129-133Regional climate projections, 121-122, 191-202cyclones and floods, 240-241precipitation, 145-146, 147-149, 191-202temperature, 135, 138, 139-140, 141, 191-202Regional costs/economic losses, 256, 270, 270adaptation costs, 273-274, 274Regional development banks, 411Regional impacts, 252-264Regional risk pools, 372, 400, 419, 420, 524-525Regrets/low regrets, 16-17, 56, 342, 351, 352-354,376Reinsurance, 323, 362, 364, 524-525ReliefWeb, 423Relocation, 293, 300-301Remittances, 418-419Republic of Korea, 201, 246Republic of the Marshall Islands, 512-514Resilience[*], 20, 34, 437-486access to resources, 454-458adaptation and, 443-450building, 376, 378concept/definition, 5, 34, 238disaster risk management and, 443-450, 458-462equity and, 454-456integration of policies, 11, 439, 450-454, 469-471interactions among processes, 324, 440, 458-462long-term options, 462-469multi-hazard risk management, 439, 450multiple approaches and pathways, 17, 440national/government actions, 376pathways to, 442planning and proactive actions, 462-469practical steps for, 470questioning assumptions and, 20, 439risk and uncertainty and, 442risk sharing/transfer and, 10-11, 465short- and long-term responses, 450-454sustainable development, 454-458synergies of DRM and adaptation, 469-471thresholds and tipping points, 458-459transformation and, 442vulnerability and, 72Resilience thinking, 453-454Resistance, 38Resourcesaccess to, 454-456scarcity of, 297, 316storage and rationing, 307Responsibilitycommon but differentiated, 400corporate, 347responsibility to protect, 396, 412shared, 400-401Return period[*], 46, 113precipitation projections, 142, 146, 147, 198temperature projections, 135, 137, 140Return value[*], 117, 121precipitation projections, 141, 145-146, 147, 196temperature projections, 135, 139-140, 141, 196Rights, 401, 403, 447International Bill of Rights, 411Rio Earth Summit, 400-401Risk, 65-108, 444acceptability of, 361, 362factors in, 69-70judgments about, 45, 46-47social construction of, 36-37, 45systemic, 399unacceptable, 442underestimation of, 452Risk acceptance threshold, 361Risk accumulation, 95-96Risk assessment, 27, 67, 90-95challenges in, 27, 46local level, 294methods, 274uncertainty and, 274Risk awareness, 364-366Risk communication, 17, 67, 95, 294, 302-304,303, 376Risk governance framework, 27, 44Risk identification, 90, 369Risk-linked securities, 419-420Risk management, 16-20, 34, 376effective, 17, 67, 439integrated systems approach, 27international, 393-435iterative, 47-48local, 291-338multi-hazard approaches, 17, 439, 450national, 339-392sector-based, 352-354, 357short-term strategies, 305-306See also Disaster risk managementRisk-neutral approach, 360-361Risk pooling, 11, 343, 372, 400, 419, 523, 524-525580

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