IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Indextransformation and, 324See also Case studiesLeast Developed Countries Fund (LDCF), 357,406, 413, 417Legislation, 358, 359case study, 519-522Lessons learned, 469-470, 529-530local level, 295, 300See also Case studiesLevees, 55, 254-255, 305Liabilities, 361, 361Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data, 186Likelihood[*], 21, 112, 120-121Limpopo River/Basin, 253, 309, 506Livelihoods, 314-315agricultural sector, 246ecosystem management and restoration, 294tourism sector, 251, 251vulnerability and, 87Livestock, 237, 253, 259Local adaptation, 293-295limits to, 319-320, 319Local coping, 294, 298-301differences/inequalities in, 313-317Local decisionmaking, 305-306, 308, 310, 325Local disaster risk management (LDRM)[*],291-338anticipating future risk, 302-307capacity building, 308-313challenges and opportunities, 295, 313-320community participation, 28, 295, 300, 321, 322context and, 298, 298costs, 295, 317-319, 318current coping, 298-301differences/inequalities in, 10, 294, 313-317disaster relief and assistance, 299-300gaps in information, 323-325importance of local level, 296-298insurance, 294-295, 322-323lack of data, 295lessons learned, 295, 300links to global/national levels, 296risk communication, 294, 302-304, 303risk sharing, 321-323strategies, 293, 320-323Local government, 312-313Local knowledge, 17, 293, 311-312Local-level institutions/planning, 294, 308-313Local recovery and reconstruction, 301, 315Localized social networks/norms, 310-311Loss of life/fatalities, 9, 234, 344, 400Low-income countries, 9, 234, 343, 344, 347Low regrets strategies, 16-17, 56, 342, 351, 352-354, 376MMaastricht Treaty, 401Mainstreaming, 348, 355-357, 380, 411Maladaptative actions, 54, 55, 368, 448Malaria, 252, 253, 316Maldives, 370, 512-514Mangroves, 343, 370, 370, 450Mass media, 422-423Media coverage, 422-423Mediterranean region, 192, 198-199drought, 172-174, 175, 256, 498-500precipitation, 142, 145-146, 192, 198-199temperature, 133-134, 135, 138, 139-140, 192,198-199tourism, 251, 251waves, 182wind, 150Mega-deltas, 254Megacities, 294, 317, 510-512Melbourne, 239, 497Mental health impacts, 252, 316Meridional overturning circulation (MOC)[*], 122Mesoamerican hurricanes, 503, 504-505Mexico, 258-260drought, 170, 172, 174, 175, 259fund for disasters (FONDEN), 362hurricanes, 503, 504-505insurance, 372precipitation, 142, 145-146, 191, 197temperature, 135, 139-140, 191, 197Micro-finance, 419Micro-insurance, 322-323, 420, 523, 524Microsatellites, 416Migration, 16, 80-81, 293, 300-301, 457as adaptive, 237, 300, 399destination area issues, 399Millennium Declaration, 400, 410Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), 369,398, 400, 410, 458Mitigation (climate change), 36, 446interactions of, 20, 458-462Mitigation (disasters and disaster risk)[*], 36Models. See Climate modelsModes. See Climate modesMoisture contentatmospheric, 126soil, 118-119, 167-175, 167-169Mongolia, 419, 500-502Monsoons[*], 119, 152-155Moral economy, 309, 309, 447Mountain environments, 8, 15, 114, 186-189, 248Mozambique, 253, 297, 405, 505-507Mudslides, 158, 255See also LandslidesMultidisciplinary management, 36, 37Mumbai, 461, 510-512Myanmar, 502-505, 503NNairobi floods, 18Nairobi Work Programme, 407, 409, 529Namibia, 253-254National adaptation plans, 349-355, 356, 370National Adaptation Programme of Actions(NAPA), 369-370, 406National building standards, 347, 367-368National Platforms, 359, 360National systems, 11, 36, 339-392, 346adaptation options, 352-354, 361adaptive management, 377-379aligning with climate change, 342, 351-355,375-380communication, 349, 376coordination, 358-360, 360culture of safety, 362-366disaster risk management, 341-343, 352-354, 361disaster risk reduction, 366-371finance and budget, 360-362flexibility in, 343, 355, 380holistic approaches, 379-380impact management, 373-375, 374implementation of DRM, 341-342insurance, 343, 346, 371-373legislation and compliance, 358, 359planning and policies, 349-357, 352-354practices, methods, and tools, 362-375preparedness, 364-366, 376-377public goods, 341, 363risk assessments, 380risk pooling, 343risk transfer, 355, 371-373, 376sector-based risk management, 352-354, 357strategies, 357-362, 376-377systems and actors, 345-349, 346top-down vs bottom-up approaches, 350-351, 350uncertainties, managing, 377-379Natural physical environment. See PhysicalenvironmentNepal, 526Netherlands, 52, 257flood impacts, 272-273, 272flood management, 469Networks, 309-311, 309, 404New Orleans, 55, 158, 260, 308, 315New York, 303New Zealand, 260-261drought, 172, 261precipitation, 143, 145-146, 195, 202, 261temperature, 139-140, 195, 202wildfire, 261No regrets/low regrets options, 16-17, 56, 351,352-354, 376Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 313,403Normative dimension, 426Norms, 310-311North America, 258-260adaptation costs, 274drought, 170, 174, 175, 259floods, 177, 259-260forest fires, 252heat waves, 258-259hurricanes, 19, 260, 315monsoons, 153, 154precipitation, 142, 145-146, 149, 191, 196-197temperature, 134, 135, 135, 139-140, 141, 191,196-197wildfire, 259North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)[*], 119, 149,157-158Northern Annular Mode (NAM)[*], 150Northwest Territories, 514-517Nunavut, 514-517OObserved changes, 7-9, 18-19, 111-112, 119-120,133-152coastal impacts, 120, 183drought, 19, 119, 170-171, 174ENSO, 119, 155-156extratropical cyclones, 163-166floods, 119, 175-177, 178glaciers and mountains, 186-188heat waves, 19methods for analyzing, 122-125monsoons, 152-153permafrost, 120, 186-188, 189-190sand/dust storms, 190sea level, 120, 178-179temperature, 119, 133-136, 141tropical cyclones, 159-161, 163wind, 119, 149-150579

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