IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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IndexEM-DAT database, 364Emissions scenarios[*], 11-12, 112-113precipitation projections, 145-146, 147-149SRES, 112-113, 136-137, 137-140, 141temperature projections, 137-138, 139-140, 141Empowerment, 310, 316Energy systems, 353Ensembles, 131-133Entitlements, 315-316Environment, physical, 109-230impacts on, 167-190Environmental dimensions of vulnerability,76-80Environmental justice, 320Epidemic disease, 507-510Equity, 320, 401, 454-456Ethiopia, 365, 420, 524Ethnicity. See Race/ethnicityEurope, 256-258adaptation costs, 274case study (heat waves), 492-496coastal impacts, 183, 185, 186, 256-257drought, 170-171, 172-174, 175, 242, 243, 246, 256ecosystem-based adaptation, 371floods, 176, 177, 256-257, 258heat waves, 19, 133, 192, 256, 257, 492-496landslides, 258precipitation, 142, 145-146, 148, 149, 192, 198-199snow, 258temperature, 133-135, 135, 139-140, 141, 192,198-199waves, 181, 182wildfires, 256wind, 150, 151, 152, 257Evapotranspiration[*], 113-114, 118, 167, 167-169Ex post vs ex ante actions, 74, 90Exposure[*], 4-7, 32, 65-108concept/definition, 5, 32, 69, 237, 444development and, 10, 67, 70dimensions and trends, 76-89economic losses and, 9, 16, 234-235, 269, 273interactions of, 238-239, 239management options, 18-19observations of, 7-9, 18-19regionally based aspects, 252-264risk and, 69scales and factors in, 67, 237system- and sector-based aspects, 239-252See also VulnerabilityExternal forcing, 5, 29Extratropical cyclones. See CyclonesExtreme events[*], 39-44anthropogenic influences and, 9, 112, 125-126, 268case studies, 492-507climate change and, 40, 127compound events, 118comprehensive/integral/holistic focus, 38context, 4-7costs, 264-274defined, 30, 40-41, 111, 116-117extreme weather vs climate, 117factors in, 4, 111impacts on humans and ecosystems, 231-290impacts on physical environment, 109-230observed changes, 111-112, 119-120, 133-152physical aspects, 38, 40-41projected changes, 112-113, 119-120, 133-152risk management, 16-20short- and long-term responses to, 450-454technologies for, 416-417vulnerability/exposure and, 65-108, 239-264See also Climate extremes; Extremes; ImpactsExtreme impacts, 27, 41-44, 237Extreme indices, 116-117Extreme value theory, 116-117Extremeschanging climate and, 40, 124-125, 127defined, 5, 40diversity of, 40-41methods and requirements, 122-133observed changes, 119-120, 133-152projected changes, 119-120, 133-152traditional adjustment to, 43-44See also Climate extremes; Extreme eventsFFairness, 320Faith-based organizations, 296, 346, 348FAQs (frequently asked questions)climate: is it becoming more extreme?, 124-125DRM strategies: in changing climate, 49government: preparedness measures, 376-377local context: importance of, 298local level: adaptation limits, 319local level: cost estimation, 318local level: lessons learned, 300relationship: climate change and individualextreme events, 127relationship: extreme events and disasters, 33resilience: practical steps for, 470technology: emphasis on, 448transformational changes, 466Fatality rates, 9, 234, 344, 400Feedbacks, 112, 118-120Finance/budgeting, 523adaptation in developing countries, 406-407, 411,413international, 17, 357, 397, 410-411, 412-414national, 360-362, 523technology transfer, 417See also CostsFire. See Forest fires; WildfireFisheries, 352Flexibility, 343, 355, 380Flood control, 11, 52, 55, 68, 305Floods[*], 41, 175-178case studies, 505-507, 510-512climate change and, 245costs, 256-257, 272ecosystem impacts, 246exposure and, 241, 245flash floods, 18, 175floodplains, 77fluvial (river) floods, 113, 175, 178, 242-244glacial lake outburst floods[*], 114, 175, 186, 258observed changes, 8, 119, 175-177, 178projected changes, 13, 113, 119, 177-178regional impacts, 253-254, 256-257, 258,259-260, 261, 262FONDEN, 362Food security, 235, 246-247, 368-370DRM/adaptation options, 352Forest fires, 252, 256, 259See also WildfireForestry sector, 235, 446costs, 273deforestation, 238, 252, 446DRM/adaptation options, 352Frameworks, 403-411See also UNFCCC; UNISDRFrance, 176, 185Frequently asked questions. See FAQsFunds for adaptation, 406-407, 411GGarifuna women, 82GDP, 234, 270, 344, 441Gender, 91, 313, 315Geographic information systems (GIS), 416Glaciers[*], 186-189glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs)[*], 114, 175,186, 258glacier melting, 15, 114, 188Global Assessment <strong>Report</strong>s (GARs), 404-405,408, 425Global climate models[*], 128-133Global costsof adaptation, 273-274, 273of disasters, 269-271, 270, 271, 272Global Environment Facility (GEF), 410-411, 413,417Global Facility for Disaster Reduction andRecovery (GFDRR), 411Global Framework on Climate Services (GFCS),409, 464Global interdependence, 10, 396, 399Global mean climate, 121-122Global Network of Civil Society Organisationsfor Disaster Reduction (GNDR), 404Global Platforms, 404, 405Governance[*]case study, 519-522international, 403-411local, 312-313national, 341, 346-347preparedness and, 376-377risk governance framework, 27, 44risk-neutral approach, 360-361sub-national governments, 346-347vulnerability and, 85-86Grand Challenges, 426Green Climate Fund, 408, 414Greenhouse gases[*], 9, 112, 124, 126ENSO and, 156mitigation, 446, 458-462Greenland, 191, 197ice sheet, 179, 188precipitation, 145-146, 191, 197temperature, 135, 139-140, 191, 197Grenada, 512-514Gross domestic product. See GDPGroundwater, 42, 167-168, 242salinization of, 250, 256Growing season, 247Guatemala, 504HHadley/Walker circulation, 149, 151, 154Hail, 141-142, 143, 148-149Hazards[*], 31, 69, 444‘creeping’, 365multi-hazard risk management, 17, 439, 450preparedness and, 364-366Health and well-being, 251-252DRM/adaptation options, 354impacts, 235, 251-252, 259, 316inequalities in, 316577

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