IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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AcronymsAnnex IIIAAO Antarctic OscillationADAPT Assessment & Design for Adaptation to ClimateChange: A Prototype ToolAMO Atlantic Multi-decadal OscillationAO Arctic OscillationAR5 Fifth Assessment <strong>Report</strong>CAPE Convective Available Potential EnergyCAT catastrophic riskCBA cost-benefit analysis or community-based adaptationCBD Convention on Biological DiversityCBDR common but differentiated responsibilities andrespective capabilitiesCBO community-based organizationCCA climate change adaptationCCRIF Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance FacilityCCSP Climate Change Science Program (US)CDD Consecutive Dry DaysCDM Clean Development MechanismCEE Centre for Environment EducationCEI Climate Extremes IndexC-ERA-40 Corrected ERA-40 reanalysisCFR case fatality rateCH 4 methaneCMIP3 Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 3CO 2 carbon dioxideCOP Conference of the PartiesCPP cyclone preparedness programCRED Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of DisastersCSA Canadian Standards AssociationCSO civil society organizationCSR corporate social responsibilityDDI Disaster Deficit IndexDFID Department for International Development (UK)DJF December-January-FebruaryDRM disaster risk managementDRR disaster risk reductionDRRM disaster risk reduction managementEbA ecosystem-based adaptationEBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and DevelopmentEDI Ethiopia Drought IndexELF Emergency Liquidity FacilityEM-DAT Emergency Events DatabaseENSO El Niño-Southern OscillationERA-40 European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasts40-year reanalysisEVT extreme value theoryEWS early warning systemFAO Food and Agriculture OrganizationFONDEN Fund for Natural DisastersGAR Global Assessment <strong>Report</strong> on Disaster Risk ReductionGCM global climate modelGDP gross domestic productGECGEFGFCSGFDRRGHGGISGLOFGNCSODRGPSGSDIH 2 OHARSHDIHEPHFAHFCHWDIHWSIADBIAMICSUICTICZMIDMCIDNDRIDPIDRLIHLIODIPOIRDRISSCITCZIWRMJJALA REDLDCLDCFLDRMLEEDLIDARMDGsMFIMJOMLPMMEMOCMPBIMSLPN 2 Oglobal environmental changeGlobal Environment FacilityGlobal Framework on Climate ServicesGlobal Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recoverygreenhouse gasgeographic information systemglacial lake outburst floodGlobal Network of Civil Society Organisations forDisaster ReductionGlobal Positioning SystemGlobal Spatial Data InfrastructurewaterHeat Action Response SystemHuman Development Indexhydroelectric powerHyogo Framework for ActionhydrofluorocarbonHeat Wave Duration IndexHeat Warning SystemInter-American Development Bankintegrated assessment modelInternational Council for Scienceinformation and communication technologyintegrated coastal zone managementInternal Displacement Monitoring CentreInternational Decade for Natural Disaster Reductioninternally displaced personInternational Disaster Response Lawinternational humanitarian lawIndian Ocean DipoleInter-decadal Pacific OscillationIntegrated Research on Disaster Risk programInternational Social Science CouncilInter-Tropical Convergence Zoneintegrated water resource managementJune-July-AugustRed de Estudios Sociales en Prevención de Desastres enAmérica Latinaleast-developed countryLeast Developed Countries Fundlocal disaster risk managementLeadership in Energy and Environmental DesignLight Detection and RangingMillennium Development Goalsmicro-finance institutionMadden-Julian Oscillationmulti-level perspectiveMulti-Model Ensemble (CMIP3)meridional overturning circulationIndonesian Society for Disaster Managementmean sea level pressurenitrous oxide566

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