IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Chapter 9Case StudiesMétéo France, 2006: Retour sur la canicule de juillet 2006 (Analysis of the July2006 heatwave). Météo France, Paris, France, france.meteofrance.com/france/actu/bilan/archives/2006/canicule?page_id=10043&document_id=4516&portlet_id=40408.MGH, 2003: State Policy for Food and Agriculture. Annex 29 of resolution ofMongolia Great Hural (MGH), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, mofa.gov.mn/livestock/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=73%3A2010-09-06-08-07-14&catid=52%3A2010-07-02-06-32-10&Itemid=59&lang=en.Michelozzi, P., F.K. de’ Donato, A.M. Bargagli, D. D’Ippoliti, M. de Sario, C. Marino, P.Schifano, G. Cappai, M. Leone, U. Kirchmayer, M. Ventura, M. di Gennaro, M.Leonardi, F. Oleari, A. de Martino, and C.A. 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