IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Case StudiesChapter 9can help to adapt for climate change and these case studies offerexamples of measures that could be taken to reduce the damage that isinflicted as a result of extreme events. Investment in increasingknowledge and warning systems, adaptation techniques and tools, andpreventive measures will cost money now but they will save money andlives in the future.ReferencesA digital library of non-journal-based literature cited in this chapter thatmay not be readily available to the public has been compiled as part ofthe <strong>IPCC</strong> review and drafting process, and can be accessed via either the<strong>IPCC</strong> Secretariat or <strong>IPCC</strong> Working Group II web sites.Abou Hadid, A.F., 2009: Food Production. In: Arab Environment: Climate Change.Impact of Climate Change on Arab Countries [Tolba, M.K. and N.W. 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Erume, 2006: Cholera in endemic districts in Ugandaduring El Nino rains: 2002-2003. African Health Sciences, 6(2), 93-97.Allard, M., R. Fortier, C. Duguay, and N. Barrette 2002: A trend of fast climate warmingin Northern Quebec since 1993: impacts on permafrost and man-madeinfrastructures. Eos Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 83(47), F258.Allen, C.D., M. Savage, D. Falk, K.F. Suckling, T.W. Swetnam, T. Schulke, P.B. Stacey, P.Morgan, M. Hoffman, and J. Klingel, 2002: Ecological restoration of southwesternponderosa pine ecosystems: a broad perspective. Ecological Applications, 12,1418-1433.Anisimov, O.A., D.G. Vaughan, T.V. Callaghan, C. Furgal, H. Marchant, T.D. Prowse, H.Vilhjálmsson, and J.E. Walsh. 2007: Polar regions (Arctic and Antarctic). In: ClimateChange 2007. Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of WorkingGroup II to the Fourth Assessment <strong>Report</strong> of the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change [Parry, M.L., O.F. Canziani, J.P. Palutikof, P.J. Van Der Linde, andC.E. Hanson (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 653-685.Asante, K.O., J.S. Famiglietti, and J.P. Verdin, 2005: Current and future applications ofremote sensing for routine monitoring of surface water controllers. In:Proceedings Pecora 16 Conf., Sioux Falls, SD, 23-27 October 2005, pp. 1-9.Asante, K.O., R.D. Macuacua, G.A. Artan, R.W. Lietzow, and J.P. Verdin, 2007:Developing a flood monitoring system from remotely sensed data for theLimpopo Basin. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 45(6),1709-1714.Assemblée Nationale, 2004: Rapport de la Commission D’Enquête sur lesConséquences Sanitaires et Sociales de la Canicule. Assemblée Nationale,France, vols. 1 and 2.Auld, H.E., 2008: Adaptation by design: the impact of changing climate oninfrastructure. Journal of Public Works and Infrastructure, 3, 276-288.Auld, H., J. Waller, S. Eng, J. Klaassen, R. Morris, S. Fernandez, V. Cheng, and D.MacIver, 2010: The Changing Climate and National Building Codes andStandards. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada, ams.confex.com/ams/<strong>pdf</strong>papers/174517.<strong>pdf</strong>.Australian Government, 2009: Metrological aspects of the 7 February 2009Victorian fires, an overview. Bureau of Meteorology <strong>Report</strong> for the 2009Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission. www.royalcommission.vic.gov.au/getdoc/f1eaba2f-414f-4b24-bcda-d81ff680a061/WIT.013.001.0012.<strong>pdf</strong>.Awuor, C.B., V.A. Orindi, and A. Adwerah, 2008: Climate change and coastal cities:The case of Mombasa, Kenya. Environment and Urbanization, 20(1), 231-242.Back, E., C. Cameron, and T. Tanner, 2009: Children and Disaster Risk Reduction:Taking stock and moving forward. Children in a Changing Climate, Institute ofDevelopment Studies and UNICEF, Brighton, UK, 42 pp.Badia-Perpinyà, A. and M. Pallares-Barbera, 2006: Spatial distribution of ignitionsin Mediterranean periurban and rural areas: the case of Catalonia. InternationalJournal of Wildland Fire, 15, 187-196.Baigalmaa, P., 2010: Community base disaster risk management, Self Sharpen – 2,guideline. In: Strengthening disaster management system in Mongolia,MON/08/305 project [Boldbaatar, S. (ed.)]. Phase III, United Nations DevelopmentProgramme, New York, NY, 137 pp., www.un-mongolia.mn/publication/UNDP_gamshig_04-14.<strong>pdf</strong>.Barber, D., J. Lukovich, J. Keogak, S. Baryluk, L. Fortier, and G. Henry, 2008: Changingclimate of the arctic. Arctic, 61(1), 7-26.Barnett, B.J., C.B. Barrett, and J.R. Skees, 2008: Poverty traps and index-based risktransfer products. World Development, 36(10), 1766-1785.Barnett, J. and W.N. Adger, 2003: Climate dangers and atoll countries. ClimaticChange, 61, 321-337.Barnett, J. and W.N. Adger, 2007: Climate change, human security and violentconflict. Political Geography, 26(6), 639-655.Bartzokas, A., J. Azzopardi, L. Bertotti, A. Buzzi, L. Cavaleri, D. Conte, S. Davolio, S.Dietrich, A. Drago, O. Drofa, A. Gkikas, V. Kotroni, K. Lagouvardos, C.J. Lolis, S.Michaelides, M. Miglietta, A. Mugnai, S. Music, K. Nikolaides, F. Porcù, K.Savvidou, and M. I. Tsirogianni, 2010: The RISKMED project: philosophy,methods and products. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 10,1393-1401.Basher, R., 2006: Global early warning systems for natural hazards: Systematic andpeople-centered. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 364(1845),2167-2182.Bastedo, J., 2007: On the Frontlines of Climate Change: What’s Really Happening inthe Northwest Territories. Government of the Northwest Territories, Yellowknife,Canada, sen.parl.gc.ca/nsibbeston/Final%20for%20WEB%20or%20Email.<strong>pdf</strong>.Batima, P. and D. Dagvadorj (eds.), 2000: Climate change and its Impacts inMongolia. Mongolian National Agency for Meteorology, Hydrology andEnvironmental Monitoring (NAMHEM). JEMR, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 227 pp.,ISBN 99929-70-35-9.Batjargal, Z., R. Oyun, S. Sangidansranjav, and N. Togtokh, 2001: Lessons Learnedfrom Dzud 1999-2000 [Batjargal, Z., S. Sangidansranjav, R. Oyun, and N.Togtokh(eds.)]. Case study funded by UNDP, conducted by joint team of NationalAgency of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environmental Monitoring, CivilDefense Agency, Ministry of Agriculture and JEMR, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 347pp., ISBN 99929-70-54-7.530

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