IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Chapter 8Toward a Sustainable and Resilient FutureSacoby, M., R.R. Wilson, J. Lesley, and E. Williams, 2010: Climate change,environmental justice, and vulnerability: an exploratory spatial analysis.Environmental Justice, 3(1), 13-19.Salagnac, J.-L., 2007: Lessons from the 2003 heat wave: a French perspective.Building Research and Information, 35(4), 450-457.Santos, I., 2007: Disentangling the Effects of Natural Disasters on Children: 2001Earthquakes in El Salvador. Doctoral Dissertation, Kennedy School ofGovernment, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA.Satterthwaite, D., 1997: Sustainable cities or cities that contribute to sustainabledevelopment? Urban Studies, 34(10), 1167-1691.Satterthwaite, D., 1998: Meeting the challenge of urban disasters. In: WorldDisasters <strong>Report</strong> 1998. International Federation of Red Cross and Red CrescentSocieties, Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 9-19.Satterthwaite, D. 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