IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Chapter 8Toward a Sustainable and Resilient FutureO’Brien, K. L., S. Eriksen, L. Sygna, and L.O. Næss, 2006: Questioning complacency:climate change impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation in Norway. Ambio,35(2), 50-56.O’Brien, K., L. Sygna, R. Leichenko, W.N. Adger, J. Barnett, T. Mitchell, L. Schipper, T.Tanner, C. Vogel, and C. Mortreux, 2008: Disaster Risk Reduction, ClimateChange Adaptation and Human Security. A Commissioned <strong>Report</strong> for theNorwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, GECHS <strong>Report</strong> 2008:3, University ofOslo, Oslo, Norway, 76 pp.O’Brien, K., B. Hayward, and F. Berkes, 2009: Rethinking social contracts: buildingresilience in a changing climate. Ecology and Society, 14(2), 12.O’Brien, K., A. St Clair, and B. Kristoffersen (eds.), 2010a: Climate Change, Ethics andHuman Security. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 246 pp.O’Brien, K., A. St Clair, and B. Kristoffersen, 2010b: The framing of climate change:Why it matters. 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