IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Chapter 8Toward a Sustainable and Resilient FutureLeiserowitz, A., 2006: Climate change risk perception and policy preferences: therole of affect, imagery, and values. Climatic Change, 77(1-2), 45-72.Leiserowitz, A.A., R.W. Kates, and T.M. Parris. 2005: Do global attitudes and behaviorssupport sustainable development? Environment, 47(9), 22-38.Leiserowitz, A.A., R. Kates, and T. M. Parris. 2006: Sustainability values, attitudes,and behaviors: A review of multinational and global trends. Annual Review ofEnvironment and Resources, 31, 413-444.Lemos, M.C., E. Boyd, E.L. Tompkins, H. Osbahr, and D. Liverman, 2007: Developingadaptation and adapting development. Ecology and Society, 12(2), 26.Lempert, R., 2007: Can scenarios help policymakers be both bold and careful? In:Blindside: How to Anticipate Forcing Events and Wild Cards in Global Politics[Fukuyama, F. (ed.)]. Brookings Institution Press, Washington, DC, pp. 109-179.Lempert, R.J. and M.T. 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