IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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National Systems for Managing the Risks from Climate Extremes and DisastersChapter 6Table 6-1 (continued)Sector/Response‘No regrets’ and ‘low regrets’actions for current and futurerisksHealth • Community/urban and coastal zoneplanning, building standards andguidelines; cooling shelters; safe healthfacilities; retrofits for vulnerablestructures; health facilities designed usingupdated climate information 31• Strengthen surveillance, healthpreparedness; early warning weatherclimate-healthsystems, heat alerts andresponses; capacity for response to earlywarnings; prioritize disaster risks; disasterprevention and preparedness; publiceducation campaigns; food security 31• Strengthen disease surveillance andcontrols; improve health care services,personal health protection; improve watertreatment/sanitation; water qualityregulations; vaccinations, drugs,repellants; development of rapiddiagnostic tests 31• Monitor air and water quality;regulations; urban planning 31• Better land and water use managementto reduce health risks 31(‘No/low regrets’ optionsplus…) Preparing forclimate change risks byreducing uncertainties(building capacity)• Research on climate-healthlinkages and adaptation toclimate change options; developnew health prediction systemsfor emerging risks; research onlandscape changes, newdiseases, and climate; urbanweather-health modeling 31• Education, disaster preventionand preparedness 31(“Preparing for climatechange” risks plus...)Reduce risks from futureclimate change• New food and water security,distribution systems; air qualityregulations, alternate fuels 32• New warning and responsesystems; predict and managehealth risks from landscapechanges; target services for mostat risk populations 32• Climate proofing, refurbish/maintain national health facilitiesand services 32• Address needs for additionalhealth facilities and services 32Risk transfer• Extend and expandhealth insurancecoverage to includenew and changedweather and climaterisks 33• Government reservefunds 33Accept and deal withincreased andunavoidable (residual)risks• National plan for heat andextremes emergencies 32• New disease detection andmanagement systems 32• Enhanced prediction andwarning systems for newrisks 32‘Win-win’ synergies forGHG reduction,adaptation, riskreduction, anddevelopment benefits• Use of clean and sustainablerenewable energy and watersources; increase energyefficiency; air qualityregulations; clean energytechnologies to reduce harmfulair emissions (e.g., cookingstoves) 34• Design sustainable infrastructurefor climate change and health 30References: 1. 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