IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Chapter 5Managing the Risks from Climate Extremes at the Local LevelDe Ville de Groyet, C., 2000: Stop propagating disaster myths. Lancet, 356(9231),762-764.Dekens, J., 2007: Local Knowledge for Disaster Preparedness: A Literature Review.Hillside Press, Kathmandu, Nepal, 85 pp.DeLucena, A.F.P., A.S. Szklo, R. Schaeffer, R.R. de Souza, B. S. M. C. Borba, I. V. L. daCosta, A.O.P. Júnior, and S. H. F. da Cunha, 2009: The vulnerability of renewableenergy to climate change in Brazil. Energy Policy, 37(3), 879-888.Depradine, C.A. and E.H. Lovell, 2004: Climatological variables and the incidence ofdengue fever in Barbados. International Journal of Dengue Fever in Barbados,14, 429-441.Dershem, L. and D. Gzirishvili, 1999: Informal social support networks and householdvulnerability: Empirical findings from Georgia. World Development, 26(10),1827-1838.DeSalvo, K., D. Hyre, D. Ompad, A. Menke, L. Tynes, and P. 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