IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Managing the Risks from Climate Extremes at the Local LevelChapter 5ReferencesA digital library of non-journal-based literature cited in this chapter thatmay not be readily available to the public has been compiled as part ofthe <strong>IPCC</strong> review and drafting process, and can be accessed via either the<strong>IPCC</strong> Secretariat or <strong>IPCC</strong> Working Group II web sites.Aall, C., K. Groven, and G. Lindseth, 2007: The scope of action for local climate policy:The case of Norway. Global Environmental Politics, 7(2), 83-101.ActionAid, 2005: People-Centered Governance: Reducing Disaster for Poor andExcluded People. ActionAid International, Johannesburg, South Africa.Adeola, F.O., 2009: Katrina cataclysm: Does duration of residency and priorexperience affect impacts, evacuation, and adaptation behavior amongsurvivors? Environment and Behavior, 41(4), 459-489.Adger, W.N., 2000: Social and ecological resilience: Are they related? 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