IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Chapter 4Changes in Impacts of Climate Extremes: Human Systems and EcosystemsHallegatte, S. and P. Dumas, 2009: Can natural disasters have positiveconsequences? Investigating the role of embodied technical change. EcologicalEconomics, 68, 777-786.Hallegatte, S. and M. Ghil, 2007: Endogenous Business Cycles and the EconomicResponse to Exogenous Shocks. Working Papers 2007.20, Fondazione EniEnrico Mattei, Milan, Italy, 20 pp.Hallegatte, S., J.C. Hourcade, and P. Dumas, 2007: Why economic dynamics matterin assessing climate change damages: illustration on extreme events. EcologicalEconomics, 62, 330-340.Hallegatte, S., F. Henriet, A. Patwardhan, K. Narayanan, S. Ghosh, S. Karmakar, U.Patnaik, A. Abhayankar, S. Pohit, J. Corfee-Morlot, C. Herweijer, N. Ranger, S.Bhattacharya, M. Bachu, S. Priya, K. Dhore, F. Rafique, P. Mathur, and N. 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