IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Summary for Policymakers50201053W. Asia - 19204665 2081005050201053S. Asia - 23204665 20810050201053S.E. Asia - 24204665 20810050201053N. Australia - 25204665 208100S. Australia/New Zealand - 2650201053204665 208100502031469571028151113 1914121716202123182224Central 50%intermodel rangeFull model range10Scenarios:B1 A1B A2MedianReturn period (Years)2.453502010S. Europe/Mediterranean - 13502010502010204665 208100502010204665 208100201053C. Asia - 20502010204665 20810053N. Asia - 18204665 20810050201053Tibetan Plateau - 21204665 2081005020105353502010W. Africa - 155353Sahara - 14204665 208100S. Africa - 1750201053E. Africa - 16204665 208100E. Asia - 22204665 208100645653502010204665 20810053C. Europe - 12204665 2081005353502010Alaska/N.W. Canada - 1W. North America - 3204665 20810050201050201053502010W. Coast South America - 9204665 208100502010S.E. South America - 1053502010204665 208100502010N. Europe - 11204665 2081005361575350201053C. North America - 4204665 208100Central America/Mexico - 6204665 2081005353502010E. North America - 5204665 208100Amazon - 7204665 208100E. Canada/Greenl./Icel. - 250201053204665 2081002.453204665 20810053N.E. Brazil - 8204665 20810053204665 208100LegendDecrease in return period implies more frequent extreme precipitation events (see caption)2526Globe (Land only)50201053204665 208100Figure SPM.4B | Projected return periods for a daily precipitation event that was exceeded in the late 20th century on average once during a 20-year period (1981–2000). A decrease in return period implies more frequentextreme precipitation events (i.e., less time between events on average). The box plots show results for regionally averaged projections for two time horizons, 2046 to 2065 and 2081 to 2100, as compared to the late 20thcentury, and for three different SRES emissions scenarios (B1, A1B, A2) (see legend). Results are based on 14 GCMs contributing to the CMIP3. The level of agreement among the models is indicated by the size of the coloredboxes (in which 50% of the model projections are contained), and the length of the whiskers (indicating the maximum and minimum projections from all models). See legend for defined extent of regions. Values are computedfor land points only. The ‘Globe’ inset box displays the values computed using all land grid points. [3.3.2, Figure 3-1, Figure 3-7]14

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