IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Changes in Climate Extremes and their Impacts on the Natural Physical EnvironmentChapter 3Wang, A.H., T.J. Bohn, S.P. Mahanama, R.D. Koster, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2009:Multimodel ensemble reconstruction of drought over the Continental UnitedStates. Journal of Climate, 22(10), 2694-2712.Wang, B. and Q.H. Ding, 2006: Changes in global monsoon precipitation over thepast 56 years. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L06711.Wang, B., Q.H. Ding, X.H. Fu, I.S. Kang, K. Jin, J. Shukla, and F. Doblas-Reyes, 2005:Fundamental challenge in simulation and prediction of summer monsoon rainfall.Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L15711.Wang, G. and H.H. Hendon, 2007: Sensitivity of Australian rainfall to inter-El Niñovariations. Journal of Climate, 20(16), 4211-4226.Wang, G.L., 2005: Agricultural drought in a future climate: results from 15 globalclimate models participating in the <strong>IPCC</strong> 4th assessment. Climate Dynamics,25(7-8), 739-753.Wang, J. and X. Zhang, 2008: Downscaling and projection of winter extreme dailyprecipitation over North America. Journal of Climate, 21(5), 923-937.Wang, S., R. McGrath, J. Hanafin, P. Lynch, T. Semmler, and P. Nolan, 2008: The impactof climate change on storm surges over Irish waters. Ocean Modelling, 25(1-2),83-94.Wang, X., P. Zhai, and C. Wang, 2009: Variations in extratropical cyclone activity innorthern East Asia. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 26(3), 471-479.Wang, X.L., V.R. Swail, and F.W. Zwiers, 2006: Climatology and changes of extratropicalcyclone activity: Comparison of ERA-40 with NCEP-NCAR reanalysis for 1958-2001. Journal of Climate, 19(13), 3145-3166.Wang, X.L., V.R. Swail, F.W. Zwiers, X. Zhang, and Y. Feng, 2009a: Detection of externalinfluence on trends of atmospheric storminess and northern oceans waveheights. Climate Dynamics, 32(2-3), 189-203.Wang, X.L., F.W. Zwiers, V.R. Swail, and Y. 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