IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Chapter 3Changes in Climate Extremes and their Impacts on the Natural Physical EnvironmentUmmenhofer, C.C., M.H. England, G.A. Meyers, P.C. McIntosh, M.J. Pook, J.S. Risbey,A. Sen Gupta, and A.S. Taschetto, 2009c: What causes Southeast Australia’sworst droughts? Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L04706.Vallée, S. and S. Payette, 2007: Collapse of permafrost mounds along a subarctic riverover the last 100 years (northern Québec). Geomorphology, 90(1-2), 162-170.Vallve, M.B., and J. Martin-Vide, 1998: Secular climatic oscillations as indicated bycatastrophic floods in the Spanish Mediterranean coastal area (14th-19thcenturies). Climatic Change, 38(4), 473-491.Van den Brink, H.W., G.P. Konnen, J.D. Opsteegh, G.J. Van Oldenborgh, and G.Burgers, 2005: Estimating return periods of extreme events from ECMWFseasonal forecast ensembles. 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