IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Chapter 3Changes in Climate Extremes and their Impacts on the Natural Physical EnvironmentBister, M. and K.A. Emanuel, 2002: Low frequency variability of tropical cyclonepotential intensity 2. Climatology for 1982-1995. Journal of GeophysicalResearch – Atmospheres, 107(D22), 4621-4624.Björnsson, H., 2003: Subglacial lakes and jökulhlaups in Iceland. Global andPlanetary Change, 35(3-4), 255-271.Blenkinsop, S. and H.J. Fowler, 2007a: Changes in drought frequency, severity andduration for the British Isles projected by the PRUDENCE regional climatemodels. Journal of Hydrology, 342, 50-71.Blenkinsop, S. and H.J. Fowler, 2007b: Changes in European drought characteristicsprojected by the PRUDENCE regional climate models. International Journal ofClimatology, 27(12), 1595-1610.Blewitt, G., Z. Altamimi, J. Davis, R. Gross, C.-Y. Kuo, F.G. Lemoine, A.W. Moore, R.E.Neilan, H.-P. Plag, M. Rothacher, C.K. Shum, M.G. Sideris, T. Schöne, P. Tregoning,and S. 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