IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Chapter 3Changes in Climate Extremes and their Impacts on the Natural Physical EnvironmentReferencesA digital library of non-journal-based literature cited in this chapter thatmay not be readily available to the public has been compiled as part ofthe <strong>IPCC</strong> review and drafting process, and can be accessed via either the<strong>IPCC</strong> Secretariat or <strong>IPCC</strong> Working Group II web sites.Abbs, D., and T. Rafter, 2008: The Effect of Climate Change on Extreme RainfallEvents in the Western Port Region. CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research,Aspendale, Australia, 23 pp.Abeysirigunawardena, D.S. and I.J. Walker, 2008: Sea level responses to climaticvariability and change in northern British Columbia. Atmosphere-Ocean, 46(3),277-296.Abeysirigunawardena, D.S., E. Gilleland, D. Bronaugh, and W. Wong, 2009:Extreme wind regime responses to climate variability and change in the innersouth coast of British Columbia, Canada. Atmosphere-Ocean, 47(1), 41-62.<strong>Adam</strong>s, P.N., D.L. Imnan, and N.E. Graham, 2008: Southern California deep-waterwave climate: Characterization and application to coastal processes. Journal ofCoastal Research, 24(4), 1022-1035.Aguilar, E., T.C. Peterson, P. Ramírez Obando, R. Frutos, J.A. Retana, M. Solera, J. Soley,I. González García, R.M. Araujo, A. Rosa Santos, V.E. Valle, M. Brunet, L. Aguilar,L. Álvarez, M. Bautista, C. Castañón, L. Herrara, E. Ruano, J.J. Sinay, E. Sánchez,G.I. Hernández Oviedo, F. Obed, J.E. Salgado, J.L. Vázquez, M. Baca, M. Gutiérrez,C. Centella, J. Espinosa, D. Martinez, B. Olmedo, C.E. Ojeda Espinoza, R. Núñez,M. Haylock, H. Benavides, and R. Mayorga, 2005: Changes in precipitation andtemperature extremes in Central America and northern South America, 1961-2003. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 110, D23107.Aguilar, E., A. Aziz Barry, M. Brunet, L. Ekang, A. Fernandes, M. Massoukina, J. Mbah,A. Mhanda, D.J. do Nascimento, T.C. Peterson, M. Thamba Umba, M. Tomou, andX. Zhang, 2009: Changes in temperature and precipitation extremes in westerncentral Africa, Guinea Conakry, and Zimbabwe, 1955-2006. Journal ofGeophysical Research – Atmospheres, 114, D02115.Aizen, V.B., V.A. Kuzmichenok, A.B. Surazakov, and E.M. Aizen, 2007: Glacier changesin the Tien Shan as determined from topographic and remotely sensed data.Global and Planetary Change, 56(3-4), 328-340.Alexander, L.V. and J.M. Arblaster, 2009: Assessing trends in observed and modelledclimate extremes over Australia in relation to future projections. InternationalJournal of Climatology, 29(3), 417-435.Alexander, L.V. and S. Power, 2009: Severe storms inferred from 150 years of subdailypressure observations along Victoria’s “Shipwreck Coast.” AustralianMeteorological and Oceanographic Journal, 58(2), 129-133.Alexander, L.V., X. Zhang, T.C. Peterson, J. Caesar, B. Gleason, A.M.G. Klein Tank, M.Haylock, D. Collins, B. Trewin, F. Rahimzadeh, A. Tagipour, K.R. Kumar, J.Revadekar, G. Griffiths, L. Vincent, D.B. Stephenson, J. Burn, E. Aguilar, M. Brunet,M. Taylor, M. New, P. Zhai, M. Rusticucci, and J.L. Vazquez-Aguirre, 2006: Globalobserved changes in daily climate extremes of temperature and precipitation.Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 111, D05109.Alexander, L.V., P. Uotila, and N. Nicholls, 2009: Influence of sea surface temperaturevariability on global temperature and precipitation extremes. Journal ofGeophysical Research – Atmospheres, 114, D18116.Alexander, L.V., X.L. Wang, H. Wan, and B. Trewin, 2011: Significant decline instorminess over southeast Australia since the late 19th century. AustralianMeteorological and Oceanographic Journal, 61(1), 23-30.Ali, A. and T. Lebel, 2009: The Sahelian standardized rainfall index revisited.International Journal of Climatology, 29(12), 1705-1714.Allamano, P., P. Claps, and F. Laio, 2009: Global warming increases flood risk inmountainous areas. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L24404.Allan, J.C. and P.D. Komar, 2006: Climate controls on US West Coast erosion processes.Journal of Coastal Research, 22(3), 511-529.Allan, R., S. Tett, and L. Alexander, 2009: Fluctuations in autumn-winter severe stormsover the British Isles: 1920 to present. International Journal of Climatology,29(3), 357-371.Allan, R.P. and B.J. Soden, 2008: Atmospheric warming and the amplification ofprecipitation extremes. Science, 321(5895), 1481-1484.Allen, M., 2003: Liability for climate change: will it ever be possible to sue anyonefor damaging the climate? Nature, 421(6926), 891-892.Allen, M.R., D.J. Frame, C. Huntingford, C.D. Jones, J.A. Lowe, M. Meinshausen, andN. Meinshausen, 2009: Warming caused by cumulative carbon emissionstowards the trillionth tonne. Nature, 458(7242), 1163-1166.Allen, S.K., S.C. Cox, and I.F. Owens, 2011: Rock-avalanches and other landslides inthe central Southern Alps of New Zealand: A regional assessment of possibleclimate change impacts. Landslides, 8(1), 33-48.An, S.I., A. Timmermann, L. Bejarano, F.F. Jin, F. Justino, Z. Liu, and A.W. Tudhope, 2004:Modeling evidence for enhanced El Niño-Southern Oscillation amplitude duringthe Last Glacial Maximum. Paleoceanography, 19, PA4009.Anders, I., and B. Rockel, 2009: The influence of prescribed soil type distribution onthe representation of present climate in a regional climate model. ClimateDynamics, 33(2-3), 177-186.Andersen, O.B., S.I. Seneviratne, J. Hinderer, and P. Viterbo, 2005: GRACE-derivedterrestrial water storage depletion associated with the 2003 European heatwave. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L18405.Anderson, C.J., R.W. Arritt, E.S. Takle, Z.T. Pan, W.J. Gutowski, F.O. Otieno, R. da Silva,D. Caya, J.H. Christensen, D. Luthi, M.A. Gaertner, C. Gallardo, F. Giorgi, S.Y. Hong,C. Jones, H.M.H. Juang, J.J. Katzfey, W.M. Lapenta, R. Laprise, J.W. Larson, G.E.Liston, J.L. McGregor, R.A. Pielke, J.O. Roads, and J.A. Taylor, 2003: Hydrologicalprocesses in regional climate model simulations of the central United Statesflood of June-July 1993. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4(3), 584-598.Andrade, C., H.O. Pires, R. Taborda, and M.C. Freitas, 2007: Projecting future changesin wave climate and coastal response in Portugal by the end of the 21st century.Journal of Coastal Research, SI50, 253-257.Andreadis, K.M. and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2006: Trends in 20th century drought over thecontinental United States. Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L10403.Andreadis, K.M., E.A. Clark, A.W. Wood, A.F. Hamlet, and D.P. Lettenmaier, 2005:Twentieth-century drought in the conterminous United States. Journal ofHydrometeorology, 6(6), 985-1001.Arblaster, J.M., G.A. Meehl, and D.J. Karoly, 2011: Future climate change in theSouthern Hemisphere: Competing effects of ozone and greenhouse gases.Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L02701.Arriaga-Ramírez, S. and T. Cavazos, 2010: Regional trends of daily precipitationindices in Northwest Mexico and the Southwest United States. Journal ofGeophysical Research – Atmospheres, 115, D14111.Aryal, S.K., B.C. Bates, E.D. Campbell, Y. Li, M.J. Palmer, and N.R. Viney, 2009:Characterizing and modeling temporal and spatial trends in rainfall extremes.Journal of Hydrometeorology, 10(1), 241-253.Ashfaq, M., Y. Shi, W.W. Tung, R.J. Trapp, X. Gao, S.J. Pal, and N.S. Diffenbaugh, 2009:Suppression of south Asian summer monsoon precipitation in the 21st century.Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L01704.Asokan, S.M., and D. Dutta, 2008: Analysis of water resources in the Mahanadi RiverBasin, India under projected climate conditions. Hydrological Processes,22(18), 3589-3603.Augustinus, P., 1995: Rock mass strength and the stability of some glacial valleyslopes. Zeitschrift Für Geomorphologie, 39(1), 55-68.Aunan, K., and B. Romstad, 2008: Strong coasts and vulnerable communities:Potential implications of accelerated sea-level rise for Norway. Journal ofCoastal Research, 24(2), 403-409.Bader, J., M.D.S. Mesquita, K.I. Hodges, N. Keenlyside, S. Østerhus, and M. Miles,2011: A review on Northern Hemisphere sea-ice, storminess and the NorthAtlantic Oscillation: Observations and projected changes. AtmosphericResearch, 101(4), 809-834, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.1004.1007.Bajracharya, S.R. and P. Mool, 2009: Glaciers, glacial lakes and glacial lake outburstfloods in the Mount Everest region, Nepal. Annals of Glaciology, 50(53), 81-86.203

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