IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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Changes in Climate Extremes and their Impacts on the Natural Physical EnvironmentChapter 3Table 3-2 (continued)D. South AmericaRegions TmaxTmin Heat Waves / Warm SpellsHeavy Precipitation DrynessAll SouthAmericaAmazon(AMZ, 7)N.E. Brazil(NEB, 8)S.E. SouthAmerica(SSA, 10)W. CoastSouthAmerica(WSA, 9)Low confidence to medium confidencedepending on region: Low confidence in trendsin WD and CD due to insufficient evidence inmany regions, in particular in northern half ofcontinent. Medium confidence in trends insouthern half of continent but often spatiallyvarying trends. See regional assessments fordetails and basis for continental assessment.Low confidence: Insufficient, scattered, evidence(Alexander et al., 2006; Dufek et al., 2008).Medium confidence: Increases in WD (Silva andAzevedo, 2008).Medium confidence: Spatially varying trends.Increases in WD in some areas, decrease inothers. Decreases in CD in some areas, increasein others (Rusticucci and Barrucand, 2004;Vincent et al., 2005; Alexander et al., 2006;Rusticucci and Renom, 2008; Marengo et al.,2009b).Medium confidence: Increases in WD in someareas, decrease in others. Decreases in CD insome areas, increase in others (Rosenbluth et al.,1997; Vincent et al., 2005; Alexander et al., 2006).Low confidence to medium confidencedepending on region: Low confidence intrends in WN and CN due to insufficientevidence in many regions, in particular innorthern half of continent. Mediumconfidence in decrease in CN and increase inWN in southern half of continent. Seeregional assessments for details and basisfor continental assessment.Low confidence: Insufficient, scattered,evidence (Alexander et al., 2006; Dufek etal., 2008).Medium confidence: Increases in WN (Silvaand Azevedo, 2008).Medium confidence: Decreases in CN,increases in WN (Rusticucci and Barrucand,2004; Vincent et al., 2005; Alexander et al.,2006; Rusticucci and Renom, 2008;Marengo et al., 2009b).Medium confidence: Decreases in CN,increases in WN (Rosenbluth et al., 1997;Vincent et al., 2005; Alexander et al., 2006).Low confidence: Insufficient evidence(most of continent) or lack of coherentsignal (Southeast South America). Seeregional assessments for details andbasis for continental assessment.Low confidence: Insufficient evidence orspatially varying trends. See regionalassessments for details and basis forcontinental assessment.Low confidence: Insufficient evidence. Medium confidence: Spatially varyingtrends. Increase in many areas, decrease ina few areas (Alexander et al., 2006;Haylock et al., 2006b).Low confidence: Insufficient evidence. Medium confidence: Increase in manyareas, decrease in a few areas, (Alexanderet al., 2006; Haylock et al., 2006b; Santosand Brito, 2007; Silva and Azevedo, 2008;Santos et al., 2009).Low confidence: Spatially varyingtrends. Some areas increase, othersdecrease (Alexander et al., 2006).Low confidence to medium confidence,depending on subregion: Mediumconfidence: Increase in northern portion ofdomain (Alexander et al., 2006; Dufek etal., 2008; Sugahara et al., 2009; Penalbaand Robledo, 2010). Low confidence insouthern portion of domain: Insufficientevidence.Low confidence: Insufficient evidence. Medium confidence: Spatially varyingtrends. Decrease in many areas, increase ina few areas (Alexander et al., 2006;Haylock et al., 2006b).Low confidence: Spatially varying trends,inconsistencies between studies (Sheffieldand Wood, 2008a; Dai, 2011).Low confidence: Spatially varying trends,mixed results. Slight decrease in CDD(Dufek et al., 2008). Tendency to decreaseddryness in much of region, but someopposite trends and inconsistenciesbetween studies (Sheffield and Wood,2008a; Dai, 2011).Low confidence: Spatially varying trends.Inconsistent trends in CDD (Santos andBrito, 2007; Dufek et al., 2008; Silva andAzevedo, 2008; Santos et al., 2009).Inconsistent trends in dryness (SMA, PDSI)between studies (Sheffield and Wood,2008a; Dai, 2011).Low confidence: Slight increase in dryness,large variability (Haylock et al., 2006b;Dufek and Ambrizzi, 2008; Dufek et al.,2008; Llano and Penalba, 2011). Decreasein dryness (SMA, PDSI) in much of region(Sheffield and Wood, 2008a; Dai, 2011).Low confidence: Overall inconsistent andspatially varying signal (SMA, PDSI, CDD)(Dufek et al., 2008; Sheffield and Wood,2008a; Dai, 2011).E. AsiaRegions TmaxTmin Heat Waves / Warm SpellsHeavy Precipitation DrynessAll AsiaN. Asia(NAS, 18)Low confidence to high confidence depending onregion: On continental scale, medium confidencein overall increase in WD and decrease in CD(Alexander et al., 2006). See also individualregional entries.High confidence: Likely increases in WD, likelydecreases in CD (Alexander et al., 2006).Low confidence to high confidencedepending on region: On continental scale,medium confidence in overall increase inWN and decrease in CN (Alexander et al.,2006). See also individual regional entries.High confidence: Likely decreases in CN,likely increases in WN (Alexander et al.,2006).Low confidence to medium confidencedepending on region: Low confidencedue to insufficient evidence in severalregions; medium confidence in trends inother regions (Alexander et al., 2006).See also individual regional entries.Medium confidence: Spatially varyingtrends. Overall WSDI increase, WSDIdecrease in a few areas (Alexander etal., 2006).Low confidence to medium confidencedepending on region: Low confidence dueto insufficient evidence or inconsistenttrends in several regions; mediumconfidence in trends in HP in a few regions(Alexander et al., 2006). See also individualregional entries.Low confidence: Increase in some regions,but spatial variations (Alexander et al.,2006). Some increase in western Russia,especially in winter (DJF), 1950–2000(Zolina et al., 2009).Low confidence to medium confidencedepending on region: Low confidence inmost regions due to spatially varyingtrends. Some areas have consistentincreases, but others display decreases indryness indicated by different measures(SMA, PDSI, CDD) (Alexander et al., 2006;Sheffield and Wood, 2008a; Dai, 2011).Low confidence: Spatially varying trends.Tendency for increased dryness (SMA, PDSI,CDD) in central and northeastern N. Asia,other areas decreased dryness (Alexanderet al., 2006; Sheffield and Wood, 2008a;Dai, 2011).Continued next page194

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