IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry

IPCC Report.pdf - Adam Curry


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ForewordForewordThis Special <strong>Report</strong> on Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation(SREX) has been jointly coordinated by Working Groups I (WGI) and II (WGII) of the Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change (<strong>IPCC</strong>). The report focuses on the relationship between climate change and extreme weather andclimate events, the impacts of such events, and the strategies to manage the associated risks.The <strong>IPCC</strong> was jointly established in 1988 by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United NationsEnvironment Programme (UNEP), in particular to assess in a comprehensive, objective, and transparent manner all therelevant scientific, technical, and socioeconomic information to contribute in understanding the scientific basis of riskof human-induced climate change, the potential impacts, and the adaptation and mitigation options. Beginning in1990, the <strong>IPCC</strong> has produced a series of Assessment <strong>Report</strong>s, Special <strong>Report</strong>s, Technical Papers, methodologies, andother key documents which have since become the standard references for policymakers and scientists.This Special <strong>Report</strong>, in particular, contributes to frame the challenge of dealing with extreme weather and climateevents as an issue in decisionmaking under uncertainty, analyzing response in the context of risk management. Thereport consists of nine chapters, covering risk management; observed and projected changes in extreme weather andclimate events; exposure and vulnerability to as well as losses resulting from such events; adaptation options from thelocal to the international scale; the role of sustainable development in modulating risks; and insights from specificcase studies.Success in developing this report depended foremost on the knowledge, integrity, enthusiasm, and collaboration ofhundreds of experts worldwide, representing a very wide range of disciplines. We would like to express our gratitudeto all the Coordinating Lead Authors, Lead Authors, Contributing Authors, Review Editors, and Expert and GovernmentReviewers who devoted considerable expertise, time, and effort to produce this report. We are extremely grateful fortheir commitment to the <strong>IPCC</strong> process and we would also like to thank the staff of the WGI and WGII TechnicalSupport Units and the <strong>IPCC</strong> Secretariat, for their unrestricted commitment to the development of such an ambitiousand highly significant <strong>IPCC</strong> Special <strong>Report</strong>.We are also very grateful to the governments which supported their scientists’ participation in this task, as well as toall those that contributed to the <strong>IPCC</strong> Trust Fund, thereby facilitating the essential participation of experts from thedeveloping world. We would also like to express our appreciation, in particular, to the governments of Australia,Panama, Switzerland, and Vietnam for hosting the drafting sessions in their respective countries, as well as to thegovernment of Uganda for hosting in Kampala the First Joint Session of Working Groups I and II which approved thereport. Our thanks are also due to the governments of Switzerland and the United States of America for funding theTechnical Support Units for WGI and WGII, respectively. We also wish to acknowledge the collaboration of thegovernment of Norway – which also provided critical support for meetings and outreach – and the United NationsInternational Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR), in the preparation of the original report proposal.We would especially wish to thank the <strong>IPCC</strong> Chairman, Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, for his direction and guidance of the<strong>IPCC</strong> process, as well as the Co-Chairs of Working Groups II and I, Professors Vicente Barros, Christopher Field, QinDahe, and Thomas Stocker, for their leadership throughout the development of this Special <strong>Report</strong>.M. JarraudSecretary-GeneralWorld Meteorological OrganizationA. SteinerExecutive DirectorUnited Nations Environment Programmeviii

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