Building Futures - Merici College

Building Futures - Merici College

Building Futures - Merici College


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CHALLENGE YOURSELFMaths and ScienceScience Competitions at <strong>Merici</strong>Maths ChallengeThe students of <strong>Merici</strong> <strong>College</strong>recently participated in two nationalScience competitions.On 1 June 2011 all students in Years7 to 10, and senior students studyingScience, entered the Rio Tinto BigScience Competition, and then on 8June 2011 approximately 120students in Years 7 to 12 volunteeredto sit the International Competitionsand Assessment for Schools (ICAS)Science paper.These Science competitions aimto test a student’s critical thinkingand problem-solving skills and themethods of scientific inquiry, aswell as the student’s knowledge ofscientific concepts.The one-hour competition papersconsist of multiple choice questionsarranged according to year level,with questions being developed inline with the emerging AustralianScience Curriculum.The main purpose of <strong>Merici</strong> studentsparticipating in these competitions isto promote the learning of science byengaging students and encouragingtheir natural enthusiasm, possiblyleading students to consider a sciencebasedcareer in the future.In addition to the experiencegained by entering into a nationalcompetition, there are a number ofother benefits for the students. Thesecompetitions are an opportunityto excel in a non-threateningenvironment, as the results are notused for assessment purposes. Thestyle of questioning used in the papersis also good practise for other externalexams such as the ACT Scaling Test(AST) and National AssessmentProgram – Language and Numeracy(NAPLAN). The analysis andapplication questions require studentsto use higher order thinking skills andare in line with the <strong>College</strong>’s ownPrinciples of Powerful Learning.Research into encouraging girlsto excel in Science indicate thatproviding girls with creative learningopportunities that include spatialtraining and giving prescriptive,valuable feedback, helps the studentsview the study of science favourably.Each student will receive a certificateas well as detailed feedback on theirperformance for both competitions.Individual achievement will berecognised by the awarding ofcredit, distinction or high distinctioncertificates by the organisingbody. <strong>Merici</strong> <strong>College</strong> will be senta comprehensive report for eachcompetition by paper level,showing how students performedon each question, the percentage ofstudents in the cohort who answeredcorrectly, and a comparison withthe national results.Providing the opportunity for studentsto enter the Rio Tinto Big ScienceCompetition and the ICAS Sciencepaper is just one of many ways that<strong>Merici</strong> <strong>College</strong> aims to support ourstudents to excel in Science.Joanne AboudScience CoordinatorThis year <strong>Merici</strong> <strong>College</strong> puttogether a strong team of studentsfor the Maths Challenge. The aimof the challenge was for students toanswer six thought-provoking andpuzzling maths questions, withoutexternal help. Students had fourweeks to answer the questions,and they answered the final twoquestions in pairs.The students got together twicea week at lunchtime to work ontheir problems. They showedmotivation and ingenuity, makingrapid progress. The questions werequite challenging. For example, Year7 and 8 students answered highlyvaried questions such as how to stopan infectious tree bug in an orchard,how different coin denominationscan be added up, and variety of waysthat you can stack trays. Year 9 and10 students, meanwhile, investigatedthe variety of edge possibilitiesfor symmetrical polygons, themathematics of card games, andpossible shortest routes along thesurface of a pyramid.The end of the challenge cameall too quickly. However, mostparticipants would agree that it wasan enjoyable opportunity to explorea different, and more quirky, sideof maths where we investigatedinteresting everyday things anddiscovered some of the mathematicalcomplexity and beauty that lies allaround us.Oliver BarlowScience Teacher10

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