International Multimedia Company - Verint Case Study - Adtech Global

International Multimedia Company - Verint Case Study - Adtech Global

International Multimedia Company - Verint Case Study - Adtech Global


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Success Story<strong>International</strong><strong>Multimedia</strong> <strong>Company</strong>Customer<strong>International</strong> <strong>Multimedia</strong> <strong>Company</strong>IndustryBusiness ServicesSolutions and ServicesImpact 360 ® Workforce Optimization – Impact 360 Recording – Impact 360 Quality Monitoring – Impact 360 Workforce Management – Impact 360 Strategic Planner – Impact 360 Performance Management – Impact 360 eLearning <strong>Verint</strong> Business Enablement ProgramRegion<strong>Global</strong>LocationsMore than 60 contact centers worldwideNumber of agents3,000+Results• Forecasted upwards of $3 million inannual cost avoidance through the globalstandardization of contact center operationson Impact 360 Workforce Optimization• Achieved 5 percent cost avoidance inagent hiring by improving visibility intoreal-time key performance metrics vitalto tracking/analyzing agent and centerperformance• Realized a 5-10 percent productivity gainacross business lines• Reduced agent training costs 10 percent anddramatically accelerated agent on-boarding• Justified hiring approximately 40 additionalagents in one division to help improve servicelevel attainment through KPIs and strategicplanning, aligning resources with projectedcustomer demand and corporate objectivesOpportunityDelivering business-enabling data to organizations and professionals across the world,this international multimedia company prides itself in putting customers first and providingthem with the tools they need to succeed.Central to this focus is its contact center infrastructure group, a corporate-sponsoredfunction responsible for deploying and standardizing contact center technologiesorganization-wide. In doing so, the group oversees the utilization of all third-partyapplications with a dedicated focus on implementation, optimization, and ongoingsupport to drive process improvements that help contain costs and enhance thecustomer experience.Prior to establishing this group, the organization relied on a number of disparatesolutions across its contact center operations. Among these was quality monitoring(QM) from <strong>Verint</strong> ® . Implemented at select sites, the software helped establish a formal,automated quality management process to drive more effective agent-customerinteractions and outcomes.“As we studied our fairly expansive operations, it became clear that many of ourcenters lacked sufficient QM capabilities and struggled to determine contact volume,”says the company’s manager of global contact center infrastructure. “In addition,training was sporadic, and the forecasting and scheduling of agents was widelyinconsistent. Even in our centers further along the technology continuum, decisionsoften were made with a lack of visibility into the key metrics necessary to gauge andtruly understand performance.”With these dynamics, the group saw an opportunity to standardize more than QM forits 3,000+ agents located across over 60 contact centers worldwide. Given its globaloperations, the organization embraced a broader enterprise workforce optimization(WFO) strategy for a more unified approach and consistent customer experienceacross business units and geographies.ResultsBased on its successful, multi-year relationship dating back to 2001, the companyextended its original investment, standardizing on the Impact 360 ® Workforce Optimization suite from <strong>Verint</strong> Witness Actionable Solutions ® .“The bottom line is we needed to create a true workforce optimization initiative andstandardize on an enterprise technology that would enable us to offer our customerspredictability in terms of their expectations when contacting our centers about any ofour products,” the manager explains.

“During the initial North American launch, we consistently realized a five to 10 percent agentproductivity gain using Impact 360 Workforce Optimization, adding credence to our centralizedcontact center infrastructure approach as we expanded the solution globally to standardizethe customer experience company-wide.”Manager of <strong>Global</strong> Contact Center InfrastructureThrough this initiative and the deployment of Impact 360 WorkforceOptimization — including advanced solutions for call recording;monitoring, evaluating, and scoring the quality of agent-customerinteractions; delivering timely and targeted training to agents;using forecasting, strategic planning, scheduling, and adherencefor workforce management (WFM); and employing scorecardand key performance indicators (KPIs) to gauge agent, team,and overall center performance — the company has achievedremarkable gains to date.Key to its selection of Impact 360 was the need to more effectivelyand consistently evaluate and monitor agents, and forecast andschedule staff based on actual business trends and even qualitymonitoring results. The company’s standardization objectivesalso were customer centric, revolving around effectively trackingand improving the overall customer experience, streamliningperformance metrics for greater corporate consistency in customerservice goals and approaches, and providing the right level oftraining to agents to make them more successful in workingwith customers.“Proven results, a strong partnership, and <strong>Verint</strong>’s leadershipand vision reinforced our selection of its advanced workforceoptimization solution,” shares the manager of global contact centerinfrastructure. “With our global expansion, it became a strategicdecision to select a suite that would have broad-reaching enterpriseimpact. In hindsight, it was the best and quickest way to not onlystandardize, but transform our global contact center operations.”Given its vast number of contact centers, and the varying degreeof process and technology optimization within each, the contactcenter infrastructure group staged a geographic rollout ofImpact 360. Doing so, it first focused on the North Americacenters and then broadened deployment overseas, enabling theorganization to prepare each location for in-depth use of the tools,build momentum among stakeholders, create successful testcases for more efficient widespread expansion, and experiencethe benefits of the native business integrations inherent across thesuite first hand.According to the contact center infrastructure team, drivingstandardization in evaluating agent performance and schedulingworkload was important, but much more so from the perspectiveof garnering more customer insight and making sound businessdecisions based on real-time data.“We were especially passionate about being able to track thecustomer experience,” explains the group manager. “Impact 360’sability to provide customer feedback has been particularlycompelling in showing us how to better work with our customers.And we can pass those real-world customer examples down theline to other groups in our organization — product development,marketing, and sales — giving them insight into what customerssay about our services.”Results“From Impact 360’s ability to help us better understand andautomate how we manage resources and workload, to its toolsthat evaluate and visibly recognize agent, center, and enterpriseperformance, as well address areas of opportunity, we havethe solutions and insights we need to establish consistentand measurable expectations and propel the business forward,”the manager notes.What has made the results especially powerful is the positiveimpact the enterprise workforce optimization solution has hadacross the organization’s 60+ global contact centers — each ofwhich had its own dynamics, culture, and level of process andtechnology maturity.Key to this success was the approach the organization undertookby taking part in the <strong>Verint</strong> Business Enablement Program.This step-by-step program helped align Impact 360 solutionsand capabilities with the company’s specific business goals,requirements, processes, and personnel. Bringing decisionmakers and business users together with <strong>Verint</strong>’s customersuccess experts and technical consultants enabled it to takea pointed approach to mapping and executing the technologyrollout that took place in multiple stages across multiple centers.It also allowed the organization to map each center’s structureand technology maturity along the technology adoption curveto develop customized rollouts by location to drive uptakeand adoption.For example, a business group with two center locations in theU.S. had little to no visibility into its contact volume or call durationprior to the implementation of Impact 360. Even more limiting, itlacked the ability to track what the customer experience looked like.“Our plain and simple objective was to get them using the product,”explains the manager of global contact center infrastructure.“Because they were so far left on our technology continuum, we wereable to practically mature their operations and see results overnightby standardizing on Impact 360.”The manager adds that once the center started using QM andWFM, it gained access to the vital operational data that hadbeen lacking — from the number of calls taken and average handletime, to how agents spent their time and how effectively theymet demand. By then mapping goals to KPIs within Impact 360, itwas able to employ the solution’s robust scorecards to understandperformance holistically and make quicker, more informeddecisions. These advancements ultimately achieved upwards offive percent cost avoidance in agent hiring in a very short time.On the other end of the company’s technology continuum, abusiness group with primary operations at one U.S. location, butwith satellite offices abroad, had a mature model. This was duein large part to the group having been an early adopter of the<strong>Verint</strong> QM solution. Here, the contact center infrastructure group

Impact 360 ®Success Story:<strong>International</strong> <strong>Multimedia</strong> <strong>Company</strong>“Proven results, a strong partnership, and <strong>Verint</strong>’s leadership and vision reinforced our selectionof its advanced workforce optimization solution. With our global expansion, it became a strategicdecision to select a suite that would have broad-reaching enterprise impact. In hindsight, it was thebest and quickest way to not only standardize, but transform our global contact center operations.”Manager of <strong>Global</strong> Contact Center Infrastructurefocused mainly on upgrading the existing solution, educatingthe business on new functionality, and introducing eLearning tostreamline training. Now, the majority of training assignmentsare triggered and delivered directly to agent desktops basedon scorecard results and QM performance evaluations, as wellas best practice learning clips. By introducing eLearning alone,the business group experienced a 10 percent cost reductionin agent training, and was able to dramatically accelerate agenton-boarding.“Although it was viewed as a high-performance center, we sawan immediate opportunity to enhance training and drive downcosts,” reports the manger. “We noticed that much of thecontact center’s success was driven by its thorough training ofagents, which although vital to consistent and high-quality servicerevolved around more antiquated and costly forms of education.”A third business group lay in the middle of the company’stechnology continuum. Prior to standardization, it had engagedwith a third party to collect feedback via targeted customersurveys, which showed low satisfaction across phone, email,and ticketing service channels. Although valuable, the informationlacked context and insight into the best course of action to remedythe situation.This quickly changed when the contact center infrastructure groupimplemented Impact 360. “When we went in, the business groupknew it had a customer satisfaction issue, but no idea howto address it,” the manager shares. “After getting the groupup-and-running on Impact 360, we spent some time with specificapplications to get to the root cause of the problem.”Using Impact 360 Workforce Management to determine theappropriate staffing level required to meet the center’s servicelevels — and factor and balance everything from defined shift rulesand work patterns to off-phone times and employee skills andpreferences — it became clear the center was understaffed. To gainfurther insight, the infrastructure team and center worked closelyto identify all relevant key performance metrics across each ofthe service channels. Applying that data into Impact 360 StrategicPlanner, various “what if” scenarios were created to align resourceswith the group’s projected customer demand and objectives.Adds the manager, “Leveraging Impact 360’s forecasting,scheduling, and strategic planning tools, we were able to makethe business case that justified the hiring of nearly 40 additionalagents. The center also has been able to monitor the true impactof this adjustment, which has resulted in measurable gains acrossservice level attainment and customer satisfaction.”Overall, the results the company has experienced with Impact 360Workforce Optimization are indicative of a strong customerfocus, and testament to the benefits of a centralized approachto technology standards, the manager of global contact centerinfrastructure concludes.“Impact 360 is truly an enterprise solution that fits squarely withthe strategic decision to standardize contact center technologyacross our worldwide business groups. We’re targeting $3 millionin annual cost avoidance through the workforce optimizationthat’s been occurring in our contact centers to date, and anticipatefurther gains as we continue expansion and dig deeper into thesoftware’s enterprise capabilities.”About <strong>Verint</strong> Witness Actionable Solutions<strong>Verint</strong> ® Witness Actionable Solutions ® is the worldwide leader in enterprise workforce optimization (WFO)software and services. As the market’s first 5th generation WFO solution, its unified Impact 360 ® suiteenables organizations of all sizes to capture, analyze, and act on customer, business, and market intelligence,and optimize customer experiences.<strong>Verint</strong>. Powering Actionable Intelligence. ®<strong>Verint</strong> ® Systems Inc. (NASDAQ: VRNT) is a global leader in Actionable Intelligence ® solutions and value-addedservices. More than 10,000 organizations in over 150 countries use our workforce optimization and securityintelligence solutions to improve enterprise performance and make the world a safer place. For more information,visit www.verint.com.info@verint.com1-800-4VERINT330 South Service RoadMelville, NY 11747 USAwww.verint.comUnauthorized use, duplication, or modification of this document in whole or in part without the written consent of <strong>Verint</strong> Systems Inc. is strictly prohibited. By providing this document,<strong>Verint</strong> Systems Inc. is not making any representations regarding the correctness or completeness of its contents and reserves the right to alter this document at any time without notice.Features listed in this document are subject to change. Please contact <strong>Verint</strong> for current product features and specifications. All marks referenced herein with the ® or TM symbol areregistered trademarks or trademarks of <strong>Verint</strong> Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. All other marks are trademarks of their respective owners.© 2011 <strong>Verint</strong> Systems Inc. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. June 2011

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