SANAM Supercomputer Case Study - Adtech Global

SANAM Supercomputer Case Study - Adtech Global

SANAM Supercomputer Case Study - Adtech Global


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<strong>Case</strong> <strong>Study</strong><strong>Adtech</strong> <strong>Global</strong> Plays Integral Role in RedefiningSupercomputing Performance, Securing SecondPlace on ‘The Green 500’ for Power EfficiencyComputing expertise from <strong>Adtech</strong> <strong>Global</strong> makes the <strong>SANAM</strong>supercomputer’s exceptional performance-per-watt possibleChallengeKACST and FIAS need ahigh-end, global technologycompany to create a powerful,sustainable supercomputerenabling cutting edgenanotechnology research inSaudi Arabia.Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and King AbdulazizCity for Science & Technology Seek <strong>Supercomputer</strong>Solution for Quantum Chromodynamics ResearchKing Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST) in Riyadh, SaudiArabia, along with Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), neededto develop a High Speed Cluster (HSC) solution based on GPGPU technology(General-Purpose computing on Graphics Processing Units) to supportefforts in quantum chromodynamics research.Solution<strong>Adtech</strong> <strong>Global</strong> and AMD delivera new standard in powerefficientsupercomputingthrough high-end hardwareintegration, infinabandconnectivity and the AMDFirePro graphics card.ImpactThe supercomptuer redefinespower-efficiency, securing thenumber two ranking on thelatest global Green500 List,as well as 52nd on the Top500SuperComputer List, whichevaluates computing based ontotal speed.The joint supercomputer project,“<strong>SANAM</strong>,” is intended to be amajor international player in theadvancement of nanotechnologies.With world-class research anddevelopment facilities, KACST and FIASwere striving to not only maximizeperformance, but also to optimizesuch performance for thermaldissipation and power-draw efficiency.In addition, the effort was aimed atbreaking the world’s record ofmost FLOPS (floating-point operationsper second) per watt.In order to do this, they needed atechnology provider to deliver a tightlyintegrated, heterogeneous platformcombined with the fastest networkingconnectivity. FIAS and KACST wereseeking a collaboration with a singlepoint of contact, global logistics and highendsupercomputing expertise.The <strong>SANAM</strong> supercomputeronsite in Saudi Arabia.1-888-ADTECH2 www.adtechglobal.com 2 info@adtechglobal.com

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