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215431. Avara luonto2. Francon aika:näin sen koimme3. Strada4. Kotikokit5. Galaxi6. Ransu ja Karvakuonot

341271. Karjalan kunnailla2. Ostarin joulu3. Kummelin Jackpot4. Kotikatsomo: Harvoin tarjolla5. Heartbeat6. Pikku Kakkonen7. YLE News, Jussi-Pekka RantanenYLE cares about dramaDomestic drama is a strategic project for YLE that it is prepared to invest in. Harvoin tarjollawas one of YLE TV1’s most popular seasonal series of the current century. YLE TV2’s seriesKarjalan kunnailla also grabbed domestic awards; the series was the Viewers’ Favourite andBest Television Programme at the 2008 Golden Television Gala, and Karjalan kunnailla tookthe Audience Venla at the Venla Gala. The first episodes from the series have been released onDVD, and new episodes are due to be shown on YLE TV2 in the autumn of 2009.

Director General’s overview p. 2–3From stabilisation to development6Mikael Jungner52008 was in many respects a historic year. The balancing of YLE’s finances launched in2001 succeeded, and YLE proceeded from restructuring to a period of development. Intelevision distribution, Finland went over completely to the digital era. HDTV made progressin cable and satellite distribution and, through pilots, in antenna distribution. Notwithstandingfiercer competition, YLE’s audience relationship on television grew in strengthand remained stable on radio. Finns were active users of internet services and in particularYLE Areena. The clear strengthening of the work ambience at YLE was another impressivemilestone.One basis for a more resilient audience relationship is customer-oriented planning(patox), which enables resources spent on programming to be allocated in accordance withstrategic objectives. Running from November to March, this patox process brings togethereach year some 200 YLE managers and experts to plan service output for the next threeyears. The 2008 audience relationship was reinforced most precisely in those genres whereresources were allocated in the previous patox round. These were children’s programmes,drama, news and popular culture.The work culture in the company continued to be promoted with an emphasis on openness.The company is keen to reinforce the activeness and power of decision of YLE employeesin their work as well as to make time available for innovation and planning for thefuture. In particular, YLE Production’s brilliant development in the fostering of work culture,personnel participation and well-being at work fostered faith in this policy.In 2008, company strategy was also updated. By the start of the current year, the distributionand enabler strategies to support it and render it more precise were completed.All that is missing from the now annually updated strategy family is an innovation strategy.It will be ready in the autumn of 2009. Strategic management will only be successfullystrengthened if YLE’s management system is reformed. Control of resources and the gathering,analysis and use of data on YLE’s operation are being improved. At the same time,reporting is to be reduced and agility enhanced. YLE must also be able to modify its programmingpolicy in the course of the calendar year.Co-operation with external organisations and companies is being further stepped up.The launch of morning television in Swedish in 2010 is being prepared in collaborationwith the cultural foundations. In the same year, YLE TV2’s new daily drama series is due tostart up. YLE and the City of Tampere are together looking for production premises for theseries. The yle.mobi cell phone service launched with Nokia reached hundreds of thousandsof monthly users. YLE and Digita have reached agreement on the showing of the main YLEchannels on the mobile television that is possibly starting up later. YLE will not be responsiblefor the distribution or copyright costs of the operation.In 2009, YLE’s finances will continue to remain in equilibrium, unless significant changesoccur in the external operating environment. The audience relationship will become morerobust or remain as before, even though competition for customers’ use of time is intensifyingall the time. Children, drama, popular culture and news will remain the focuses ofprogramming development. In 2010, the company aims to reach young adults even morecomprehensively.Mikael JungnerDirector General

12531. Kirjamaa2. HBO: Tell Me You Love Me3. Eeva LuotosenViisasten kerho4. Bettina på turné5. Arabialainen kättely4YLE 2008 in BriefThe company’s Board of Directors reformedYLE’s strategic policies. Separate distributionand enabler strategies were alsoconfirmed as part of the YLE 2008 Strategy.YLE services are supplied on equal terms to allFinns using different distribution paths. Broadcastdistribution at the current level is beingcontinued and the company is responsible forthe costs. YLE is harnessing new distributionpaths in order to establish partnerships so thatits contents are available to Finns as extensivelyas possible. YLE fosters an open operating environmentand is a public service pioneer andreformer.YLE contents are being developed tomeet customers’ needs. During the year, thecompany defined its customer relationship segmentsand decided to develop programmingand channels on the basis of customer relationshipanalysis. Resources were channelledprincipally into news, regional programmes,factual and current affairs programmes, anddomestic drama. In addition, the companydeveloped children’s services and cultural programmesin particular.YLE’s finances have been balanced andthe result for the period was 0.7 million euro.Finances were balanced single-mindedly in accordancewith the plan approved in 2002 andrendered more precise in 2005 by the AdministrativeCouncil. YLE Pension Fund’s workingcapital remained robust.In marketing and communication, thebiggest campaigns of the year related to YLETV2’s children’s programmes on weekdaymornings, the theme of China and the Olympics,and to YLE TV1’s seasonal series Harvointarjolla on Kotikatsomo. The press servicebecame more effective with the opening ofPress File on YLE extranet. Launches of internetand mobile services were the focus incompany-level communication. In addition,various international or domestic recognitionsfor YLE employees and programmes were announced.p. 30 YLE Administrationp. 34 International awardsyle.fi/yleinfo

Programme output and cost distributionYLE in brief p. 4–5Centralised supportservices 16%YLE cost distribution in 2008(total EUR 398 million)Delivery 9%Programme operationsupport 11%New services 4%Radio 17%TV 43%News andcurrent affairsShares of programming areas (%) out oftv and radio broadcast hours in 2008(Change from 2007)% 0 10 20 30 40 50Sport+7%+3%+15%0%0%+22%-2%+1%Factual+8%0%+21%+2%Costs of YLE tv services in 2008(total EUR 170 million)0 10 20 30 40 50Culture+20%0%+40%+1%YLE TV1YLE TV2YLE Teema7%34%44%Entertainment20082007+17%YLE RadioYLE Radio-1%YLE TVYLE TV+47%-1%YLE FST5*15%*incl. also Finnish-speaking sports broadcastsNews andcurrent affairsCosts of programming areas (%) out oftv and radio broadcast hours in 2008(Change from 2007)% 0 10 20 30 40 50+24%-3%+48%+3%YLE Radio 1Costs of YLE radio services in 2008(total EUR 69 million)0 10 20 30 40 5022%SportFactual+3% +1%+20% +6%+7% +2%+16% 0%YleX10%+16%-1%YLE Radio Suomi44%Culture+26%-2%YLE Radio VegaYLE Radio X3M4%16%Entertainment+16%+26%-1%-5%Special services*4%20082007YLE RadioYLE RadioYLE TVYLE TV*YLE Sámi Radio, YLE Radio Peili (from 1.1.2009YLE Puhe), YLE Mondo, Yle ClassicNews and current affairs programming, sports programming and factual programming includeprogrammes from these programming areas broadcast on all YLE television and radio channels.Cultural programming includes YLE Culture, YLE Learning and Science, YLE Drama, and RSO production.Entertainment programming includes programmes produced by YLE Entertainment, YLE Childrenand Youth, and YLE Popular Music.Swedish-language and regional programmes have been incorporated into different programmingareas according to content.

32154PUBLIC SERVICE YLEMissionYLE exists in order to strengthen democracyand Finnish culture. YLE safeguards thefuture of wide-ranging Finnish electronicmedia.VisionYLE wants to be the most significant producerof electronic media content for Finnsand a bold pioneer in journalism and culture.ValuesFinnishness trustworthiness independencediversity respect for people.YLE strategy 2008YLE produces public service media contents toenrich the lives of Finns. YLE is a trustworthyand independent provider of a wide-rangingand multicultural picture of the world. YLEstands out in a world of multiform contentswith programmes and services that are basedon YLE values.YLE tasksYLE’s operation is defined in law. The companyshall be responsible for the provision of comprehensivetelevision and radio programmingwith the related additional and extra servicesfor all citizens under equal conditions. Theseand other content services related to publicservice may be provided in all telecommunicationsnetworks.The public service programming shall inparticular:1) support democracy and everyone’s opportunityto participate by providing a wide varietyof information, opinions and debates aswell as opportunities to interact;2) produce, create and develop Finnish culture,art and inspiring entertainment;3) take educational and equality aspects intoconsideration in the programmes, provide anopportunity to learn and study, give focus onprogramming for children, and offer devotionalprogrammes;4) treat in its broadcasting Finnish-speakingand Swedish-speaking citizens on equalgrounds and produce services in the Sámi,Romany, and sign languages as well as, whereapplicable, in the languages of other languagegroups in the country;5) support tolerance and multiculturalism andprovide programming for minority and specialgroups;6) promote cultural interaction and provideprogramming directed abroad; and7) broadcast official announcements, for whichfurther provisions shall be issued by decree,and make provision for television and radiobroadcasting in exceptional circumstances.Act on YLE:yle.fi/fbc/thisisyle.shtml

Broadcasting operation p. 6–771. Chief Conductor of the FRSOSakari Oramo2. Främlingar 1808–20083. Kulttuurikuntoklinikka4. 10 kirjaa lapsuudesta5. Kuoroon!6. Täällä Pohjantähden alla7. Cranford6In the Nordic countries, the principal form of funding forpublic service broadcasting companies is the television fee. InFinland, it is the Government that decides on the television fee,and the Government in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.From the beginning of 2009, the Finnish television fee hasbeen 224.30 euro.THE MOST VIEWERS AND LISTENERSIn 2008, YLE TV1 was the most popular television channel in Finland.YLE’s total viewing share was 44.5%. YLE Radio Suomi also kept itsposition as dominant market leader and YLE’s radio listening sharestood at 52 per cent. YLE accounted for 49 per cent of all viewingand listening time.IcelandDenmarkSwitzerlandNorwayAustria*SwedenFinlandTelevision fees in Europe in 2008 (EUR)373294281278263,63216215,45First performances and praise from abroadThe latest Finnish music occupies pride of place in the repertoire ofthe FRSO, under Chief Conductor Sakari Oramo. Each year, the FRSOgives first performances for many YLE commissions. The New YorkTimes chose the FRSO disc of Magnus Lindberg’s orchestral works asthe 2008 disc of the year. The recording has won international criticalacclaim. Lindberg’s latest work will be given its first performance inMay 2009 in a live broadcast from Finlandia Hall.GermanyGreat BritainIrelandBelgium/WalloniaFranceItaly116106160154,42204,36187*total amount of tv and radio feeEchange rates in 2.1.2009YLE reveals another FinlandThe Toinen Suomi project run jointly by YLE Documentary Project andAVEK has spawned a book. Over six years, the project produced ninedocumentaries and two hundred people from Satakunta, SouthernFinland and Lapland attended training. The project was financedmainly by the European Social Fund and the European Regional DevelopmentFund. Funding also came from YLE and AVEK and the municipalities,regional councils and Ministry of Education.

12YLE AUDIENCES 2008YLE reaches practically all, i.e., 99% ofFinns with its programming.93% of those that have followed YLEprogramming are at least satisfied with it.59% of Finns feel that YLE programminggives them at least fairly good valuefor their television fee.Common experiencesIn 2008, YLE reached in practice all Finns (99%)with its television, radio and internet services.The News reached Finns the best, since up to71% of those aged sixteen and over followedYLE news broadcasts daily. Other programmeareas with the best daily reach were regionalprogramming (34%), sports broadcasts (33%)and television current affairs programmes(28%). On a weekly basis, television currentaffairs programming reached as many as70% of the population. Factual programmesand foreign drama also reached about 70%of the population weekly. Entertainment programmesreached almost 60% and domesticdrama 50% of Finns. The reach of children’sprogrammes at daily level is also considerablein the population as a whole, but especially soin families with children.The programme that was viewed the mostduring the year is familiar from previous years:the Finnish President’s Independence Day reception(YLE TV1) maintained its position andreached 1.7 million viewers. The YLE Newsbroadcast during the reception reached 1.6million viewers. Owing to growth in televisionoutput, viewer numbers were slightly lowerthan in previous years, as they were in othermost watched programmes. Traditionally, sportoccupies a central position among the mostviewed programmes: Ski jumping from Bischofshofen(MTV3) reached 1.3 million viewers,and the World Ice Hockey Championships (YLETV2) reached as many as 1.2 million. Internationalentertainment programme formats suchas the Eurovision Song Contest, Strictly ComeDancing and Idols were also among the mostpopular programmes of the year.YLE TV1 became the most viewed televisionchannel and YLE accounted in total for44.5% of all viewing. YLE Radio Suomi keptits position as market leader and YLE’s radiolistening share remained at 52%. YLE’s shareof all viewing and listening time rose by onepercentage point to 49%.Contented customersYLE News reaches Finns and they also trust thenews. From one year to the next, YLE Newsis the Finnish news source that they considerthe most trustworthy (grade 4.8/5). Satisfactionwith YLE’s various programme areas ishigh, since 93% of Finns are at least satisfiedwith them. They are also most satisfied withnews broadcasts (76% at least satisfied), butover half of the population are at least satisfiedalso with sports, foreign drama, children’sprogrammes, regional programmes, factualcontent, domestic drama and current affairsjournalism on television.In the autumn of 2008, Yle.fi had alreadyover a million weekly visitors. On the internet,online public service services are appreciatedthe most, according to Taloustutkimus Oy’s2008 study of appreciation of online brands.YLE Areena ranked as the ninth most esteemedand YLE as the tenth out of 150 online brandsstudied.Over three in four Finns regard YLE’s publicservice tasks as important or highly important.At the same time, 59% considered that theyreceive at least fairly good value for money forthe television fee.The results are from YLE studies andfrom Finnpanel Oy’s television meter surveyand KRT. The television meter survey is basedon a sample of a thousand households (about2,200 people). The sample of the NationalRadio Survey comprises over 18,000 peoplefrom all over Finland each year.

1. Have I got News for You2. YleX Pop, Kaisaniemi3. ja 4. Radio Kulmilla,Vaasa Housing FairYLE audiences p. 8–94350 %45 %40 %35 %30 %25 %20 %15 %10 %5 %Share of TV viewing in 2000-2008(all Finns aged over four)0 %2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 200844,5 % YLE total23,5 % YLE TV122,7 % MTV317,3 % YLE TV216,9 % Others9,9 % ChannelFour Finland6,0 % SubtvFinnpanel Oy - YL<strong>EA</strong>llMenWomen15–29 y30–44 y45–59 y60+ ySatisfaction with YLE output as a whole(tv, radio, new services) in 2008 (% population)0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1004846Very satisfied and satisfiedUnsatisfied Don’t know48 4048 39 1349 35 15 145 42 1148 44 6Rather satisfied411040 1211 1Taloustutkimus Oy -YLE1121Satisfaction with YLE programme output in 2008YLE totalNewsSportFactualRegionalForeign dramaTv current affairsChildren and youthDomestic dramaEntertainmentSwedish YLE (total)FRSO concerts in the mediaLearning and scienceCulturePopular culturePopular music93 4 27620561279 259336 156339 2543114 152407 1522914 5503316 143381914138156403217113142216274325426402871946277Very satisified and satisfied Rather satisfied Unsatisfied Don’t know Taloustutkimus Oy - YLE

Programme operation year341291. Municipal elections,YLE headquarters2. Ulkolinja: Tietokoneiden hautausmaa3. MOT: Totuus Patriasta4. Tuomio5. Correspondent Katri Makkonen6. A-talk7. Ajankohtainen kakkonen8. Kuntavaalit K-189. Päiväntasaaja8

YLE Current Affairs p. 12–13BASIC JOURNALISM SKILLSKirsi Skön, reporter, A-studio, YLE Current Affairs.Skön’s story about election funding sparked off the politicaldebate of the spring.Kirsi Skön5”The consequences of my story in May about election funding were reallyunique for a rank-and-file reporter. I believe that the revelations that followedthe story speeded up legislative work on election funding. At anyrate, it is to be hoped that the debate will have an impact on the content ofthe law and increase the openness/transparency of funding.On the other hand, the story in itself was the very basic work of a reporter.In a current affairs department, reporters are encouraged to occasionallyjump off the daily news flow. We are in a position to look for anddiscover new information. Or to return to what has already been coveredand observe how something is getting on today? If we don’t get answers,we just have to ask the same questions again.Our strength continues to be trustworthiness. Major news events drawthe audience specifically to YLE channels. Trust is generated by traditionalcompetence, basic journalism. It is ultimately quite simple. We have todo our homework. We have to examine the facts thoroughly, and if theycannot be ascertained, we prefer not to do the story.”6YLE by the far the most trustedYLE has retained its position as Finland’s most trusted news source. YLE news sources accountfor seven out of the ten most trusted ones, and Finns continue to regard YLE Television News asthe most trustworthy. YLE’s key strengths lay in the availability of news in several media, besidesoffering viewpoints, accurate information and objectivity. YLE produces news for television,radio, the net and mobile phones. These data are based on material gathered in November2008 by TNS Gallup.7News in Plain Finnish – a unique servicePertti Seppä, producer of News in Plain Finnish for several YLE channels, received the PlainLanguage of the Year recognition from the Plain Language Centre. Seppä has developed journalistic,spoken Plain Finnish. Plain language helps the elderly and immigrants studying Finnishto keep abreast of news events. It is estimated that there as many as 350,000 users of plain languageservices in Finland. YLE also produces news in sign language, Sámi, Russian and English.

Programme operation year32181. Mimi ja Kuku2. Naamiohuvit tanssien3. Musta Orfeus4. Summeri5. Lukunakki6. Musiikki-tv7. Popkult8. Ursäkta Birgitta7

YLE Children and Youth p. 14–15SAFE EXCITEMENTRami Saarijärvi, reporter-presenter, YLE Children and Youth.Saarijärvi also writes scripts for and directs children’s programmes.”The important thing is doing – play – with the children. Children’s Hour isaudiovisual play that also teaches media literacy and a critical approach. Wepresenters are the children’s television friends, who watch the programmestogether with them.Rami Saarijärvi54The child is what is most important in children’s programmes. Childrenare individuals, personalities of their own and also very different betweenthemselves. That is why we think very carefully what and how we communicatein children’s programmes .There is no violence or banging in our children’s programmes. Securitycomes from the permanence of the programmes, familiar broadcastingtimes and presenters. The presenters examine subjects in depth and passon the feedback from children to other viewers.The programmes on Children’s Hour can be exciting, but the programmesexamine scary things thoroughly and help children to dissectthem. An ambitious children’s programme that has aims is far from justpassive enjoyment.The Children’s Hours on weekday mornings launched in January havebeen warmly received. Presence in homes in the mornings has brought useven more responsibility, but all we can do is support the task of upbringingof close adults, never be a substitute for it.”Listening to the voice of the youngTo start the summer, YleX organised the traditional free YleX pop concert in the Kaisaniemi districtof Helsinki. The concert not only boasted top performers but also launched Finland’s biggestsex education campaign replete with Summer Condom hits. In the autumn, YleX focusedon the municipal elections by looking for young municipal election candidates around Finlandand by investigating young people’s issues in its [their] own election machine. YLE TV1 for itspart provided the Nuorten ääni (Young People’s Voice) network with a studio and resources tomake the Municipal Elections K18 programme.6Partnerships in good causesEach year, the Ylen Hyvä Foundation’s Red Nose Day gathers funds to help children and womenin developing countries. Ykkösen Aamu-TV took part for the twelfth time in The ChristmasSpirit Campaign to help raise funds for disadvantaged Finnish families and their children. TheFinnish Red Cross, the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare, UNICEF Finland and Finn ChurchAid are some of the partners involved in these campaigns. The fund-raisings raised a total ofover two million euro in 2008.

Programme operation year3421871. The Beijing Olympic Games2. Puhelinlangat laulaa3. Hitmen4. Kuudes aisti5. Tartu Mikkiin6. Sirkus7. HBO: Flight of the Conchords8. Kaikki Puumalan puolesta

YLE Production p. 16–17FEELING AND FORCE IN BeijingSacha Lagrilliere, media operator, YLE Production.The Beijing Olympic Games were the fifth Olympics in theYLE team for Lagrilliere.”I am no fanatical sports fan, but at the Olympic Games the visual and challengingaspect of the events are my passion. The television screen conveysSacha Lagrilliere5moments in slow motion, feelings, surprises, big reactions. The Olympicsare drama on the field and in the comfort of people’s homes – a drop ofperspiration on the skin, a tear in the corner of the eye. The visual narrativegives the viewer an opportunity to empathise.The diversity and tempo of implementation interest viewers and challengeus makers. The directors require creative solutions at speed and westretch ourselves to achieve them. That breeds professional trust. Afterwork, I can’t necessarily even say who won. You have to be so acutely sensitiveand awake to ensure that the Games are conveyed to people’s homes.The international video signal was broadcast to hundreds of millionsof viewers. At the same time, the domestic team worked on the nationalbroadcast, showing events important to Finns, such as Satu Mäkelä-Nummela’sgold medal shooting. Owing to the time difference, the best bitswere put together for viewers in the daytime broadcasts from Pasila. Inaddition, all the material was produced for the archives, all told some tenhours a day.In big projects like these, co-operation has to run seamlessly: the teamworks like a highly trained sports team.”6Ovations from the OlympicsFor two decades now, YLE has been in charge of the international televising of athletics fromthe Olympics. In Beijing, the YLE Sport team also bore principal responsibility for worldwidetelevision broadcasts of the opening and closing ceremonies. Tapani Parm and Kalevi Uusivuori,who were responsible for direction, received a special mention for their work in Beijing fromthe International Olympic Committee. Reporters Kaj Kunnas, Leif Lampenius and Tapio Suominenreceived medals from the Finnish Olympic Committee for their long-standing work in theOlympic movement.High definitionHigh definition (HD) productions are being piloted and developed continuously. YLE engagedin co-operation with commercial distributors to relay the Beijing Olympic Games to HD receivers.The pilot attracted very positive feedback from everyone involved in distribution. InOctober, YLE FST5 also broadcast the drama series Främlingar in an HD pilot on the internet.YLE’s own drama is already all made in HD.

Programme operation year341271. Domestic drama: Ylikävely2. Foreign drama: Downfall3. Oliver Twist4. Kotikatu5. Tyttöjen ilta6. Lights in the Dusk7. Syyttömänä tuomittu

YLE Drama p. 18–19LAUGHTER IN THE CORNEROF A HOSPITALJohanna Hartikainen, scriptwriter, Our Street, YLE Drama.Hartikainen has also written the drama series Harvoin tarjolla, Ylikävely,Tahdon asia and Onni von Sopanen.”Drama is a way of getting close to phenomena without moralising. DramaJohanna Hartikainen5is not an educational programme. That’s why it’s important.My themes can be tough: the treatment of children, intoxicants, intolerance.Nonetheless the style and approach bring diversity to the tales. Thereis no need to be miserable, skirt round the truth or prettify things. I look atpeople and life as they are.The audience for Monday’s Kotikatsomo has the weekend behind it andthe weekday grind has begun. It is then that tales and the people in thetales come round, some of them for a single drama film, others for weekson end. Life can be mirrored through the tales of drama – in one’s ownliving room.Through drama, people can, say, end up face to face with their fears.That’s why it is good for the treatment of even a serious topic to include ahumorous angle, if only a little. It helps them to pluck up the courage tolook. By empathising and experiencing things together, you can take frightwith a laugh or laugh with fright. Cry if you feel like it. Or laugh on the wayto the hospital.”6Culture for allThe idea of a cultural “keep-fit” clinic programme spawned a national keep-fit campaign toencourage Finns to take up culture. YLE campaigned with the Finnish Cultural Foundation andSvenska Kulturfondet, and now 320 culture providers have joined already. The employers andorganisations that have joined the campaign represent nearly 430,000 Finns.Short story films with their finger on the PULSEYLE invests in domestic drama and provides young film-makers with the chance to work. Ajoint project by YLE TV1 and the Finnish Film Foundation has already produced award-winningshort story films, and a third round of script applications is underway. YLE is keen to treat theKotikatsomo audience to bold and challenging tales of Finland and its people.

Programme operation year432171. Wildlife documentaries2. Islamin vieraana3. Prisma: Kuuden miljardin dollarin koe4. Viisi kulmaa kosmologiaan5. Krökta rummet6. Palaun kadonnut heimo7. Uutismixi6

YLE Learning and Science p. 20–21TRANSLATING SCIENCEMarjo T. Nurminen, science reporter, YLE Learning and Science.In 2008, Nurminen took the Tieto-Finlandia Award forher work Tiedon tyttäret.”Science does not constitute any detached reality but it also has an impactall the time in our daily lives. The everyday technical devices that we use areMarjo T. Nurminenthe result of scientific research. When we fall ill, we become the object ofscientific research. We science reporters try to make the sciences and theirresults understandable to laymen: how the world around us works andwhat we ought to understand about it.The work of a science reporter is extremely interesting, challenging andresponsible. The information provided by the media is for many the onlyway to keep abreast of the sciences. It is not a matter of indifference whatand how the sciences and their results are reported. At its best, a scienceprogramme based on thorough background work can at its best also beentertaining without however being entertainment; sensationalism has noplace in good science journalism.A science reporter is a kind of translator between science professionalsand laymen, and his most important characteristic is curiosity towards thevarious phenomena of the world. At its best, the reporter’s enthusiasm alsorubs off on the viewer and listener.”5The cream of information society applicationsProduced by YLE and partners, Tieteen nettiopas (Online Science Guide) received an award atWorld Summit Award Finland 2008, which looked for the best Finnish information society applications.The jury praised the guide for its exemplary, multimedia features. The Guide forms partof the YLE Science content guide. The Elämä pelissä site and Operaatio Hurrikaani also receivedawards. The Finnish winners were announced at the MindTrek event in Tampere in October.Programme subtitling mattersYLE already subtitles about seventy per cent of all its programmes. Subtitling of domesticprogramming will rise to 35 per cent when the subtitling of the weekly broadcasts of Ajankohtainenkakkonen and A-studio begins. In response to audience requests, YLE also subtitledthe Finnish eliminations for this year’s Eurovision. The subtitling audio service for the visuallyimpaired, previously available only on YLE TV1, is now also provided on YLE TV2, YLE Teemaand YLE FST5.

Programme operation year342181. Estradilla: Ami Aspelund2. Sirkus Papukaija3. Nousevan auringon talo4. Domestic drama5. Tribute concert toTapio Rautavaara6. Suomi vuonna 20307. Miten minusta tuli minä8. Levengood Suomesta7

YLE Fiction p. 22–23ARTISTS IN MAJOR AND MINORBenny Törnroos, reporter, YLE Fiction.Törnroos is also a popular presenter, singer and music-maker.”I have been making music programmes for over thirty years now. I startedartist documentaries with one about George de Godzinsky and no end tothese stories is in sight.Benny Törnroos5At best, music programmes and documentaries are the history of popularculture, and good entertainment. They are also a mark of respect toold hands with long careers to their credit.Musical portraits focus on what musicians have meant to their listenersand Finnish musical life. At the same time, they bring a breath from theworld of bygone decades.The visual and audio construction of a documentary calls not only forinterviews but also for us to delve into the archives. Programme recordingsand tape archives are an inexhaustible source of information and moods.As technology has developed, recording has been transformed, but historyis preserved – for new generations to study and interpret.Nowhere else than at YLE has the history of popular music been recordedso extensively in both Finnish and Swedish. Carola, Cumulus orAmi Aspelund are also familiar to the general public, but the Finnish entertainmentcomposer most recorded in the world, Einar Swan, may be anunfamiliar name to many. His story also has to be told.”6Peili is now all talkCelebrating its tenth anniversary in October, YLE Radio Peili changed its name to YLE Puhe andwent almost nationwide. The country’s only music-free channel gathers most of its programmingfrom the talk programmes and archive programmes of YLE radio and television channels.The channel also has its own daily broadcasts.YLE heads for the Tango FestivalSeinäjoki Tango Festival and YLE TV2 concluded a programme co-operation agreement. Collaborationwith YLE is expected to generate new opportunities and expertise for developingthe tango song competition and other programme of the event. YLE Radio Suomi and theregional radio channels are making a new kind of contribution to the implementation of thecompetition’s qualifying tour. YLE TV2 televises the great event and produces other programmerecordings from the Tango Festival.

1YLE Channels and servicesProfiles and outputTotal hours of YLE tv broadcastsCable network switched to the digital broadcasts on 1st March, 2008.Change from 2007Broadcast hours per year 19 866 +148 hours 0.7%New domestic broadcasts 4 698 –308 hours –6.2%Level of domestic content 45% –5.6 %-unitsLevel of European content 87% –0.8 %-untisShare of independent programme producers* 21% –0.3 %-untis*new domestic programmes, excl. news and sportYLE TV1The main YLE news channel, with a considerable share of currentaffairs and factual programming. The channel keeps viewers up todate and participates in public debate also with powerful drama.The focus in entertainment is on political satire. Experiences andinsights for the adult audience.YLE TV2The main channel for children, families, leisure and events sport.Strong drama and entertainment output, musical entertainment asa speciality. The focus in current affairs and factual programmesis on the citizen’s viewpoint, and Finnish and regional angles. Ininternational programming, the focus in on the broad range of theprogrammes’ countries of origin.YLE TV1 programme output in 2008Factual 24%Culture 2%Learning and science 3%Domestic fiction 2%Current affairs 21%News 8%Sport 1%Entertainment 4%Foreign feature films 3%Culture 1%Domestic fiction 2%Domestic feature films 3%Foreign fiction 15%Foreign feature films 3%YLE TV2 programme output in 2008Entertainment 13%Factual 15%Current affairs 3%News 8%Sport 16%Foreign fiction 30%Children 19%Broadcast hours per year* 6326 Change from 2007 +13% Broadcast hours per year* 6220 Change from 2007 +24%YLE FST5The main channel for the Swedish-speaking audience, with a distinctiveprofile of Swedish-language content from Finland, andNordic content. The channel offers its viewers all the genres of televisionprogramming. All programmes apart from the news andchildren’s programmes are subtitled in Finnish.YLE FST5 programme output in 2008Factual 28%Culture 3%Learning and science 7%Domestic fiction 1%Foreign fiction 10%Foreign feature films 3%Entertainment 6%Current Affairs 7%News 8%Sport 13%Children 15%Broadcast hours per year* 3104 Change from 2007 +8%YLE TeemaA culture channel offering films, history documentaries, scienceand learning programmes. Programming is arranged in thematicpackages. The multifaceted cultural programming extends fromperforming art to popular culture documentaries. The channel listensto its viewers and broadcasts repeat requests and gems fromthe television archive.YLE Teema programme output in 2008Culture 19%Learning and science 23%Domestic fiction 1%Domestic feature films 1%Foreign fiction 14%Factual 20%Children 1%Popular culture 2%Entertainment 7%Foreign feature films 11%Broadcast hours per year 4216 Change from 2007 +5%

YLE Channels and services p. 24–252Share of daily television viewing in 2008(all Finns aged over 4)YLE TV2 17.3%YLE Teema 2.1%YLE FST5 1.6%YLE total 44.5%YLE TV1 23.5%MTV3 22.7%Others 14.4%Channel FourFinland 9.9 %Subtv 6.0%JIM 2.6%Daily viewing time total 2 h 57 minTV Audience Measurement: Finnpanel Oy - YLE1. Kahden keikka2. Sheriffi McGee3. Epäkorrektia,Tuomas Enbuske!3Share of daily radio listening in 2008(all Finns aged over 9)YLE total 52%YLE Radio Suomi 37%YLE Swedish-language &other channels 1%Radio Nova 11%The Voice* 3%NRJ* 3%SuomiPOP* 5%*not available nationwideDaily listening time 3 h 15 minKRT - National Radio SurveyYleX 5%YLE Radio 1 8%Other commercial total* 12%Radio Rock* 5%SBS Iskelmä* 8%Radio Aalto* 2%Total hours of YLE radio broadcastsChange from 2007National broadcasts 41 039 +0.5%First broadcasts 90% +2 %-unitsShare of music 53% -Regional broadcasts 45 356 –4.4%Special services*, hours 28 594 +0.3%Broadcasts abroad, hours 37 684 +1.9%*Special services: YLE Radio Peili, YLE Sámi Radio, YLE Mondo, YLE Classic.Radio broadcasts available as simulcasts on the internet (except YLE Mondo).YLE Radio 1The radio channel for culture, art and factual talk. Musical fareextends from classical and religious to jazz and world music. YLERadio 1’s basic fare also includes Radio Theatre and concerts by theFinnish Radio Symphony Orchestra.YLE Radio 1 programme output in 2008Documentaries 2%Drama 2%Culture 11%Classical music 56%Learning and science 4%Factual 7%Current affairs 5%News 7%Religious programmes 3%Children 1%Popular culture 2%YLE YleXPopular culture media for the mobile audience on radio, the internetand mobile phones. Targeted at the young and at young adults,YleX introduces the audience to the latest popular music and highlightsphenomena. The radio broadcast flow is interspersed withspecial music programmes, comedy, and profiled news. Events,theme weeks and campaigns are an essential feature of YleX.Popular culture 34%Music entertainment 32%YleX programme output in 2008Culture 1%Factual 2%Current affairs 4%News 4%Other entertainment 23%Share of music 54% Change from 2007 0%Share of music 60% Change from 2007 0%

3121. Eurotanssit 20082. Simosas Stiftelse3. BalanssiYLE Radio SuomiThe regional and national news, current affairs and service channel,also focusing on sport, popular music and contact broadcasts. Thechannel fosters national solidarity through, among others, eventsbroadcasts. YLE Radio Suomi is the channel for hits, nostalgic popand tuneful adult rock.YLE Radio Peili*A talk channel carrying news and current affairs programmes andother factual programming from YLE radio and television channels.YLE Radio Peili is a partly national channel and can also be heardonline and on digital television.*YLE Puhe from 1.1.2009YLE Radio Suomi programme output in 2008Factual 4%Culture1%Sport 9%Regional 22%Current affairs 6%News 10%YLE Radio Peili programme output in 2008Factual 35%Current affairs 26%News 11%Populärkultur 1%Sport 2%Popular culture 12%Other entertainment 19%Learning and science 6%Culture 19%Music entertainment 17%Share of music 45% Change from 2007 0%Share of music 0%YLE Radio VegaThe radio channel for adult Finnish-speakers, with a strong presencein Swedish-speaking areas. News, current affairs programmes andsocietal programmes form the core of its output. Eclectic culturaland musical output and active contact with listeners are among thechannel’s hallmarks.YLE Radio ExtremThe Swedish-language multimedia channel for young audiences withnews, current affairs, entertainment, new popular music and specialmusic programmes. YLE Radio Extrem produces Swedish Finland’s largestweb community, x3m.yle.fi.YLE Radio Vega programme output in 2008*YLE Radio Extrem programme output in 2008Factual 13%Religious programmes 2%Culture 6%Classical music 7%Learning and science 1%Children 1%Current affairs 19%News 15%Entertainment 8%Sport 2%Popular culture 26%Factual 8%Classical music 2%Entertainment 36%Current affairs 26%News 2%Sport 2%Popular culture 26%Share of music 43% Change from 2007 +2%(*) Night classic not included (2220 h).Share of music 61%Change from 2007 -1%-unit

YLE Channels and services p. 26–27YLE regional broadcastsYLE has twenty Finnish-language and fiveSwedish-language regional radio channels,broadcast on the frequencies of YLE RadioSuomi and YLE Radio Vega. YLE Sámi Radiobroadcasts programmes in the Northern, Inariand Koltta dialects of Sámi, and televisionnews in collaboration with the Swedish andNorwegian broadcasting companies.In the autumn of 2008, all the regionalradio channels have also been accessible livevia the internet.Regional television news cover all of Finlandand are broadcast from eight differentregions on YLE TV2 on weekday evenings andas a compilation the following morning.In the summer, the regional radio channelsjoined forces with the national channel toproduce a midday broadcast called Suomenradio. The broadcast consisted of nationaland regional sections and was presentedfrom Helsinki. During the Peking Olympics,YLE Radio Suomi was the Olympics radiochannel.In the course of 2008, the editorial systemwas reformed and standardised and a newinternet contents production system was inauguratedin regional radio. YLE´s regionalnews pages were revamped as part of theYLE News site.Proximity and presence,also on the netMarita Porrassalmi, Head of Department at YLE Regions125216 1013113 4158914 17181920167Marita Porrassalmi”Our objective is to make YLE Internet regionally strong and to turn theinternet into a third medium alongside radio and television, in local output,too. The radio channels’ web pages are being turned into the regions’ webpages.I believe that this will enable us to reach new audiences, even those thatdo not necessarily listen to radio from their region, but who are interestedin local life, issues and connections. We will also be putting more contentcreated by users on the internet.I believe that the strength and unique regional reach of the YLE newsmachine will be shown on the net in a quite new way. Presence wherepeople are is important.”

12YLE New ServicesYLE Areena and YLE are the most respectedonline media brands in FinlandYLE Areena and YLE Living Archiveranked alongside YouTube as the most respectedinternet television services in Finland.The record for the number of visitorsto Yle.fi was 1.4 million different visitors aweek during the municipal elections.YLE seeks through its internet services to promotestrategic projects, to foster online activitiesand to develop multimediality.During the year, co-operation betweeninternet services and content production increasedboth in children’s output and popularculture. The YLE news site and the onlinesports service concept were completely revamped.Health and wellbeing themes werebrought together to form the Olotila pages,and the Cultural Condition package and testwere most important of the new cultureprojects. The popular useful services Opettajatv,for teachers, and Abitreenit, for students,were given a new look and structure.The output of YLE Areena and YLE Living Archivewas expanded. For example, the regionalradio channels can now be heard on Areena allover the world. The number of visitors to LivingArchive is still rising briskly, with the numberper week having risen by over thirty per centin a year . In the autumn, YLE opened its ownspecial effects archives, where users can downloadsound effects for their own use.Yle.mobi gathered all-time user records,with over 200,000 visitors in August. YleXopened its own mobile service, and the wealthof video and audio contents make the serviceunique in Finland.Studies show that people value publicservice internet services. YLE Teletext is stillthe most respected and used teletext servicein Finland.The most esteemed webmediabrandsYLE AreenaYLEHS.fiMTV3MBnetIlta-SanomatIltalehtiKauppalehtiKaleva.plusTaloussanomatSource: Taloustutkimus Oy2 000 0001 800 0001 600 0001 400 0001 200 0001 000 000800 000600 000400 000200 000The most popular internet media services in Finland(August-December 2008, different visitors per week)Beijing OlympicGamesMunicipalKauhajoki electionsshooting incidentMTV3HSYLEIndependenceDay Gala031 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 vkLähde: TNS Gallup/TNS MetrixIltalehtiIltasanomat

YLE Channels and services p. 28–29YLE Areena paves the way on the netFinland’s biggest online television and radio service, also on mobile phones, is YL<strong>EA</strong>reena. Users can choose from nine radio channels, twenty regional radio channels,television programmes and podcasts. There is also an extensive package of teletextnews, weather and sports news. YLE’s online contents can be accessed openly anddeveloped by individuals, businesses and organisations. Contents are now providedin easy-to-find packages: News and Facts, Everyday Life and Family, Entertainment,Young People, Children, and Television and Radio. The News and Sport pages havealready been revamped in 2008, and Regional Services are next in 2009.1. and 2. YLE New ServicesA shower of accoladesIn the industry’s most important competition, Grand One, YLE New Services wereawarded the main prize. YLE was praised for having exerted a significant influenceon changes in the digital media and media use. The competition awarded separateprizes for yle.fi’s info design and YLE Areena as a service. In its two years of operation,the team of makers from Living Archives has won thirteen different awards,including the State Award for Public Information.The most popular internet services in Finland in autumn 2008(average hits per week in weeks 36-52)IltalehtiIltasanomatmtv3.fiSuomi24MSN Messengerhs.fiyle.fimsn.fiIRC-galleria1 610 0001 543 0001 387 0001 148 0001 091 0001 085 0001 081 000938 000865 000Eniro.fi606 000TNS Metrix: TNS Gallup – YLEYLE Areena doublesits audienceProducer Paavo Rytsä, YLE New Services, YLE Areena”Young people have discovered series such as H20 and 6teen, that wereoriginally shown on television and are running as net repeats on YL<strong>EA</strong>reena. From time to time, viewers get excited en masse about some dramaPaavo Rytsäseries like Reinikainen or Coronation Street. During major sports events andelections, the number of visits also clearly rises. YLE Areena doubled thenumber of its visitors in a year and its popularity shows no signs of waning.More than 600,000 users a month cannot be wrong.”

YLE AdministrationYLE Administrative Council and Board of Directors in 2008Yleisradio Oy’s administrative organs are, inaccordance with the Act on Yleisradio Oy, theAdministrative Council, the Board of Directors,and the Director General, who acts as theManaging Director.YLE Administrative CouncilYLE’s supreme decision-making organ is the21-member Administrative Council.The members of the Administrative Councilare elected by Parliament during the first sessionof its term. The members of the AdministrativeCouncil are to comprise people familiarwith science, art, educational work and businessand economic life, and who represent differentsocial and language groups. In additionto the members appointed by Parliament, tworepresentatives appointed by the company’spersonnel are entitled to attend and exercisethe right to be heard at meetings of the AdministrativeCouncil.In 2008 it was the task of theAdministrative Council to:- elect and release the company’s Board ofDirectors and the Chairman of the Board ofDirectors- make decisions on matters relating to anappreciable reduction in, or expansion of, theoperation or to a fundamental change to thecompany’s organisation- ensure and monitor that the tasks accordingto the public service programme operationare carried out- give Parliament every other year, afterhaving heard the Sámi Parliament on thematter, a report on the implementation ofpublic service covering two years- decide on the outlines of the company’sfinances and operation- inspect and approve the Annual Report ofthe Board of Directors- monitor the administration of the companyand give the Annual General Meeting ofshareholders its statement on the final accountsand auditors’ report.- consider other matters presented to it bythe Board of Directors.Members of the AdministrativeCouncil 2008Mr Kimmo Sasi, MP (Coalition Party),ChairmanMr Antti Kaikkonen, MP (Centre Party),Deputy ChairmanMr Mikko Alatalo, MP (Centre Party)Ms Sirpa Asko-Seljavaara, MP(Coalition Party)Mr Risto Autio, MP (Centre Party)Ms Maria Guzenina-Richardson, MP(Social Democratic Party)Ms Anne Kalmari, MP (Centre Party)Mr Ilkka Kantola, MP(Social Democratic Party)Ms Elsi Katainen, MP (Centre Party)Ms Päivi Lipponen, MP( Social Democratic Party)Mr Tapani Mäkinen, MP (Coalition Party)Ms Mikaela Nylander, MP(Swedish People’s Party)Mr Erkki Pulliainen, MP (Green League)Mr Lyly Rajala, MP (Coalition Party)Mr Tommy Tabermann, MP

YLE Administration p. 30–311. Members of the YLE Board of Directors:Katri Olmo (Secretary to the YLE Board of Directors),Raija-Sinikka Rantala, Kari Neilimo, Jouni Backman,Raino Hurme, Maria Kaisa Aula ja Juhani Pekkala.2. Mining Councellor, Professor Kari Neilimo,Chairman of the Board of Directors from 23.9.200812(Social Democratic Party)Mr Esko-Juhani Tennilä, MP (Left Alliance)Mr Pentti Tiusanen, MP (Left Alliance)Ms Tuulikki Ukkola, MP (Coalition Party)Ms Mirja Vehkaperä, MP (Centre Party)Ms Pia Viitanen, MP(Social Democratic Party)Mr Ilkka Viljanen, MP (Coalition Party)Personnel representativesMr Jukka Kuusinen, assistantMs Riitta Väkeväinen, journalistSecretary to the Administrative Council,Katri Olmo, Head of Legal AffairsYLE Board of DirectorsThe Administrative Council elects members ofthe Board of Directors.The Board of Directorscomprises a minimum of five and a maximumof eight members, who shall not be membersof the Administrative Council nor belong tothe company’s other senior management.The company’s Board of Directors shouldrepresent sufficiently diverse expertise andboth language groups.The tasks of the Board of Directors were,inter alia, to- elect and release the company’s ManagingDirector and to confirm his salary as well asother terms relating to the post; the ManagingDirector shall not be a member of the AdministrativeCouncil or of the Board of Directors- elect the company’s other senior managementas well as to confirm their salary andother conditions relating to their posts- decide the next year’s budget- convene the Annual General Meeting ofshareholders and prepare its agenda and- give the Finnish Communications RegulatoryAuthority annually a report on the company’soperation.Members of the Boardof DirectorsMr Hannu Olkinuora, Managing Director,Chairman (until 15.8.2008)Mr Kari Neilimo, Mining Counsellor,Professor, Chairman (from 23.9.2008)Mr Juhani Pekkala, Managing Director(from 4.11.2008)Ms Maria Kaisa Aula, Child OmbudsmanMr Jouni Backman, Executive AdvisorMs Gunvor Kronman, DirectorMr Tuomo Raasio, Senior Partner, LL.M.Ms Raija-Sinikka Rantala, Theatre DirectorPersonnel representative Mr Raino Hurme,JournalistSecretary to the Board of Directors,Katri Olmo, Head of Legal AffairsAuditorsMr Eero Suomela, Authorised Public Accountant,PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy, KHT,responsible Mr Jari Häkkinen, AuthorisedPublic Accountant

YLE AdministrationThe YLE organisation in 2008The YLE organisation is based on the publicservice content tasks.Programme production has beenorganised into four programming areas.Radio and television programmes and internetoutput are produced mainly in thedepartments of the programme areas.The task of the channels is to orderand compile programming. The channelorganization is lightweight.All programme production supporttasks have been concentrated in serviceunits and company matrices that operateat company level.The management group works in acontent- and customer-oriented way.YLE Management 2008Management groupDirector General Mikael JungnerDirector of Programme AreaOlli-Pekka HeinonenDirector of Programme AreaAtte JääskeläinenDirector of Programme Area Ville VílénDirector of Programme AreaAnnika Nyberg FrankenhaeuserDirector of Strategy and DevelopmentIsmo SilvoDirector of Corporate FinanceMarja-Riitta KaivonenDirector of Communications and MarketingPäivi Nummi-AhoDirector of Technology Jorma LaihoDirector of YLE HR Liisa Ojala-WalkerSecretary to the management group:Head of Legal Affairs Katri OlmoProgramme areasFact and Culture YLEDirector of Programme AreaOlli-Pekka HeinonenHeads of Department:YLE Current Affairs Programmes (TV),Jyrki RichtYLE Factual, Minna-Mari ParkkinenYLE Drama, Pekka RuohorantaYLE Culture, Airi VilhunenYLE Learning and Science, Tapio KujalaYLE Radio Symphony Orchestra,Tuula SarotieYLE24Director of Programme AreaAtte JääskeläinenHeads of Department:YLE News, Executive Editor-in-ChiefAtte JääskeläinenYLE Sport, Kari MäntyYLE Regions, Marja KeskitaloYLE VisionDirector of Programme Area Ville VilénHeads of Department:YLE Children and Youth, Teija RantalaYLE Entertainment, Tuire LindströmYLE Popular Music, Pekka LaineYLE New Services, Jari LahtiSwedish YLEDirector of Programme AreaAnnika Nyberg FrankenhaeuserHeads of Department:YLE Factual, Jens BergYLE Fiction, Liselott ForsmanYLE News and Sport, Mika KosunenYLE Youth, Micaela RömanChannels and servicesYLE TelevisionDirector of Programme AreaOlli-Pekka HeinonenHead of Programming Ingegerd PesonenChannel Controllers:YLE TV1, Channel ControllerRiitta PihlajamäkiYLE TV2, Channel Controller Ilkka SaariYLE Teema, Channel ControllerUlla Martikainen-Florath

YLE Administration p. 32–33YLE management group from left to right: Ville Vilén, Marja-Riitta Kaivonen,Atte Jääskeläinen, Päivi Nummi-Aho, Olli-Pekka Heinonen, Annika Nyberg Frankenhaeuser,Mikael Jungner, Katri Olmo (Secretary to the management group), Liisa Ojala-Walker,Jorma Laiho, Ismo Silvo.YLE Programming Centre, Mika LavonenYLE Archive and Information Services,Katri VänttinenYLE Co-productions, Erkki AstalaYLE International Programme Acquisitions,Tarmo KivikallioYLE Import, Eeva-Kaisa NojonenYLE Export, Maija HupliCorporate matricesYLE Financial Affairs, Director of FinancialAffairs Marja-Riitta KaivonenYLE Properties and Maintenance, Head ofProperties and MaintenanceKari HaapamäkiYLE Legal Affairs, Head of Legal AffairsKatri OlmoYLE Security, Head of Security Asko Inkilä(until 31.5.2008)Head of Security Simo Alho (from 1.6.2008)YLE Technology, Director of TechnologyJorma LaihoYLE HR, Director of HR Liisa Ojala-WalkerYLE Communications and Marketing,Director of Communications andMarketing Päivi Nummi-AhoYLE RadioDirector of Programme AreaAtte JääskeläinenChannel Controllers:YLE Radio 1, Heikki PeltonenYLE Radio Suomi, Marja KeskitaloYleX, Minna Peltomäki (until 28.2.2008)Satu Keto-Kantele (from 1.6.2008)YLE Radio Peili (from 1.1.2009 YLE Puhe),broadcasts abroad, Heikki VuohelainenYLE New ServicesHead of New Services Jari Lahti(yle.fi, YLE Areena, Elävä arkisto ( The LivingArchive), Teletext, podcast and mobileservices)Swedish YLEDirector of Programme AreaAnnika Nyberg FrankenhaeuserHead of Programming Gunilla OhlsChannel Controllers:YLE FST5, Mary GestrinYLE Radio Vega, Kerstin HäggblomYLE Radio Extrem, Micaela RömanYLE Swedish-language new services,Jenny StenbergHeads of programmeproduction service unitsYLE Production, Olli LehtisaloProgramme areasServicecoordinationChannels andservicesProgrammeoperation servicesCompany matricesFACT ANDCULTURE YLEYLE CurrentAffairs (TV)YLE FactualYLE CultureYLE Learning andScienceYLE DramaYLE FRSOTv-programmecoordinationYLE TV1YLE TV2YLE TeemaAdministrative CouncilBoard of DirectorsDirector generalStrategic planningYLE24 YLE vISION SWEDISH YLEYLE NewsYLE SportYLE RegionsNews and sportscoordinationYLE ProductionYLE Programme Transmission CentreYLE Archives and Information ServicesYLE Co-productions | YLE International Acquisitions | YLE Import | YLE ExportYLE Financial Affairs | YLE Propertis and MaintenanceYLE Legal Affairs | YLE SecurityYLE TechnologyYLE HRYLE Children andYouthYLE EntertainmentYLE Popular musicRadio and newservicescoordinationYLE Radio 1- Yle ClassicYleXyle.fiMobiiliYLE TeletextYLE Communications and MarketingYLE News andsportYLE FactualYLE FictionYLE YouthSwedish-languageservicescoordianationYLE FST5YLE Radio VegaYLE Radio ExtremYLE New media

12International Awards80. Academy Awards, HollywoodTaxi to the Dark SideOscar (Best documentary)Direction Alex GibneyProduction Why Democracy Project, YLE TV2Documentary ProjectEBU Golden LinkWhy Democracy? ProjectGolden Link Special PrizeInternational co-production.EBU INAP Awards, LuzernStromso Food withMikael and Matias2. Prize (Best single promo of the year)Direction Miikka LommiProduction YLE Communications and MarketingThe Elgar Society, Great BritainChief ConductorSakari OramoThe Elgar MedalGolden Globe, HollywoodWaltz With BashirBest foreign filmDirection Ari FolmanProduction Les Films d’Ici, Arte France,YLE Co-productionsGuldbagge Awards,The Swedish Film InstituteEverlasting MomentsBest actress in a leading role (MariaHeiskanen), best actor in a leading role(Mikael Persbrandt), best filmDirection Jan TroellProduction Final Cut Productions ApS/Denmark,YLE Co-productionsGuldbagge Awards,The Swedish Film InstituteMaggie in WonderlandBest documentary filmDirection Ester Martin Bergsmark,Mark HammarbergProduction Silverosa Film/Sweden,Do Films/Finland, YLE Co-productionsInternational Silk Road Film Festival,Bursa, TurkeyThomasBest actor in a leading role (Lasse Pöysti)Direction Miika SoiniProduction Silva Mysterium Oy,YLE Co-productions

1. Silver Stars2. Thomas3. Dokumenttiprojekti:Huuto tuuleen4. Kesän lapsi5. Taxi to the Dark SideInternational awards p. 34–35634XVI International Festival ofEthnological Film, BelgradA Shout into the WindGrand PrixDirection Katja GauriloffProduction Oktober Oy, YLE Co-productionsMIDEM Classical Awards, CannesSibelius, Lindberg:Violin ConcertosBest concerto recordingLisa Batiashvili, Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra,Sakari OramoSony Classical 886971293623Prix Europa, BerlinTestimonyPrix Europa (Best tv documentary)Direction Razvan GeorgescuProduction Starcrest Media/Romania/Germany,YLE Co-productionsBirmingham Post AwardCultural Figure of the Year2008, Sakari OramoConductor and music director of City ofBirmingham Symphony OrchestraPrix Europa, BerlinSilver StarsSpecial Prix Europa (Best episodeof a tv fiction series)Direction Auli MantilaProduction Aamu Filmcompany,YLE Co-productionsPrix Nordica, GothenburgPultista kajahtaa!Best short programmeDirection Elina HeiskanenProduction YLE CultureTromsØ International Film Festival,TromsøKesän lapsiTromsø PalmDirection Iris OlssonProduction TaiK, YLE Co-productions

YLE channels and services12yle.fiAn extensive service of news, sport, popular culture, events and otheronline contents as well as communality. Also mobile services.YLE AreenaFinland´s biggest online television and radio channel. Programmes can beviewed independently of broadcasting times, also from abroad. Option ofordering radio programmes (podcast) to download on one’s computer andportable media player. yle.fi/areenaYLE Elävä arkisto (the Living Archive)Common history in sounds and images; thousands of television and radioprogrammes to view and listen to any time. yle.fi/elavaarkistoYLE TeletextNews, sport, service pages and programme information.YLE TV1The main news channel, with an ample share of current affairs and factual programming. Thechannel keeps viewers up to date and takes part in public debate with powerful drama, too.Entertainment focuses on political satire. Excitement and insights for the adult population.YLE TV2The main channel for children, families, leisure time and sporting events. Powerful drama andentertainment fare. Musical entertainment is a special area. The emphasis in current affairsand factual programmes is on the citizens’ viewpoint, Finnish and regional content. In internationalprogramming, the focus is on the broad range of the programmes’ countries of origin.1. Sitoutumisen alkeet2. Dokumenttiprojekti:Keskitysleiri ItävallassaYLE TeemaA culture channel with films, history documentaries, and science and learning programmes.The programming is arranged into sets of themes. Multifaceted cultural programming extendsfrom performing art to popular culture documentaries. The channel listens to its viewers andbroadcasts requested repeats, and pearls from the TV Archives.YLE FST5A curious and unprejudiced channel with a Swedish-language and Nordic profile. The channeloffers its viewers all the genres of television programming. All programmes apart from thenews and children’s programmes are subtitled in Finnish.

YLE Radio 1A radio channel for culture, art and factual talk. Musical fare ranges from classical and devotional music to jazzand world music. YLE Radio 1’s basic output also includes Radio Theatre and concerts by the Radio SymphonyOrchestra.YLE Radio SuomiA regional and national news, current affairs and service channel, also focusing on sport, popular music and contactbroadcasts. The channel preserves national communality through events broadcasts. YLE Radio Suomi is thechannel for hits, nostalgic pop and tuneful adult rock.1YleXPopular culture media for the mobile audience on radio, the internet and mobile phones. Targeted at the youngand at young adults, YleX introduces the audience to the latest popular music and highlights phenomena. Theradio broadcast flow is interspersed with special music programmes, comedy, and profiled news. Events, themeweeks and campaigns are an essential feature of YleX.YLE Radio VegaThe radio channel for Swedish-speakers, with a strong presence in Swedish-speaking areas in Finland. News,current affairs programmes and societal programmes with local as well as national viewpoint form the core of itsoutput. Eclectic cultural and musical output and active contact with listeners are among the channel’s hallmarks.2YLE Radio ExtremThe Swedish-language multimedia channel for young audiences with news, current affairs, entertainment, newpopular music and special music programmes. YLE Extrem produces Swedish Finland’s largest web community,x3m.yle.fi.YLE PuheFinland’s only talk radio channel samples and adapts news, current affairs and factual programmes from YLE radioand television channels. FM distribution of the channel was extended in the summer of 2008 to cover almost all ofFinland. Listeners can tune into the channel also via the internet and digital televisionYLE RegionsRegional radio – 20 Finnish-language and five Swedish-language regional channels on the frequencies of YLE RadioSuomi and YLE Radio Vega.Regional television news – local news from eight regions on YLE TV2. Television news in Sâmi on YLE FST5.3YLE Special ServicesYLE Radio Finland – domestic programming via satellite and on the internet abroad in Finnish and Swedish.YLE Sámi Radio – service in Sámi, programming in the Northern, Inari and Koltta dialects of the language.Also on the internet.YLE Classic – a digital classical music channel broadcasting 24 hours a day. Listeners can tune into the channelvia the radio menu on a television digital adapter, or on the internet.YLE Mondo – a multilingual round-the-clock service. Own programming in English and Russian, programmesfrom foreign broadcasting companies. DVB distribution and FM in the Metropolitan Area.TV Finland – A digital satellite channel comprising domestic programmes from YLE TV1, YLE TV2 and MTV3for expatriate Finns in the Nordic countries, Europe and the Canary Islands.

YLEISRADIO OY00024 YleisradioStreet address: Radiokatu 5, HelsinkiPhone: +358 9 14801Facsimile: + 358 9 1480 3215yle.fi/fbcgiven name.surname@yle.fiYLE COMMUNICATIONS AND MARKETINGDirector of Communications and Marketing Päivi Nummi-AhoP.O. Box 99, 00024 YleisradioYLE´S Y<strong>EA</strong>R 2008The annual report is available in printed format in Finnish, Swedish and EnglishYLE reports 2008 online: The annual report in pdf is available in yle.fi/fbcyle.fi/yleinfoProduced by: YLE Communications / Marja Niemi, Marja-Liisa Nordell,Leena Laine and YLE Corporate FinancePhotographs: YLE Kuvapalvelu / Seppo Sarkkinen, Jyrki Valkama sekä Merja Hannikainen,Heli Sorjonen, Natalie Behring, Sari Autio, Harri Hinkka, Ville Akseli Juurikkala, Veera Aaltonen,Robert Portman, Markku Värtö, Nick Briggs, Ritva Torikka, Suomen Filmiteollisuus Oy,Anu Köyhäjoki-Järvinen, Griyu Guangdong, Ina Mikkola, David Thibodeau (cover), SeppoSaarinen, Tero Kyllönen, Bengt Wanselius, Jussi Hyttinen, Anton Sucksdorff, Linn Sandholm,Malla Hukkanen, Rauli Virtanen, Maximilien Brice & Claudia Marcelloni, Atro Lahtela, PenttiValkeala, Leif Öster, Håkan Sandblom, Sami Hokkanen, Mika Kanerva, Anssi Leino, JehadNga, Harri Halonen, Films Transit Inc., BBC Worldwide Ltd., Tarinatalo, Silva Mysterium Oy,Johanna Vuoksenmaa, Anup Shah, Anssi Leppänen.Translated by: John PickeringGraphic design: Tähtikuviot OyPrinted by: Edita Prima OyApril 2009

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