Go here for more Superbook fun: www.Superbook.TV

Go here for more Superbook fun: www.Superbook.TV

Go here for more Superbook fun: www.Superbook.TV


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Dear Friend,Our exciting, new <strong>Superbook</strong> ®series introduces children to thewonder of <strong>Go</strong>d’s love throughthe stories of the Bible. Travelingfrom Creation to Revelation, thisstate-of-the-art animation willkeep children entertained whileteaching powerful lessons about love and<strong>for</strong>giveness.<strong>Superbook</strong>: “In the Beginning” takesviewers back to the time of Creation, whenLucifer challenged <strong>Go</strong>d’s authority. In thisgripping episode, children learn aboutthe consequences of Adam and Eve’sdisobedience and the unconditional natureof love.Use this DVD and Family DiscussionGuide to start a conversation that will helpyour children apply these important Biblelessons and truths in their lives.<strong>Go</strong> <strong>here</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>Superbook</strong> <strong>fun</strong>:<strong>www</strong>.<strong>Superbook</strong>.<strong>TV</strong>After you watch this episode, be sure to check out<strong>www</strong>.<strong>Superbook</strong>.<strong>TV</strong>. It’s the safe, <strong>fun</strong> place to play online.This kid-friendly website is packed with exciting games,contests and puzzles, and great music. You can createyour own personal character and hang out with other kidswho love to learn Bible lessons and truths.Keep an eye out <strong>for</strong> additional episodes of <strong>Superbook</strong>.They will take you from the drama of Creation to themystery of Revelation. Don’t miss any of the excitementand <strong>fun</strong>!®® © 2010 by The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. All rights reserved.977 Centerville Turnpike, Virginia Beach, Virginia 2346324-Hour Prayer Line: 800-759-0700 • <strong>www</strong>.CBN.comPara español, visite: <strong>www</strong>.CBN.com/superbook/espanol

TEMPTATION OBEDIENCE FORGIVENESS<strong>Go</strong>d understands our weaknesses. He knowsthat everyone, at times, wants something theycan’t have.The story you just watched,<strong>Superbook</strong>: “In theBeginning,” shows whathappens when rules arebroken and people disobey.How was Chris tempted todisobey his father?How were Adam and Evetempted? Why do you think they failed?What happened to Adam and Eve when theydisobeyed? Genesis 3:16-24Do you think Satan still tempts people today? Inwhat ways? Ephesians 6:10-11, I Peter 5:8Read: I Corinthians 10:13When you are tempted, <strong>Go</strong>d will show you away out!<strong>Go</strong>d allows us freedomto make choices. We alldisobey at times. To livethe best life, we mustobey <strong>Go</strong>d. That’s why Hehas given us rules toprotect us and help uslive lives that please Him.True or false? <strong>Go</strong>d wants us to love, honor andobey Him.Read: Exodus 20:12What are we told to do and what is our reward?What happened when Chris disobeyed his dad?What did Professor Quantum do?Chris knew that the serpent wanted him tobecome his slave. What does Romans 6:16-18 tellus about freedom and obedience?Read: Deuteronomy 11:18-22What are ways we can show our love <strong>for</strong> <strong>Go</strong>d?We are all human, and in our weakness we dothings we shouldn’t. Although the Professor isdisappointed in his son’s disobedience, he lovesChris and <strong>for</strong>gives him. But Chris is reminded thatt<strong>here</strong> are consequences <strong>for</strong> his actions.What message do Chris and Joy learn about<strong>Go</strong>d’s love and <strong>for</strong>giveness? Psalm 86:5, I John 1:9According to Romans 3:25, why did <strong>Go</strong>d sendJesus to our world?Read: Ephesians 4:32<strong>Go</strong>d loves us and sent Jesus to die <strong>for</strong> our sins.When we accept Jesus as ourSavior—we are<strong>for</strong>given! <strong>Go</strong>dwants usto <strong>for</strong>giveothers too.PRAY: Dear Lord, please help meto escape temptation. Help me toknow if what I desire is Your will <strong>for</strong>me. Amen.PRAY: Dear Lord, please help meto know the rules that You havegiven us, and help me to obeythem so I can live right andplease You. Amen.PRAY: Dear Lord, please <strong>for</strong>give me<strong>for</strong> the wrong things I have doneand help me to <strong>for</strong>give others.Help me to follow Your ways.Thank You. Amen.

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