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and; Dinsoor (Diinsoor) . Districts are divided inta Beels which<br />

are the admfnstrative centers for groups of villages (tuulos)<br />

and hamlets (buulas), In practice, this formal hierarchy is<br />

subject to local variation and the term Mvfllagebs will be used<br />

ta refer to both of the smaller residential clusters, the tuulos<br />

and buulos, There &re 55 beels in the Bay Region and<br />

approxiaatsly 3500 -~illages. The general characteristics of<br />

villages in the Bay Region are:<br />

(i) All villages ham a water source which provides a<br />

reliable supply far domestic and animal consumption for<br />

at least half of the year (the two rainy seasons),<br />

During these seasons the villagers remain stationary,<br />

cultivate fams and graze and water livestock locally.<br />

(ii) Almost all villages (94 percent) have a war which is<br />

Locally managed by a water committee, Xn some areas<br />

there is a secc:~d level of water management which<br />

includes representatives from 5 to 15 village committees.<br />

Villages are close together and the target zone<br />

for the CDCP project wells frequently include several<br />

administrative subdivisions, The target zone of one well<br />

site northwest of Baidoa, an area enclosed by a five to<br />

six kilometer radius, wzs found to croaacut the<br />

boundaries of two beels, seven tuulos and at least twelve<br />

buulus. The villages within this zone are, for CGCP<br />

purposes, considered as members of the well site<br />

etcommunityB* wf thout further reference to other<br />

abinistrative affiliations.<br />

(iv) During the dry, Jflaal zeason only about 25 percent of<br />

the villages have an adequate supply of water. Many of<br />

the inhabitants and sometines entire villages axe forced<br />

to move closer Ca a permanent watering paint within the<br />

Bay Region. Same residents will lead livestock to other<br />

regions such ss the Luwex Shabelli.<br />

3.1.3. Population<br />

The rural population of the Bay Region (minus the towns of<br />

Baidoa, Kansax Dheese, Bour Acaba andl Dinsoor) is approximately<br />

432,000. There are 55 beela and about 1500 villages in the<br />

region. Most villages have between 30 and 65 households (uovs)<br />

and most households have between five and seven members (average<br />

5.8). The average village size is 305 people and most have<br />

between 200 and 400 residents funiv. of Wyoming, 1984).<br />

The target zones fox the CGDP project, an area enclosed by<br />

a five to six kilometer radius from the wall site, include<br />

between 7 and 15 villages (average: 10). Most target zone

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