r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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The village reservoirs or collection ponds (war, wara, or<br />

- uars) are large, hand dug pits which store up to 1500 cubic<br />

meters of water and average about 800 cubic meters. There are<br />

from 40 to 50 gavernment-built wars with capacities ranging from<br />

5000 to 20,06fr cubic meters. The total number of wars in the<br />

Bay Region is estimated to be 9000 (Watson and Nimmo 3982).<br />

Host villages have access to one or mare wars. The number,<br />

size, and reliabilty of these reservoirs when near a village to<br />

a large determines its population throughout the year.<br />

According to the Sscioeconomic Study of the Bay Region, 94<br />

percent of the villages have access to at least one wax and 70<br />

percent have access to two or muse (Wyoming, 1984). Only one<br />

village in four has a reservoir which provides a reliable supply<br />

of water throughout the year. Table 2.3.1 indicates the<br />

reliablity af the supply of water in village reservoirs in the<br />

Bay Rsgion.<br />

------------------.----------------------------------------------<br />

Table 2.3-1. Reliability of Village Xeservoirs*<br />

I--L-LII--------------------------------------------------------<br />

Reliability Seasons when war normally has water<br />

----I---------------------------------- Numf>er<br />

level DayrJrain Jilaal/dry Gu/rain Hagai/rain<br />

I'-LII---CI------I--11----------------------*---------d----------*-<br />

Percent<br />

Moderate x x x 32 40%<br />

---------11---11-1---------L---------------------------------------<br />

* Based on data from the Socioeconomic aaseline Study of the Bay<br />

Region (Wyoming 1984:Vol I:83-84).<br />

During years with long dry periods, resewairs in many of<br />

the vilLages with normally reliable supplies will also became<br />

dry. ~uuing the dry seasons, in villages with old WDA and new<br />

CGDP wells, people and livestock come fxom villaqes 5 , 10 and<br />

sometimes more than 20 kilometers away to collect water. These<br />

facilities are also used by nomads. During the wet seasons,<br />

both drilled wells and wars are used primarily by residents of<br />

nearby villages. Convenience, and the fact that residents do<br />

not pay for water from their wars, substantially limits the use<br />

of drilled wells when adequate supclies are available elsewhere.<br />

3.1,2. Administrative Divisions<br />

The Bay Region is divided into four districts: Baidoa<br />

(3aydhaboj; Xansax (Qansax) Dheere; Euur AcaSa (Buur Xakaba)

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