r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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Table<br />


2-11 map of the Bay, Htran, Galgadad, and Xsdcg 1-2<br />

Regbrszs<br />

2-1-1. Camuzity Contributions ta Drl'ling Crews 2-58<br />

2.2-2, Canmvniry Labor Znputs 2using Drilling *=--9 2-58<br />

Ccnstructkon Stages<br />

2 3.1. R~Siabi2,fty of **?illage Reservoirs 3-7<br />

2.3-2- Economic Classification of Eouseholds 3-9<br />

2-3-5- T3e Organization of Surveys in W3jZ/CGO?<br />

Cozaunities and Control C~,~unities<br />

2.3.2. MES Survey and Eva2satfon Issues 3-28<br />

2*3.5. Condition of ?u=ps and Civil Works 3-34<br />

T 6 -. Dry Season Pumping Operations, 3ay Region 3-36<br />

2.3.7. Average Time Spent far water tallection, Silaal 3-37<br />

3rg Season<br />

2.3-8- Lakes: Pees 3-38<br />

2,5.4. Average DziLy Doaesckc Dry Season Kater Uss, 3-40<br />

??aleel, Febsdrry and Xarc5, i980<br />

2.3.iC. X&ter Availability and P:3tential Benficiaries in 3-40<br />

%aleel Target 203e<br />

2-3-11. Estimated Kater Req~irenon?~ for S t ~ k 3-41<br />

Peb~~ery and March k-~eraged<br />

2.3,23, Totsf Average D rtly Vsluze of Water Sold iF. 3-42<br />

Kaleel 2uring Two 3ry Seas02 Months<br />

2.3.14. Theoretic Diesel P-~zx Capacity arid %:eel s 3-43<br />

Terf omazce

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