r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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Developnent Agency-<br />

Prosate and facilitate camunity <strong>part</strong>icipation in rural.<br />

water system design, operation and maintanance, to<br />

increase the longevity and efficiency of these systems<br />

(USAID 1984.p.vi).<br />

The docunent draws on the recommendations of previous<br />

consultant reports and outlines procedures to promote village<br />

involvement (fbid: Rznex J, p.1 of 7 ). Responsibility far these<br />

activities was assigned to the new Planning Unit of WDA wlrich<br />

was to hire a fuLl time Somali sociologist and four socio-<br />

logical field assistants [Xbid: Annex G). The work program for<br />

the Planning Unit included:<br />

- The implenentation of community meetings and training for<br />

villagers to enable them to sustain Local <strong>part</strong>icipation<br />

in data collection, constructian and maintenance,<br />

- Support to village water committees to help them promote<br />

and organize community <strong>part</strong>icipation in the operation and<br />

maintenance of the water supply system.<br />

- The establishment of linkages between villagers and<br />

social sexvice agencies in areas such as health,<br />

education and economic development.<br />

This program was carried out on a very reduced scale by<br />

Planning U nit staff and short term LBTI social scientists, They<br />

met with village water committees during monitoring visits but<br />

were not able to adequately implement the three community<br />

<strong>part</strong>icipation program components. The reason for thf s failure<br />

was that the covenants agreed to by the GOS were not respected:<br />

no Somali socialogist was employed and field staff were not<br />

hired. By November 1985, only one individual with na background<br />

In social science or community development, was available for<br />

field activities.<br />

Effective implementation of cornunity <strong>part</strong>icipation<br />

activities was also hampered by long delays in the arrival of<br />

equipment, pumps, pipes and other construction materials.<br />

villagers whose expectations had been raised and who had made<br />

substantial contributions of labor, animals and cash were often<br />

forced to wait for more than a year to have a pump installed.<br />

Similar delays occurred in the constrricticn of water<br />

distribution systems and some villages still lack completed<br />

storage tanks and troughs. These delays and the lack of WDA<br />

support for community <strong>part</strong>icipation in well management have had<br />

a negative effect on local institutional development.<br />

In spite of the failure to strengthen and expand community

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