r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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officials shcuzd be train& to function as regional planning<br />

officers although they wZXi ccntinua to have other technical<br />

and/or abfnhstsative duties. Because the transfer of<br />

personnel, resignations and leaves for overseas training, are<br />

frequent, we recornend that at least two indfv?dunle be trained<br />

for each position. This wi13 assure that the Planning Unit fs<br />

adequately staffed at the end of the three year period. BaAuw<br />

is a Pist of pasitions needed for the Planning Unit. The r-der<br />

to the left indicates the number of positions for the category<br />

being described; the number in pareztheses indicztes the number<br />

of people to be trained for the position.<br />

2 (2) Read of the Planning Unit: Water resource planner, Civil<br />

engineer or hydrogeologist preferred, but an ecanomist or<br />

information aystem specialist w ith extensive experfence<br />

in water development is acceptable.<br />

1 (25 Economist: knawledge of cost accounting, micro- End<br />

macro-eca~amlc theory and project appraisal techniques.<br />

1 2 Social Scientist: soci-t anthropologist, preferably with<br />

experience in applied anthr2pology, camunity development<br />

andfor monitoring and evalultion.<br />

i (2) Micro-computer expertfstatlstician: knowledge of database<br />

management required.<br />

1 (2) raining Specialist: fomal trafnlq and curricuJum<br />

development skills plus exprience in the organization<br />

and faplementatian of training programs.<br />

6--10 (12-15) Field stzff: graduate of a technical schoal or<br />

university: specific arez of traixing is lass important<br />

than general intelligence acd willizgness tn spend long<br />

periods of time in villages,<br />

2 (3-4) Secretzries/data entry officers<br />

2-4 Drivers<br />

It is ass~zea that the staff will be recruited locally, or<br />

found within the existing %CA ~~oxkforce. It is further assumed<br />

that Eons of the staff except drivers wiil have the full ;ange<br />

of skills needed when r-ecruited, but that they will have the<br />

educational background, n..3tivatiort and aptitude to cornpfete the<br />

training programs.<br /> Training Requirements<br />

Ail training will be carried out in Somalia Sy a

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