r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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cooperative effort axong the LBII technical assistance team and<br />

WDA staff who have been fnvo>ved in the development of the<br />

Planning Unit.<br />

A redefinition of the presort and possible future roles of<br />

the Ki3A is discussed in Section 6-0. T5is proposal relates to<br />

that discussfan. m-m ~.,e WDA needs to monitrr operations and<br />

evaluate prograz results regardless of the extent to which<br />

functians within the water fndusrq are transferred to the<br />

private sector,<br />

2.3,T,I, The ZnstiTuZio~~l Ccztex: and Assumptions<br />

The Ministry of Mineral and a Resources will soon<br />

establish a Satianaf Water Data Resource Center [WDC) which<br />

will have data callection an3 planning functions. The<br />

activities of z3e T\rw*;Dt Gay lead to madiflcations in the role of<br />

the SDA Planning :nit and the relationship between them awaits<br />

clarification. Thc proposal for the Planni~g Unit assumes that<br />

it will continue to collect borehcrie data, menitor the operation<br />

~f WDA vells acd evaluate their izpact on mal populations. It<br />

also ass3mes that WDA #ill ~ramote and support community<br />

pasticipatlan in well developzenr and aanagenent*<br />

T3e proqi-ea assunes thar The WDA will recruit and/ar<br />

reassign szaff xith adequate qdalitizatione to the Planning<br />

~,n,it. Insofar as possible, these individuals should be<br />

identified prior to signing a project agreement. The proposal<br />

fakes inte account zhe fact that sane of the individuals may<br />

resiqn or be transferre2 to other WDA depa-nente but it is<br />

esscncia2. :hat zost of %hose vho receive training remain with<br />

the ?laming CnSc fsr several years.<br />

A11 trai~i~q is sckedzled To take place in-country, with<br />

extensive use af long-%e,rm and shart-ee= consultant trainers,<br />

IE azny cases, the cbjective is ta develo? tke ability of SomaLi<br />

staff ta %rain others.<br /> Objectives and Ac~ivities.<br />

* *he recornended principal objectives and activities of the<br />

Planning Unit axe generafly cocsistent vith those stated in the<br />

:985-1986 Project Exrension wcrk ?:an. They are:<br />

(1) WDA Resource Eanagezent. --, s ; involves nonitoring WDA<br />

activities a ~ d planaicg t most effisient use of WDA<br />

resozrces, inclcding nanpvder, vehicles, and equipment,<br />

This requires the establish~ent cf ~anagezlrent information<br />

systens in a13 XI?,>+ operatio~zl units. It also involves<br />

the co-ordk~aeio~ of Planzizq VnFt daea collectfun and<br />

repurti~g functians uitk those of other zgencies and

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