r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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southeast: an area 02 scra5um 7% lies to the<br />

southwest. This data is indicative only, and it is<br />

not predicted tkaZ precisely 3,760 people will be<br />

found in the 16 sg.b. area around Tur Demerre. The<br />

data is helpful in giving a profile af the site, ar.d<br />

the density of the populations surrounding it.<br />

Finall]-, some indication of the movement of animals<br />

and pe~pXe czn be gained between the dry season and<br />

the w et season, The aninax eovement patterns are, in<br />

fact, quite can?lex iz the regiar, but the total<br />

estimated increase i~ water demanci during the dry<br />

season is shown in Figure 2.2-11. k broad evacuation<br />

takes place throughout the region: figures in brackets<br />

denote reduced deaand- The zrea represented by "*"<br />

denotes reduced denand in excess of 99 cubic meters<br />

per day. Only the belt in the rrorthwest sector,<br />

running from. northeast to sosthwest, shows a<br />

significant increase in demand. This is the area in<br />

which sost of the project wells have been constructed.<br />

Closer examination is obviously required to determine<br />

+<br />

&hz availability of grazing areas throughout the<br />

reqian dcring the dry season, and to what extent<br />

access Lo zhese areas is restricted by Lhe lack of<br />

water.<br />

Becasse the resoxrzes of h e Planning U~it were<br />

limited, only data fcr t Bay Region has been<br />

entered, but the system serves as a ~udel for covering<br />

F<br />

the whole cf Sanalia, L Q xhich ~ statistical data is<br />

zvailable- Tn fact, assista=~e bas been qiven to<br />

C-N.I.C.Z.P. staff, who, xsing this model, are<br />

setzing up 5ata for the Northeast of Sonafia, and<br />

possibly far the whole country.<br />

1. L, Ec~noak analysis.<br />

X set a5 conputerized costing models has been<br />

deve2cped to dezen:.,ine the cost of well construction,<br />

operation, and maintenance, These models are<br />

>resented in, and fohn the basks of, Section 4.0 of<br />

this vo;uxe of tke report. The madefs incorporate<br />

over three hzndred variables, and show the detailed<br />

crst of a well cmstruction program, the foreign<br />

exchange an5 local currency components of tatal cost,<br />

the nanpower, and the vehicle axd eq-itipment budgets<br />

Ear the pr~pcsed progran. The model can be<br />

xanipul&ted to reflect tke costs and resource<br />

reguire~ezts for a prograx arywhere in Somalia.

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