r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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and modify the oricinal cornunity pasticipation element of<br />

this process as a "packagee, to be implemented by any<br />

project or aqency with the necessary staff and facilities.<br />

This is more correctly categarised as sociuecanomic<br />

monitoring and evaluation, described below.<br />

The revised planning objective consisted of maintaining a<br />

database of a13 available social and technical infomatian<br />

as a resource 50th for the various technical de<strong>part</strong>wents of<br />

WDA, and for program planners of other agencies. Planning<br />

the effective utilization cf project and FDA resources, and<br />

drf lling and maintenance programs, wouf d remain a maj or<br />

abjective of the Unit.<br />

One aspect of the planning responsibility af the WDA<br />

Planning Unit was to monitor existing facilities. This<br />

invalved monitoring the physical. installation at well sites,<br />

bath far repairs and maintenance purposes, and to gauge the<br />

acceptability to the community of the facilities provided.<br />

2+ Economic analysis. It was realised that the extent to which<br />

monitoring of benefits and impacts could be carried out<br />

would be severely limited by staff shortages. Furthemore,<br />

it was argued that because neither the project, nor WDA,<br />

were responsible for site selection, they should not be<br />

responsible, on a xoutine basis, for monitoring and<br />

evaluatior of benefits and impacts. These evaluations,<br />

where the wells constructed are <strong>part</strong> of a broader program of<br />

rural development implemented by another acpncy, should be<br />

carried out as <strong>part</strong> of the overall monitoring and evaluation<br />

effort of thase agencies, Under this category, the focus of<br />

the Pianning Unit would therefore be upon cost acalysis.<br />

3. Socioecanamic ~onitoring and avalustian. The same rationale<br />

applies to the monitoring and evaluation of social impact as<br />

to economic impact, and the two are interdependent, It<br />

would not be realistic to expect the WDA Planning Unit to be<br />

able to monitor and evaluate the socioeconomic impact sf a<br />

large nubex of the wells constructed throughout Somalia.<br />

Nor, in most cases, would it be appropriate. This function,<br />

then, was seen more clearly as a research function of WDA,<br />

The objective became to provide "packagedtt systems far:<br />

af the comm~nity <strong>part</strong>icipation process, and,<br />

b) socfoeconomic monitorizg and evaluation,<br />

which could be adopted by any other agency concerned to<br />

measure the inpact of well installation. The WDA Planning<br />

Unit, so far as its facilities allowed, would be responsibze<br />

for carrying out selective studies using, and further<br />

developing, these packages. The areas of concentration, as

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