r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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practical prcblews and vith troukieshooti~g technf~es would be<br />

most beneficial.<br />

English-language training should be made a continuous<br />

program for all project counter<strong>part</strong>s. AZf equipment and<br />

vehicles provided are &erPcan-aade, and all aperations and<br />

~aintenance manuals %re w ritten i~ English. rnfortunately, not<br />

a21 counrer<strong>part</strong>s prcvided have sufficient working knowledsa sf<br />

English to allow t2em ts research <strong>part</strong>s and supplies in the<br />

%anufactuxersT manuaZs. Nearly all countvr<strong>part</strong>s , however,<br />

express a desire ta learn EagLZsh.<br />

2.3. Planning U2it<br />

Assistance in the estabfishxext of a Pianning De<strong>part</strong>ment<br />

within WDA was t. lnajor feature of the institationaf support<br />

abjectives of the project extension phase sf tke CGDP. During<br />

the first three yezrs of the project, considerable progress had<br />

been made towards establishing a site selection and community<br />

<strong>part</strong>icipation process- This process involved baseline data<br />

csXlectian features- Two econonlc analyses of the project were<br />

also completed. The main objective of the Planning De<strong>part</strong>ment,<br />

in additim to other elements described in detail below, was to<br />

ins~itutio?alize 2nd build upon this work.<br />

Presider~tiai a2proval was revired to formally establish a<br />

new de<strong>part</strong>nent within WDA, azd while this was pehdfng, WDA<br />

decided ta create a Plzming Szlt, The Unit was formed at the<br />

beginning of 1485, acd technical assistance to the Unit was<br />

provided fron Mcrzh of t5at year.<br />

This section of the report ourirnes the initial objectives<br />

of the Plahning Unit, and the assu~ptians on which they were<br />

fomulated, As the war2 of e Czit progressed, initial<br />

assrwptians proved incorrect, In <strong>part</strong>icular w ith regard to the<br />

resources available to the CnFt. AS a reszlt, the original<br />

objectives were zodified to reflsst she realistic capabilities<br />

of the Unit.<br />

The ectual achieve~ents of rhe Unit are dccumented bel~w.<br />

In addltiac, a five-yerr strateg to develop a viable Planning<br />

De<strong>part</strong>~ect for KDA is oztlined which takes inta zccount planning<br />

activir2es proposed far other branzkes of the ,WX.<br />

- 3<br />

The init~ai objective of tke 3Ltnnixg C~it was to<br />

; rC ". . , -,&&grate zeck~ical, ssclo2ogical, arid maintenance<br />

pla3s ... net only en the selectiaz of well sites, but also on the<br />

use af WDA resoxrces (financiaf, huzan, ar.d nateriaf) in order<br />

to belp isprove overall XZA operatio~s." !YSATD Project Paper,

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