r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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skiSPs 35 these enz~erators, ksdt t3ey s*;'" ,,,, zeqire additional<br />

training Fn ~umauzit~ p~ticipat:~~, and nonitaxing and<br />

cvaluatian of water pr~jects.<br />

me B'RAPP enurneratars trained in :9S3 garzfclpated in the<br />

Wyr.sing socicecenorsic research project for about 15 aenths and<br />

then went ta tka Y~iverslty of Xyoaf ng far advanced studies,<br />

They ~ ade ria ccntzlbutian to tke CG3P 3roject and as of January<br />

i986 have still nct retarzed to t2e Bay Reqion.<br />

The idea to trri~ 2x2 utilize the services of the BRADP<br />

zzonitari~g a ~ d eval~azizn staff was a good one. h3ilr the<br />

expected tzv~~ueset.t of BM31 staff =as not realized, the shift<br />

in respcasibility for riv~l works to that orgmitution in 1985<br />

shsuld be a sEroag i?xxntive for 25em to ccopcr.rte with WDA.<br />

The W3A P:ann?cg ;zit skould dsveiop effa.ztive coopasativs?<br />

ties %o fmplenezrfng agencies and train ERADP, CZDP, and other<br />

project staff, %o pLm, zanitor, and evaluate villaqe water<br />

supply syst&ms- Ln order for K3A

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