r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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The C>>cersity of Ky-ozi~~ x~derzcok & cozrracz to train the<br />

3mDB monktoring ar,S evalzatioz sraEf and :cr cozduct a baseline<br />

sccioeconozic s?cQW cf tke regiox. Tkair training had just<br />

begcn when the cc~s;ltdzt's deveiop~enr azthra~siogist arrived<br />

C<br />

to orgaaize Their trai~inq ,os tbe CG3? village <strong>part</strong>icipation<br />

pzsgraa [TTABP). kith~~~A 3 Freeence af the Fyoning Tea%<br />

fixited the cansuP=ant$s access t~ BWDP pezsonze:, the training<br />

was coordinated asd izglexeated with She support and<br />

<strong>part</strong>icipation of senior staff Eron the Syonf~g Team, SRADP, and<br />

IC<br />

the National Mmitoring azd Z%Talza:icn raciiity [h%EP)<br />

Lectures ef shsr: gur-atlcr, [is-ZO ai~utes), were used to<br />

present infornation, ~ost classroan activity invr.lved students<br />

respundiag ra q~estians a:$ Sfsczsslons. Students were given<br />

wdtside ueadizg assignzects oz water s~pply projects, and<br />

self-he1~ 8nd nonizcrizg azd evalsazio~ teckniqde~~, to prepare<br />

=hem far faur days of data cofXecticn i2 the vfllages. Classes<br />

preceding village *;isits covered expianations of rasearch<br />

nethods azd data ccliection izstrdcezts. Cl&sses following<br />

field visits began u;:h a crLCicaZ analysis of the experience<br />

a3d a revision of researe3 Instrzxen%s. ?ield :rips combined<br />

exposure .t,o co=~;,iry parxiciparisz aczivities, azd training in<br />

zapping, oks~r-vixl~n, inzerdiexs, azd the admf nfstratian of<br />

pe5tlonnaIxes. The ccz%anz of the program incLu2ed:<br />

- revies z>e grcldndrater devel~pnent project and its<br />

evalcatia~.<br />

- The comuniry pzrtlcipat~an appr~ach (basic<br />

t3eir applltatioz ta rhe ZSDPf.<br />

concepts and<br />

- x suzaary af technical cozpoccnts :hydxogeo2ogical survey,<br />

3 ,,,,, ~ 7 ? - jsc- ., ccnstr.;ctlc~, ~peraticlns ax3 zaint~.?anee).<br />

- Ty2es of proascz ~32i32~227 and evzl~atian.<br />

- Research n~fhoPs 233 ~2elz 83~licztion to project<br />

~zoriTor!:g zzd euelua:icz.<br />

- I* :LA,E~B . - * V ~ S ~ Z S in *th4 r-v<br />

*-+-bAL ~q.*lm;*r.:<br />

--..A. - . - r-r pa? ; -FC<br />

-2 . a3td research<br />

eczivities ~ 2rs ,<br />

7 n. me4<br />

he izl=zatioz wss grese~ted witbiz the general integrated<br />

framewo~k ozrlined iz the vl3Lege vatlr developsent network plan<br />

[Sckwars 1983 1 .<br />

? i v :w.;+-&:h-<br />

\ + i1) -A.rt, ,G &+,..s and ?.e~z;crr3 3f :he Traf c*,lng<br />

. .<br />

't. ,he ecyzerztcrs vkz ~art;c:pzteZ<br />

.<br />

czznot be considerad fully<br />

e<br />

Htrelze5H In elzher cczzxzlry pzxtzc:~azfon or nonitorizg and<br />

evsizazicz, - kuen z ainizal prqraz recpLzes two to three months<br />

of ir.tenslve clzssrcsz s-d fiela ucrk ac~ivities, followed hy<br />

professic-n-ally ssrrger7lised resear

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