r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid

r - part - usaid


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1. Baston University, African St~dies Center, 1983,<br />

Soxtafia, A Social and Xnstitutfanal Profile: USAID,<br />

Baston Contract Afro 135-C-WO-2052-00.<br />

2. Brandon, C., L986<br />

Economic Evaluation of the Comprehensive Geoundwater<br />

De-~eiopnent Project: Louis Berger International, Inc.,<br />

Mogadishu.<br />

3, Eunting Technical Services, Ltd., 1982,<br />

3ay Region Agricultural Development Project, Volume I,<br />

Main Repor%, Ninistry of Agriculture, Mogadishu, P, 26.<br />

4, Eunting Technical Services, Ltd., 1983,<br />

Xid-Term Review, Bay 2egiorr Agricultural Development<br />

Project: Ministry of A~riculturs, Mogadishu,<br />

5 c ?~pe, M*B,, 1982<br />

Preliminary Econonic Analysis of the Comprehensive<br />

Groundwater Project: Louis Berger International, Inc.,<br />

Eagad i sh:.<br />

6. P~txan, D., 3982,<br />

Preliminary Socioeconomic Survey, Bay Regian: WSAID.<br />

7. Putnan, 3., 1984,<br />

A CcLural Interpretation of Development, Developers,<br />

values and Agricultural Change in the Somali Context:<br />

Bryn KEWT College, PhD Thesis.<br />

8, Resource Managenent and 2esearch (R.H.R.), 1985,<br />

Southern 2angelazds S ~rvey,<br />

5 Vols., London,<br />

9. Roark, P., 2982,<br />

Socioeconomic Report, Phase 1, CGDP: WDA, MHWR,<br />

Mogadisku.<br />

10. Roark, 2- and Sartana, F-, 2983,<br />

Tfrs Somalia Groundwater DeveLopment Pro j ect ,<br />

~ertidpation, Assessnent azd Honitoring: WDA, MPIWR,<br />

Xogad ishr; ,

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